Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Part 1-6: Strength and Stability of Shell Structures

Supplementary to Part 1-1. Supplementary provisions for the structural design o of plated steel shells in the form of cylinders, cones and spherical caps.

Eurocode 3 - Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten - Teil 1-6: Festigkeit und Stabilität von Schalen

(1)   EN 1993 1 6 enthält Grundregeln für die Bemessung von Stahlkonstruktionen, die die Form von Rotationsschalen haben.
(2)   Diese Norm ist zusammen mit EN 1993 1 1, EN 1993 1 3, EN 1993 1 4, EN 1993 1 9 sowie den einschlägigen Anwendungsteilen von EN 1993 anzuwenden. Dies sind:
   Teil 3 1 für Türme und Maste;
   Teil 3 2 für Schornsteine;
   Teil 4 1 für Silos;
   Teil 4 2 für Tankbauwerke;
   Teil 4 3 für Rohrleitungen.
(3)   Diese Norm definiert die charakteristischen Werte und die Bemessungswerte des Tragwerks¬wider¬standes.
(4)   Diese Norm regelt die Anforderungen an die Bemessung gegen folgende Grenzzustände der Trag¬fähigkeit:
   plastische Grenze oder Zugbruch;
   zyklisches Plastizieren;
(5)   Das Gesamtgleichgewicht des Tragwerkes (Gleiten, Abheben, Umkippen) ist durch diese Norm nicht abgedeckt, wird aber in EN 1993 1 1 behandelt. Besondere Überlegungen für spezielle Anwendungsgebiete werden in den einschlägigen Anwendungsteilen von EN 1993 behandelt.
(6)   Die in dieser Norm angegebenen Regeln gelten für Rotationsschalen und damit verbundene Kreis- und Kreisringplatten sowie stabförmige Ring- und Längssteifen, soweit sie Teile des vollständigen Tragwerkes sind. Es werden allgemeine Verfahren für computergestützte Berechnungen aller Schalenformen behandelt. In den Anhängen sind detaillierte Formelausdrücke für die Handberechnung von unversteiften Zylindern und Kegeln angegeben.
(7)   Zylindrische und kegelförmige Schalenteile,  felder und  abschnitte werden in dieser Norm nicht explizit behandelt. Die angegebenen Regeln können jedoch anwendbar sein, wenn die zutreffenden Randbedin¬gungen ausreichend berücksichtigt werden.
(8)   Diese Norm gilt für stählerne Schalenkonstruktionen des konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus. Wenn keine Normen zu Schalenkonstruktionen aus anderen Metallen existieren, gelten die Festlegungen dieser Norm, vorausgesetzt, die jeweiligen Materialeigenschaften werden berücksichtigt.

Eurocode 3 - Calcul des structures en acier - Partie 1-6: Résistance et stabilité des structures en coque

Evrokod 3: Projektiranje jeklenih konstrukcij - 1-6. del: Trdnost in stabilnost lupinastih konstrukcij

Standard EN 1993-1-6 določa osnovna oblikovna pravila za konstrukcije z jeklenimi ploščami, ki imajo lupinasto obliko. Ta standard je namenjen za uporabo skupaj s standardi EN 1993-1-1, EN 1993-1-3, EN 1993-1-4, EN 1993-1-9 in ustreznimi deli o uporabi v standardu EN 1993, ki zajemajo: del 3.1 za stolpe in jamborje; del 3.2 za dimnike; del 4.1 za silose; del 4.2 za rezervoarje; del 4.3 za cevovode. Ta standard določa karakteristične in konstrukcijske vrednosti odpornosti konstrukcije. Ta standard obravnava zahteve glede projektiranja v primerjavi s končnimi mejnimi stanji: mejno stanje plastike; ciklična plastičnost; uklon; utrujanje. Celotno ravnotežje konstrukcije (drsenje, dvigovanje, prevrnitev) ni vključeno v ta standard, ampak je obravnavano v standardu EN 1993-1-1. Posebne zahteve za posebne načine uporabe so obravnavane v ustreznih delih o uporabi v standardu EN 1993. Določbe tega standarda se uporabljajo za aksisimetrične lupine in povezane krožne ali obročaste plošče ter za obroče za nosilce in jeklene gredi, kjer te tvorijo sestavni del celotne strukture. Zajeti so splošni postopki za računalniške izračune vseh oblik lupin. Podrobni izrazi za ročne izračune neojačenih valjev in stožcev so podani v dodatkih. Valjasti in stožčasti paneli niso izrecno zajeti v tem standardu. Kljub temu je določbe mogoče uporabiti, če so upoštevani ustrezni mejni pogoji. Ta standard se uporablja za jeklene lupinaste konstrukcije. Če standard za lupinaste konstrukcije iz drugih kovin ni na voljo, se lahko uporabijo določbe tega standarda, če se upoštevajo ustrezne lastnosti materiala. Določbe tega standarda so namenjene za uporabo v temperaturnem območju, ki je opredeljeno v ustreznih delih o uporabi v standardu EN 1993. Najvišja temperatura je omejena, tako da se vpliv lezenja lahko zanemari, če visokotemperaturni učinki lezenja niso zajeti v ustreznem delu standarda. Določbe tega standarda se uporabljajo za konstrukcije, ki izpolnjujejo določbe glede lomov, ki so navedene v standardu EN 1993-1-10. Določbe tega standarda se uporabljajo za strukturno zasnovo v okviru ukrepov, ki jih je mogoče obravnavati kot navidezno statične. Ta standard predvideva, da je obremenitev z vetrom in pretok razsutih snovi na splošno mogoče obravnavati kot navidezno statična dejanja. Dinamične učinke je treba upoštevati v skladu z ustreznim delom standarda EN 1993, vključno s posledicami za utrujanje. Kljub temu so posledične obremenitve, ki izhajajo iz dinamičnega vedenja, v tem delu obravnavane kot navidezno statične. Določbe tega standarda se uporabljajo za konstrukcije, ki so izvedene v skladu s standardom EN 1090-2. Ta standard ne obravnava puščanja. Ta standard je namenjen za uporabo pri konstrukcijah v okviru naslednjih omejitev: temperature projektiranih kovin v razponu od –50 °C do 300 °C; razmerja polmera in debeline v razponu od 20 do 5000.

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EN 1993-1-6:2007
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST ENV 1993-1-6:2001
Evrokod 3: Projektiranje jeklenih konstrukcij - 1-6.del: Trdnost in stabilnost
lupinastih konstrukcij
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Part 1-6: Strength and Stability of Shell
Eurocode 3 - Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten - Teil 1-6: Festigkeit und
Stabilität von Schalen
Eurocode 3 - Calcul des structures en acier - Partie 1-6: Résistance et stabilité des
structures en coque
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 1993-1-6:2007
91.010.30 7HKQLþQLYLGLNL Technical aspects
91.080.10 Kovinske konstrukcije Metal structures
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 1993-1-6
February 2007
ICS 91.010.30; 91.080.10 Supersedes ENV 1993-1-6:1999
English Version
Eurocode 3 - Design of steel structures - Part 1-6: Strength and
Stability of Shell Structures
Eurocode 3 - Calcul des structures en acier - Partie 1-6: Eurocode 3 - Bemessung und Konstruktion von
Résistance et stabilité des structures en coque Stahlbauten - Teil 1-6: Festigkeit und Stabilität von Schalen
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 12 June 2006.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the
official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2007 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 1993-1-6:2007: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

EN 1993-1-6: 2007 (E)
Contents Page
1. General 4
1.1 Scope 4
1.2 Normative references 5
1.3 Terms and definitions 6
1.4 Symbols 11
1.5 Sign conventions 15
2 Basis of design and modelling 15
2.1 General 15
2.2 Types of analysis 15
2.3 Shell boundary conditions 17
3 Materials and geometry 18
3.1 Material properties 18
3.2 Design values of geometrical data 18
3.3 Geometrical tolerances and geometrical imperfections 18
4 Ultimate limit states in steel shells 19
4.1 Ultimate limit states to be considered 19
4.2 Design concepts for the limit states design of shells 20
5 Stress resultants and stresses in shells 23
5.1 Stress resultants in the shell 23
5.2 Modelling of the shell for analysis 23
5.3 Types of analysis 26
6 Plastic limit state (LS1) 26
6.1 Design values of actions 26
6.2 Stress design 26
6.3 Design by global numerical MNA or GMNA analysis 27
6.4 Direct design 28
7 Cyclic plasticity limit state (LS2) 28
7.1 Design values of actions 28
7.2 Stress design 29
7.3 Design by global numerical MNA or GMNA analysis 29
7.4 Direct design 30
8 Buckling limit state (LS3) 30
8.1 Design values of actions 30
8.2 Special definitions and symbols 30
8.3 Buckling-relevant boundary conditions 31
8.4 Buckling-relevant geometrical tolerances 31
8.5 Stress design 38
8.6 Design by global numerical analysis using MNA and LBA analyses 40
8.7 Design by global numerical analysis using GMNIA analysis 43
9 Fatigue limit state (LS4) 48
9.1 Design values of actions 48
9.2 Stress design 48
EN 1993-1-6: 2007 (E)
9.3 Design by global numerical LA or GNA analysis 49
ANNEX A (normative) 50
Membrane theory stresses in shells 50
A.1 General 50
A.2 Unstiffened cylindrical shells 51
A.3 Unstiffened conical shells 52
A.4 Unstiffened spherical shells 53
ANNEX B (normative) 54
Additional expressions for plastic collapse resistances 54
B.1 General 54
B.2 Unstiffened cylindrical shells 55
B.3 Ring stiffened cylindrical shells 57
B.4 Junctions between shells 59
B.5 Circular plates with axisymmetric boundary conditions 62
ANNEX C (normative) 63
Expressions for linear elastic membrane and bending stresses 63
C.1 General 63
C.2 Clamped base unstiffened cylindrical shells 64
C.3 Pinned base unstiffened cylindrical shells 66
C.4 Internal conditions in unstiffened cylindrical shells 68
C.5 Ring stiffener on cylindrical shell 69
C.6 Circular plates with axisymmetric boundary conditions 71
ANNEX D (normative) 73
Expressions for buckling stress design 73
D.1 Unstiffened cylindrical shells of constant wall thickness 73
D.2 Unstiffened cylindrical shells of stepwise variable wall thickness 83
D.3 Unstiffened lap jointed cylindrical shells 88
D.4 Unstiffened complete and truncated conical shells 90

This European Standard EN 1993-1-6, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures: Part 1-6 Strength and
stability of shell structures, has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC250 « Structural
Eurocodes », the Secretariat of which is held by BSI. CEN/TC250 is responsible for all Structural
This European Standard shall be given the status of a National Standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by August 2007, and conflicting National Standards shall
be withdrawn at latest by March 2010.
This Eurocode supersedes ENV 1993-1-6.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the National Standard Organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
EN 1993-1-6: 2007 (E)
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

National annex for EN 1993-1-6
This standard gives alternative procedures, values and recommendations with notes indicating where
national choices may have to be made. Therefore the National Standard implementing EN 1993-1-6
should have a National Annex containing all Nationally Determined Parameters to be used for the
design of steel structures to be constructed in the relevant country.
National choice is allowed in EN 1993-1-6 through:
− 3.1.(4)
− 4.1.4 (3)
− 5.2.4 (1)
− 6.3 (5)
− 7.3.1 (1)
− 7.3.2 (1)
− 8.4.2 (3)
− 8.4.3 (2)
− 8.4.3 (4)
− 8.4.4 (4)
− 8.4.5 (1)
− 8.5.2 (2)
− 8.5.2 (4)
− 8.7.2 (7)
− 8.7.2 (16)
− 8.7.2 (18) (2 times)
− 9.2.1 (2)P
1. General
1.1 Scope
(1) EN 1993-1-6 gives basic design rules for plated steel structures that have the form of a shell of
(2) This Standard is intended for use in conjunction with EN 1993-1-1, EN 1993-1-3, EN 1993-1-4,
EN 1993-1-9 and the relevant application parts of EN 1993, which include:
Part 3.1 for towers and masts;
Part 3.2 for chimneys;
Part 4.1 for silos;
Part 4.2 for tanks;
Part 4.3 for pipelines.
(3) This Standard defines the characteristic and design values of the resistance of the structure.
EN 1993-1-6: 2007 (E)
(4) This Standard is concerned with the requirements for design against the ultimate limit states of:
plastic limit;
cyclic plasticity;
(5) Overall equilibrium of the structure (sliding, uplifting, overturning) is not included in this
Standard, but is treated in EN 1993-1-1. Special considerations for specific applications are included
in the relevant application parts of EN 1993.
(6) The provisions in this Standard apply to axisymmetric shells and associated circular or annular
plates and to beam section rings and stringer stiffeners where they form part of the complete structure.
General procedures for computer calculations of all shell forms are covered. Detailed expressions for
the hand calculation of unstiffened cylinders and cones are given in the Annexes.
(7) Cylindrical and conical panels are not explicitly covered by this Standard. However, the
provisions can be applicable if the appropriate boundary conditions are duly taken into account.
(8) This Standard is intended for application to steel shell structures. Where no standard exists for
shell structures made of other metals, the provisions of this standards may be applied provided that
the appropriate material properties are duly taken into account.
(9) The provisions of this Standard are intended to be applied within the temperature range defined
in the relevant EN 1993 application parts. The maximum temperature is restricted so that the
influence of creep can be neglected if high temperature creep effects are not covered by the relevant
application part.
(10) The provisions in this Standard apply to structures that satisfy the brittle fracture provisions
given in EN 1993-1-10.
(11) The provisions of this Standard apply to structural design under actions that can be treated as
quasi-static in nature.
(12) In this Standard, it is assumed that both wind loading and bulk solids flow can, in general, be
treated as quasi-static actions.
(13) Dynamic effects should be taken into account according to the relevant application part of EN
1993, including the consequences for fatigue. However, the stress resultants arising from dynamic
behaviour are treated in this part as quasi-static.
(14) The provisions in this Standard apply to structures that are constructed in accordance with
EN 1090-2.
(15) This Standard does not cover the aspects of leakage.
(16) This Standard is intended for application to structures within the following limits:
design metal temperatures within the range −50°C to +300°C;
radius to thickness ratios within the range 20 to 5000.

NOTE: It should be noted that the stress design rules of this standard may be rather conservative if
applied to some geometries and loading conditions for relatively thick-walled shells.
1.2 Normative references
(1) This European Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other
publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the
publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any
EN 1993-1-6: 2007 (E)
of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or
revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
EN 1090-2 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures – Part 2: Technical
requirements for steel structures;
EN 1990 Basis of structural design;
EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures ;
EN 1993 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures:
Part 1.1: General rules and rules for buildings;
Part 1.3: Cold formed thin gauged members and sheeting;
Part 1.4: Stainless steels;
Part 1.5: Plated structural elements;
Part 1.9: Fatigue strength of steel structures;
Part 1.10: Selection of steel for fracture toughness and through-thickness properties;
Part 1.12: Additional rules for the extension of EN 1993 up to steel grades S 700
Part 2: Steel bridges;
Part 3.1: Towers and masts;
Part 3.2: Chimneys;
Part 4.1: Silos;
Part 4.2: Tanks;
Part 4.3: Pipelines;
Part 5: Piling.
1.3 Terms and definitions
The terms that are defined in EN 1990 for common use in the Structural Eurocodes apply to this
Standard. Unless otherwise stated, the definitions given in ISO 8930 also apply in this Standard.
Supplementary to EN 1993-1-1, for the purposes of this Standard, the following definitions apply:
1.3.1 Structural forms and geometry shell
A structure or a structural component formed from a curved thin plate. shell of revolution
A shell whose geometric form is defined by a middle surface that is formed by rotating a meridional
generator line around a single axis through 2π radians. The shell can be of any length. complete axisymmetric shell
A shell composed of a number of parts, each of which is a shell of revolution. shell segment
A shell of revolution in the form of a defined shell geometry with a constant wall thickness: a
cylinder, conical frustum, spherical frustum, annular plate, toroidal knuckle or other form.
EN 1993-1-6: 2007 (E) shell panel
An incomplete shell of revolution: the shell form is defined by a rotation of the generator about the
axis through less than 2π radians. middle surface
The surface that lies midway between the inside and outside surfaces of the shell at every point.
Where the shell is stiffened on either one or both surfaces, the reference middle surface is still taken
as the middle surface of the curved shell plate. The middle surface is the reference surface for
analysis, and can be discontinuous at changes of thickness or at shell junctions, leading to
eccentricities that may be important to the shell structural behaviour. junction
The line at which two or more shell segments meet: it can include a stiffener. The circumferential line
of attachment of a ring stiffener to the shell may be treated as a junction. stringer stiffener
A local stiffening member that follows the meridian of the shell, representing a generator of the shell
of revolution. It is provided to increase the stability, or to assist with the introduction of local loads. It
is not intended to provide a primary resistance to bending effects caused by transverse loads. rib
A local member that provides a primary load carrying path for bending down the meridian of the
shell, representing a generator of the shell of revolution. It is used to transfer or distribute transverse
loads by bending. ring stiffener
A local stiffening member that passes around the circumference of the shell of revolution at a given
point on the meridian. It is normally assumed to have no stiffness for deformations out o

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