Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part Z09: Dispersibility of disperse dyes (ISO 105-Z04:1995)

Describes a method for the determination of the dispersibility of disperse dyes by means of filtering time and filter residue. This test method is used for determining the degree of dispersion in aqueous media only.

Textilien - Farbechtheitsprüfungen - Teil Z04: Dispersierverhalten von Dispersionsfarbstoffen (ISO 105-Z04:1995)

Dieser Teil von ISO 105 legt ein Verfahren fest zur Bestimmung des Dispergierverhaltens eines Dispersionsfarbstoffes durch Bewertung der Filtrationßeit und des Filterrückstandes.

Textiles - Essais de solidité des teintures - Partie Z04: Dispersibilité des colorants de dispersion (ISO 105-Z04:1995)

Ajoute deux articles traitant de la fréquence intermédiaire et des caractéristiques de gain et de phase différentiels.

Tekstilije - Preskušanje barvne obstojnosti - Del Z04: Disperzijska sposobnost disperzijskih barvil (ISO 105-Z04:1995)

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EN ISO 105-Z04:1999
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Standards Content (Sample)

Tekstilije - Preskušanje barvne obstojnosti - Del Z04: Disperzijska sposobnost
disperzijskih barvil (ISO 105-Z04:1995)
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part Z09: Dispersibility of disperse dyes (ISO 105-
Textilien - Farbechtheitsprüfungen - Teil Z04: Dispersierverhalten von
Dispersionsfarbstoffen (ISO 105-Z04:1995)
Textiles - Essais de solidité des teintures - Partie Z04: Dispersibilité des colorants de
dispersion (ISO 105-Z04:1995)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 105-Z04:1997
59.080.01 Tekstilije na splošno Textiles in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

First edition
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
Part 204:
Dispersibility of disperse dyes
Essais de solid26 des teintures -
Textiles -
Partie 204: DispersibiM des colorants de dispersion
Reference number
IS0 105-204:1995(E)
IS 0 105 -204 :1995 (E)
Fo rewo rd
IS 0 (the In te rna tional O rganiza tion fo r S tanda rdiza tionis ) a wo rldwide
fede ra tion o f na tional s tanda rds bodies (IS0 membe r bodies ). The wo rk o f
p repa ring In te rna tional S tanda rds is no rmally ca rried ou t th rough IS 0
technical commi ttees . E ach membe r body in te res ted in a subjec t fo r
which a technical commi ttee has been es tablished has the righ t to be
rep resen ted on tha t commi ttee . In te rna tional o rganiza tionsgove, rnmen tal
and non -gove rnmen tin al , liaison wi th ISO , also take pa rt in the wo rk . IS 0
collabo ra tes closely wi th the In te rna tional Elec tro technical Commission
(IEC ) on all ma tte rs o f elec tro technical s tanda rdiza tion .
D ra ft In te rna tional S tanda rds adop ted by the technical commi ttees a re
ci rcula ted to the membe r bodies fo r vo ting . Publica tion as an In te rna tional
S tanda rd requi res app roval by a t leas t 75 % o f the membe r bodies cas ting
a vo te .
In te rna tional S tanda rd IS 0 105 -204 was p repa red by Technical Commi ttee
ISOnC 38 , Tex tilesS, ubcommi ttee SC 1 , Tes ts fo r colou red tex tiles and
colo ran ts .
IS 0 105 was p reviously published in thi rteen “pa rts ”, each designa ted by
a le tte r (e .g . “Pa rt A”), wi th publica tion da tes be tween 1978 and 1985 .
E ach pa rt con tained a se ries o f “sec tions ”, each designa ted by the re -
spec tive pa rt le tte r and by a two -digi t se rial numbe r (e .g . “Sec tion A 01 ‘I).
These sec tions a re now being republished as sepa ra te documen tsthem, -
selves designa ted “pa rts ” bu t re taining thei r ea rlie r alphanume rdesigic -
na tionsA . comple te lis t o f these pa rts is given in IS 0 105 -AO I .
0 IS0 1995
All righ ts rese rved . Unless o the rwise speci fied , no pa rt o f this publica tion may be
rep roduced o r u tilized in any fo rm o r by any means , elec tronic o r mechanicalincluding ,
pho tocopying and mic ro filmwi, thou t pe rmission in wri ting from the publishe r.
In te rna tional O rganiza tion fo r S tanda rdiza tion
Case Pos tale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Swi tze rland
Prin ted in Swi tze rland
IS0 105-204:1995(E)
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
Part 204:
Dispersibility of disperse dyes
3.1 dispersibility: Degree to which particles can be
1 Scope
broken down to some minimum size such that they
will pass through the interstices of a reference filter
This part of IS0 105 describes a method for deter-
mining the dispersibility, as evaluated by filtering time
and filter residue, of disperse dyes.
This test method is used for determining the degree
4 Principle
of dispersion under specified conditions in aqueous
media only.
A quantity of disperse dye is predispersed, heated and
NOTES passed through filter papers of specified pore size.
Using the time of passage and retention of dye on the
1 The results of this test method can vary widely unless all
filter paper, the dispersibility of the dye is then evalu-
tests are run under exactly the conditions outlined. Any
variation in the conditions can cause a test to be invalid.
Results have been shown to be reproducible in several
Three variants of the test, depending on the intended
laboratories when the specified conditions are met.
dye application, are outlined.
2 Variations in results can be caused by differences in the
diameter of the filter funnel, due to the differences in sur-
face area which result, and to variations in the size and
density of the holes in the filter funnel.
5 Safety precautions
5.1 It is the user ’s responsibility to use safe and
proper techniques in handling materials in this test
2 Normative reference
method. Consult manufacturers for specific details
such as material safety data sheets and other rec-
The following standard contains provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of IS0 105. At the time of publication, the
edition indicated was valid. All standards are subject
5.2 Good laboratory practice should be followed.
to revision and parties to agreements based on this
Wear safety glasses in all laboratory areas and a
part of IS0 105 are encouraged to investigate the possi-
single-use dust respirator while handling powder dyes.
bility of applying the most recent edition of the standard
indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain
5.3 Users should comply with any national and local
registers of currently valid International Standards.
safety regulations.
IS0 3696: 1987, Water for analytical laboratory use.
6 Apparatus and materials
3 Definition
During the test, use only reagents of recognized ana-
For the purposes of this part of IS0 105, the following lytical grade and only grade 3 water as defined in
definition applies. IS0 3696.
@ IS0
IS0 105-204: 1995(E)
6.13 Water, complying with grade 3 of IS0 3696,
6.1 Nutsch filter (Buchner funnel), of glass, stain-
optionally containing a complex-forming agent [e.g.
less steel or porcelain, with inner diameter 110 mm,
0,25 g/l of 25 % (m/V) (250 g/l) solution of ethylene-
192 holes and with a total surface area of holes
diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or nitrilotetraacetic
(evenly distributed) of not less than 200 mm*.
acid (NTA)]. Such addition shall be mentioned in the
test report.
6.2 Filter papers? of diameter 110 mm, as follows.
6.14 Stirrer, laboratory, magnetic.
- Type A: Having a pore size to retain particles
above 8 pm in diameter;
- Type B: Having a pore size to retain particles
6.15 Graduated cylinder, 250 ml capacity.
above 25 pm in diameter.
Other papers may be used if quality and microretention 6.16 pH-meter.
characteristics are exactly the same.
6.3 Stainless steel ring ’), with approximate dimen-
sions 103 mm i.d., 111 mm o.d. and 8 mm

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