Safety of toys - Part 13: Olfactory board games, cosmetic kits and gustative games

This document applies to olfactory board games, cosmetic kits, gustative games and supplementary sets. It specifies requirements on the use of substances and mixtures and in some cases on their amount and concentration in olfactory board games, cosmetic kits, gustative games and supplementary sets to such games or kits.
These substances and mixtures are:
-   those classified as hazardous by the EC-legislation applying to hazardous substances [13] and hazardous mixtures [13];
-   substances and mixtures which in excessive amounts could harm the health of the children using them and which are not classified as hazardous by the above-mentioned legislation; and
-   any other chemical substance(s) and mixture(s) delivered with the set.
Furthermore, this document specifies allergenic fragrances which are prohibited in toys, marking requirements, in particular regarding allergenic fragrances, and requirements on a contents list, instructions for use, the equipment intended to be used during the activity and the use of highly flammable liquids.
This document does not apply to cosmetic toys such as play cosmetics for dolls.
NOTE   The terms "substance" and "mixture" are defined in the REACH regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 [14] and in the CLP regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [13].

Sicherheit von Spielzeug - Teil 13: Brettspiele für den Geruchsinn, Kosmetikkoffer und Spiele für den Geschmacksinn

Dieses Dokument ist anzuwenden für Brettspiele für den Geruchsinn, Kosmetikkoffer, Spiele für den Geschmacksinn und Ergänzungssets. Es legt Anforderungen an die Verwendung von Stoffen und Gemischen und in bestimmten Fällen Anforderungen an deren Menge und Konzentration in Brettspielen für den Geruchsinn, Kosmetikkoffern, Spielen für den Geschmacksinn und Ergänzungssets zu derartigen Spielen oder Koffern/Sets fest.
Bei diesen Stoffen und Gemischen handelt es sich um
-   solche, die nach den für gefährliche Stoffe [13] und gefährliche Gemische [13] geltenden EU Rechtsvor-schriften als gefährlich eingestuft sind;
-   Stoffe und Gemische, die in übermäßigen Mengen die Gesundheit der Kinder, die sie benutzen, schädigen könnten und die nicht durch die vorstehend genannten Rechtsvorschriften als gefährlich eingestuft sind; und
-   sonstige chemische Stoffe und Gemische, die in einem Spiel/Koffer/Set enthalten sind.
Dieses Dokument legt darüber hinaus in Spielzeug verbotene allergene Duftstoffe, Anforderungen an die Kennzeichnung, besonders in Bezug auf allergene Duftstoffe, und Anforderungen an die Inhaltsangabe, die Gebrauchsanleitung, die während der Aktivität zu verwendende Ausrüstung sowie den Einsatz leicht entzündbarer Flüssigkeiten fest.
Dieses Dokument ist nicht anzuwenden für Kosmetikspielzeug, wie Spiel Kosmetik für Puppen.
ANMERKUNG   Die Begriffe „Stoff“ und „Gemisch“ sind in der REACH Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 [14] und in der CLP Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1272/2008 [13] definiert.

Sécurité des jouets - Partie 13 : Jeux de table olfactifs, ensembles cosmétiques et jeux gustatifs

Le présent document s’applique aux jeux de table olfactifs, aux ensembles cosmétiques, aux jeux gustatifs et à leurs coffrets complémentaires. Il spécifie les exigences relatives à l’utilisation des substances et des mélanges et, dans certains cas, celles relatives à leur quantité et leur concentration dans les jeux de table olfactifs, les ensembles cosmétiques, les jeux gustatifs et les coffrets complémentaires qui leur sont associés.
Ces substances et mélanges sont les suivants :
-   ceux classés comme dangereux par la législation européenne s’appliquant aux substances dangereuses [13] et aux mélanges dangereux [13] ;
-   des substances et des mélanges qui, en quantités excessives, pourraient nuire à la santé des enfants les utilisant et qui ne sont pas classés comme dangereux par la législation susmentionnée ; et
-   toutes les autres substances et mélanges chimiques fournis avec le jeu.
En outre, le présent document spécifie les substances parfumantes allergisantes prohibées dans les jouets, les exigences relatives au marquage, notamment pour les substances parfumantes allergisantes, ainsi que les exigences relatives à la liste du contenu, à la notice d’utilisation, à l’équipement devant être utilisé pendant l’activité et à l’utilisation de liquides hautement inflammables.
Le présent document ne s’applique pas aux jouets cosmétiques tels que les jeux cosmétiques pour poupées.
NOTE   Les termes « substance » et « mélange » sont définis dans le Règlement REACH (CE) no 1907/2006 [14] et dans le Règlement CLP (CE) no 1272/2008 [13].

Varnost igrač - 13. del: Vohalne igralne plošče, kozmetični seti in okušalne igre (vključuje dopolnilo A1)

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EN 71-13:2021+A1:2022 - BARVE
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 71-13:2021
Varnost igrač - 13. del: Vohalne igralne plošče, kozmetični seti in okušalne igre
(vključuje dopolnilo A1)
Safety of toys - Part 13: Olfactory board games, cosmetic kits and gustative games
Sicherheit von Spielzeug - Teil 13: Brettspiele für den Geruchsinn, Kosmetikkoffer und
Spiele für den Geschmacksinn
Sécurité des jouets - Partie 13 : Jeux de table olfactifs, ensembles cosmétiques et jeux
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 71-13:2021+A1:2022
97.200.50 Igrače Toys
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 71-13:2021+A1
May 2022
ICS 97.200.50 Supersedes EN 71-13:2021
English Version
Safety of toys - Part 13: Olfactory board games, cosmetic
kits and gustative games
Sécurité des jouets - Partie 13 : Jeux de table olfactifs, Sicherheit von Spielzeug - Teil 13: Brettspiele für den
ensembles cosmétiques et jeux gustatifs Geruchsinn, Kosmetikkoffer und Spiele für den
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 19 March 2021 and includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 14 March
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 71-13:2021+A1:2022 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 6
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Requirements (see A.4). 8
4.1 Olfactory board games . 8
4.1.1 General . 8
4.1.2 Substances and mixtures . 8
4.2 Cosmetic kits . 11
4.2.1 General . 11
4.2.2 Fragrances . 12
4.2.3 Resulting products - Cosmetic Safety Requirements (see A.2) . 12
4.3 Gustative games . 12
4.3.1 General . 12
4.3.2 Substances and mixtures . 12
4.3.3 Resulting products . 13
4.3.4 Food allergens . 13
5 Equipment . 13
5.1 General . 13
5.2 Containers and glassware . 13
5.2.1 Glassware . 13
5.2.2 Containers for fragrances, substances and mixtures . 14
5.2.3 Child-resistant containers . 14
5.3 Equipment for the transfer of liquid . 14
5.4 Eye protection . 15
6 Warnings and markings (see A.4 and A.7) . 15
6.1 General markings and warnings. 15
6.2 Markings on individual containers and individual packaging for reagents,
substances or mixtures . 19
6.3 Warning phrase for food allergens . 19
6.4 Warning phrase when glass is used as container . 20
7 Instructions for use . 20
8 Contents list and first aid information . 20
Annex A (informative) Rationale . 21
A.1 Allergenic fragrances (see Clause 4, Table 1 and Table 2) . 21
A.2 Safety assessment for cosmetic kits (see 4.2.3) . 21
A.3 Safety procedures . 21
A.4 Requirements which need to be fulfilled when using certain fragrances (see Clause 4
and Clause 6) . 21
A.5 Current relevant directives and regulations on cosmetics and food stuff . 22
A.6 Explanations of regulations relevant to this document . 22
A.7 Markings, labelling and warnings . 22
Annex B (normative) Test method for identification of borosilicate glass . 23
B.1 General . 23
B.2 Apparatus . 23
B.3 Procedure . 23
Annex C (informative) Environmental considerations . 25
Annex D (informative) Significant technical changes between this document and the
previous version . 26
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the essential
requirements of Directive 2009/48/EC aimed to be covered . 28
Bibliography . 29

European foreword
This document (EN 71-13:2021+A1:2022) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 52
“Safety of toys”, the secretariat of which is held by DS.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2022, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by November 2022.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes !EN 71-13:2021".
This document includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 14 March 2022.
The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags !".
This document has been prepared under a standardization request given to CEN by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of
EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive 2009/48/EC, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of
this document.
Additional information on the rationale for various requirements is given in Annex A.
The significant changes from the previous edition of this standard are detailed in Annex D.
This document constitutes the thirteenth part of the EN 71 series of standards on safety of toys.
EN 71, Safety of toys consists of the following parts:
— Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties;
— Part 2: Flammability;
— Part 3: Migration of certain elements;
— Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities;
— Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets;
— Part 7: Finger paints — Requirements and test methods;
— Part 8: Activity toys for domestic use;
— Part 9: Organic chemical compounds — Requirements;
— Part 10: Organic chemical compounds — Sample preparation and extraction;
— Part 11: Organic chemical compounds — Methods of analysis;
— Part 12: N-nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances;
— Part 13: Olfactory board games, cosmetic kits and gustative games;
— Part 14: Trampolines for domestic use.
It is up to the user of the standard to determine whether or not a toy is included in the scope of several of
the above parts of the EN 71-series, and to apply each applicable standard accordingly. Normative
references from one part of the EN 71-series to another, are therefore normally not provided in the
individual parts.
NOTE 1 In addition to the above parts of EN 71, the following technical reports have been published:
— CEN/TR 15071, Safety of toys — National translations of warnings and instructions for use in EN 71, and
— CEN/TR 15371 (parts 1 and 2), Safety of toys — Interpretations;
— CEN/TR 16918, Safety of toys — Children’s mouthing behaviour in contact with toys;
!— CEN/TR 17695, Safety of toys — Mechanical and physical properties — Guidance on categorisation of projectile
toys within EN 71-1;"
— CEN ISO/TR 8124-8, Safety of toys — Part 8: Age determination guidelines.
NOTE 2 Words in italics (apart from document titles) are defined in Clause 3 (Terms and definitions).
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national standards body.
A complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Franc

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