Metals and alloys - Atmospheric corrosion testing - General requirements for field tests (ISO 8565:1992)

Describes requirements for test specimens, test sites and their characterization, operating conditions, test procedures and the test report.

Metalle und Legierungen - Korrosionsversuche in der Atmosphäre - Allgemeine Anforderungen an Freibewitterungsversuche (ISO 8565:1992)

In dieser Internationalen Norm sind allgemeine Anforderungen an stationäre Korrosionsversuche von Metallen und metallischen Überzügen bei Freibewitterung oder unter Überdachungen festgelegt. Sie kann auch für Korrosionsversuche im Inneren von Räumen angewendet werden.

Métaux et alliages - Essais de corrosion atmosphérique - Prescriptions générales de l'essai in situ (ISO 8565:1992)

La présente Norme internationale établit des prescriptions générales pour les essais de corrosion statique des métaux et revêtements métalliques en milieu extérieur naturel, à ciel ouvert ou sous abri. Elle est également applicable aux essais en espace clos.

Kovine in zlitine - Atmosferski korozijski preskusi - Splošne zahteve za preskušanje v naravi (ISO 8565:1992)

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Kovine in zlitine - Atmosferski korozijski preskusi - Splošne zahteve za
preskušanje v naravi (ISO 8565:1992)
Metals and alloys - Atmospheric corrosion testing - General requirements for field tests
(ISO 8565:1992)
Metalle und Legierungen - Korrosionsversuche in der Atmosphäre - Allgemeine
Anforderungen an Freibewitterungsversuche (ISO 8565:1992)
Métaux et alliages - Essais de corrosion atmosphérique - Prescriptions générales de
l'essai in situ (ISO 8565:1992)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 8565:1995
77.060 Korozija kovin Corrosion of metals
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

First edition
1992-02-O 1
Metals and alloys - Atmospheric corrosion
testing - General requirements for field tests
Essais de corrosion afmosph&ique -
M&faux ef alliages -
Prescripfions g&&-ales de I’essai in situ
Reference number
-- --
__- _ -_--_--- __._ - ._ IS0 8565: 1992(E)

IS0 8565:1992(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the
work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization,
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an lnter-
national Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member
bodies casting a vote.
International Standard IS0 8565 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 156, Corrosion of metals and alloys.
It cancels and replaces IS0 4542:1981, Metallic and other non-organic
coatings - General rules for stationary outdoor exposure corrosion
Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard.
0 IS0 1992
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
permission in writing from the publisher.
ational Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 @ CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzer land
Printed in Switzerland
IS0 8565:1992(E)
Corrosion test ing under atmospheric exposure conditions is carried out
in order to
obtain data on the corrosion resistance of metals, alloysI) and other
inorganic metallic coatings 1) in atmospheric environments;
evaluate the relationship between the results under given laboratory
conditions and in an atmospheric environment;
evaluate the type of corrosion of particular metals.
It involves exposure of the specimens to the action of atmospheric en-
vironments at the test sites and periodic checking of the test specimens.
It does not cover service corrosion testing.
The corrosion rate of the specified metal depends on the environment
of the atmospheric corrosion’ test site. The relationship between cor-
rosion rates for metals and atmospheric variables is complex. Therefore
the results of field tests cannot be used to predict service performance
exactly, but do provide an approximate guidance to service perform-
1) Hereinafter referred to as “metals”.
. . .
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Metals and alloys - Atmospheric corrosion testing - General
requirements for field tests
IS0 8403:1991, Metallic coatings - Coatings anodic
1 Scope
to the substrate - Rating of test specimens sub-
jected to corrosion tests.
This International Standard establishes general re-
quirements for stationary corrosion testing of metals
IS0 8407:1991, Corrosion of metals and alloys - Re-
and metallic coatings under atmospheric conditions
moval of corrosion products from corrosion test
carried out in the open air or under shelters.
It may also be applied for indoor testing.
IS0 9225:~-21, Corrosion of metals and alloys -
Corrosivity of atmospheres - Measurement of pol-
IS0 9226:-2), Corrosion of metals and alloys -
2 Normative references
Corrosivity of atmospheres - Determination of cor-
rosion rate of standard specimens for the evaluation
The following standards contain provisions which,
of corrosivity.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan-
3 Requirements for test specimens
dards are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this International Standard
3.1 Types of specimen
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of ap-
plying the most recent editions of the standards in-
dicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain
3.1.1 Flat sheet specimens
registers of currently valid International Standards.
Rectangular specimens in the form of flat sheets are
IS0 4221:1980, Air quality - Determination of mass
the preferred type as they can be readily weighed
concentration of sulphur dioxide in ambient air -
and measured and their simple shape facilitates at-
Thorin spectrophotometric method.
tachment to test frames. A convenient specimen
size is 150 mm x 100 mm. Specimens may be larger
IS0 4226:1980, Air quality - General aspects - Units
provided that they can be accurately evaluated. The
of measurement.
specimen thickness shall be adequate to ensure that
the specimens will survive the intended test period.
IS0 4540:1980, Metallic coatings - Coatings cathodic
The specimen thickness shall also take into account
to the substrate - Rating of electroplated test
the possibility of mechanical effects and of inter-
specimens subjected to corrosion tests.
granular corrosion in some materials. The most
convenient thickness is 1 mm to 3 mm.
IS0 4543:1981, Metallic and other non-organic
General rules for corrosion tests appli- For specimens with metallic coatings the surface
coatings -
area of the test specimens should be as large as
cable for storage conditions.
possible, in any case not less than 50 cm*
(5 cm x IO cm). If the coated articles used are
IS0 6879:1983, Air quality - Performance character-
smaller than 50 cm* in area, specimens of the same
istics and related concepts for air quality measuring
kind may be combined to total the required mini-
2) To be published.
IS0 8565:1992(E)
treatments for a wide range of metals are given in
mum surface area. However, the results obtained
will not necessarily be comparable with those ob- IS0 8407:1991, tables 1 and 2.
tained on specially prepared test specimens of the
For metallic and inorganic coatings, it is absolutely
specified minimum area.
necessary to avoid cleaning methods which may at-
tack the surface of test specimens.
3.1.2 Irregularly shaped specimens
Other specimen shapes such as bolts, tubes, rods, 3.3 Handling
angles and even assemblies may be tested if
necessary. After final surface cleaning before exposure, it is
important that limited handling occurs. In general, it
sealed if cor-
The ends of tube speci mens shal I be
is necessary to use clean gloves in the final hand-
rosion of the ide su is of interest.
outs rface only
ling operations.
Complex specimens, such as assemblies, may con-
tain crevices, water traps, weldments and 3.4 Marking of specimens
dissimular metals. It is therefore important to take
account of the effects of these on the corrosion re- Mark the test specimens in such a way that no con-
fusion during the exposure is possible. Marking
sistance of the assembly. Care should also be taken
shall be legible and durable over the whole period
to position the assembly to simulate its intended
of exposure and shall be made on those areas ofthe
test specimens that are not subjected to visual as-
sessment and have no functional purpose.
3.1.3 Specimens with weldments
The test specimens may be marked with appropriate
Atmospheric corrosion tests on weldments are in-
numbers by stamping. For metals, notched speci-
tended to reveal any tendency for preferential cor-
mens or drilled holes can be used. Other marking
rosion in the weldment zone arising from
procedures can be used, provided that the require-
metallurgical or compositional differences between
ments of legibility and durability are met.
the weld metal and the parent material. The joints
shall preferably be placed in the centre of the test
Methods suggested for marking are different. For
specimen, parallel to its long side; or perpendicular,
metallic coatings the preferred method is positional
if required by technical specifications.
notch coding before the protective coating is ap-
3.2 Specimen preparation
The area affected by marking shall be minimized.
The establishment of a reliable map of specimen
Because atmospheric corrosion tests may extend
identity, exposure data and location on the exposure
over many years, it is important to ensure that
frame is recommended.
specimens are clearly identified and records of data
are carefully kept. It is normally necessary to cut
specimens from larger pieces of the metal to be
3.5 Number of specimens
tested and to carry out deburring. These operations
involve the risk of surface damage to the specimens The number of test specimens of each type used in
and, with some metals, may lead to significant
a given evaluation shall not be less than three for
changes in metallurgical condition (for example
each exposure time interval.
work-hardening of sheared or cut edges). Surface
Three specimens should suffice for simple com-
damage can be avoided with care, whilst work-
parative test programmes. However, for more com-
hardened edges should be removed by machining,
plex programmes, more specimens will be needed,
unless the effects of this condition are being
according to the statistical requirements.
specifically evaluated. Similar damage may be
caused by other operations such as flame-cutting,
sawing and grinding. When the results of the test are
3.6 Control and reference specimens
to be compared with service performance, it is rec-
ommended that specimens be exposed with sur-
It is desirable that extra specimens be included in
faces identical or similar to those which would apply
in order to fulfil various re-
the test programme,
in service. For all other purposes, a well-defined
quirements of control and reference.
surface preparation is needed.
3.6.1 Control specimens
Surface preparation may involve a combination of a
degreasing stage using organic solvents or alkaline
These are replicates of exposed test specimens
degreasing fluids and a mechanical or chemical de-
scaling treatment for surfaces bearing mill scale, which are stored under non-corrosive conditions
heat-treatment scale or rust. Suitable descaling (see 3.7). They may be used to determine changes
IS0 8565:1992(E)
in physical and mechanical properties as a result of specification of the intermediate product from
exposure of the specimens. which the test panels were produced;
b) in the case of metallic coatings
3.6.2 Reference specimens
specification of the basis metal (substrate),
When testing new or modified materials, samples of
the original (known) material are used for compari- -
method of preparing the surface before coat-
son purposes and exposed together with the test
of the coating application and
- spe cification
coa ting mate rials,
3.7 Storage
coating thickness,
During storage of the test specimens before ex-
basic properties of the coating, including the
posure, and during storage of control specimens,
test methods by which its properties were
care shall be taken to avoid mechanical damage
evaluated (e.g. porosity, hardness, ductility,
and contact with other specimens. A room with a
controlled temperature and a retative humidity of
65 % or less shall be used for storage purposes.
c) in the case of manufactured articles or their parts
Particularly sensitive specimens shall be stored in
a desiccator or sealed in plastic bags with
basic technical data on the properties to be
desiccant. (See IS0 4543.)
tested, with test methods by which they are
evaluated (e.g. thickness, porosity, hardness,
ductility, etc.) and the initial values before
3.8 Specimen data records
starting the test.
For each series of test specimens, record the data
Visual and, if necessary, photographic records of the
which are needed for the assessment of the cor-
specimen condition before testing shall be made
rosion effects (see clause 8). These records shall
and carefully retained.
include the following:
a) in the case of uncoated metal samples
chemical composition,
4 Atmospheric corrosion test sites
- mass,
shape and size,
4.1 Category of location
surface finish characteristics,
It is recommended that the atmospheric corrosion
- heat treatment,
test sites provide facilities for both
basic physical properties (mechanical, elec-
a) open-air exposure, i.e. direct exposure to all at-
trical or physico-chemical) and surface
mospheric conditions and atmospheric contami-
initial state of specimen surface before test-
ing (for metals which may change their
structure during long-term exposure under
b) sheltered exposure, i.e. exposure with protection
atmospheric conditions),
from atmospheric precipitation and solar radi-
ation either under a cover or in a partly closed
method of preparation of the test panels,
space, such as shutter sheds where the test
specimens are also protected by shuttered side
test method for the metal surface treatmen

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