This European Standard specifies optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other ENs.

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This European Standard specifies functional requirements for various types of personal eye-protectors and incorporates general considerations such as:
_ designation;
_ classification;
_ basic requirements applicable to all eye-protectors;
_ various particular and optional requirements;
_ allocation of requirements, testing and application;
_ marking;
_ information for users.
The transmittance requirements for various types of filter oculars are given in separate standards (see clause 2).
This European Standard applies to all types of personal eye-protectors used against various hazards, as encountered in industry, laboratories, educational establishments, DIY activities, etc. which are likely to damage the eye or impair vision, with the exception of nuclear radiation, X-rays, laser beams and low temperature infrared (IR) radiation emitted by low temperature sources.
The requirements of this standard do not apply to eye-protectors for which separate and complete standards exist, such as laser eye-protectors, sunglasses for general use, etc. unless such standards make specific reference to this standard.
The requirements of this standard apply to oculars for welding and allied processes but do not apply to equipment for eye and face protection for welding and allied processes, requirements for which are contained in EN 175.
Eye-protectors fitted with prescription lenses are not excluded from the field of application. The refractive power tolerances and other special characteristics dependent upon the prescription requirement are specified in EN ISO 8980-1 and EN ISO 8980-2.

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This European Standard specifies non-optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other European Standards.

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This European standard specifies optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other EN's. Alternative methods may be used if shown to be equivalent. Non-optical test methods are given in EN 168. A definition of terms is given in EN 165.

  • Standard
    27 pages
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This European standard specifies non-optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other European Standards. Alternative test methods may be used if shown to be equivalent. The optical test methods are given in EN 167. A definition of terms is given in EN 165.

  • Standard
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This European standard specifies functional requirements for various types of personal eye-protectors. The transmittance requirements for various types of filter oculars are given in separate standards (see clause 3).

  • Standard
    35 pages
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This document applies to visors designed specifically to be fitted to and/or used with helmets conforming to EN 443 when used by firefighters, or helmets which conform to EN 443 or prEN 14052 when used by ambulance and emergency services, as the situation dictates. They are intended to provide protection against the various hazards expected to be encountered in firefighting, ambulance and emergency service duties, except respiratory, smoke, and gas /vapour hazards.
Three types of visor are described in this document. One provides protection against general hazards; the second additionally provides protection against heat and flame. The third type of visor incorporates mesh oculars, and is intended for use in very limited circumstances. This document also describes two forms for all three types of visors; face guards that provide both eye and face protection; eye guards that are shorter and effectively provide only eye protection.
The requirements of this document do not apply to visors intended for use without a helmet. Such requirements are given in EN 166.
Visors with corrective effect are excluded from the scope of this document.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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This standard applies to all types of personal eye-protectors used against various hazards, as encountered in industry, laboratories, educational establishments, DIY activities, etc. which are likely to damage the eye or impair vision, with the exception of nuclear radiation, X-rays, laser beams and low temperature infra-red (IR) radiation emitted by low temperature sources.  The requirements of this standard do not apply to eye-protectors for which separate and complete standards exist, such as laser eye-protectors, sunglasses for general use, etc. unless such standards make specific reference to this standard.  Eye-protectors fitted with prescription lenses are not excluded from the field of application. The refractive power tolerances and other special characteristics dependent upon the prescription requirements are specified in ISO/DIS 8980-1 and ISO/DIS 8980-2.

  • Standard
    37 pages
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This standard specifies non-optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other Europan Standards. Alternative test methods may be used if shown to be equivalent.   The optical test methods are given in EN 167.   A definition of terms is given in EN 165.

  • Standard
    31 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other ENs. Alternative methods may be used if shown to be equivalent.   Non-optical test methods are given in EN 168.   A definition of terms is given in EN 165.

  • Standard
    23 pages
    English language
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    1 day