ISO 13000-2:2005 specifies the preparation of test specimens and gives the test methods applicable to semi-finished products of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).

  • Standard
    17 pages
    English language
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ISO 13000-1:2005 specifies the requirements for processed unfilled polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) products which may occur in several forms. The PTFE used to make the semi-finished product is described in ISO 12086-1 and, as provided in ISO 12086-1, may contain up to 1 % of a comonomer. The PTFE used to make the semi-finished product may be virgin, reprocessed or recycled resin. The addition of up to 1,5 % by mass of pigment or colorant is permitted. This part of ISO 13000 allows for four grades based on tensile strength and elongation at break. The semi-finished products can be as-processed (type P) or dimensionally stabilized (type S) and may also have specified electrical properties or other properties when they are required for an application.

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    17 pages
    English language
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ISO - Taking over of an ISO Technical Corrigendum

  • Corrigendum
    4 pages
    English, French and German language
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ISO 12086-1:2006 establishes a system of designation for fluoropolymer materials that may be used as the basis for specifications. It covers the homopolymers and various copolymers of fluoromonomers used as dispersions and for moulding, extrusion and other specialized applications.

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    37 pages
    English language
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ISO 12086-2:2006 describes the preparation of test specimens and provides test methods to define characteristics of thermoplastic fluoropolymer resins. Results from the testing may be used as the basis for designation, material specifications or both.

  • Standard
    51 pages
    English language
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Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): Changing of track further to TA (MG) requests - BP (970404)

  • Standard
    31 pages
    English language
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Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): Changing of track further to TA (MG) requests - BP (970404)

  • Standard
    43 pages
    English language
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    1 day