SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
(Main)Information and documentation -- Bibliographic data element directory -- Part 5: Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata
Information and documentation -- Bibliographic data element directory -- Part 5: Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata
Information et documentation -- Répertoire des éléments de données bibliographiques -- Partie 5: Éléments de données pour l'échange de catalogues et de métadonnées
L'ISO 8459-5:2002 prescrit et décrit les éléments de données nécessaires à l'échange de données entre systèmes de catalogage (c'est-à-dire de terminal à ordinateur ou d'ordinateur à ordinateur). Elle identifie également les messages et leurs éléments de données utilisés dans les systèmes de catalogage.
Elle s'applique aussi bien aux transactions de catalogage en ligne qu'à celles en différé.
La structuration des éléments de données en messages dépasse le domaine d'application de l'ISO 8459-5:2002.
Informatika in dokumentacija – Seznam elementov bibliografskih podatkov – 5. del: Podatkovni elementi za izmenjavo na področju katalogizacije in metapodatkov
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First edition
Information and documentation —
Bibliographic data element directory —
Part 5:
Data elements for the exchange of
cataloguing and metadata
Information et documentation — Répertoire des éléments de données
bibliographiques —
Partie 5: Éléments de données pour l'échange de catalogues et de
Reference number
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
ISO 2002
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope.1
2 Normative references.1
3 Terms and definitions .2
4 Directory.3
5 Index.34
6 Structured order of data elements.47
7 Cataloguing application message matrix.54
Annex A (normative) Selected data element values.61
Annex B (informative) Examples of how this part of ISO 8459 may be used.66
Annex C (informative) Relationship of the five parts of ISO 8459.68
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted
by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 8459 may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 8459-5 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 4, Computer applications in information and documentation.
ISO 8459 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information and documentation — Bibliographic
data element directory:
Part 1: Interloan applications
Part 2: Acquisitions applications
Part 3: Information retrieval applications
Part 4: Circulation applications
Part 5: Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata
Annex A forms a normative part of this part of ISO 8459. Annexes B and C are for information only.
iv © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Data are interchanged for the purpose of starting or supporting a process. In order to transmit information required
to support a process, the various elements of data in the interchanged messages must be fully understandable for
the processes concerned. This part of ISO 8459 describes, in the form of a directory, data elements used to
support cataloguing.
The data elements that may occur in a cataloguing transaction are presented in four ways:
a) a data element directory (see clause 4), and code values and description for messages (see A.2) and
date/time qualifier (see A.3);
b) an index (see clause 5) consisting of names, keywords and synonyms for data elements, and data element
values, including names assigned to messages (see annex A);
c) a structured order of data elements (see clause 6) which relates similar data elements in a hierarchical
d) a matrix (see clause 7) showing the data elements pertaining to specific cataloguing messages.
This part of ISO 8459 is the fifth part of a series which comprises a comprehensive data element directory for
bibliographic use. This part of ISO 8459 is primarily intended for new cataloguing systems, for the exchange of
cataloguing messages between different systems and for the exchange of data between client and server in the
client/server model.
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved v
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Information and documentation — Bibliographic data element
directory —
Part 5:
Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata
1 Scope
This part of ISO 8459 specifies and describes data elements required in the interchange of data between
cataloguing systems (i.e. terminal to computer or computer to computer). It also identifies messages and their data
elements which are used in cataloguing systems.
It is intended to support both batch and interactive cataloguing transactions.
Annex B provides examples of how this part of ISO 8459 may be used.
The structuring of the data elements into messages falls outside the scope of this part of ISO 8459.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 8459. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 8459 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 639-2:1988, Codes for the representation of names and languages — Part 2: Alpha-3 code
ISO 2709:1996, Information and documentation — Format for information interchange
ISO 3166-1:1997, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country
ISO/IEC 7498-3:1997, Information processing systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference
Model: Naming and addressing
ISO 8601:2000, Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and
ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation — Holdings statements — Summary level
ISO 23950:1998, Information and documentation — Information retrieval (Z39.50) — Application service definition
and protocol specification
UCP, Union Catalogue Profile. International Registered Profile (to be used with ISO 23950)
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO 8459, the following terms and definitions apply.
authority record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls a standardized form of a name, subject,
series or other heading
bibliographic item
unit or set of units in any physical form, either serial or non-serial, that are published, issued or treated as an entity
or work, and form the basis for a single bibliographic description
bibliographic record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls a bibliographic item
character string
arbitrary combination of letters, digits, punctuation marks or other symbols
catalogue record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls bibliographic or authority data or holdings
process of compiling a record for inclusion in one or more catalogues or indexes, that describes an entity and
assists in its retrieval
physical representation or piece of a bibliographic item
data element
basic unit of identifiable and definable data which has a data element name represented by a tag as identifier and
one or more values for expressing (a) particular fact(s)
data element directory
listing of data elements with specifications of representative data element values, as appropriate
data element group
set of related data elements
data element group name
one or more words in a natural language identifying a data element group
data element name
one or more words in a natural language identifying a data element
data element value
fact expressed by codes, digits or natural language corresponding to the data element description and
2 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
holdings record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls holdings associated with a bibliographic
holdings statement
record of the locations of a specific bibliographic item and, optionally, the units of that item held at a location
structured combination of data elements used in a transaction
data that are included in an entity or linked to an entity that describe the entity and assist in its retrieval
group of data usually treated as a unit
way in which a particular data element value is expressed using one or more number(s), letter(s) or symbol(s)
serial issue
unit of a bibliographic item that is issued in successive parts at regular or irregular intervals and intended to be
continued indefinitely
identifier allocated for use in place of a data element name or data element group name
NOTE In this part of ISO 8459, a group of four digits.
creation or modification of a message required to support the cataloguing of an item or a bibliographic holdings
4 Directory
The directory names and defines data elements and data element groups used to support cataloguing transactions.
The information pertaining to each data element or data element group is presented in four separate columns,
labelled tag, name, description and representation and remarks. A “tag” is used to identify a data element as well
as a data element group. “Name” contains data element names and data element group names. Data element
group names are printed in bold letters to distinguish them from data element names. “Description” includes a
definition for each data element or data element group followed by a list of corresponding tags and data elements
that comprise the group. “Representation and remarks” includes explanatory text about conventions and/or
standards used to represent values applicable to a data element or a data element group as well as sample values,
if applicable.
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
0001 Message Data used to identify a particular
identification message.
Group identifier for data elements
0002 Message name Phrase or code identifying the See A.2
function of a message.
0003 Date Year, month and day on which a Also used in conjunction with date/time
transaction is performed, a qualifier (9005). See A.3 for the various
message is sent or an event qualifiers that can be specified. See
occurs. ISO 8601.
0004 Time stamp Time at which a transaction is Used by automated systems to indicate the
sent, a message is sent or precise hour, minute and second, and part
received or an event occurs. of a second that a transaction occurred.
Used in conjunction with A.3. See ISO 8601.
0010 Transaction number Code or number assigned to a This number is assigned by the institution
document or message responsible for creating the specific type of
exchanged in a transaction. document or message (e.g. record insert,
item replacement etc.).
0011 Transaction Code to indicate whether or not a Possible values:
completion flag transaction has been successful 0 = unsuccessful
or not. 1 = successful
0020 Additional Group of data elements that may
transaction accompany a transaction to
information provide additional information.
Group identifier for data elements
0021 Additional Code or phrase identifying the Examples:
transaction nature of the contents of sent by target:
information additional transaction information. — information unrelated to a transaction
such as system availability;
— security restriction instruction.
sent by origin:
— review instruction.
0022 Instruction override Code, defined internally by a Used in conjunction with additional
system, indicating the actions transaction information (0021) and with
that may follow from a particular transaction error condition (0025).
message or message part. Possible values:
0 = override possible
1 = override possible with password
2 = override possible with security clearance
3 = override not possible
4 = affirmation not required; information only
4 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
0025 Transaction error Code or standardized phrase Related to help topic (9010) but often more
condition sent by a system to indicate the specific than it, pinpointing brief and precise
nature of an error condition in errors rather than textual explanation and
relation to a transaction request. outlines of procedures. May be used in
conjunction with an instruction override
1000 Session details Data that identify various details
about a specific session.
Group identifier for data elements
1000-1024, 1030, 1150, 1200-
1214, 1250-1254.
1010 Transaction Data that identify an institution
participant which participates in a
Group identifier for 1011-1014,
1011 Participant's Word or code specifying the Possible values:
function function or role performed by a 0 = service provider
party to a session. 1 = database provider
2 = intermediary, gateway server
3 = operator
1012 Password Code used by a system to This code may be revised periodically to
authenticate the identity of an preserve its security. A password is typically
individual or automated process supplied by the user at session initiation time
that has requested or is using a but it could also be requested at any time
system function or service. during a session.
1013 Password edition Code or phrase used to identify This data element is used in conjunction with
the current and previous an institution identifier (1036) and
password or passwords. telenetwork user identifier (1074).
1014 Password type Code or phrase used to indicate This data element is used by systems to
the specific services allowed to support multiple levels of authentication.
the password holder. Possible values:
0 = system connection
1 = database connection
2 = read access
3 = write access
4 = delete privileges
5 = output instructions
Security level (1254) is used to control
access to classified information. Related to
access privileges (1250), which provides
various details associated with a type of
privilege. 1014 states the type of privilege.
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1015 Session identifier Code or number used to identify A session typically covers all transactions
a specific period of interaction between the user and system from log-on to
between a user and an log-off. Sessions may be aborted
automated system. prematurely by unusual systems or
telecommunications events to produce an
artificial log-off point. Sophisticated systems
allow sessions to be suspended and
resumed later or to change applications
during a particular session.
1016 Subsession Code or number used to identify
identifier a period of interaction with one
specific service provided within a
single session on an automated
1017 Reference Code or number assigned to an This number is used to monitor and verify
identifier intersystem communication. that all system interactions have been
transferred and processed in the proper
1018 Continue flag Instruction that processing should Possible values:
continue even though resource 0 = continue
constraints (1020, 1021, 1251) 1 = stop
have been exceeded.
1019 Suspend flag Indication whether processing Possible values:
has been suspended whenever 0 = processing not suspended
resource constraints (1020, 1021, 1 = processing suspended
1251) have been exceeded.
1020 Cost constraint Predefined monetary value Cost constraints are frequently used to limit
which, if exceeded, will result in a the system resources that may be
specific system action. consumed by any one user over a given
period of time.
1021 Session length Predefined time limit which, if A system will typically terminate a session
constraint exceeded, will result in a after a set amount of time of system usage
predefined system action. or inactivity.
1022 Resource usage Numeric value used to indicate Systems typically maintain information on
type the type of system resource that the following resources in order to support
has been used within a session planning, monitoring and controlling of these
or given time period. resources.
Possible values:
0 = CPU time
1 = connect type
4 = number of sessions
7 = packets transmitted
8 = memory
9 = terminal transactions
10 = number of disk accesses
11 = number of tapes
Used in conjunction with amount of usage
6 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1023 System Data collected to inform Possible values:
performance management about system 0 = start-up delay
performance. 1 = percentage of downtime
2 = number of system malfunctions
3 = number of telecommunication
4 = average response time
Used in conjunction with amount of usage
1024 Amount of usage Figure that measures the values
established under resource
usage type (1022) and system
performance (1023).
1030 Institution Group of data elements or code
identification intended to identify an institution
participating in a session or
Group identifier for data elements
1031-1037, 1050-1063, 1070-
1031 Name of Word, or phrase or initialism
institution intended to identify an institution
or corporation.
Group identifier for data elements
1032 to 1034.
1032 Main unit of Base name of an institution,
institution name usually the name of the governing
1033 Subordinate unit of Part of a name of an institution This data element may be repeated to
institution name that defines a subdivision or define subordinates of subordinates.
department or unit of the
1034 Abbreviated name Short form of an institution’s
name (1031).
1035 Institution identifier Code used to identify the Example:
code numbering system contained in ISIL (ISO 15511)
the institution identifier.
1036 Institution identifier Unique number or code used to
identify an institution.
1037 Official seal of Design, initial or other device
institution serving to identify an institution in
an official manner.
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1050 Address Code or phrase that gives the This element may be used in conjunction
geographic location or place with institution identification (1030). For
associated with an institution. telenetwork addresses see 1070.
Group identifier for data elements
1051-1063, 1070-1075.
1051 Address instruction Word or code that indicates the This data element is used in conjunction with
type of message or mail that is address (1050).
sent to the address where there
are multiple addresses Possible values:
associated with an institution or
0 = ship to
individual. 1 = bill to
1052 Address type Code, word or phrase that Possible values:
defines the nature of a particular 0 = temporary address
address where there are multiple 1 = permanent address
addresses associated with an 4 = other
1053 Delivery service Code, word or phrase that Possible values:
indicates the mail service that will 0 = national mail service
deliver to an address. 1 = campus mail
2 = internal courier
3 = other
1054 Current address Code, word or phrase that Where all types of messages and mail are
flag indicates which address, of a sent to only one address, this data element
series of addresses associated is used to indicate the current address from
with an institution, is valid. possible multiple addresses. Where different
types of messages and mail are sent to
different addresses, then the address
instruction data element (1051) is used
instead of this element.
Possible values:
0 = current
1 = not current
2 = unknown
1055 Post office box Box number assigned by the
postal authority.
1056 Location within Code, number and/or phrase Used when a second sequence of
building used to identify a location within a numbering in addition to a street name and
building or building complex number (data elements 1057 and 1058) are
needed to identify a particular location.
Suite 42
Level 4
Reserve reading room
Children's library
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1057 Street name Phrase used to identify route
within a city, rural or local area,
including street, road, boulevard,
avenue, etc.
1058 Street number Number and/or phrase used to This data element can be used to include
identify a location of a building the names of buildings. It is used in
within a route. conjunction with the data element location
within building (1056) and street name
(1057). The data elements may be
combined into one address line.
1059 City Word or phrase used to identify a
city, including suburb or postal
1060 Locality Word or phrase identifying a Includes county, parish, etc.
subentity within a country.
1061 Region Word or phrase identifying an Includes state, province, department and
area within a country. prefecture.
1062 Country Word or phrase used to identify a For country codes consult ISO 3166-1.
1063 Postal code Code assigned by the postal
authorities of a country that
uniquely identifies an address or
group of addresses.
1064 Telecommunication Code, word, phrase or initialism It may be necessary to identify more than
carrier used to identify the one carrier. The name of the carrier may
telecommunications carrier also imply the switching technology that is
facilities being used to access a being used (i.e. packet-switched or circuit-
remote system. switched).
1070 Telenetwork Unique number or code used to
address identify a device within a
communications network.
Group identifier for data elements
1071 Telephone number Unique number assigned to a
telephone line.
1072 Telefacsimile Telecommunications number
number used for sending and receiving
1073 Electronic mail Unique number assigned to an
identifier electronic mail box or service
1074 Telenetwork user Unique code assigned to a user This data element may or may not be the
identifier in a communication network. same value as institution identifier (1036).
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved 9
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1075 Host system Unique number or code used to See ISO/IEC 7498-3.
network address identify a host system within a
communication network.
1090 User Group of data elements or code
identification intended to identify an individual
or institution involved in a
Group identifier for data elements
1091 User affiliation Name of the system that has Used in conjunction with user's internal
registered a unique number or identification (1092) to identify a user
code to identify a user. uniquely on a system.
Can include standard codes such as SAN
and vendor agency code.
1092 User's internal Unique number or code used by This number is the number used by the
identification a system to identify a person or system to identify a user, as distinct from a
institution involved in a user identification number (1093) that may
transaction. appear on a user’s identity card.
1093 User identification Number presented to a system to
number identify a user.
1094 Check digit Name of an algorithm used for
algorithm generating a check digit in a user
identification number.
1096 User password Data string used to validate a Systems may require a password when a
user for restricted or confidential user is performing transactions personally,
activities. e.g. catalogue updates, loans, renewals,
reservations. The password may be
encrypted. This can be, and usually is,
different from the passwords (1012) needed
to establish a session.
1097 User's role Role of a user in a transaction. Possible values:
0 = creator of catalogue record or part
1 = modifier of catalogue record or part
2 = reviewer
1100 User’s name Name of a person or institution
involved in a transaction.
1150 Session transaction Listing of transactions previously
history executed during a session.
10 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1200 Session Set of phrases or codes used to
parameters convey default values (predefined
by a system and/or offset by a
user) and other variable,
non-instructional information
pertinent to a system or session.
Group identifier for data elements
1211-1214, 1251.
1210 Service profile Number of coded or free text
statements that identify the
policies, services, charges,
service hours, etc. pertaining to a
service provider.
Group identifier for data elements
1211-1214, 3003, 3005 and
1211 Protocol options Code, word or phrase that Values provided in ISO 23950:
specifies capabilities that are 0 = search
supported by a service provider 1 = present
or user. 2 = delete results set
3 = resource report
4 = trigger resource control
5 = resource control
6 = access control
7 = scan
8 = sort
9 = blank (reserved)
10 = extended services (ES)
11 = segmentation lev
First edition
Information and documentation —
Bibliographic data element directory —
Part 5:
Data elements for the exchange of
cataloguing and metadata
Information et documentation — Répertoire des éléments de données
bibliographiques —
Partie 5: Éléments de données pour l'échange de catalogues et de
Reference number
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
ISO 2002
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
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Printed in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope.1
2 Normative references.1
3 Terms and definitions .2
4 Directory.3
5 Index.34
6 Structured order of data elements.47
7 Cataloguing application message matrix.54
Annex A (normative) Selected data element values.61
Annex B (informative) Examples of how this part of ISO 8459 may be used.66
Annex C (informative) Relationship of the five parts of ISO 8459.68
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted
by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 8459 may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 8459-5 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 4, Computer applications in information and documentation.
ISO 8459 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information and documentation — Bibliographic
data element directory:
Part 1: Interloan applications
Part 2: Acquisitions applications
Part 3: Information retrieval applications
Part 4: Circulation applications
Part 5: Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata
Annex A forms a normative part of this part of ISO 8459. Annexes B and C are for information only.
iv © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Data are interchanged for the purpose of starting or supporting a process. In order to transmit information required
to support a process, the various elements of data in the interchanged messages must be fully understandable for
the processes concerned. This part of ISO 8459 describes, in the form of a directory, data elements used to
support cataloguing.
The data elements that may occur in a cataloguing transaction are presented in four ways:
a) a data element directory (see clause 4), and code values and description for messages (see A.2) and
date/time qualifier (see A.3);
b) an index (see clause 5) consisting of names, keywords and synonyms for data elements, and data element
values, including names assigned to messages (see annex A);
c) a structured order of data elements (see clause 6) which relates similar data elements in a hierarchical
d) a matrix (see clause 7) showing the data elements pertaining to specific cataloguing messages.
This part of ISO 8459 is the fifth part of a series which comprises a comprehensive data element directory for
bibliographic use. This part of ISO 8459 is primarily intended for new cataloguing systems, for the exchange of
cataloguing messages between different systems and for the exchange of data between client and server in the
client/server model.
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved v
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Information and documentation — Bibliographic data element
directory —
Part 5:
Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata
1 Scope
This part of ISO 8459 specifies and describes data elements required in the interchange of data between
cataloguing systems (i.e. terminal to computer or computer to computer). It also identifies messages and their data
elements which are used in cataloguing systems.
It is intended to support both batch and interactive cataloguing transactions.
Annex B provides examples of how this part of ISO 8459 may be used.
The structuring of the data elements into messages falls outside the scope of this part of ISO 8459.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 8459. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 8459 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 639-2:1988, Codes for the representation of names and languages — Part 2: Alpha-3 code
ISO 2709:1996, Information and documentation — Format for information interchange
ISO 3166-1:1997, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country
ISO/IEC 7498-3:1997, Information processing systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference
Model: Naming and addressing
ISO 8601:2000, Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and
ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation — Holdings statements — Summary level
ISO 23950:1998, Information and documentation — Information retrieval (Z39.50) — Application service definition
and protocol specification
UCP, Union Catalogue Profile. International Registered Profile (to be used with ISO 23950)
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO 8459, the following terms and definitions apply.
authority record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls a standardized form of a name, subject,
series or other heading
bibliographic item
unit or set of units in any physical form, either serial or non-serial, that are published, issued or treated as an entity
or work, and form the basis for a single bibliographic description
bibliographic record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls a bibliographic item
character string
arbitrary combination of letters, digits, punctuation marks or other symbols
catalogue record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls bibliographic or authority data or holdings
process of compiling a record for inclusion in one or more catalogues or indexes, that describes an entity and
assists in its retrieval
physical representation or piece of a bibliographic item
data element
basic unit of identifiable and definable data which has a data element name represented by a tag as identifier and
one or more values for expressing (a) particular fact(s)
data element directory
listing of data elements with specifications of representative data element values, as appropriate
data element group
set of related data elements
data element group name
one or more words in a natural language identifying a data element group
data element name
one or more words in a natural language identifying a data element
data element value
fact expressed by codes, digits or natural language corresponding to the data element description and
2 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
holdings record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls holdings associated with a bibliographic
holdings statement
record of the locations of a specific bibliographic item and, optionally, the units of that item held at a location
structured combination of data elements used in a transaction
data that are included in an entity or linked to an entity that describe the entity and assist in its retrieval
group of data usually treated as a unit
way in which a particular data element value is expressed using one or more number(s), letter(s) or symbol(s)
serial issue
unit of a bibliographic item that is issued in successive parts at regular or irregular intervals and intended to be
continued indefinitely
identifier allocated for use in place of a data element name or data element group name
NOTE In this part of ISO 8459, a group of four digits.
creation or modification of a message required to support the cataloguing of an item or a bibliographic holdings
4 Directory
The directory names and defines data elements and data element groups used to support cataloguing transactions.
The information pertaining to each data element or data element group is presented in four separate columns,
labelled tag, name, description and representation and remarks. A “tag” is used to identify a data element as well
as a data element group. “Name” contains data element names and data element group names. Data element
group names are printed in bold letters to distinguish them from data element names. “Description” includes a
definition for each data element or data element group followed by a list of corresponding tags and data elements
that comprise the group. “Representation and remarks” includes explanatory text about conventions and/or
standards used to represent values applicable to a data element or a data element group as well as sample values,
if applicable.
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
0001 Message Data used to identify a particular
identification message.
Group identifier for data elements
0002 Message name Phrase or code identifying the See A.2
function of a message.
0003 Date Year, month and day on which a Also used in conjunction with date/time
transaction is performed, a qualifier (9005). See A.3 for the various
message is sent or an event qualifiers that can be specified. See
occurs. ISO 8601.
0004 Time stamp Time at which a transaction is Used by automated systems to indicate the
sent, a message is sent or precise hour, minute and second, and part
received or an event occurs. of a second that a transaction occurred.
Used in conjunction with A.3. See ISO 8601.
0010 Transaction number Code or number assigned to a This number is assigned by the institution
document or message responsible for creating the specific type of
exchanged in a transaction. document or message (e.g. record insert,
item replacement etc.).
0011 Transaction Code to indicate whether or not a Possible values:
completion flag transaction has been successful 0 = unsuccessful
or not. 1 = successful
0020 Additional Group of data elements that may
transaction accompany a transaction to
information provide additional information.
Group identifier for data elements
0021 Additional Code or phrase identifying the Examples:
transaction nature of the contents of sent by target:
information additional transaction information. — information unrelated to a transaction
such as system availability;
— security restriction instruction.
sent by origin:
— review instruction.
0022 Instruction override Code, defined internally by a Used in conjunction with additional
system, indicating the actions transaction information (0021) and with
that may follow from a particular transaction error condition (0025).
message or message part. Possible values:
0 = override possible
1 = override possible with password
2 = override possible with security clearance
3 = override not possible
4 = affirmation not required; information only
4 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
0025 Transaction error Code or standardized phrase Related to help topic (9010) but often more
condition sent by a system to indicate the specific than it, pinpointing brief and precise
nature of an error condition in errors rather than textual explanation and
relation to a transaction request. outlines of procedures. May be used in
conjunction with an instruction override
1000 Session details Data that identify various details
about a specific session.
Group identifier for data elements
1000-1024, 1030, 1150, 1200-
1214, 1250-1254.
1010 Transaction Data that identify an institution
participant which participates in a
Group identifier for 1011-1014,
1011 Participant's Word or code specifying the Possible values:
function function or role performed by a 0 = service provider
party to a session. 1 = database provider
2 = intermediary, gateway server
3 = operator
1012 Password Code used by a system to This code may be revised periodically to
authenticate the identity of an preserve its security. A password is typically
individual or automated process supplied by the user at session initiation time
that has requested or is using a but it could also be requested at any time
system function or service. during a session.
1013 Password edition Code or phrase used to identify This data element is used in conjunction with
the current and previous an institution identifier (1036) and
password or passwords. telenetwork user identifier (1074).
1014 Password type Code or phrase used to indicate This data element is used by systems to
the specific services allowed to support multiple levels of authentication.
the password holder. Possible values:
0 = system connection
1 = database connection
2 = read access
3 = write access
4 = delete privileges
5 = output instructions
Security level (1254) is used to control
access to classified information. Related to
access privileges (1250), which provides
various details associated with a type of
privilege. 1014 states the type of privilege.
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved 5
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1015 Session identifier Code or number used to identify A session typically covers all transactions
a specific period of interaction between the user and system from log-on to
between a user and an log-off. Sessions may be aborted
automated system. prematurely by unusual systems or
telecommunications events to produce an
artificial log-off point. Sophisticated systems
allow sessions to be suspended and
resumed later or to change applications
during a particular session.
1016 Subsession Code or number used to identify
identifier a period of interaction with one
specific service provided within a
single session on an automated
1017 Reference Code or number assigned to an This number is used to monitor and verify
identifier intersystem communication. that all system interactions have been
transferred and processed in the proper
1018 Continue flag Instruction that processing should Possible values:
continue even though resource 0 = continue
constraints (1020, 1021, 1251) 1 = stop
have been exceeded.
1019 Suspend flag Indication whether processing Possible values:
has been suspended whenever 0 = processing not suspended
resource constraints (1020, 1021, 1 = processing suspended
1251) have been exceeded.
1020 Cost constraint Predefined monetary value Cost constraints are frequently used to limit
which, if exceeded, will result in a the system resources that may be
specific system action. consumed by any one user over a given
period of time.
1021 Session length Predefined time limit which, if A system will typically terminate a session
constraint exceeded, will result in a after a set amount of time of system usage
predefined system action. or inactivity.
1022 Resource usage Numeric value used to indicate Systems typically maintain information on
type the type of system resource that the following resources in order to support
has been used within a session planning, monitoring and controlling of these
or given time period. resources.
Possible values:
0 = CPU time
1 = connect type
4 = number of sessions
7 = packets transmitted
8 = memory
9 = terminal transactions
10 = number of disk accesses
11 = number of tapes
Used in conjunction with amount of usage
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1023 System Data collected to inform Possible values:
performance management about system 0 = start-up delay
performance. 1 = percentage of downtime
2 = number of system malfunctions
3 = number of telecommunication
4 = average response time
Used in conjunction with amount of usage
1024 Amount of usage Figure that measures the values
established under resource
usage type (1022) and system
performance (1023).
1030 Institution Group of data elements or code
identification intended to identify an institution
participating in a session or
Group identifier for data elements
1031-1037, 1050-1063, 1070-
1031 Name of Word, or phrase or initialism
institution intended to identify an institution
or corporation.
Group identifier for data elements
1032 to 1034.
1032 Main unit of Base name of an institution,
institution name usually the name of the governing
1033 Subordinate unit of Part of a name of an institution This data element may be repeated to
institution name that defines a subdivision or define subordinates of subordinates.
department or unit of the
1034 Abbreviated name Short form of an institution’s
name (1031).
1035 Institution identifier Code used to identify the Example:
code numbering system contained in ISIL (ISO 15511)
the institution identifier.
1036 Institution identifier Unique number or code used to
identify an institution.
1037 Official seal of Design, initial or other device
institution serving to identify an institution in
an official manner.
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1050 Address Code or phrase that gives the This element may be used in conjunction
geographic location or place with institution identification (1030). For
associated with an institution. telenetwork addresses see 1070.
Group identifier for data elements
1051-1063, 1070-1075.
1051 Address instruction Word or code that indicates the This data element is used in conjunction with
type of message or mail that is address (1050).
sent to the address where there
are multiple addresses Possible values:
associated with an institution or
0 = ship to
individual. 1 = bill to
1052 Address type Code, word or phrase that Possible values:
defines the nature of a particular 0 = temporary address
address where there are multiple 1 = permanent address
addresses associated with an 4 = other
1053 Delivery service Code, word or phrase that Possible values:
indicates the mail service that will 0 = national mail service
deliver to an address. 1 = campus mail
2 = internal courier
3 = other
1054 Current address Code, word or phrase that Where all types of messages and mail are
flag indicates which address, of a sent to only one address, this data element
series of addresses associated is used to indicate the current address from
with an institution, is valid. possible multiple addresses. Where different
types of messages and mail are sent to
different addresses, then the address
instruction data element (1051) is used
instead of this element.
Possible values:
0 = current
1 = not current
2 = unknown
1055 Post office box Box number assigned by the
postal authority.
1056 Location within Code, number and/or phrase Used when a second sequence of
building used to identify a location within a numbering in addition to a street name and
building or building complex number (data elements 1057 and 1058) are
needed to identify a particular location.
Suite 42
Level 4
Reserve reading room
Children's library
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1057 Street name Phrase used to identify route
within a city, rural or local area,
including street, road, boulevard,
avenue, etc.
1058 Street number Number and/or phrase used to This data element can be used to include
identify a location of a building the names of buildings. It is used in
within a route. conjunction with the data element location
within building (1056) and street name
(1057). The data elements may be
combined into one address line.
1059 City Word or phrase used to identify a
city, including suburb or postal
1060 Locality Word or phrase identifying a Includes county, parish, etc.
subentity within a country.
1061 Region Word or phrase identifying an Includes state, province, department and
area within a country. prefecture.
1062 Country Word or phrase used to identify a For country codes consult ISO 3166-1.
1063 Postal code Code assigned by the postal
authorities of a country that
uniquely identifies an address or
group of addresses.
1064 Telecommunication Code, word, phrase or initialism It may be necessary to identify more than
carrier used to identify the one carrier. The name of the carrier may
telecommunications carrier also imply the switching technology that is
facilities being used to access a being used (i.e. packet-switched or circuit-
remote system. switched).
1070 Telenetwork Unique number or code used to
address identify a device within a
communications network.
Group identifier for data elements
1071 Telephone number Unique number assigned to a
telephone line.
1072 Telefacsimile Telecommunications number
number used for sending and receiving
1073 Electronic mail Unique number assigned to an
identifier electronic mail box or service
1074 Telenetwork user Unique code assigned to a user This data element may or may not be the
identifier in a communication network. same value as institution identifier (1036).
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1075 Host system Unique number or code used to See ISO/IEC 7498-3.
network address identify a host system within a
communication network.
1090 User Group of data elements or code
identification intended to identify an individual
or institution involved in a
Group identifier for data elements
1091 User affiliation Name of the system that has Used in conjunction with user's internal
registered a unique number or identification (1092) to identify a user
code to identify a user. uniquely on a system.
Can include standard codes such as SAN
and vendor agency code.
1092 User's internal Unique number or code used by This number is the number used by the
identification a system to identify a person or system to identify a user, as distinct from a
institution involved in a user identification number (1093) that may
transaction. appear on a user’s identity card.
1093 User identification Number presented to a system to
number identify a user.
1094 Check digit Name of an algorithm used for
algorithm generating a check digit in a user
identification number.
1096 User password Data string used to validate a Systems may require a password when a
user for restricted or confidential user is performing transactions personally,
activities. e.g. catalogue updates, loans, renewals,
reservations. The password may be
encrypted. This can be, and usually is,
different from the passwords (1012) needed
to establish a session.
1097 User's role Role of a user in a transaction. Possible values:
0 = creator of catalogue record or part
1 = modifier of catalogue record or part
2 = reviewer
1100 User’s name Name of a person or institution
involved in a transaction.
1150 Session transaction Listing of transactions previously
history executed during a session.
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1200 Session Set of phrases or codes used to
parameters convey default values (predefined
by a system and/or offset by a
user) and other variable,
non-instructional information
pertinent to a system or session.
Group identifier for data elements
1211-1214, 1251.
1210 Service profile Number of coded or free text
statements that identify the
policies, services, charges,
service hours, etc. pertaining to a
service provider.
Group identifier for data elements
1211-1214, 3003, 3005 and
1211 Protocol options Code, word or phrase that Values provided in ISO 23950:
specifies capabilities that are 0 = search
supported by a service provider 1 = present
or user. 2 = delete results set
3 = resource report
4 = trigger resource control
5 = resource control
6 = access control
7 = scan
8 = sort
9 = blank (reserved)
10 = extended servic
SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
Information and documentation -- Bibliographic data element directory -- Part 5: Data
elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata
Information et documentation -- Répertoire des éléments de données bibliographiques --
Partie 5: Éléments de données pour l'échange de catalogues et de métadonnées
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 8459-5:2002
01.140.20 Informacijske vede Information sciences
35.240.30 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in information,
informatiki, dokumentiranju in documentation and
založništvu publishing
SIST ISO 8459-5:2005 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
First edition
Information and documentation —
Bibliographic data element directory —
Part 5:
Data elements for the exchange of
cataloguing and metadata
Information et documentation — Répertoire des éléments de données
bibliographiques —
Partie 5: Éléments de données pour l'échange de catalogues et de
Reference number
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
ISO 2002
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
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ii © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope.1
2 Normative references.1
3 Terms and definitions .2
4 Directory.3
5 Index.34
6 Structured order of data elements.47
7 Cataloguing application message matrix.54
Annex A (normative) Selected data element values.61
Annex B (informative) Examples of how this part of ISO 8459 may be used.66
Annex C (informative) Relationship of the five parts of ISO 8459.68
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted
by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 8459 may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 8459-5 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 4, Computer applications in information and documentation.
ISO 8459 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information and documentation — Bibliographic
data element directory:
Part 1: Interloan applications
Part 2: Acquisitions applications
Part 3: Information retrieval applications
Part 4: Circulation applications
Part 5: Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata
Annex A forms a normative part of this part of ISO 8459. Annexes B and C are for information only.
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ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Data are interchanged for the purpose of starting or supporting a process. In order to transmit information required
to support a process, the various elements of data in the interchanged messages must be fully understandable for
the processes concerned. This part of ISO 8459 describes, in the form of a directory, data elements used to
support cataloguing.
The data elements that may occur in a cataloguing transaction are presented in four ways:
a) a data element directory (see clause 4), and code values and description for messages (see A.2) and
date/time qualifier (see A.3);
b) an index (see clause 5) consisting of names, keywords and synonyms for data elements, and data element
values, including names assigned to messages (see annex A);
c) a structured order of data elements (see clause 6) which relates similar data elements in a hierarchical
d) a matrix (see clause 7) showing the data elements pertaining to specific cataloguing messages.
This part of ISO 8459 is the fifth part of a series which comprises a comprehensive data element directory for
bibliographic use. This part of ISO 8459 is primarily intended for new cataloguing systems, for the exchange of
cataloguing messages between different systems and for the exchange of data between client and server in the
client/server model.
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
Information and documentation — Bibliographic data element
directory —
Part 5:
Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata
1 Scope
This part of ISO 8459 specifies and describes data elements required in the interchange of data between
cataloguing systems (i.e. terminal to computer or computer to computer). It also identifies messages and their data
elements which are used in cataloguing systems.
It is intended to support both batch and interactive cataloguing transactions.
Annex B provides examples of how this part of ISO 8459 may be used.
The structuring of the data elements into messages falls outside the scope of this part of ISO 8459.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 8459. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 8459 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 639-2:1988, Codes for the representation of names and languages — Part 2: Alpha-3 code
ISO 2709:1996, Information and documentation — Format for information interchange
ISO 3166-1:1997, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country
ISO/IEC 7498-3:1997, Information processing systems — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference
Model: Naming and addressing
ISO 8601:2000, Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and
ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation — Holdings statements — Summary level
ISO 23950:1998, Information and documentation — Information retrieval (Z39.50) — Application service definition
and protocol specification
UCP, Union Catalogue Profile. International Registered Profile (to be used with ISO 23950)
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved 1
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO 8459, the following terms and definitions apply.
authority record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls a standardized form of a name, subject,
series or other heading
bibliographic item
unit or set of units in any physical form, either serial or non-serial, that are published, issued or treated as an entity
or work, and form the basis for a single bibliographic description
bibliographic record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls a bibliographic item
character string
arbitrary combination of letters, digits, punctuation marks or other symbols
catalogue record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls bibliographic or authority data or holdings
process of compiling a record for inclusion in one or more catalogues or indexes, that describes an entity and
assists in its retrieval
physical representation or piece of a bibliographic item
data element
basic unit of identifiable and definable data which has a data element name represented by a tag as identifier and
one or more values for expressing (a) particular fact(s)
data element directory
listing of data elements with specifications of representative data element values, as appropriate
data element group
set of related data elements
data element group name
one or more words in a natural language identifying a data element group
data element name
one or more words in a natural language identifying a data element
data element value
fact expressed by codes, digits or natural language corresponding to the data element description and
2 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
holdings record
record in a cataloguing system that describes, analyses and controls holdings associated with a bibliographic
holdings statement
record of the locations of a specific bibliographic item and, optionally, the units of that item held at a location
structured combination of data elements used in a transaction
data that are included in an entity or linked to an entity that describe the entity and assist in its retrieval
group of data usually treated as a unit
way in which a particular data element value is expressed using one or more number(s), letter(s) or symbol(s)
serial issue
unit of a bibliographic item that is issued in successive parts at regular or irregular intervals and intended to be
continued indefinitely
identifier allocated for use in place of a data element name or data element group name
NOTE In this part of ISO 8459, a group of four digits.
creation or modification of a message required to support the cataloguing of an item or a bibliographic holdings
4 Directory
The directory names and defines data elements and data element groups used to support cataloguing transactions.
The information pertaining to each data element or data element group is presented in four separate columns,
labelled tag, name, description and representation and remarks. A “tag” is used to identify a data element as well
as a data element group. “Name” contains data element names and data element group names. Data element
group names are printed in bold letters to distinguish them from data element names. “Description” includes a
definition for each data element or data element group followed by a list of corresponding tags and data elements
that comprise the group. “Representation and remarks” includes explanatory text about conventions and/or
standards used to represent values applicable to a data element or a data element group as well as sample values,
if applicable.
© ISO 2002 – All rights reserved 3
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
0001 Message Data used to identify a particular
identification message.
Group identifier for data elements
0002 Message name Phrase or code identifying the See A.2
function of a message.
0003 Date Year, month and day on which a Also used in conjunction with date/time
transaction is performed, a qualifier (9005). See A.3 for the various
message is sent or an event qualifiers that can be specified. See
occurs. ISO 8601.
0004 Time stamp Time at which a transaction is Used by automated systems to indicate the
sent, a message is sent or precise hour, minute and second, and part
received or an event occurs. of a second that a transaction occurred.
Used in conjunction with A.3. See ISO 8601.
0010 Transaction number Code or number assigned to a This number is assigned by the institution
document or message responsible for creating the specific type of
exchanged in a transaction. document or message (e.g. record insert,
item replacement etc.).
0011 Transaction Code to indicate whether or not a Possible values:
completion flag transaction has been successful 0 = unsuccessful
or not. 1 = successful
0020 Additional Group of data elements that may
transaction accompany a transaction to
information provide additional information.
Group identifier for data elements
0021 Additional Code or phrase identifying the Examples:
transaction nature of the contents of sent by target:
information additional transaction information. — information unrelated to a transaction
such as system availability;
— security restriction instruction.
sent by origin:
— review instruction.
0022 Instruction override Code, defined internally by a Used in conjunction with additional
system, indicating the actions transaction information (0021) and with
that may follow from a particular transaction error condition (0025).
message or message part. Possible values:
0 = override possible
1 = override possible with password
2 = override possible with security clearance
3 = override not possible
4 = affirmation not required; information only
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
0025 Transaction error Code or standardized phrase Related to help topic (9010) but often more
condition sent by a system to indicate the specific than it, pinpointing brief and precise
nature of an error condition in errors rather than textual explanation and
relation to a transaction request. outlines of procedures. May be used in
conjunction with an instruction override
1000 Session details Data that identify various details
about a specific session.
Group identifier for data elements
1000-1024, 1030, 1150, 1200-
1214, 1250-1254.
1010 Transaction Data that identify an institution
participant which participates in a
Group identifier for 1011-1014,
1011 Participant's Word or code specifying the Possible values:
function function or role performed by a 0 = service provider
party to a session. 1 = database provider
2 = intermediary, gateway server
3 = operator
1012 Password Code used by a system to This code may be revised periodically to
authenticate the identity of an preserve its security. A password is typically
individual or automated process supplied by the user at session initiation time
that has requested or is using a but it could also be requested at any time
system function or service. during a session.
1013 Password edition Code or phrase used to identify This data element is used in conjunction with
the current and previous an institution identifier (1036) and
password or passwords. telenetwork user identifier (1074).
1014 Password type Code or phrase used to indicate This data element is used by systems to
the specific services allowed to support multiple levels of authentication.
the password holder. Possible values:
0 = system connection
1 = database connection
2 = read access
3 = write access
4 = delete privileges
5 = output instructions
Security level (1254) is used to control
access to classified information. Related to
access privileges (1250), which provides
various details associated with a type of
privilege. 1014 states the type of privilege.
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1015 Session identifier Code or number used to identify A session typically covers all transactions
a specific period of interaction between the user and system from log-on to
between a user and an log-off. Sessions may be aborted
automated system. prematurely by unusual systems or
telecommunications events to produce an
artificial log-off point. Sophisticated systems
allow sessions to be suspended and
resumed later or to change applications
during a particular session.
1016 Subsession Code or number used to identify
identifier a period of interaction with one
specific service provided within a
single session on an automated
1017 Reference Code or number assigned to an This number is used to monitor and verify
identifier intersystem communication. that all system interactions have been
transferred and processed in the proper
1018 Continue flag Instruction that processing should Possible values:
continue even though resource 0 = continue
constraints (1020, 1021, 1251) 1 = stop
have been exceeded.
1019 Suspend flag Indication whether processing Possible values:
has been suspended whenever 0 = processing not suspended
resource constraints (1020, 1021, 1 = processing suspended
1251) have been exceeded.
1020 Cost constraint Predefined monetary value Cost constraints are frequently used to limit
which, if exceeded, will result in a the system resources that may be
specific system action. consumed by any one user over a given
period of time.
1021 Session length Predefined time limit which, if A system will typically terminate a session
constraint exceeded, will result in a after a set amount of time of system usage
predefined system action. or inactivity.
1022 Resource usage Numeric value used to indicate Systems typically maintain information on
type the type of system resource that the following resources in order to support
has been used within a session planning, monitoring and controlling of these
or given time period. resources.
Possible values:
0 = CPU time
1 = connect type
4 = number of sessions
7 = packets transmitted
8 = memory
9 = terminal transactions
10 = number of disk accesses
11 = number of tapes
Used in conjunction with amount of usage
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1023 System Data collected to inform Possible values:
performance management about system 0 = start-up delay
performance. 1 = percentage of downtime
2 = number of system malfunctions
3 = number of telecommunication
4 = average response time
Used in conjunction with amount of usage
1024 Amount of usage Figure that measures the values
established under resource
usage type (1022) and system
performance (1023).
1030 Institution Group of data elements or code
identification intended to identify an institution
participating in a session or
Group identifier for data elements
1031-1037, 1050-1063, 1070-
1031 Name of Word, or phrase or initialism
institution intended to identify an institution
or corporation.
Group identifier for data elements
1032 to 1034.
1032 Main unit of Base name of an institution,
institution name usually the name of the governing
1033 Subordinate unit of Part of a name of an institution This data element may be repeated to
institution name that defines a subdivision or define subordinates of subordinates.
department or unit of the
1034 Abbreviated name Short form of an institution’s
name (1031).
1035 Institution identifier Code used to identify the Example:
code numbering system contained in ISIL (ISO 15511)
the institution identifier.
1036 Institution identifier Unique number or code used to
identify an institution.
1037 Official seal of Design, initial or other device
institution serving to identify an institution in
an official manner.
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1050 Address Code or phrase that gives the This element may be used in conjunction
geographic location or place with institution identification (1030). For
associated with an institution. telenetwork addresses see 1070.
Group identifier for data elements
1051-1063, 1070-1075.
1051 Address instruction Word or code that indicates the This data element is used in conjunction with
type of message or mail that is address (1050).
sent to the address where there
are multiple addresses Possible values:
associated with an institution or
0 = ship to
individual. 1 = bill to
1052 Address type Code, word or phrase that Possible values:
defines the nature of a particular 0 = temporary address
address where there are multiple 1 = permanent address
addresses associated with an 4 = other
1053 Delivery service Code, word or phrase that Possible values:
indicates the mail service that will 0 = national mail service
deliver to an address. 1 = campus mail
2 = internal courier
3 = other
1054 Current address Code, word or phrase that Where all types of messages and mail are
flag indicates which address, of a sent to only one address, this data element
series of addresses associated is used to indicate the current address from
with an institution, is valid. possible multiple addresses. Where different
types of messages and mail are sent to
different addresses, then the address
instruction data element (1051) is used
instead of this element.
Possible values:
0 = current
1 = not current
2 = unknown
1055 Post office box Box number assigned by the
postal authority.
1056 Location within Code, number and/or phrase Used when a second sequence of
building used to identify a location within a numbering in addition to a street name and
building or building complex number (data elements 1057 and 1058) are
needed to identify a particular location.
Suite 42
Level 4
Reserve reading room
Children's library
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1057 Street name Phrase used to identify route
within a city, rural or local area,
including street, road, boulevard,
avenue, etc.
1058 Street number Number and/or phrase used to This data element can be used to include
identify a location of a building the names of buildings. It is used in
within a route. conjunction with the data element location
within building (1056) and street name
(1057). The data elements may be
combined into one address line.
1059 City Word or phrase used to identify a
city, including suburb or postal
1060 Locality Word or phrase identifying a Includes county, parish, etc.
subentity within a country.
1061 Region Word or phrase identifying an Includes state, province, department and
area within a country. prefecture.
1062 Country Word or phrase used to identify a For country codes consult ISO 3166-1.
1063 Postal code Code assigned by the postal
authorities of a country that
uniquely identifies an address or
group of addresses.
1064 Telecommunication Code, word, phrase or initialism It may be necessary to identify more than
carrier used to identify the one carrier. The name of the carrier may
telecommunications carrier also imply the switching technology that is
facilities being used to access a being used (i.e. packet-switched or circuit-
remote system. switched).
1070 Telenetwork Unique number or code used to
address identify a device within a
communications network.
Group identifier for data elements
1071 Telephone number Unique number assigned to a
telephone line.
1072 Telefacsimile Telecommunications number
number used for sending and receiving
1073 Electronic mail Unique number assigned to an
identifier electronic mail box or service
1074 Telenetwork user Unique code assigned to a user This data element may or may not be the
identifier in a communication network. same value as institution identifier (1036).
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SIST ISO 8459-5:2005
ISO 8459-5:2002(E)
Tag Name Description Representation and remarks
1075 Host system Unique number or code used to See ISO/IEC 7498-3.
network address identify a host system within a
communication network.
1090 User Group of data elements or code
identification intended to identify an individual
or institution involved in a
Group identifier for data elements
1091 User affiliation Name of the system that has Used in conjunction with user's internal
registered a unique number or identification (1092) to identify a user
code to identify a user. uniquely on a system.
Can include standard codes such as SAN
and vendor agency code.
1092 User's internal Unique number or code used by This number is the number used by the
identification a system to identify a person or system to identify a user, as distinct from a
institution involved in a user identification number (1093) that may
transaction. appear on a user’s identity card.
1093 User identification Number presented to a system to
number identify a user.
1094 Check digit Name of an algorithm used for
algorithm generating a check digit in a user
identification number.
1096 User password Data string used to validate a Systems may require a password when a
user for restricted or confidential user is performing transactions personally,
activities. e.g. catalogue updates, loans, renewals,
reservations. The password may be
encrypted. This can be, and usually is,
Première édition
Information et documentation —
Répertoire des éléments de données
bibliographiques —
Partie 5:
Éléments de données pour l'échange de
catalogues et de métadonnées
Information and documentation — Bibliographic data element
directory —
Part 5: Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata
Numéro de référence
ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
ISO 2002
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
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ii © ISO 2002 — Tous droits réservés
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos. iv
Introduction . v
1 Domaine d'application. 1
2 Références normatives. 1
3 Termes et définitions . 2
4 Répertoire. 3
5 Index. 39
6 Présentation structurée des éléments de données. 54
7 Matrice des messages de l’application de catalogage . 63
Annexe A (normative) Choix des valeurs d'éléments de données . 86
Annexe B (informative) Exemples d'utilisation de la présente partie de l'ISO 8459. 91
Annexe C (informative) Relation entre les cinq parties de l'ISO 8459. 93
Bibliographie . 98
© ISO 2002 — Tous droits réservés iii
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée
aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du
comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec
la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI,
Partie 2.
La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour vote. Leur
publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne
pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'ISO 8459-5 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 46, Information et documentation, sous-comité
SC 4, Applications informatiques en information et documentation.
L'ISO 8459 comprend les parties suivantes, présentées sous le titre général Information et documentation —
Répertoire des éléments de données bibliographiques:
Partie 1: Applications au prêt-inter
Partie 2: Applications aux acquisitions
Partie 3: Applications à la recherche documentaire
Partie 4: Applications à la circulation
Partie 5: Éléments de données pour l'échange de catalogues et de métadonnées
L’Annexe A fait partie intégrante de la présente partie de l’ISO 8459. Les Annexes B et C sont données
uniquement à titre d’information.
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
Les échanges de données servent à initialiser ou à poursuivre une procédure. La transmission des données
nécessaires au déroulement d’une procédure exige que les différents éléments de données des messages
échangés soient parfaitement compréhensibles dans les procédures engagées. La présente partie de
l’ISO 8459 décrit, sous forme de répertoire, les éléments de données utilisés dans les procédures de
Les éléments de données que peut comporter une transaction de catalogage sont présentés de quatre
a) un répertoire des éléments de données (voir Article 4) avec des valeurs de codes et la description des
messages (voir A.2) et des qualificatifs date/heure (voir A.3);
b) un index (voir Article 5) englobant les noms, les mots-clés et les synonymes des éléments de données et
des valeurs des éléments de données, y compris les noms attribués aux messages (voir Annexe A);
c) une présentation structurée des éléments de données (voir Article 6) qui regroupe les éléments de
données semblables de façon hiérarchique;
d) un tableau (voir Article 7) montrant les éléments de données qui se rattachent à des messages
spécifiques de catalogage.
La présente partie de l’ISO 8459 est le cinquième maillon d’une série qui constitue le répertoire complet des
éléments de données destinés à un usage bibliographique. La présente partie de l’ISO 8459 concerne
principalement les nouveaux systèmes de catalogage pour l’échange des messages de catalogage entre
différents systèmes et pour l’échange de données entre client et serveur dans l’architecture client/serveur.
© ISO 2002 — Tous droits réservés v
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Information et documentation — Répertoire des éléments de
données bibliographiques —
Partie 5:
Éléments de données pour l'échange de catalogues et de
1 Domaine d'application
La présente partie de l’ISO 8459 prescrit et décrit les éléments de données nécessaires à l’échange de
données entre systèmes de catalogage (c’est-à-dire de terminal à ordinateur ou d’ordinateur à ordinateur).
Elle identifie également les messages et leurs éléments de données utilisés dans les systèmes de catalogage.
Elle s’applique aussi bien aux transactions de catalogage en ligne qu’à celles en différé.
L’Annexe B donne des exemples d’utilisation de la présente partie de l’ISO 8459.
La structuration des éléments de données en messages dépasse le domaine d’application de la présente
partie de l’ISO 8459.
2 Références normatives
Les documents normatifs suivants contiennent des dispositions qui, par suite de la référence qui y est faite,
constituent des dispositions valables pour la présente partie de l'ISO 8459. Pour les références datées, les
amendements ultérieurs ou les révisions de ces publications ne s'appliquent pas. Toutefois, les parties
prenantes aux accords fondés sur la présente partie de l'ISO 8459 sont invitées à rechercher la possibilité
d'appliquer les éditions les plus récentes des documents normatifs indiqués ci-après. Pour les références non
datées, la dernière édition du document normatif en référence s'applique. Les membres de l'ISO et de la CEI
possèdent le registre des Normes internationales en vigueur.
ISO 639-2:1998, Codes pour la représentation des noms de langue — Partie 2: Code alpha-3
ISO 2709:1996, Information et documentation — Format pour l'échange d'information
ISO 3166-1:1997, Codes pour la représentation des noms de pays et de leurs subdivisions — Partie 1: Codes
ISO/CEI 7498-3:1997, Technologies de l'information — Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts (OSI) — Modèle
de référence de base — Partie 3: Dénomination et adressage
ISO 8601:2000, Éléments de données et formats d'échange — Échange d'information — Représentation de
la date et de l'heure
ISO 10324:1997, Information et documentation — États de collection — Niveau succinct
ISO 23950:1998, Information et documentation — Recherche d'information (Z39.50) — Définition du service
de l'application et spécification du protocole
UCP, Union Catalogue Profile. International Registered Profile (à utiliser avec l’ISO 23950)
© ISO 2002 — Tous droits réservés 1
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
notice d'autorité
enregistrement dans un système de catalogage qui décrit, analyse et contrôle les formes autorisées d'un nom,
d'un sujet, d'une collection ou d’une autre vedette
entité bibliographique
unité ou ensemble d'unités bibliographiques, sur tout support, périodique ou non, publié ou traité comme une
entité et qui forme la base d'une description bibliographique unique
notice bibliographique
enregistrement dans un système de catalogage qui décrit, analyse et contrôle une entité bibliographique
chaîne de caractères
combinaison arbitraire de lettres, de chiffres, de signes de ponctuation ou d’autres caractères spéciaux
enregistrement de catalogage
enregistrement dans un système de catalogage qui décrit, analyse et contrôle les données bibliographiques
ou d'autorité, ou les données locales
processus de traitement d'un enregistrement dans un système de catalogage en vue de son insertion dans un
ou plusieurs catalogues ou index, qui décrit une entité et permet d'y accéder
représentation physique ou pièce d'une entité bibliographique
élément de données
unité de base d’information identifiable et définissable, identifiée par un nom d’élément de données symbolisé
par une étiquette en tant qu'identificateur et qui comporte une ou plusieurs valeurs exprimant un fait ou des
faits particuliers
répertoire d’éléments de données
liste d’éléments de données avec, au besoin, une indication de leurs valeurs
groupe d’éléments de données
ensemble d’éléments de données connexes
nom d’un groupe d’éléments de données
un ou plusieurs mots servant à identifier un groupe d’éléments de données
nom d’un élément de données
un ou plusieurs mots servant à identifier un élément de données
2 © ISO 2002 — Tous droits réservés
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
valeur d’un élément de données
fait exprimé sous forme de codes, de chiffres ou de mots et correspondant à la description ou à la
représentation d’un élément de données
notice de données locales
enregistrement dans un système de catalogage qui décrit, analyse et contrôle les données locales associées
à une notice bibliographique
mention de localisation
enregistrement des localisations d'une entité bibliographique et, facultativement, des parties de cette entité
conservées à un endroit
combinaison structurée d’éléments de données dans le cadre d’une transaction de catalogage
donnée incorporée ou liée à une entité, qui la décrit et permet d'y accéder
groupe de données généralement traité comme un tout
façon d’exprimer une valeur particulière d’un élément de données à l’aide d’un ou de plusieurs chiffre(s),
lettre(s) ou caractères spéciaux
livraison d'une publication en série
unité d'une entité bibliographique qui est publiée en parties successives à intervalles réguliers ou irréguliers et
qui n'a pas de fin programmée
identificateur qui remplace le nom d’un élément de données ou le nom d’un groupe d’éléments de données
NOTE Dans la présente partie de l’ISO 8459, un nombre de quatre chiffres.
création ou modification d'un message nécessaire au catalogage d'un document ou de ses données locales
4 Répertoire
Le répertoire indique le nom et la définition des éléments de données et des groupes d’éléments de données
utilisés dans les transactions de catalogage. Les données relatives à chaque élément de données ou groupe
d’éléments de données sont présentées en quatre colonnes distinctes avec les intitulés des étiquettes, nom,
description et représentation. Une «étiquette» est utilisée pour identifier un élément de données aussi bien
qu’un groupe. «Nom» veut dire «nom d’un élément de données» ou «nom d’un groupe d’éléments de
données». Le nom d’un groupe d’éléments de données est imprimé en caractères gras pour le distinguer des
noms d’éléments de données. La «description» comprend une définition pour chaque groupe ou élément de
données, suivie, le cas échéant, d’une liste d’étiquettes correspondantes qui composent le groupe. La
colonne «représentation et remarques» comprend des textes explicatifs sur les conventions et/ou normes
utilisées pour décrire les valeurs applicables aux éléments ou aux groupes d’éléments de données, ainsi que
des échantillons de valeurs, le cas échéant.
© ISO 2002 — Tous droits réservés 3
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
Étiquette Nom Description Représentation et remarques
0001 Identification du Information servant à identifier
message un message donné.
Identificateur du groupe pour
les éléments de données
0002 Nom du message Expression ou code identifiant Voir A.2.
la fonction d’un message.
0003 Date Année, mois, et jour de Utilisé également avec Qualificatif
l’exécution d’une transaction, de date/heure (9005). Voir A.3 au
de l’envoi ou de la réception sujet des qualificatifs pouvant être
d’un message ou d’un autre utilisés. Voir l’ISO 8601.
0004 Timbre dateur Heure d’envoi d’une Sert dans les systèmes automatisés
transaction, d’envoi ou de à indiquer exactement heure,
réception d’un message ou minute, seconde et la partie d'une
d’un autre événement. seconde d’une transaction.
Utilisé conjointement avec A.3. Voir
l’ISO 8601
0010 Numéro de transaction Code ou numéro attribué à un Ce numéro est attribué par
document ou à un message l’organisme responsable de la
échangé lors d’une création du type spécifique de
transaction. document ou de message (par
exemple insertion d'un
enregistrement, remplacement d'un
0011 Indicateur d'achèvement Code qui indique si oui ou non Valeurs possibles:
de transaction une transaction a été menée 0 = transaction non réussie
à bien. 1 = transaction réussie
0020 Groupe d'informations Groupe d'éléments de
complémentaires sur la données qui peut être joint à
transaction une transaction pour fournir
des informations
Identificateur du groupe pour
les éléments de données
0021 Information Code ou expression qui Exemples:
complémentaire sur la identifie la nature du contenu envoyée par la cible:
transaction de l'information — information non liée à la
complémentaire sur la transaction, telle que la
transaction. disponibilité du système
— instruction sur des restrictions
de sécurité
envoyée par l'origine:
— instruction de rapport
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
Étiquette Nom Description Représentation et remarques
0022 Instruction pour passer Code, défini pour usage À utiliser en liaison avec Information
outre interne par un système, complémentaire sur la transaction
indiquant les actions permises (0021) et Nature de l'erreur de
en réponse à un message transaction (0025).
donné ou à une partie de
Valeurs possibles:
0 = possibilité de passer outre
1 = possibilité de passer outre avec
mot de passe
2 = possibilité de passer outre avec
3 = impossibilité de passer outre
4 = déclaration non requise:
information seulement
0025 Nature de l'erreur de Code ou expression Lié à Aide ponctuelle (9010) mais
transaction normalisée envoyé par un souvent plus spécifique, donnant
système pour indiquer la des messages d’erreurs brefs et
nature d'une situation d'erreur précis plutôt que des explications
liée à une demande de textuelles et des indications sur les
transaction. procédures. Peut être utilisé en
liaison avec Instruction pour passer
outre (0022).
1000 Renseignements sur la Données servant à identifier
session les diverses caractéristiques
d’une session donnée.
Identificateur de groupe pour
les éléments de données
1000-1024, 1030, 1150,
1200-1214, 1250-1254.
1010 Identification du Données identifiant un
participant organisme impliqué dans une
Identificateur de groupe pour
les éléments de données
1011-1014, 1030.
1011 Fonction du participant Mot ou code qui précise la Valeurs possibles:
fonction ou le rôle joué par un 0 = fournisseur de service
participant dans une session. 1 = fournisseur de base de données
2 = intermédiaire, passerelle
3 = opérateur
1012 Mot de passe Code utilisé par un système Ce code peut être revu
pour authentifier l’identité d’un périodiquement pour garantir sa
individu ou d’une procédure sécurité. Un mot de passe est fourni
informatique qui demande ou habituellement par l’utilisateur en
utilise une fonction ou un début de session, mais il peut
service du système. également être exigé à tout instant
de la session.
1013 Version du mot de passe Code ou expression utilisé Élément de données utilisé en
pour identifier le ou les mot(s) liaison avec Identificateur de
de passe antérieur(s) et l’organisme (1036) et Identificateur
actuel(s). d'un utilisateur de réseau de
télécommunications (1074).
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
Étiquette Nom Description Représentation et remarques
1014 Type de mot de passe Code ou expression utilisé Cet élément de données est utilisé
pour indiquer les services par le système pour permettre de
particuliers auxquels le multiples niveaux d’authentification.
détenteur du mot de passe a
Valeurs possibles:
0 = connexion au système
1 = connexion à une base de
2 = accès en lecture
3 = accès en écriture
4 = droits d’effacement
5 = instructions de sortie
Niveau de sécurité (1254) est utilisé
pour le contrôle d’accès aux
informations confidentielles. Lié à
Droits d’accès (1250), qui fournit
diverses précisions relatives à un
type de droit.
1014 spécifie le type de droit.
1015 Identificateur de session Code ou numéro utilisé pour Une session couvre habituellement
identifier une période toutes les transactions entre
spécifique d’interaction entre l’utilisateur et le système depuis la
un utilisateur et un système connexion jusqu’à la déconnexion.
informatique. Les sessions peuvent être
interrompues prématurément par
des événements imprévus touchant
les systèmes ou le réseau de
télécommunications, provoquant
une déconnexion forcée. Des
systèmes perfectionnés permettent
de suspendre et de reprendre des
sessions ou de changer
d’application au cours d’une
1016 Identificateur de sous- Code ou numéro utilisé pour
session identifier une période
d’interaction avec un service
particulier fourni durant une
même session sur un
système informatique.
1017 Identificateur de référence Code ou numéro attribué à Ce numéro est utilisé pour examiner
une communication entre et vérifier que toutes les interactions
systèmes. des systèmes ont bien été
transférées et traitées dans l’ordre.
1018 Balise de poursuite Instruction permettant de Valeurs possibles:
poursuivre ou non la session, 0 = continuer
même si les limites de 1 = arrêter
ressources (1020, 1021 et
1251) ont été dépassées.
1019 Balise de suspension Indication que la session a été Valeurs possibles:
interrompue ou non, chaque 0 = session non interrompue
fois que les limites de 1 = session interrompue
ressources (1020, 1021 et
1251) ont été dépassées.
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
Étiquette Nom Description Représentation et remarques
1020 Contrainte de coût Montant financier Les contraintes de coût sont
prédéterminé qui, en cas de fréquemment utilisées pour limiter,
dépassement, provoquera au-delà d’une durée déterminée, la
une action spécifique du consommation de ressources du
système. système par un utilisateur.
1021 Contrainte de durée de Durée prédéterminée qui, en Un système termine généralement
session cas de dépassement, la session après une certaine durée
provoquera une action d’utilisation ou de non-utilisation du
prédéterminée du système. système.
1022 Type de ressources Valeur numérique utilisée Les systèmes maintiennent
utilisées pour indiquer le type de habituellement des informations sur
ressources du système qui a les ressources citées ci-dessous
été utilisé durant une session dans le but d’aider à la planification,
ou une période de temps à l’examen et au contrôle de ces
donnée. ressources.
Valeurs possibles:
0 = temps CPU
1 = type de connexion
4 = nombre de sessions
7 = paquets transmis
8 = mémoire
9 = transactions du terminal
10 = nombre d’accès disque
11 = nombre de bandes
Utilisé en liaison avec Chiffrage de
l’utilisation (1024).
1023 Performance du système Données collectées pour Valeurs possibles:
informer les gestionnaires sur 0 = délai de mise en route
la performance du système. 1 = pourcentage d’interruptions
2 = nombre de défaillances du
3 = nombre d’interruptions du
réseau de télécommunications
4 = temps de réponse moyen
Utilisé en liaison avec Chiffrage de
l’utilisation (1024).
1024 Chiffrage de l’utilisation Chiffres qui mesurent les
valeurs correspondantes à
Type de ressources utilisées
(1022) et à Performance du
système (1023).
1030 Identification de Groupe d’éléments de
l’organisme données ou code servant à
identifier un organisme
participant à une session ou à
une transaction.
Identificateur de groupe pour
les éléments de données
1031-1037, 1050-1063,
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
Étiquette Nom Description Représentation et remarques
1031 Nom de l’organisme Mot, expression ou sigle
servant à identifier un
organisme ou une société
Identificateur de groupe pour
les éléments de données
1032 à 1034.
1032 Nom principal de Nom officiel d’un organisme,
l’organisme en général celui de l'entité de
1033 Nom d’une subdivision de Partie du nom d’un organisme Cet élément de données peut être
l’organisme qui définit une subdivision, un répété pour des subdivisions de
département ou une unité de subdivision.
1034 Nom abrégé de Forme courte du nom d’un
l’organisme organisme (1031).
1035 Code de l'identificateur de Code utilisé pour identifier le Exemple:
l'organisme système de numérotation ISIL (ISO 15511)
utilisé dans l'identificateur de
1036 Identificateur de Numéro ou code unique
l’organisme utilisé pour identifier un
1037 Logo de l’organisme Logo, sigle ou autre moyen
servant à identifier
officiellement un organisme.
1050 Adresse Code ou expression précisant Cet élément peut être utilisé
la localisation géographique conjointement à Identification de
ou le lieu associés à un l’organisme (1030). Pour les
organisme. adresses du réseau de
télécommunications, voir 1070.
Identificateur de groupe pour
les éléments de données
1051-1063, 1070-1075.
1051 Instruction pour l’adresse Mot ou code indiquant le type Cet élément de données est utilisé
de message ou de courrier en liaison avec l’adresse (1050).
envoyé lorsque plusieurs
Valeurs possibles:
adresses sont associées à un
0 = expédier à
organisme ou à une
1 = facturer à
1052 Type d'adresse Code, mot ou expression qui Valeurs possibles:
précise la nature d’une 0 = adresse temporaire
adresse donnée quand 1 = adresse permanente
plusieurs adresses sont 4 = autre
associées à un organisme.
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
Étiquette Nom Description Représentation et remarques
1053 Mode d’acheminement Code, mot ou expression Valeurs possibles:
indiquant le type de courrier 0 = service postal
utilisé pour l’envoi. 1 = courrier interne au campus
2 = courrier interne
3 = autre
1054 Indicateur d'adresse à Code, mot ou expression Quand toutes les catégories de
employer indiquant l'adresse à messages et de courriers sont
employer, dans une série envoyées à une seule adresse, c'est
d'adresses associées à un cet élément de données qui est
organisme ou à une employé pour indiquer l'adresse à
personne. utiliser parmi les différentes
adresses possibles. Quand
différentes catégories de messages
et de courriers sont envoyées à des
adresses différentes, c'est alors
l'élément de données Instruction
pour l'adresse (1051) qui est utilisé à
la place de cet élément-ci.
Valeurs possibles:
0 = adresse à employer
1 = adresse à ne pas employer
2 = non précisé
1055 Boîte postale Numéro de casier attribué par
l’administration postale.
1056 Localisation dans un Code, numéro et/ou Utilisé en plus de Nom de rue (1057)
bâtiment expression utilisés pour et de Numéro dans la rue (1058)
identifier une localisation à lorsqu'une deuxième série de
l'intérieur d'un bâtiment ou numérotation est nécessaire pour
d'un ensemble de bâtiments. identifier une localisation précise.
— appartement 42
— 4 étage
— salle de lecture de la réserve
— bibliothèque des enfants
1057 Nom de rue Expression utilisée pour
identifier la voie dans une
ville, un quartier ou une zone
rurale, y compris rue, route,
boulevard, avenue, etc.
1058 Numéro dans la rue Numéro et/ou expression Cet élément de données peut être
utilisés pour identifier la utilisé pour signaler les noms des
localisation d'un bâtiment le bâtiments; il est utilisé conjointement
long d'une voie. à l'élément de données Localisation
dans un bâtiment (1056) et Nom de
rue (1057). Ces éléments de
données peuvent former une seule
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ISO 8459-5:2002(F)
Étiquette Nom Description Représentation et remarques
1059 Ville Mot ou expression utilisé pour
identifier une ville, y compris
la banlieue ou le bureau
1060 Subdivision territoriale Mot ou expression identifiant Comprend les comtés, les
une subdivision dans un pays. paroisses, etc.
1061 Région Mot ou expression identifiant Comprend l'État, la province, le
une zone à l'intérieur d'un département et la préfecture.
1062 Pays Mot ou expression utilisé pour Pour les codes de pays,
identifier un pays. voir l’ISO 3166-1.
1063 Code postal Code attribué par
l’administration postale d'un
pays pour identifier de façon
univoque une adresse ou un
groupe d'adresses.
1064 Opérateur de Code, mot, expression ou Il peut être nécessaire d'identifier
télécommunications sigle utilisé pour identifier les plus d'un opérateur. Le nom de
installations d'un opérateur de l'opérateur peut aussi comprendre la
télécommunications utilisées technologie de commutation (par
pour accéder à un système exemple commutation par paquets
distant. ou par commutat
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