Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 16: Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)

ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006 specifies MPEG-4 Animation Framework eXtension (AFX) model for representing 3D Graphics content. Within this model, MPEG-4 is extended with higher-level synthetic objects for specifying geometry, texture, and animation as well as dedicated compression algorithms. The geometry tools include Non Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), Subdivision Surfaces, Mesh Grid, Morphing Space and Solid Representation based on implicit equations. The texture tools include Depth-Image based Representation and MultiTexturing. The animation tools refer to Non-Linear Deformers and Bone-based Animation for skinned models. AFX also specifies profiles and levels for 3D Graphics Compression tools and the encoding parameters for 3D content. In addition, AFX specifies a backchannel for progressive streaming of view-dependent information.

Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels — Partie 16: Extension du cadre d'animation (AFX)

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects
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STANDARD 14496-16
Second edition

Information technology — Coding of
audio-visual objects —
Part 16:
Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels —
Partie 16: Extension du cadre d'animation (AFX)

Reference number
ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
ISO/IEC 2006

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. v
Introduction . vii
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative references. 1
3 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 1
4 Animation Framework eXtension (AFX) . 2
4.1 Introduction . 2
4.2 The AFX model. 3
4.3 Geometry tools. 5
4.4 Solid representation . 35
4.5 Texture tools. 44
4.6 Modeling tools. 57
4.7 Generic skeleton, muscle and skin-based model definition and animation. 60
5 Bitstream specification. 69
5.1 Wavelet Subdivision Surfaces. 69
5.2 MeshGrid stream. 72
5.3 Depth Image-Based Representation. 109
5.4 Compressed Bone-based animation . 114
5.5 AFX Generic Backchannel. 128
5.6 PointTexture stream. 139
5.7 Multiplexing of 3D Compression Streams: the MPEG-4 3D Graphics stream (.m3d) syntax . 149
6 AFX Object code. 152
7 3D Graphics Profiles. 153
7.1 Introduction . 153
7.2 "Graphics" Dimension. 153
7.3 "Scene Graph" Dimension. 155
7.4 "3D Compression" Dimension. 158
8 XMT representation for AFX tools. 161
8.1 AFX nodes. 161
8.2 AFX encoding hints . 161
8.3 AFX encoding parameters . 162
8.4 AFX decoder specific info. 165
8.5 XMT for Bone-based Animation . 166
Annex A (normative) Wavelet Mesh Decoding Process. 171
A.1 Overview. 171
A.2 Base mesh. 171
A.3 Definitions and notations. 171
A.4 Bitplanes extraction. 172
A.5 Zero-tree decoder . 173
A.6 Synthesis filters and mesh reconstruction. 173
A.7 Basis change. 174
Annex B (normative) MeshGrid Representation. 176
B.1 The hierarchical multi-resolution MeshGrid . 176
B.2 Scalability Modes. 180
B.3 Animation Possibilities. 183
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
Annex C (informative) MeshGrid representation. 186
C.1 Representing Quadrilateral meshes in the MeshGrid format. 186
C.2 IndexedFaceSet models represented by the MeshGrid format. 188
C.3 Computation of the number of ROIs at the highest resolution level given an optimal ROI
size. 189
Annex D (informative) Solid representation. 190
D.1 Overview. 190
D.2 Solid Primitives. 190
D.3 Arithmetics of Forms . 191
Annex E (informative) Face and Body animation: XMT compliant animation and encoding
parameter file format . 197
E.1 XSD for FAP file format . 197
E.2 XSD for BAP file format . 198
E.3 XSD for EPF . 199
Annex F (normative) Node coding tables . 203
F.1 Node Coding tables . 203
F.2 Node Definition Type tables. 203
Annex G (Informative) Patent statements . 204
Bibliography . 205

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
ISO/IEC 14496-16 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 14496-16:2004), which has been
technically revised. It also incorporates the amendment ISO/IEC 14496-16:2004/Amd.1:2006 and the
Technical Corrigenda ISO/IEC 14496-16:2004/Cor.1:2005 and ISO/IEC 14496-16:2004/Cor.2:2005.
ISO/IEC 14496 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Coding of
audio-visual objects:
⎯ Part 1: Systems
⎯ Part 2: Visual
⎯ Part 3: Audio
⎯ Part 4: Conformance testing
⎯ Part 5: Reference software
⎯ Part 6: Delivery Multimedia Integration Framework (DMIF)
⎯ Part 7: Optimized reference software for coding of audio-visual objects [Technical Report]
⎯ Part 8: Carriage of ISO/IEC 14496 contents over IP networks
⎯ Part 9: Reference hardware description [Technical Report]
⎯ Part 10: Advanced Video Coding
⎯ Part 11: Scene description and application engine
⎯ Part 12: ISO base media file format
⎯ Part 13: Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP) extensions
⎯ Part 14: MP4 file format
⎯ Part 15: Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format
⎯ Part 16: Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
⎯ Part 17: Streaming text format
⎯ Part 18: Font compression and streaming
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
⎯ Part 19: Synthesized texture stream
⎯ Part 20: Lightweight Application Scene Representation (LASeR) and Simple Aggregation Format (SAF)
⎯ Part 21: MPEG-J GFX
⎯ Part 22: Open Font Format

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
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Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects —
Part 16:
Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies MPEG-4 Animation Framework eXtension (AFX) model for creating
interactive multimedia contents by composing natural and synthetic objects. Within this model, MPEG-4 is
extended with higher-level synthetic objects for geometry, texture, and animation as well as dedicated
compressed representations.
AFX also specifies a backchannel for progressive streaming of view-dependent information.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 14496-1:2004, Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 1: Systems
ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004, Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 2: Visual
ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005, Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 11: Scene
description and application engine
3 Symbols and abbreviated terms
List of symbols and abbreviated terms.
AFX Animation Framework eXtension
BIFS BInary Format for Scene
DIBR Depth-Image Based Representation
ES Elementary Stream
IBR Image-Based Rendering
NDT Node Data Type
OD Object Descriptor
VRML Virtual Reality Modelling Language

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
4 Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
4.1 Introduction
“Most people think the word ‘animation’ means movement.
But it doesn’t. It comes from ‘animus’ which means ‘life or to live’.
Making it move is not animation, but just the mechanics of it.”
Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston
Disney Animation: the illusion of life, 1981
MPEG-4, ISO/IEC 14496, is a multimedia standard that enables composition of multiple audio-visual objects
on a terminal. Audio and visual objects can come from natural sources (e.g. a microphone, a camera) or from
synthetic ones (i.e. made by a computer); each source is called a media or a stream. On their terminals, users
can display, play, and interact with MPEG-4 audio-visual contents, which can be downloaded previously or
streamed from remote servers. Moreover, each object may be protected to ensure a user has the right
credentials before downloading and displaying it.
Unlike natural audio and video objects, computer graphics objects are purely synthetic. Mixing computer
graphics objects with traditional audio and video enables augmented reality applications, i.e. applications
mixing natural and synthetic objects. Examples of such contents range from DVD menus, and TV's Electronic
Programming Guides to medical and training applications, games, and so on.
Like other computer graphics specifications, MPEG-4 synthetic objects are organized in a scene graph based
on VRML97 [1], which is a direct acyclic tree where nodes represent objects and branches their properties,
called fields. As each object can receive and emit events, two branches can be connected by the means of a
route, which propagates events from one field of one node to another field of another node. As any other
MPEG-4 media, scenes may receive updates from a server that modify the topology of the scene graph.
The Animation Framework eXtension (AFX) proposes a conceptual organization of synthetic models for
computer animations as well as specific compression schemes; models defined in ISO/IEC 14496-11 and in
this part fit in organization (see Figure 2).
Elementary Stream Interface
Audio DB Audio CB
Video CB
Video DB
AFX Decoded
AFX Framework
Decode BIFS
Possible IPMP
IPMP System(s)
Control Points

Figure 1 — Animation Framework and MPEG-4 Systems.
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
Figure 1 shows the position of the Animation Framework within MPEG-4 Terminal architecture. It extends the
existing BIFS tree with new tools and define the AFX streams that carry dedicated compressed object
representations and a backchannel for view-dependent features.
4.2 The AFX model
To understand the AFX model, let's take an example. Suppose one wants to build an avatar. The avatar
consists of geometry elements that describe its legs, arms, head and so on. Simple geometric elements can
be used and deformed to produce more physically realistic geometry. Then, skin, hair, cloths are added.
These may be physic-based models attached to the geometry. Whenever the geometry is deformed, these
models deform and thanks to their physics, they may produce wrinkles. Biomechanical models are used for
motion, collision response, and so on. Finally, our avatar may exhibit special behaviors when it encounters
objects in its world. It might also learn from experiences: for example, if it touches a hot surface and gets hurt,
next time, it will avoid touching it.
This hierarchy also works in a top to bottom manner: if it touches a hot surface, its behavior may be to retract
its hand. Retracting its hand follows a biomechanical pattern. The speed of the movement is based on the
physical property of its hand linked to the rest of its body, which in turn modify geometric properties that define
the hand.
AFX defines 6 groups of components, following [38].
Animation Framework eXtension – AFX ‘effects’

Figure 2 — Models in computer games and animation [38].
a) Geometric component. These models capture the form and appearance of an object. Many characters in
animations and games can be quite efficiently controlled at this low-level. Due to the predictable nature of
motion, building higher-level models for characters that are controlled at the geometric level is generally
much simpler.
b) Modeling component. These models are an extension of geometric models and add linear and non-linear
deformations to them. They capture transformation of the models without changing its original shape.
Animations can be made on changing the deformation parameters independently of the geometric models.
c) Physical component. These models capture additional aspects of the world such as an object’s mass
inertia, and how it responds to forces such as gravity. The use of physical models allows many motions to
be created automatically and with unparallel realism.
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
d) Biomechanical component. Real animals have muscles that they use to exert forces and torques on their
own bodies. If we already have built physical models of characters, they can use virtual muscles to move
themselves around. These models have their roots in control theory.
e) Behavioral component. A character may expose a reactive behavior when its behavior is solely based on
its perception of the current situation (i.e. no memory of previous situations). Goal-directed behaviors can
be used to define a cognitive character’s goals. They can also be used to model flocking behaviors.
f) Cognitive component. If the character is able to learn from stimuli from the world, it may be able to adapt
its behavior. These models are related to artificial intelligence techniques.
AFX specification currently deals with the first four categories. Models of the last two categories are typically
application-specific and often designed programmatically. Similarly, while the first four categories can be
animated using existing tools such as interpolators, the last two categories have their own logic and cannot be
animated the same way.
In each category, one can find many models for any applications: from simple models that require little
processing power (low-level models) to more complex models (high-level models) that require more
computations by the terminal. VRML [1] and BIFS specifications provide low-level models that belong to the
Geometry component with the exception of Face and Body Animation tools that belong to the Biomechanical
Higher-level components can be defined as providing a compact representation of functionality in a more
abstract manner. Typically, this abstraction leads to mathematical models that need few parameters. These
models cannot be rendered directly by a graphic card: internally, they are converted to low-level primitives a
graphic card can render. Besides a more compact representation, this abstraction often provides other
functionalities such as but not limited to compact representation, view-dependent subdivision, automatic level-
of-details, smoother graphical representation , scalability across terminals, and progressive local refinements.
For example, a subdivision surface can be subdivided based on the area viewed by the user. For animations,
piecewise-linear interpolators require few computations but require lots of data in order to represent a curved
path. Higher-level animation models represent animation using piecewise-spline interpolators with less values
and provide more control over the animation path and timeline.
In the remaining of this document, this conceptual organization of tools is followed in the same spirit an author
will create content: the geometry is first defined with or without solid modeling tools, then texture is added to it.
Objects can be deformed and animated using modeling and animation tools. Finally, avatars need
biomechanical tools. Behavioral and Cognitive models can be programmatically implemented using JavaScript
or MPEG-J defined in ISO/IEC 14496-11.
Some generic tools developed originally within the Animation Framework eXtension have been relocated in
ISO/IEC 14496-11/AMD1 along with other generic tools. This includes:
⎯ Spline-based generic animation tools, called Animator nodes;
⎯ Optimized interpolator compression tools;
⎯ BitWrapper node that enables compressed representation of exisiting nodes;
⎯ Procedural textures based on fractal plasma.
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
4.3 Geometry tools
4.3.1 Introduction
Geometry tools consist of the following technologies:
⎯ NURBS, which consists of the following nodes: NurbsSurface, NurbsCurve, and
⎯ Subdivision surfaces consisting of the following nodes: SubdivisionSurface,
SubdivSurfaceSector and WaveletSubdivisionSurface of which the latter enables to add
wavelet-encoded details at different resolutions to subdivision surfaces;
⎯ MeshGrid, which consists of the MeshGrid node;
4.3.2 Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) Introduction
A Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) curve of degree p > 0 (and hence of order p+1) and control points
{P} (0 ≤ i ≤ n−1; n ≥ p+1) has for Equation 1 [37], [63], [88]:
N (u)w P
∑ i, p i i
C(u)= R (u)P =

i, p i
N (u)w
∑ i, p i
Equation 1 — NURBS curve definition.
The parameter u ∈ [0, 1] allows to travel along the curve and {R } are its rational basis functions. The latter
can in turn be expressed in terms of some positive (and not all null) weights {w}, and {N }, the p -degree B-
i i,p
Spline basis functions defined on the possibly non-uniform, but always non-decreasing knot sequence/vector
of length m = n + p+1: U = {u , u , …, u }, where 0 ≤ u ≤ u ≤ 1 ∀ 0 ≤ i ≤ m − 2.
0 1 m−1 i i+1
The B-Spline basis functions are defined recursively using the Cox de Boor formula:
1 if u ≤ u< u ;

i i+1
N (u) =

0 otherwise;

u − u
u− u
i+ p+1
N (u) = N (u)+ N (u).
i, p i, p−1 i+1, p−1
u − u u − u
i+ p i i+ p+1 i+1
If u = u = … = u , it is said that u has multiplicity k. C(u) is infinitely differentiable inside knot spans, i.e.,
i i+1 i+k−1 i
for u < u < u , but only p−k times differentiable at the parameter value corresponding to a knot of multiplicity k,
i i+1
so setting several consecutive knots to the same value u decreases the smoothness of the curve at u. In
j j
general, knots cannot have multiplicity greater than p, but the first and/or last knot of U can have multiplicity
p+1, i.e., u = … = u = 0 and/or u = … = u = 1, which causes C to interpolate the corresponding
0 p m−p−1 m−1
endpoint(s) of the control polygon defined by {P}, i.e., C(0) = P and/or C(1) = P . Therefore, a knot vector of
i 0 n−1
⎧ ⎫
⎪ ⎪
the kind U= u = 0,…,0,u ,…,u ,1,…,1= u causes the curve to be endpoint interpolating, i.e., to
⎨ ⎬
0 p+1 m− p−2 m−1
����� ���� ���
⎪ ⎪
p+1 p+1
⎩ ⎭
interpolate both endpoints of its control polygon. Extreme knots, multiple or not, may enclose any non-
decreasing subsequence of interior knots: 0 < u ≤ u < 1. An endpoint interpolating curve with no interior
i i+1
knots, i.e., one with U consisting of p+1 zeroes followed by p+1 ones, with no other values in between, is a p -
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
degree Bézier curve: e.g., a cubic Bézier curve can be described with four control points (of which the first and
last will lie on the curve) and a knot vector U = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}.
It is possible to represent all types of curves with NURBS and, in particular, all conic curves (including
parabolas, hyperbolas, ellipses, etc.) can be represented using rational functions, unlike when using merely
polynomial functions.
Other interesting properties of NURBS curves are the following:
⎯ Affine invariance: rotations, translations, scalings, and shears can be applied to the curve by applying
them to {P }.
⎯ Convex hull property: the curve lies within the convex hull defined by {P}. The control polygon defined by
{P} represents a piecewise approximation to the curve. As a general rule, the lower the degree, the closer
the NURBS curve follows its control polygon.
⎯ Local control: if the control point P

STANDARD 14496-16
Second edition

Information technology — Coding of
audio-visual objects —
Part 16:
Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels —
Partie 16: Extension du cadre d'animation (AFX)

Reference number
ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)
ISO/IEC 2006

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006(E)

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technically revised. It also incorporates the amendment ISO/IEC 14496-16:2004/Amd.1:2006 and the
Technical Corrigenda ISO/IEC 14496-16:2004/Cor.1:2005 and ISO/IEC 14496-16:2004/Cor.2:2005.
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