Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 16: Animation Framework eXtension (AFX) — Amendment 2: Frame-based Animated Mesh Compression (FAMC)

Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels — Partie 16: Extension du cadre d'animation (AFX) — Amendement 2: Compression trame par trame de maillage animé (FAMC)

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd 2:2009 - Frame-based Animated Mesh Compression (FAMC)
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STANDARD 14496-16
Second edition

Information technology — Coding of
audio-visual objects —
Part 16:
Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
AMENDMENT 2: Frame-based Animated
Mesh Compression (FAMC)
Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels —
Partie 16: Extension du cadre d'animation (AFX)
AMENDEMENT 2: Compression trame par trame de maillage animé

Reference number
ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd.2:2009(E)
ISO/IEC 2009

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd.2:2009(E)
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd.2:2009(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
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technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Amendment 2 to ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1,
Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia
ISO/IEC 14496-16 introduced several animation models as methods of deforming a mesh. Amendment 2 to
ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006 deals with decoding animation data (mainly vertex coordinates and attributes,
temporally updated) independently of a mesh deformation model.

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd.2:2009(E)

Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects —
Part 16:
Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
AMENDMENT 2: Frame-based Animated Mesh Compression
After 5.9, add the following new subclause:

5.10 Frame-based Animated Mesh Compression (FAMC) stream
5.10.1 Overview
FAMC is a tool to compress an animated mesh by encoding on a time basis the attributes (position, normals
…) of vertices composing the mesh. FAMC is independent on the manner how animation is obtained
(deformation or rigid motion). The data in a FAMC stream is structured in segments of several frames. Each
segment can be decoded individually. Within a segment, a temporal prediction model, called skinning, is
represented. The model is used for motion compensation inside the segment. The FAMC bitstream structure
is illustrated in Figure AMD2.1.

Figure AMD2.1 — FAMC bitstream structure.

Each decoded animation frame updates the geometry and possibly the attributes (or only the attributes) of the
3D graphic object that FAMC is referred to.
An animation segment contains two types of information:
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd.2:2009(E)
• A header buffer indicating general information about the animation segment (number of frames,
attributes to be updated…).
• A data buffer containing:
o The skinning model used for 3D motion compensation consists in a segmentation of the 3D
mesh into clusters and is specified by:
ƒ the partition information, i.e. the segmentation of the 3D object vertices into clusters,
ƒ a set of animation weights connecting each vertex of the 3D object to each cluster
ƒ the motion data described in terms of a 3D affine transform for each cluster and for
each animation frame.
o The residual errors per vertex equal with the difference between the real value and the one
predicted by the skinned motion compensation model, that are encoded with one of the
following combination
ƒ a Discrete Cosine Transform performed on the entire animation segment (referred in
this document as DCT)
ƒ an integer-to-integer Wavelet Transform performed on the entire animation segment
(referred in this document as Lift).
ƒ Layer based decomposition (referred in this document as LD)
ƒ DCT followed by LD
ƒ Lift followed by LD
The prediction residual errors may correspond to geometric and/or attribute data.
Figure AMD2.2 illustrates the FAMC decoding process.
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Figure AMD2.2 — FAMC decoding process.
The following sections describe in detail the structure of the FAMC stream.
5.10.2 FAMC inclusion in the scene graph
FAMC is associated with an IndexedFaceSet by using the BitWrapper mechanism with value of field type
equals to 2.
5.10.3 FAMC class Syntax

class FAMCAnimation{
  FAMCAnimationSegment animationSegment;
  bit(32)* next;
 while (next==FAMCAnimationSegmentStartCode);
} Semantics
FAMCAnimationSegmentStartCode: a constant that indicates the beginning of a FAMC animation segment.
FAMCAnimationSegmentStartCode = 00 00 01 F0.
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5.10.4 FAMCAnimationSegment class Syntax
class FAMCAnimationSegment {
FAMCAnimationSegmentHeader header;
FAMCAnimationSegmentData data;
} Semantics
FAMCAnimationSegmentHeader: contains the header buffer.
FAMCAnimationSegmentData: contains the data buffer.
5.10.5 FAMCAnimationSegmentHeader class Syntax
class FAMCAnimationSegmentHeader {
unsigned int (32) startCode;
unsigned int (8) staticMeshDecodingType
unsigned int (32) animationSegmentSize
bit(4) animatedFields;
bit(3) transformType;
bit(1) interpolationNeeded;
bit(2) normalsPredictionStrategy;
bit(2) colorsPredictionStrategy;
bit(4) otherAttributesPredictionStrategy;
unsigned int (32) numberOfFrames;
for(int f = 0; f < numberOfFrames; f++) {
 unsigned int (32) timeFrame[f];
} Semantics
startCode: a 32-bit unsigned integer equals to FAMCAnimationSegmentStartCode.
staticMeshDecodingType: a 8-bit unsigned integer indicating if the static mesh is encoded whithin the FAMC
stream and which decoder should be used. Table AMD2.1 summarizes all possible configurations.
Table AMD2.1 —First frame decoding type: all possible configurations.
firstFrameDecodingType value First frame decoding type
0 The first frame is not encoded within the FAMC
stream and should be read directly from the BIFS
1-7 Reserved for ISO purposes

animationSegmentSize: a 32-bit unsigned integer describing the size in bytes of the current animation
animatedFields: a 4-bit mask indicating which fields are animated. Table AMD2.2 summarizes all possible
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd.2:2009(E)
Table AMD2.2 — Animated fields: all possible configurations.
B1 B2 B3 B4
Coordinates Normals Colors Other attributes
animated animated animated animated
Coordinates Normals not Colors not Other attributes not
not animated animated animated animated

transformType: a 3-bit mask indicating the transform used for encoding the prediction residual errors. Table
AMD2.3 summarizes all possible configurations.
Table AMD2.3 — Transform type: all possible configurations.
transformType value Method used
0 Lift
2 LD
3 Lift + LD
5 Reserved for ISO purposes
6 Reserved for ISO purposes
7 Reserved for ISO purposes

numberOfFrames: a 32-bit unsigned integer indicating the number of frames to be decoded in the current
animation segment.
interpolationNeeded: one bit indicating if, after decoding, animation frames have to be interpolated. If zero,
all the animation frames are obtained from direct decoding.
normalsPredictionStrategy: a 2-bit mask indicating the prediction strategy for normals. Table AMD2.4
summarizes all possible configurations.
Table AMD2.4 — Normals prediction strategy: all possible configurations.
normalsPredictionStrategy value Prediction used
0 Delta
1 Skinning
2 Tangential skinning
3 Adaptive
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Note: the prediction is computed with respect to the reference static mesh as defined in the scene graph.
colorsPredictionStrategy: a 2-bit mask indicating the prediction strategy for colors. Table AMD2.5
summarizes all possible configurations.
Table AMD2.5 — Color prediction strategy: all possible configurations.
colorsPredictionStrategy value Prediction used
0 Delta
1 Reserved for ISO purposes
2 Reserved for ISO purposes
3 Reserved for ISO purposes

Note: the prediction is computed with respect to the reference static mesh as defined in the scene graph.
otherAttributesPredictionStrategy: a 4-bit mask indicating the prediction strategy for other attributes. Table
AMD2.6 summarizes all possible configurations.
Table AMD2.6 — Other attributes prediction strategy: all possible configurations.
otherAttributesPredictionStrategy value Prediction used
0 Delta
1 Reserved for ISO purposes
2 Reserved for ISO purposes
3 Reserved for ISO purposes

NOTE the prediction is computed with respect to the reference static mesh as defined in the scene graph.
timeFrame: an array of 32-bit unsigned integer of dimension numberOfFrames indicating the absolute
rendering time (in milliseconds) for each frame .
numberOfVertices, numberOfNormals, numberOfColors, dimOfOtherAttributes,
numberOfOtherAttributes are instantiated when decoding the static mesh.
5.10.6 FAMCAnimationSegmentData class Syntax
class FAMCAnimationSegmentData {
if (animatedFields & 1) {
 FAMCSkinningModel skinningModel;
FAMCAllResidualErrors allResidualErrors;
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd.2:2009(E) Semantics
skinningModel: contains the skinning model used for motion compensation. This stream is decoded only if
vertices coordinates are animated.
allResidualErrors: contains the residual errors for all animated attributes (coordinates, normals, colours…).
5.10.7 FAMCSkinningModel class Syntax
class FAMCSkinningModel {
FAMCGlobalTranslationDecoder globalTranslationCompensation;
FAMCAnimationPartitionDecoder partition;
FAMCAffineTrasnformsDecoder  affineTransforms;
FAMCAnimationWeightsDecoder  weights;
if (normalsPredictionStrategy ==3) {
   FAMCVertexInfoDecoder(4, numberOfVertices)normalsPredictors;
} Semantics
The FAMCSkinningModel class describes the skinning model used for motion compensation. It refers to the
following classes:
- FAMCGlobalTranslationDecoder class decoding the global translations applied the animated model.
- FAMCAnimationPartition class decoding the segmentation of the mesh vertices into clusters with
nearly the some affine motion.
- FAMCAffineTransforms class decoding the affine motion of each cluster at each frame.
- FAMCAnimationWeights class decoding the animation weights of the skinning model.
- FAMCVertexInfoDecoder class decoding which predictor the decoder should uses for normals. This
stream is defined only when normalPred equals 3 (adaptive mode).

5.10.8 FAMCGlobalTranslationDecoder Syntax
class FAMCGlobalTranslationDecoder {
     FAMCInfoTableDecoder globalTranslationCompensationInfo;
     FamcCabacVx3Decoder2 myGlobalTranslationCompensation(1, numberOfFrames);
} Semantics
The FAMCGlobalTranslationDecoder class decodes the DCT compressed translations applied to the
animated model for motion compensation. In order to recover the original translations values the decoder
needs to un-quantize the integer table decoded by the class globalTranslationCompensation by using data
decoded by the class FAMCInfoTableDecoder. An inverse DCT transform should then be applied to the un-
quantized real values.
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5.10.9 FAMCInfoTableDecoder class Syntax
class FAMCInfoTableDecoder{
unsigned int(8) numberOfQuantizationBits;
float(32) maxValueD1;
float(32) maxValueD2;
float(32) maxValueD3;
float(32) minValueD1;
float(32) minValueD2;
float(32) minValueD3;
  unsigned char(8) numberOfDecomposedLayers;
  for (int layer = 0; layer < numberOfDecomposedLayers; layer++){
   unsigned int(32) numberOfCoefficientsPerLayer;
} Semantics
numberOfQuantizationBits: a 8-bit unsigned integer indicating the number of quantization bits used.

maxValueX: a 32-bit float indicating the maximal value of the Dimension 1 of the encoded three-dimensional
real vectors.

maxValueY: a 32-bit float indicating the maximal value of the Dimension 2 of the encoded three-dimensional
real vectors.

maxValueZ: a 32-bit float indicating the maximal value of the Dimension 3 of the encoded three-dimensional
real vectors.

minValueX: a 32-bit float indicating the minimal value of the Dimension 1 of the encoded three-dimensional
real vectors.

minValueY: a 32-bit float indicating the minimal value of the Dimension 2 of the encoded three-dimensional
real vectors.

minValueZ: a 32-bit float indicating the minimal value of the Dimension 3 of the encoded three-dimensional
real vectors.
numberOfDecomposedLayers: a 8-bit unsigned char indicating the number of sub-tables composing the
encoded table.
numberOfCoefficientsPerLayer: a 32-bit unsigned integer indicating the number of coefficients for each
The FAMCInfoTableDecoder stream describes the information needed to initialize the decoding of a table
encoded as numberOfDecomposedLayers sub-tables.

5.10.10 FAMCCabacVx3Decoder2 Syntax
FAMCCabacVx3Decoder2 ( int V, int F ){
float(32) delta;
// read exp-golomb order EGk and unary cut-off
unsigned int(3) EGk;
unsigned int(1) cutOff;


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// start the arithmetic coding engine
cabac.arideco_start_decoding( cabac._dep );

// decoding of the significance map
CabacContext ccCbp;
CabacContext ccSig[64];
CabacContext ccLast[64];
cabac.biari_init_context( ccCbp, 64 );
for( int i = 0; i < 64; i++ ){
 cabac.biari_init_context( ccSig[i], 64 );
 cabac.biari_init_context( ccLast[i], 64 );
bool sigMap[V][F][3];
int cellSize = ( F + 63 ) / 64;
for( int v = 0; v < V; v++ ) {
 for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ ) {
  if( cabac.biari_decode_symbol( cabac._dep, ccCbp ) ) {
  for( int k = 0; k < F; k++ ){
   sigMap[v][k][c] = cabac.biari_decode_symbol( cabac._dep, ccSig[k/cellSize] );
   if( sigMap[v][k][c] && k + 1 < F ) {
   if( cabac.biari_decode_symbol( cabac._dep, ccLast[k/cellSize] ) ) {
    for( int i = k + 1; i < F; i++ ){
    sigMap[v][i][c] = 0;
   else if( k + 2 == F ){
   sigMap[v][k+1][c] = 1;
  for( int k = 0; k < F; k++ ){
   sigMap[v][k][c] = 0;

// decode abs values
CabacContext ccUnary[cutOff];
for( int i = 0; i < cutOff; i++ ) {
 cabac.biari_init_context( ccUnary[i], 64 );

int absValues[V][F][3];
for( int v = 0; v < V; v++ ) {
 for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ ) {
  for( int k = 0; k < F; k++ ) {
  if( sigMap[v][k][c] ) {
   int i;
   for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ){
   int unaryCtx = ( cutOff - 1 < i ) ? ( cutOff - 1 ) : i;
   if( 0 == cabac.biari_decode_symbol( cabac._dep, ccUnary[unaryCtx] ) ){
   if( i == 16 ) {
   absValues[v][k][c] += 17 + cabac.exp_golomb_decode_eq_prob( cabac._dep,
EGk );
   absValues[v][k][c] = 1 + i;
   absValues[v][k][c] = 0;
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// decode signs
int values[V][F][3];
for( int v = 0; v < V; v++ ) {
 for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ ) {
  for( int k = 0; k < F; k++ ) {
  values[v][k][c] = absValues[v][k][c];
  if( sigMap[v][k][c] ) {
   if( cabac.biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob( cabac._dep ) ){
   values[v][k][c] *= -1;

// decode predictors
const int PRED_QUANT_BITS = 2;
int pred[V][3];
int predDim[V][3];
int previousDim[3];
pred[0][0] = 0;
pred[0][1] = 0;
pred[0][2] = 0;
previousDim[0] = 1;
previousDim[1] = 1;
previousDim[2] = 1;
CabacContext ccSkip;
CabacContext ccPred;
CabacContext ccPredDim;
cabac.biari_init_context( ccSkip, 64 );
cabac.biari_init_context( ccPred, 64 );
cabac.biari_init_context( ccPredDim, 64 );
for( int v = 1; v < V; v++ ) {
 for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ ) {
  if( cabac.biari_decode_symbol( cabac._dep, ccSkip ) ){
  pred[v][c] = pred[v-1][c];
  if( pred[v][c] ){
   predDim[v][c] = predDim[v-1][c];
   predDim[v][c] = 0;
  pred[v][c] = cabac.unary_exp_golomb_decode( cabac._dep, ccPred, 2 );
  if( pred[v][c] ){
   int predDimRes = cabac.unary_exp_golomb_decode( cabac._dep, ccPredDim, 2 );
   predDimRes <<= PRED_QUANT_BITS;
   if( predDimRes ){
   const int largestAllowedPredDim = F + ( 1 << PRED_QUANT_BITS ) - 1;
   if( previousDim[c] + predDimRes > largestAllowedPredDim ) {
    predDimRes *= -1;
   else if( previousDim[c] - predDimRes >= 0 ){
    if( cabac.biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob( cabac._dep ) ){
    predDimRes *= -1;
   predDim[v][c] = predDimRes + previousDim[c];
   previousDim[c] = predDim[v][c];
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   predDim[v][c] = 0;
// end the arithmetic coding engine
cabac.biari_decode_final( cabac._dep );
} Semantics
delta: reciprocal value of the quantization step size.
sigMap[V][F][3]: array of 3 * V * F bits, indicating the non-zero predicted spectral coefficients of x-, y- and z-
EGk: order of the Exp-Golomb binarization.
cutOff: number of CABAC context models for the unary part of the concatenated unary/ k-th order Exp-
Golomb binarization.
absValues[V][F][3]: array of 3 * V * F integer values, indicating the absolute values of the predicted spectral
coefficients of x-, y- and z-component.
values[V][F][3]: array of 3 * V * F integer values, indicating the values of the predicted spectral coefficients
including signs of x-, y- and z-component.
pred[V][3]: an array indicating the index of the coefficient used for prediction of the current coefficient of x-, y-
and z-component.
predDim[V][3]: the number of the samples that are used for predicting of x-, y- and z-component.
The FAMCCABACDecoder class decodes a (V x F) array of three dimensional vectors of integer values.
In order to obtain the original values the decoder should inverse the prediction stage as described in the
following pseudo-code:
// Inverse prediction
for( int v = 1; v < V; v++ ) {
 for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ ) {
  for( int d = 0; d < predDim[v]; d++ ) {
  if (pred[v]!= 0){
   values[v][d][c] += values[v-pred[v][c]][d][c];

5.10.11 FAMCAnimationPartitionDecoder Syntax
class FAMCAnimationPartitionDecoder {
unsigned int(32) numberOfClusters;
unsigned int(32) compressedPartitionBufferSize;
FAMCVertexInfoDecoder myFAMCVertexInfoDecoder(numberOfClusters, numberOfVertices);

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd.2:2009(E) Semantics
numberOfClusters: a 32-bit integer indicating the number of motion clusters.
compressedPartitionBufferSize: a 32-bit unsigned integer indicating the size of the compressed partition.

The FAMCAnimationPartition class decodes the segmentation of the mesh vertices into clusters with nearly
similar affine motion. It consists of a one dimensional array of integer of length numberOfVertices which
assigns to each vertex v a cluster number partition[v]. We refer to Annex I for an example of the encoding

5.10.12 FAMCVertexInfoDecoder class Syntax
class FAMCVertexInfoDecoder (nC, nV){
// start the arithmetic coding engine
cabac.arideco_start_decoding( cabac._dep );
cabac.biari_init_context(cabac._ctx, 61);
 int numberOfBits = (int) (log((double) nC -1)/log(2.0)+ 1.0);
int occurence = 0;
int currentSymbol = 0;
int v = 0;
while( v < nV ) {
 currentSymbol = 0;
 for (int pb = numberOfBits - 1; pb >= 0; pb--) {
  int bitOfBitPlane = cabac.biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob(cabac._dep);
  vertexIndex += (bitOfBitPlane * (1<  }
 occurenceMinusOne = cabac.unary_exp_golomb_decode(cabac._dep, cabac._ctx, 2);
 for (int i =0; i < occurenceMinusOne+1; i++) {
  partition[v] = vertexIndex;
    v++ ;
// end the arithmetic coding engine
cabac.biari_decode_final( cabac._dep );
} Semantics
bitOfBitPlane: one bit corresponding to the bit of the binary representation of vertexIndex.

occurenceMinusOne: the number minus one of consecutive verticexIndex elements in partition.

FAMCVertexInfoDecoder class decodes, by calling an arithmetic decoder, an array of size numberOfVertices
(noted partition). The elements of this array are integers, which are in the range 0, …, numberOfInfoType -1.

5.10.13 FAMCAffineTransformsDecoder class Syntax
class FAMCAffineTransformsDecoder{
     FAMCInfoTableDecoder affineTransformsInfo;
     FamcCabacVx3Decoder2 myAffineTransforms(4*numberOfClusters, numberOfFrames);
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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd.2:2009(E) Semantics
The FAMCAffineTransformsDecoder class decodes a DCT compressed vertex trajectories. In order to
recover the original trajectories the decoder needs to un-quantize the integer table contained in the class
myAffineTransforms by exploiting the information decoded by the class affineTransformsInfo. An inverse DCT
transform should then be applied to the un-quantized real values.
k k
Let A be the affine transform associated with the cluster k at frame t. In homogeneous coordinates, A is
i t
given by:
k k k k
⎡a b c x ⎤
t t t t
⎢ ⎥
k k k k
d e f y
k ⎢ t t t t ⎥
A =
⎢ ⎥
k k k k
g h i z
t t t t
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
0 0 0 1
⎣ ⎦
k k k k k k k k k
where the coefficients (a ,b ,c ,d ,e , f ,g ,h ,i ) describe the linear part of the affine motion and
t t t t t t t t t
k k k
(x ,y ,z ) the translational component.
t t t
Instead of decompressing the affine transforms assigned to each cluster, the decoder decodes for each
cluster k the trajectories M1(kt, ) , M 2(kt, ) , M 3(kt, ) , M 4(kt, ) of four points defined as follows:
dx 00
⎡⎤⎡⎤ ⎡⎤
⎢⎥⎢⎥ ⎢⎥
⎢⎥⎢⎥ ⎢⎥
Mk1( ,0)∈=IR ,M 2(k,0) Mk1( ,0)+ ,M 3(k,0)=Mk1( ,0)+ ,M 4(k,0)=M1(k,0)+
⎢⎥⎢⎥ ⎢⎥
00 dz
⎢⎥⎢⎥ ⎢⎥
00 0
⎣⎦⎣⎦ ⎣⎦
kk k k

M1(k,tA)= ×M1(k,0),M 2(k,tA)=×M2(k,0),M3(k,tA)=×M3(k,0),M 4(k,tA)= ×M 4(k,0).
tt t t
In order compute the sequences of ()A the decoder simply apply the following linear equation:
A=×M1(kM,0) 2(kM,0) 3(kM,0) 4(k,0) M1(k,t)M 2(k,t)M 3(k,t)M 4(k,t) .
[][ ]

5.10.14 FAMCAnimationWeightsDecoder class Syntax
class FAMCAnimationWeightsDecoder {
unsigned int(8) numberOfQuantizationBits;
float(32) minWeights;
float(32) maxWeights;
unsigned int(32) compressedWeightsBufferSize;

// start the arithmetic coding engine
cabac.arideco_start_decoding( cabac._dep );
// decoding retained vertices
for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVertices; v++) {
 filter[v] = cabac.biari_decode_symbol(cabac._dep, cabac._ctx);

// decoding clusters adjacency
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for(int k = 0; k < numberOfClusters; k++) {
 int nbrNeighbours = cabac.unary_exp_golomb_decode(cabac._dep, cabac._ctx, 2);
 for(int n = 0; n < nbrNeighbours; n++) {
  for (int bp = numberOfBits-1; bp>= 0; bp--) {
  bool bitOfClusterIndex = cabac.biari_decode_symbol_eq_prob(cabac._dep);

// decoding weights
for (int bp = numberOfQuantizationBits -1; bp>= 0; bp--) {
for(int v = 0; v < numberOfVertices; v++) {
  int vertexCluster = partition[v];
  if ( filter[v] == 1) {
  for(int cluster =0; cluster < adj[vertexCluster].size(); cluster++) {
   bool bitOfVertexClusterWeight= cabac.biari_decode_symbol(cabac._dep,
// end the arithmetic coding engine
cabac.biari_decode_final( cabac._dep );
} Semantics
numberOfQuantizationBits: a 8-bit unsigned integer indicating the number of quantization bits used for

compressedWeightsBufferSize: a 32-bit unsigned integer indicating the compressed stream size.

minWeights and maxWeights: two 32-bit float indicating the minimal and the maximal values of the
animation weights.

filter: an array with dimention equals to the number of vertices indicating if a vertex has associated animation
weights. If not, the vertex is associated to a single cluster.

The numberOfBits is obtained from the numberOfClusters as follows:
numberOfBits = (int) (log((double) numberOfClusters-1)/log(2.0)+ 1.0);
nbrNeighbours: an integer indicating the number of neighbors for the current cluster.
bitOfClusterIndex: one bit corresponding to the current bitplane of the current cluster index.

bitOfVertexClusterWeight: one bit corresponding to the current bitplane of the current weight.
The principle of skinning animation consists in deriving a continuous motion field over the whole mesh, by
linearly combining the affine motion of clusters with appropriate weighting coefficients. A skinning model
predicts the position χ of a vertex v at frame t using the following formula:
v v k v
χ = ω A χ
t ∑ k t 1
v k
where ω is a coefficient that controls the motion influence of the cluster k over the vertex v. A represents
k t
the affine transform associated with the cluster k at frame t expressed in homogeneous coordinates.
14 © ISO/IEC 2009 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006/Amd.2:2009(E)
v v
The optimal weight vector ω =()ω is computed at the encoder side and sent to the
k∈{}1, .,numberOfClusters
decoder. The ω =0 when k is not a neighbour of the cluster that v belongs.
The decoding process is composed of three steps:
(a) vertices selection decoding,
(b) clusters adjacency decoding, and
(c) weights decoding.
a) Vertices selection decoding
First, the CABAC context is initialized with value 61. Then, the one dimensional array filter of size
numberOfVertices is decoded by using the CABAC function biari_decode_symbol.
b) Clusters adjacency decoding
The CABAC context is initialized with value 61. For each cluster k, the number of its neighbours is decode

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