Timber structures — Structural insulated panel walls — Test methods

ISO 22452:2011 specifies test methods for determining the structural properties of double-sided, wood-based, load-bearing structural insulated panels (SIPs) for use in walls. It is applicable to SIPs having two face layers, at least one of which is a wood-based structural panel, and a core made of a thermally insulating material with sufficient shear strength to cause the face layers to act together structurally.

Structures en bois — Murs en panneaux isolants structurels — Méthodes d'essai

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ISO 22452:2011 - Timber structures -- Structural insulated panel walls -- Test methods
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First edition
Timber structures — Structural insulated
panel walls — Test methods
Structures en bois — Murs en panneaux isolants structurels —
Méthodes d'essai
Reference number
ISO 2011
©  ISO 2011
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ii © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword . iv
Introduction . v
1  Scope . 1
2  Normative references . 1
3  Terms and definitions . 1
4  Symbols . 3
5  Product evaluation . 4
5.1  Tests applicable to panel construction . 4
5.2  Tests applicable to wall panels . 4
6  Structural testing . 4
6.1  Conditioning . 4
6.2  Tensile test on core material and bonding between faces and core . 4
6.3  Shear test on panel assembly (short-term loading) . 7
6.4  Accelerated ageing tests . 9
6.5  Vertical load capacity (stiffness and strength) . 10
6.6  Bending properties for SIP headers (stiffness and strength) . 14
6.7  Horizontal in-plane monotonic load racking stiffness and strength test . 16
6.8  Out-of-plane bending (stiffness and strength) . 21
Annex A (informative) Testing for creep by means of ASTM C480. 24
Bibliography . 27

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
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International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 22452 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 165, Timber structures.
iv © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved

The objective of this International Standard is to provide the means for the structural testing of structural
insulated panel (SIP) walls.
It includes tests for tensile bonding strength of the panels, ageing, shear, vertical load performance, horizontal
in-plane performance and out-of-plane bending performance. A creep test has been included in the annex for
information (and trial). The tests applicable to panels for particular applications are presented, the test
requirements, including laboratory conditions, are given and the numbers of samples to be tested and the
reporting of results are specified.
This International Standard is not intended for quality control testing or for conformity assessment.


Timber structures — Structural insulated panel walls —
Test methods
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies test methods for determining the structural properties of double-sided,
wood-based, load-bearing structural insulated panels (SIPs) for use in walls.
It is applicable to SIPs having
 two face layers, at least one of which is a wood-based structural panel, and
 a core made of a thermally insulating material having sufficient shear strength to cause the face layers to
act together structurally.
NOTE 1 Gypsum-based structural boards are commonly used as a face layer.
NOTE 2 Panels can contain internal framing or bracing.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ASTM C393/C393M-06, Standard Test Method for Core Shear Properties of Sandwich Constructions by
Beam Flexure
ASTM D7446-09, Standard Specification for Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) Adhesives for Laminating
Oriented Strand Board (OSB) to Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation Core Materials
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
structural insulated panel
panel with two load-bearing skins, one bonded to each face of a rigid, lightweight, homogenous core material
with sufficient shear strength to cause the face layers to act together structurally
See Figure 1.
NOTE The homogenous core is made of one material with no internal joints requiring bonding.
1 rigid core
Figure 1 — Cross-section of structural insulated panel
double-skin box with structural core-type structural insulated panel
panel with a rigid core surrounded by a structural frame, with or without internal ribs, and two skins
mechanically fastened and/or bonded to the frame and core, forming a closed box
See Figure 2.
NOTE The skins, core and frame are all load-bearing.

1 core
2 internal structural frame
Figure 2 — Structural insulated panel with internal structural frame
core material which is pre-formed into slabs of thickness equal to the required depth of the core and then
bonded with a suitable adhesive
NOTE The length and width of a slab of core material are less than or equal to the length and width of the SIP.
condition of components of a structural insulated panel in which they are bonded to each other by adhesive or
where foams used for cores are foamed in situ and become self-adhesive while expanding and curing so that
they bond automatically to the enveloping components
2 © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved

4 Symbols
a, b, c distances, in millimetres (mm)
B width of full panel, in millimetres (mm)
F load, in newtons (N)
F maximum load, in newtons (N)
F ultimate load, in newtons (N)
F estimated maximum load, in newtons (N)
F vertical load, in newtons (N)
D panel thickness, in millimetres (mm)
F self load of loading element, in newtons (N)
F self load of panel, in newtons (N)
F applied permanent load, in newtons (N)
F lever arm load, in newtons (N)
F loading plate and rod load, in newtons (N)
F variable load, in newtons (N)
H height of full panel, in millimetres (mm)
L span, in millimetres (mm)
l length of panel sample, in millimetres (mm)
R stiffness, in newtons per millimetre (N/mm); strength, in newtons per millimetre (N/mm)
T loading time, in seconds (s)
T recovery time, in seconds (s)
b width of panel sample, in millimetres (mm)
d depth (thickness) of core, in millimetres (mm)
e depth between the centroids of the faces, in millimetres (mm)
f tensile strength of core material, in newtons per square millimetre (N/mm )
f shear strength of core material, in newtons per square millimetre (N/mm )
t , t overall thickness of the face in millimetres (mm)
1 2
w deformations, in millimetres (mm)
w total deflection under constant load at time t, in millimetres (mm)
w initial static deflection under constant load and temperature, in millimetres (mm)
 factor of less than unity modifying F
 panel racking deformation, in millimetres (mm)
5 Product evaluation
5.1 Tests applicable to panel construction
The following test regimes are applicable to the panel construction:
a) tensile testing on the core and its bonding to faces;
b) ageing test;
c) shear strength of the solid core and its bonding to faces.
5.2 Tests applicable to wall panels
The following test regimes are applicable to the wall panel:
a) vertical load (stiffness and strength);
b) horizontal in-plane load (racking stiffness and strength);
c) out-of-plane bending (stiffness and strength).
6 Structural testing
6.1 Conditioning
6.1.1 Standard conditioning
Where standard conditioning is required for the tests specified in 6.2 to 6.8, the test pieces used shall be
conditioned to constant mass in an atmosphere of relative humidity of (65  5) % and temperature of
(20  2) °C. Constant mass is deemed to be attained when the results of at least three successive weighings
indicate that the moisture content has stabilized to within 0,5 % for at least a 48 h period.
If the conditions of the testing room are not the same as those in the conditioning chamber, the test pieces
shall remain in the conditioning chamber until testing.
6.1.2 Alternative conditionings
Where test pieces are not conditioned or are conditioned differently from the procedure given in 6.1.1, the
alternative shall be described in the test report.
When required or appropriate, results may be corrected to reflect conditioning according to 6.1.1. The
procedure for adjusting structural properties shall be technically sound and shall be recorded in the test report.
6.2 Tensile test on core material and bonding between faces and core
6.2.1 Specimen size and sampling
The depth of the specimen shall be equal to the panel thickness, D. The width, b, shall be 150 mm and the
length, l, shall be 150 mm (see Figure 3).
NOTE The purpose of this test is to determine the critical failure mechanism, in core or glue line of the SIP.
4 © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved

The test specimens should be sampled from a range of positions covering the width and length of the panel,
including the centre and edge of the sampling area, shown in Figure 3. The outer 10 % of the panel perimeter
is excluded from testing.
1 sampling area
b panel width
l panel length
Figure 3 — Specimen sampling from panel
6.2.2 Conditioning
Specimens shall be conditioned either in accordance with 6.1 or to a specified elevated temperature.
Specimens shall be tested immediately after removal from the conditioning chamber when performing an
elevated temperature test.
Testing at an elevated temperature may be appropriate for certain applications, and performance of the panel
unit should be verified at these conditions. If uncertain of in-service temperature levels, elevated temperature
test specimens should be conditioned at 80 °C for at least 4 h. No further temperature measurement is
required after conditioning.
6.2.3 Loading method and test procedure
Specimens shall be bonded, using a suitable adhesive, to platens of sufficient stiffness to ensure a uniform
tensile stress over the area of specimen. When conditioned according to 6.1, platens shall be bonded to the
specimen after conditioning. Specimens of square cross-section shall be prepared in accordance with
Figure 4.
1 core
2 panel face
3 load-distributing platen
Figure 4 — Test arrangements in core tension test
The load, F, shall be applied in increments or continuously so as to reach maximum load in a period of 1 min
to 5 min.
For SIPs with OSB (oriented strand board) and polystyrene thermal insulation core materials,
ASTM D7446-09, 13.2, should be referred to and considered for use, as appropriate.
NOTE This test is not intended

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