ISO 5250:1982
(Main)Textile machinery and accessories — Dyeing and finishing machinery — Vocabulary for stenters
Textile machinery and accessories — Dyeing and finishing machinery — Vocabulary for stenters
Gives an illustrated nomenclature of machines known as stenters, used in the textile finishing industry (bleaching, dyeing, printing and finishing), for the thermal treatment of fabric with maintainance of the width and adjustment of latter, if necessary. The terms used are placed under the following headings: Types of stenter; Machine features; Designation of side and indication of dimensions; Elements of construction.
Matériel pour l'industrie textile — Machines de teinture et d'apprêt — Vocabulaire relatif aux rames
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Textile machinery and accessories - Dyeing and finishing
machinery - Vocabulary for stenters
First edition - 1982-12-15
Materie1 pour I’industrie textile - Machines de teinture
Vocabulaire relatif aux rames
et d’appret -
Premiere Edition - 1982-12-15
TeKCTHnbtible MUlldHbl H BCflOMOraTWIbHOe o6opy~osatiHe -
KpaCmbHble ld OTAWlO’iHble MalUHHbl - CJlOBapb ll0 C~WlJlbHO-
Ull4pWlbHblM MNNlHi3M
nepeoe qqawe - 1982-12-15
a\ UDC/CDUlYAK 677.057.133 : 001.4 Ref. No./Ref. no : ISO5250-1982 (E/F/R)
CCblJlKa No : MC0 5250-1982 (A/@/P)
Descriptors : textile machinery, dyeing equipment, vocabulary. / Descripteurs : materiel textile, materiel de teinture et d’appret, vocabulaire. /
- I
~eCKpHlltOpbl : MBUJMHbl TeKCTWlbHblt?, M&lJMHbl KpaCWlbHble, CJlOBZ$Wl.
Price based on 23 pages/ Prix bas6 sur 23 pages/ UeHa paccwTaHa Ha 23 CTp.
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
Standards institutes (ISO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is car-
ried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which
a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. Inter-
national organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in
the work.
committees are circulated to the member
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical
tional Stand Council.
bodies for approval before their acceptance as Interna ards by the ISO
International Standard ISO 5250 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 72, Textile
miichinery and a//ied machinery and accessories, and was circulated to the member bodies in
January 1978.
lt has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Ireland South Africa, Rep. of
Bulgaria Italy Spain
Japan Switzerland
Egypt, Arab Rep. of Mexico Turkey
Netherlands United Kingdom
Germany, F. R. Poland USSR
Y ugoslavia
India Romania
No member body expressed disapproval of the document.
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration des Normes internationa-
les est confiee aux comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude
a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique correspondant. Les organisations internationales,
gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO, participent egalement aux tra-
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi-
tes membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par Ie
Conseil de I’ISO.
72, Matkriel
La Norme internationale ISO 5259 a et6 elaboree par Ie comite technique ISO/TC
pour l’industrie texti/e et materje/ connexe, et a et6 soumise aux comites membres en janvier
Les comites membres des pays suivants I’ont approuvee :
Inde Roumanie
Afrique du Sud, Rep. d’
Allemagne, R. F. Irlande
Italie Suisse
Tc hecoslovaquie
Bulgarie Japon
Mexique Turquie
Egypte, Rep. arabe d’
Pays-Bas URSS
Pologne Y oug oslavie
Aucun comite membre ne I’a desapprouvee.
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MC0 (Me>KRyHapoAHafi OpraHi43aqm no CTaHfiapTM3a4m4) nBnf4eTcR BceMMpHofi c@eflepaqtdeti
Ha4MOHanbHblX OpraHl43aql’lti n0 CTaHAapTM3aQMM (KOMMTeTOB-‘-lfleHOB MCO). CleRTeJlbHOCTb n0
pa3pa60TKe Me~yHapOflHblX CTaHRapTOB flpOBOflMTCFI TeXHM’-leCKMMM KOMMTeTaMM MCO. Ka>r<-
AbIn KOMMTeT-WleH, 3aMHTepeCOBaHHblti B JJeSlTeflbHOCTM, AnfI KOTOpOti 6bln CO3RaH TeXHM-
‘leCKl4ti KOMMTeT, MMeeT npaB0 6blTb flpeflCTaBneHHblM B 3TOM KOMMTeTe. MeJKjJyHapO~Hble npa-
BMTenbCTBeHHble M HellpaBMTenbCTBeHHble OpraHM3a~MM, MMetOoiql’le CBF13M C MCO, TaKNte npkl-
HMMatOT yqaCTkle B pa6OTaX.
npOeKTbl Me>KCIyHapO~HblX CTaHflapTOB, npMHRTble TeXHM’deCKMMM KOMMTeTaMM, paCCblnatOTCfI
KOMMTeTaM-‘4neHaM Ha oAo6peHue nepeA MX yTBepxfleHl4eM COBeTOM MC0 B KaLleCTBe Meqy-
HapOAHblX CTaHflapTOB.
Me~yHapo~HblA CTaHAapT MC0 5248 6bln pa3pa60TaI-I TeXHWeCKMM KoMweToM MCOTTK 72,
TeKCmllnbHble MaWllHbl U BCt7OMOZaf?‘?eJ7bHOe o6opydO6aHue, M pa3OCnaH KOMMTeTaM-WeHaM B
nHBape 1978 rosa.
OH 6bin oflo6peH KOMMTeTaMM-WleHaMM CneJJylOlQklX CTpaH :
6enbrm rlonbluL4
PyMblHMM UJBeAqapm4
ErM nTa Coe~wHeHHoro tOrocnaBw4
MpnaHflw4 CCCP PeCfly6nMKM
MTaJlMM @eAepaTltlBHolA
Pecny6nwwI repMawm
HlIlfiepnaHqoB @paH4MM
@ International Organkation for Standardkation, 1982 0
@ Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1982 0
0 MemRyHapoAHafl Oprawaaqw~ no CraH~aprb43aqww,
1982 l
Printed in Switzerland / Imprim6 en Suisse/MqqaHo B IlJeeAqapbIM
. . .
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ISO 52504982 (E/F/R)
MC0 5250-1982 (A/@/P)
Textile machinery and Materie1 pour I’industrie TeKCTHnbHble MaUlHHbl
accessories - Dyeing Machines de H BCrlOMOraTen bHoe
textile -
and finishing teinture et d’appret - 060py~OBaHue -
machinery - Vocabulaire relatif aux KpaWnbHble H
OTAenOqH ble MaWlH bl -
Vocabulary for rames
Cnosapb no
06’beKT H o6nacTb
Objet et domaine
Scope and field of
HacToFIquLSI Me>KClyHapOflHblM CTaHAapT
La presente Norme internationale donne
This International Standard gives an
yCTaHaBfll4BaeT WlJllOCTpMpOBaHHylO HO-
une nomenclature illustree des machines,
illustrated nomenclature of machines
dites rames, utilisees dans I’industrie de MeHKJlaTypy B ObnacTti CyUJlNl bHO-WlpVlJl b-
known as stenters, used in the textile
HblX MaUiMH, npklMeHfIeMblX B TeKCTWlbHOti
I’ennoblissement des textiles (blanchiment,
finishing industry (bleaching, dyeing,
npOMbIWleHHOCTl4 (6eneHue, KpatueHue,
printing and finishing), for the thermal teinture, impression et appret), pour Ie trai-
tement thermique des Stoffes avec main- ner(aTb M 0rAenka) Aqnfl nonyreHMfr TkaHeM
treatment of fabric with maintenance of
3aflaHHOl;i UlMpMHbl M, B Cnyqae tieo6xo~w
tien de Ia laize et I’egalisation de celle-ci, si
the width and adjustment of the latter,
MOCTM, ee perynMposariMfl B npoqeccax
if necessary. necessaire.
TennosOh 06pa60TKn.
placed under the Les termes retenus sont repartis dans les
The terms used are
Mcnon b3yeMble ‘epMMH bl pacnonoXeH bi
following headings : rubriques suivantes :
no4 cnenyioNMM 3aronoB IKaMM :
1 Types of stenter 1 Types de rames
Tunbl CyWUlbHO-UJVlpWlbHblX
2 Machine features 2 Caracteristiques des rames
3 Designation of side and 3 Designation du tote et indication
indication of dimensions des dimensions
yCTpOtiCTB CylWlJl bHO-UlMplNl bHblX
4 Elements de construction MaUlMH
Elements of construction
OnpeAeneHMe CTOPOH M yKasaHi4e
In addition to terms given in the NOTE - En Supplement aux termes donnes
dans les trois langues officielles de I’ISO
three official ISO languages (English, French
(anglais, francais, russe), Ia presente Norme
and Russian), this International Standard 3JleMeHTbl KOHCTpyK4MM
internationale ‘donne, en annexes, les termes
gives in annexes the equivalent terms in Ger-
Äquivalents en allemand et italien; ces termes
man and ltalian; these have been included
nPMMEqAHME - B #ononHeHMe K TepMuHaM Ha
at the request of Technical Committee ont et6 inclus a Ia demande du comite technique
TpeX OC#N4~l4aJlbHblX F13blKaX MC0 (aHrfll&iCKOM,
ISO/TC 72, et sont publies sous Ia responsabili-
ISO/TC 72, and are published under the
@paHuy3CKOM M pyCCKOM), HaCTOFIlJJMti MemyHa-
tes des comites membres de I’Allemagne, R.F.
responsibility of the member bodies for
pO/JHblfi CTaHflapT AaeT B nplNlO~eHPll4 3KBMBa-
(DIN), de Ia Suisse (SNV) et de I’ltalie (UNI).
Germany F.R. (DIN), Switzerland (SNV) and
JleHTHble TepMMHbl Ha HeMeqKOM M MTaJlbfiHCKOM
Toutefois, seuls les termes et definitions donnes
Italy (UNI). However, only the terms and
F13blKaX; OHM 6blnM BKJltOOeHbl fl0 npOCb6e Tex-
definitions given in the official languages tan dans les langues officielles peuvent etre conside-
res comme termes et definitions ISO.
be considered as ISO terms and definitions.
paTMBHOh Pecny6nmw repMaHMItI (flMH), NBeti-
TepMMHbl M OnpeAeneHWI, AaHHble Ha OC#IM4M-
anbHblX FiSblKaX, MOryT paCCMaTpl4BaTbCfI KaK
TepMuHbl M onpeflenetir4fl MCO.
References References
ISO 1036, Textile machinery and ac- ISO 1036, Materr’el pour I’Yindustrie textile
MC0 1036, TeKCmunbHble MaWUHbl U
cessories - Dyeing and finishing - Machines de teinture et d’appret - BcnonuotamenbHoe
06o/IydoBaHUe -
- Definition of left and right Definition des cOt6s droit et gauehe.
machines KpiiCUnbHble U OmdenOVHble MaWUHbI -
OnpedenetwH nesoü u npasoü cmopoH.1)
1) OI’Iy6nMKOBaH Ton bK0 Ha
M C#DpaH4yBCKOM F13blKaX
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ISO 52504982 (E/F/R)
MC0 52504982 (A/@/P)
ISO 1505, Textile machinery and ac- ISO 1505, Materielpour l’7ndustrie textile et MC0 1505, TeKCI?W7bHbIe MaiUUHbl U
Materiels de teinture et BcnoMoZamenbHoe o6opydosaHue - Kpa-
cessories - Dyeing and finishing equip- materiel connexe -
ment - Working widths and nominal d’appret - Largeurs de travail et largeurs CUJ7bHOe U Or?7deJ7O~HOe 060pydOBaHue -
Pa6owe WlljXlHbl U HOMUHaJlbHble WUPU-
widths. nominales.
ISO 1506, Textile machinery - Dyeing, ISO 1506, Materie1 pour IXndustrie textile
finishing and allied machinery - Clas- Materie1 de teinture, de finissage et
L/1co 1506, TeKCmUnbHble MaWUHbl -
sification and nomenclature. materiel connexe - Classifica tion et KpacunbHoe u OmdenoYHoe o6OpydoBa-
nomenclature. Hue - KnaccuqbuKayuH u HoMeHKnamypa,
ISO 5248, TexttTe machinery and ac-
cessories - Dyeing and finishing ISO 5248, Materie1 pour Endustrie textile L/1co 5248, TeKCmUJ7bHble MaWUHbl U
machinery - Vocabulary for ancillary Materie1 de fein ture et d’appret - Voca- BcnoMozamenbHoe o6opydoaaHue - Kpa-
devices. bulaire relatif aux dispositifs annexes. CUJ7bHbOe U Omdel7OqHble MaWUHbl - cS70-
Bapb n0 BCI70MOZameJ7bHblM YCmpOü-
1 Types of stenter Types de rames Tbmtd CyUlklJlbHO-WpWlbHblX
O~HOllOJlbHM LMMpbIJIbHaR MawOtlHa : Ma-
1 .l stretchi’ng stenter : Chamber- rame a egaliser: Machine a simple par-
WMHa 6e3 KaMepbl, flpMMeHfleMafl 4flfI WM-
less machine used to stretch fabrics cours sans tunnel servant a tendre les etof-
presented in open width. The chains fes, presentees au large. Les chafnes, cons- peHMfI TKaHer;i BpaCnpaBKy. UenM, o6pa-
constituting the tension device tan be tituant Ie dispositif de tension, peuvent se 3yKliqMe HaTfVKHOe yCTpOtiCTB0, MOryT
in a horizontal plane (see 2.1.1) or ver- mouvoir dans un plan horizontal (voir 6blTb paCnOJlOX?Hbl B rOpM30HTafl bHOti
tical plane (see 2.1.2). 2.1.1) ou vertical (voir 2.1.2). (CM. 2.1.1) MJlM BepTVlKaJlbHOti (CM. 2.1.2)
The figure represents a stretching La figure represente une rame a egaliser
stenter (Clip stretcher) with a horizontal avec dispositif horizontal de tension a chai- Ha pMCyHKe noKa3aHa OJJHOßOJlbHafl ull4-
return chain tension device (see 2.1.1). nes (voir 2.1.1). pWlbHaf4 MaUlMHa C rOpM30HTaJlbHblM paC-
nonomeHMeM UeneM (CM. 2.1 .l).
Del ivery
1.2 other Single-pass stenters : autres rames a simple Parcours: Machi- O~HOflOJlbHM CYUlHJlbHO-MlHfIMlJlbHaR Ma=
Machines with chambers used to nes avec tunnel servant a tendre et a traiter wHHa : MaurMHa c KaMepoti, npeAria3Harer-k
stretch and to treat the fabric presented les Stoffes presentees au large. La direction HOti ,lJflfi WlpeHMFI M 06pa60Ttw TKaHM Bpa-
in open width. The direction of the inci- de I’air insuffle est, soit parallele (voir cnpasicy. HanpasneriMe uMpKynr4pytorqero
dent air is either parallel (see 2.2.1) or 2.2.1), soit perpendiculaire (voir 2.2.2) a Bosp(yxa nti6o napanenbkio (CM. 2.2.1), nM6o
perpendicular (see 2.2.2) to the fabric. I’etoffe. Les chaines constituant Ie disposi- nepneriAMKynHpi+o (CM. 2.2.2) TKaHw uenfl,
tif de tension, peuvent se mouvoir dans un o6pa3ytoqMe HaTFIXHOe y~Tp0Mc~B0, MO-
The chains constituting the tension
device tan be in a horizontal plane (see plan horizontal (voir 2.1.1) ou vertical (voir ryr 6biTb pacnonoXeHbr B ropt430Hran b-
2.1.1) or vertical plane (see 2.1.2). 2.1.2). HOti (CM.2.1.1) WlM BepTMKaJlbHOfi (cM.2.1.2)
The figure Shows a Single-pass horizon- La figure represente une rame a simple par-
tal return stenter (see 2.1.1). cours plan de I’etoffe, avec dispositif hori- Ha pMCyHKe nOKa3aHa CyUWl bHO-UlMpMJl b-
zontal de tension a chaines (voir 2.1.1). HaFI MatiMHa C rOpl430HTaJl bHblM paCnOJlO-
xeweM qeneti (cM. 2.1.1).
1) Ony6JlPlKOBaH TOJlbKO Ha aHf-JlMtiCKOM M
C@paHqy3CKOM fl3blKaX.
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ISO 52504982 (E/F/R)
MC0 52504982 (A/@/P)
~ByXllOn bHaFl OAHOCTaflH tlHafl CylWJ’lbHO-
1.3 double-pass stenterl) : Machine rame 5 un 6tagel) : Machine servant 5
used to stretch and to treat the fabric tendre et a traiter les Stoffes presentees au wHpHn bHafl MawbdHa ‘1: MawMHa npMMeHne-
presented in open width on one forward large sur un aller et un retour a travers Ia MaFi Anfl UIMpeHMFi M Cyu.rKM pacnpasnekr-
rame. Les chaines constituant Ie dispositif HOM TKaHM npl4 OAHOKpaTHOM IlpOxo~e-
and one return pass through the stenter.
de tension se meuvent dans un plan vertical HVlM ee L(epe3 CywlNlbHO-WPlpPlnbHytO Ma-
The chains constituting the tension
(voir 2.1.2). La direction de I’air insuffle est WMHy Tyfla M 06paTHO. im&nM, o6pasyroqme
device move in a vertical plane (sec
soit parallele (voir 2.2.1), soit perpendicu- HaTfVKHOe yCTpOlilCTB0, ABVlratOTCFl B Bep-
2.1.2). The direction of the incident air
laire (voir 2.2.2) a I’etoffe. TMKanbHOti NIOCKOCTM (CM. 2.1.2). tianpas-
is either parallel (see 2.2.1) or perpen-
netivre uMpKynMpytoqero BosAyxa nti6o na-
dicular (see 2.2.2) to the fabric.
pannenbr-io (CM. 2.2.1), nM6o nepneriplkrKy-
nFlpH0 (CM. 2.2.2) TKaHM.
1.4 multi-pass stenter : Machine rame 6 plusieurs 6tage : Machine servant MHO~OflOllbHa~ CYWHJlbHO-WHPblJlbHaSl Ma=
used to stretch and to treat the fabric a tendre et a traiter les Stoffes presentees wbiHa: MawkrHa npkrMeHrreMafl Ana wuMpe-
au large et sur plusieurs aller et retour, a HMR M cyw~14 pacnpasneHHoM TKariM, KOTO-
presented in open width providing
several forward and return Passes travers Ia zone de traitement thermique. pafi coeepwae-r HeCKOn bK0 npoxogos TyfJa
Les chaines constituant Ie dispositif de ten- M o6paTHO L(epe3 30Hy TennOBOti o6pa6oT-
through the thermal treatment Zone.
sion se meuvent dans un plan vertical (voir KM. UenPl, o6pa3ytoqMe HaTFlXHOe yCTpOl%
The chains constituting the . tension
device are in a vertical plane (see 2.1.2). 2.1.2). La direction de I’air insuffle est soit CTBO, ABMratOTCFl B BepTVlKan bHOti flnOCKO-
parallele (voir 2.2.1), soit perpendiculaire
The direction of the incident air is either CTM (CM. 2.1.2). HanpaBnekrne ut4pKynr4-
parallel (see 2.2.1) or perpendicular (sec (voir 2.2.2) a I’etoffe. pyauero BosAyxa nti6o napannen bHo
2.2.2) to the fabric. . 2.2.1), nM6o nepneHAMKynflpH0
La figure represente une rame a deux eta- (CM. 2.2.2) TKaHM.
ges (deux allers et deux retours).
The figure Shows a four-pass stenter
(four Passes). Ha pi4cyHKe noKa3aHa qeTblpexnonbHafl
Pass I
Etage I
Pass II
Etage II
CTaJplfl II
1) A double pass corresponds to one for- 1) Un etage correspond ti un aller et un retour 1) OAHa CTaAMFI COOTBeTCTBYeT OAHOMY IlpO-
de I’6toffe. XOJJY TKaHM TYaa M 06paTHO.
ward and one return pass of the fabric.
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ISO 5250-1982 (E/F/R)
MC0 52504982 (A/@JP)
2 Machine features
Caractkistiques des rames XapaKTefNlCTHKH YCTPOiiCTB
CyUJWlbHO-WlpWlbHb~X MäWlH
2.1 Chain arrangement Disposition des cha’ines Pacnonoxewe qeneH
2.1 .l horizontal : Arrangement in
horizontale : Disposition dans laquelle Ie ropmomanwoe : PacnonomeHMe ueneti,
which the forward and return paths of Parcours des deux chaines a I’aller et au
npbl KOTOPOM flBM>KeHMe AByX qenerir Ty4a
the two chains are in the same horizon-
retour est situe dans un meme plan hori- M 06paTHO OCy~eCTBJVleTCFl B OflHOti M TOti
tal plane.
zon tal . Xe rOpVl30HTaJl bHOl;i I-UlOCKOCTM.
2.1.2 vertical : Arrangement in which verticale : Disposition dans laquelle Ie par- BepTblKaJ’lbHOe: PacnonomeHr4e uenefi,
the forward and return paths of each cours de chaque Chaine a I’aller et au retour f7pl4 KOTOPOM ~BWKeHPle AByX qenefi TyJIJa
chain are in a vertical plane. est situe dans un plan vertical. M 06paTHO OCy~eCTBflfleTCfl B BepTklKan b-
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ISO 52504982 (E/F/R)
MC0 5250-1982 (A/@/P)
HanpasneHbIe 4~p~ynfiqb4~ BosAyxa
2.2 Direction of incident air Direction d’air insuff
2.2.1 parallel to the fabric : The air is parallele A I’&offe: L’air est insuffle dans napannenbtio TKaHH : Boa/qyx npoJjyBaeTcFi
B nflOc~O~Ti4, napannen bHoM nnocKocTu
blown in a plane parallel to that of the un plan parallele a celui de l’etoffe (laterale-
ment ou longitudinalement). TKaHM B 60KOBOM MllM npO&OJlbHOM Ha-
fabric (laterally or longitudinally).
IlepfleH~HKyn~pHo TKaHH: Bosdyx npoAy-
2.2.2 perpendicular to the fabric: perpendiculaire 6 I’etoffe : L’air est insuf-
fle perpendiculairement au plan de I’etoffe Baercfl nepneHAMKynflpH0 nnockocrt4 TKa-
The air is blown perpendicularly onto
the plane of the fabric either from soit par Ie haut, soit par Ie bas, soit par Ie Hkl CHVl3y MJlM CBepXy OflHOBpeMeHHO.
above, from below or from above and haut et Ie bas simultanement.
below simultaneously.
Onpeflenew4e CTOP~H H yKa3atiMe
Dbignation du c6t6 et
3 Designation of side and
indications des dimensions pasnnepos
indication of dimensions
OnpeflenetiHe cTop0~
Designation du cot6
3.1 Designation of side
(B COOTBeTCTBMM C L/1co 1036)
(conforming to ISO 1036) (tonforme a I’ISO 1036)
flesafl CTOpOHa
Entry Delivery
llpasafl CTOpOHa
npaBall CTOpOHa MaMlMHbi : npaBOti CTOpO-
3.1.1 right-hand side : Side which, cot6 droit: Gote qui, pour un observateur
for an observer looking in the direction regardant dans Ie sens de I’entree de HOti MaUlPlHbl Cqt’lTaeTCFI CTOpOHa, KOTOpafl
Haxo~r4Tc~ cnpasa 0T pa6oqero, cMO~pf+
of fabric entry, is on the right. I’etoffe, est a sa droite.
qero B HanpaBneHm ABMxeHm TKaHw
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ISO 52504982 (E/F/R)
MC0 52504982 (A/@/P)
cot6 gauehe: Gote qui, pour un observa- J=ieBaFl CTOpOHa MaUJMHbl : fleBOti CTOpOHOti
3.1.2 Ieft-hand side : Side which, for
teur regardant dans Ie sens de I’entree de MaUlMHbl C‘lMTaeTCFl CTOPOHa, KOTOpafI Ha-
an observer looking in the direction of
fabric entry, is on the left. I’etoffe, est a sa gauehe. xoAmcfi cnesa 0~ pa6orero, chnofpqero
no Hanpasnewm ~9vweHwi TKaiiM.
NOTE - La definition des c6t& droit et gauehe
NOTE - The definition of right and left sides
is intended to allow the designation, without a pour objet de permettre Ia designation, sans
rWHVlEW4HME - OnpeaeneHMe npason M ne-
ambiguYt6, de I’emplacement des divers or-
ambiguity, of the Position of various Parts.
BOL? CTOpOH npeCfleg)feT qeJ’lb BHeCTM RCHOCTb B
0npefleneHHe nonoXeHkm pa3nwHbix YacTeM.
3.2 lndication of length Indication de la longueur YKasaHue A~MH bi
e\nHHa KaMepbl. (/,)
length of chamber (1,) iongueur du tunnel (/,)
MaLUHH $1.
longueur de Ia rame (/$ : Longueur de Ia AnHHa CYIMHJI bHO=WpWl bHOii
3.2.2 length of stenter Uz) : Overall
Uz) : ra6apMrHafr plnr4ria cyurr4n bHo-w4-
not including any rame hors tout, non compris Ie ou les dis-
length of stenter,
positifs et elements annexes d’entree et de PMJlbHOti MNJWlHbl, He BKJllO’-laR YCTPOti-
devices or elements added to the entry
sortie. CTBa M SleMeHTbl, YCTaHOBJleHHble Ha
and exit ends.
. BXOfle M BblXOCqe.
longueur de l’installation (13) : Longueur ~J’iHHa ‘IlCTaHOBKb4 (/3): 06qafl ~JIVIHa Cy-
3.2.3 length of installation (L$ :
UlWlbHO-WlPMJlbHOti MaUlVlHbl, BKniOqaF1
totale de Ia rame, y compris Ie ou les dispo-
Total length of the stenter, including
sitifs et elements annexes d’entree et de BCe YCTpOtiCTBa M WleMeHTbl, YCTaHOBJleH-
any devices and elements added to the
Hble Ha BXOAe M BblXOne MaUlMHbl.
entry and exit ends.
YKasaiu4e uu4pbm bi
3.3 Sndication sf width Indication de Ia largeur
UlHpHHa C~MlWlbHO-UlHpH~bHOii MaUMH bl
3.3.1 width sf stenter (w,): Width largeur de Ca rame (IAQ : Largeur de Ia
rame en etat de fonctionnement, non com- (IA+) : i.hlpVlHa C)WlWl bHO-UMfWln bHO1?I Ma-
of the stenter in a functional state, not
devices and pris les dispositifs et elements annexes UJMHbl B COCTOFIHMM @YHK~MOHMPOBaHMf&
including additional
MCKJltO~Wl ~OnOJlHl’lTWlbHble YCTpOtiCTBa
elements at the entry or exit ends. d’entree et de sortie.
M 3JleMeHTbl Ha BXO#? M BblXOfle MaUlMHbl.
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ISO 52504982 (E/F/R)
MC0 52504982 (A/@/P)
3.3.2 total width (w2) : Maximum largeur de I’installation (w2) : Largeur 06qaSI UlHPHHa (W& MaKCMMaJlbHafI LUM-
maximale de I’installation, y compris les PPlHa, KOTOPaFI BKfllOClaeT ~OnOnHltlTen b-
width of the machine, which includes
Hble YCTpOiiCTBa M 3neMeHTbl Ha BXOAe M
additional devices and elements at the dispositifs et elements annexes d’entree et
de sortie. B blXOfle MalUMH bl.
entry and delivery ends.
3.3.3 installation width (w3) : Total largeur d’implantation (w3) : Largeur WHPHHa YCTaHOBKH (Ws) : 06uafl UJMpMHa
npOCTpaHCTBa, HeO6Xo~WuIOrO AnfI pa6o-
width of the space necessary for the totale de I’installation, y compris Ia place
and maintenance of the necessaire pour I’entretien et Ie demontage Tbl, 06cJqotW3aHMFI M 3BeHTyanbHOrO /Je-
machine and possible dismantling of the eventuel des installations. MOHTaIKa MaUlMHbl.
3.3.4 nominal width: Width equal to largeur nominale : Largeur egale a Ia plus HOMHHaJlbHaA UlHPHHa : hpVlHa, PaBHaFl
Hal46OnbUJeti WlPMHe Meqy HOIKeBblML’l
the greatest width between the Clips or grande largeur entre les pinces ou les Picots
des chaines de tension. MnM MrOnb~aTblblMl4 KnynflaMM HaTfVKHbIX
the pins of the tension chain.
3.3.5 working width: Maximum ef- largeur de travail: Largeur maximale pa6oriaA UlHPblHa : MaKCMMan bHaFl 3C@@eK-
fective width of fabric able to be treated effective de I’etoffe pouvant etre traitee par TMBHaFI WlPMHa TKaHM, 06pa6aTbleaeMafI
CyWlJl bHO-WlPMJl bHOlh MN.lMHOk
by the stenter. Ia rame.
Indication de Ia hauteur YKa3awe BblCOTbl
3.4 Indication of height
BbICOTa C~lWlbHO-UlHfMlbHOii MaUlHHbl
3.4.1 height of stenter (h,) : Height hauteur de Ia rame (h,): Hauteur de Ia
rame, non compris les dispositifs et ele- (h,) : BblCOTa C)WlnbHO-IllMpMnbHO~ Ma-
of the stenter chamber not including
UWlHbl, mKnt0~afi YCTpOiiiCTBa M meMeH-
devices and elements added at the entry ments annexes d’entree et de sortie.
Tbl Ha BXOqe M BblXOAe MalUMHbl.
and delivery ends.
3.4.2 height of installation (h2): hauteur de I’installation (h2) : Hauteur
BblCOTa YCTaHOBKH (hz): MaKCMManbHafl
Maximum height of installation in- maximale de I’installation, y compris les BblCOTa YCTaHOBKM, BKntOClafl YCTpOtiCTBa
cluding devices and elements added at dispositifs et elements annexes d’entree et
M 3neMeHTbl Ha BXOAe M BblXOfle MaUlL’lHbl.
the entry and delivery ends. de sortie.
4 Elements of construction Elements de construction ~JlWleHTbl KOHCTPYK4HH
4.1 Division of the stenter into Division d’une rame en zones PaJflWleHb’le CyUlWl bHO-UlMPblJl bH blX
zones MaUlHH Ha 30Hbl
4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3
- -
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ISO 52504982 (E/F/R)
UICO 52504982 (A/@/P)
4.1.1 feed zone : Part of the stenter zone d”introduction: Partie de Ia rame 30Ha BBOJ4HOrO IlOnfl: YaCTb CylilWlbHO-
dans laquelle I’etoffe est Prise par des l.lJMpWlbHOti MalWlHbl, B KOTOpOti TKaHb Ha-
in which the fabric is secured by the
pins or Clips. Picots ou par des pinces. KanbiBaeTcfl Ha wnbl i/lnM 3aKpennfleTcfl
HOIKeBblMVl KnynnaMw
4.1.2 intermediate zone : Part of the zone intermediaire: Partie de Ia rame llpOMWKyTO’4HaSl 30Ha : YaCTb CylllWlbHO-
stenter found between the feed zone situee entre Ia zone d’introduction (4.1.1) UlMpMJlbHO~ MalWlHbl, HaXO~fU.&afWI Mex-
(4.1 .l) and the thermal treatment zone et Ia zone de traitement thermique (4.1.3) ay 30~01A BBo4Horo nonfl (4.1.1) M ~OHO#
(4.1.3) and where the fabric is subjected et 0U I’etoffe se trouve mise sous tension. TepMWleCKOfi 06pa60TKM (4.1.3), rAe
to tension. . TKaHb nO&BepraeTCfI HaTWKeHMlo.
4.1.3 thermal treatment zone (or zone de traitement thermique (ou tun- 30Ha TepMHqecKOti 06pa6OTKM (MnH KaMe-
chamber) : Part of the stenter in which nel) : Partie d’une rame dans laquelle Pa): qaCTb CyWlJ’l bHO-UlMpMIl bHOti MalUM-
the fabric is subjected to a rise in I’etoffe est soumise a une elevation de Ia Hbl, B KOTOpOti TKaHb nOJjBepraeTCFl o6pa-
temperature. temperature. 60TKe npt4 nOBblUleHHOti TeMnepaType. drying Zone: Part of the ther- zone de sechage: Partie de Ia zone de 30Ha CYMIKLI : YaCTb 30Hbl TepMWleCKOti 06-
mal treatment zone in which the fabric, traitement thermique dans laquelle I’etoffe, pa60TKM, B KOTOpOr;r TKaHb B npOqeCCe
during its passage, is relieved of its ex- Pendant son Parcours, est debarrassee de I-IpOXO~~eHWI OCBO60x~aeTCfl OT m6bl-
son ex& d’humidite. ToqHotA Bnark
cess moisture.
zone de fixage : Partie de Ia zone de traite- 30Ha cTa6MnWaqW (Ct)HKCaqHH): YaCTb setting zone : Part of the
thermal treatment zone permitting the ment thermique permettant d’atteindre les 30Hbl TepMWleCKOfi 06pa60TKvi, B KOTO-
temperatures de traitement necessaires au POti AOCTMratOTCFI HeO6XOgMMble TeMne-
attainment of the necessary treatment
fixage de Ia matiere textile, ou des colo- PaTypbl 06pa60-w CjlnFi CTa6wwaqMu
temperatures for setting the textile
material, or fixing dyes or finishes. rants, ou des apprets. TeKCTMn bHOr0 MaTepMana, c@lKca~l4kl
KpackrTeneiir uni4 oTAenKr4.
4.1.4 cooling zone : Part of the zone de refroidissement: Partie de Ia 3oHa 0xnamcAeHbw : h(aCTb CyWlJl bHO-UJM-
stenter between the thermal treatment rame se trouvant entre Ia zone de traite- pWlbHOti MaWMHbl MeIKAy 30HOlil TepMM-
zone (4.1.3) and the delivery Zone ment thermique (4.1.3) et Ia zone de sortie qeCKOti 06pa60TKM (4.1.3) M BblnyCKHOti 30-
(4.1.5). The fabric could be subjected to (4.1.5). L’etoffe peut faire I’objet d’un HOL/I (4.1.5). B 3TOI7I 30He TKaHb MOIKeT nOA-
refroidissement forte dans cette Zone.
forced cooling in this Zone. Bepl-aTbCFl npMHyQMTeJlbHOMy OXJlaIKF(e-
4.1.5 delivery zo ne: Part of the zone de sortie: Partie de Ia rame dans B biflyCKHaSl 30Ha : qaCTb CyWlfl bHO-l.UM-
in which the fabric is released. laquelle l’etoffe est Iiberee. PMJlbHOti MaWlHbl, B KOTOpOti TKaHb OCBO-
60mflaeTcfl OT HaTfVKHbIX uenek
4.2 stenter chain: Chain carrier Chaine de tension : Chaine transporteuse qenb CyWlJlbHOWlPHnbHO~ MalUHH bl :
allowing for guidance and width control permettant Ie guidage et Ia mise au large de TpaHcnopTkrpytoRafl qenb, 06ecnewBaeT
of the fabric. l’etoffe. HanpasneHMe M perynMpor3atiMe wpr4Hbl
4.2.1 chain link with Pins: Piece of maillon de Chaine avec Picots: Piece de 3BeHo qenH c HronbrlaToH nnaSTHHoH:
the stenter chain (4.2) used to take the Ia chaiine de tension (4.2) utilisee pour 3BeHO L(enM CyWlJl bHO-WMpMfl bHOI/1 MalUM-
fabric by pinning the selvedge of that maintenir I’etoffe par piquage de pointes
Hbl (4.2), npVlMeHReMOe p(JlFI HaKaIlblBaHMF1
fabric. dans Ia lisiere de I’etoffe. KPOMKM TKaHM.
Pin plate
Plaquette a Picots
MronbqaTafr nnacTMHa
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ISO 52504982 (E/F/R)
MC0 52504982 (A/@/P)
4.2.2 chain link with Clip: Piece of maillon de Chaine avec pince: Piece de 3BeHO qenb’l C HOXeBblM KJlynilOM: 3BeHO
the stenter chain (4.2) used to take the Ia Chaine de tension (4.2) utilisee pour pren- qeni4 C)‘llMJl bHO-WlpMn bHOti MaUlMHbl (4.2),
fabric by gripping the selvedge of that dre I’etoffe par pincement de Ia lisiere de npMMeMeMoe gnfl 3axsara KPOMKM o6pa-
fabric. I’etoffe. 6aTblBaeMOti TKaHM.
HOxeBOPI Knynn
4.2.3 chain link with combined
maillon de cha’ine avec dispositif com- 3BeHO qellb4 C KOM6HHHPOBaHHblM KJlyn-
System of pins and Clips: Piece of the bin6 de pince et de Picots: Piece de Ia
IlOM : 3BeHO qenl4 C)UWln bHO-WlpMJl bHOlil
stenter chain (4.2) combining the func- Chaine de tension (4.2) combinant les fonc- MaUlMHbl (4.2), coqerarolqee C@YHK~WI
tions of pins and Clips.
tions des Picots et des pinces. MronbqaroL(I nnacrMribi M tioXeBor0
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