Service excellence — Principles and model

This document specifies service excellence terminology, principles and model to achieve outstanding customer experience and sustainable customer delight. It does not focus on the provision of basic customer service but on the provision of excellent service. This document applies to all organizations delivering services, such as commercial organizations, public services and not-for-profit organizations.

Excellence de service — Principes et modèle

Le présent document définit la terminologie, les principes et le modèle d’excellence de service permettant de créer une expérience client extraordinaire, et d’atteindre un enchantement durable de ce dernier. Il ne traite pas de la fourniture au client d’un service de base, mais de la délivrance d’un excellent service. Le présent document s’applique à toutes les organisations délivrant des services, comme les organisations commerciales, les services publics et les organisations à but non lucratif.

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Service excellence — Principles and
Excellence de service — Principes et modèle
Reference number
ISO 23592:2021(E)
ISO 2021

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ISO 23592:2021(E)

© ISO 2021
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ISO 23592:2021(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Relevance and benefits of service excellence . 3
5 Principles of service excellence . 4
6 Service excellence model . 4
7 Elements of the service excellence model . 5
7.1 Service excellence leadership and strategy . 5
7.1.1 Service excellence vision, mission and strategy . 5
7.1.2 Leadership and management requirements . 6
7.2 Service excellence culture and employee engagement . 9
7.2.1 Service excellence culture . 9
7.2.2 Employee engagement .10
7.3 Creating outstanding customer experiences .13
7.3.1 Understanding customer needs, expectations and desires.13
7.3.2 Designing and renewing outstanding customer experiences .14
7.3.3 Service innovation management.16
7.4 Operational service excellence .17
7.4.1 Managing customer-experience-related efficient and effective processes
and organizational structure .17
7.4.2 Monitoring service excellence activities and results .19
Bibliography .22
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ISO 23592:2021(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 312, Excellence in service.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
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ISO 23592:2021(E)

Customer expectations in today’s competitive world have changed and are constantly evolving. Today,
globalization and digitalization and the increased variety of products and services allow customers
more freedom of choice. Every purchase and customer contact is a moment of truth.
Organizations often claim they put the customer at the centre of their business. However, in competitive
markets it is essential to manage the whole organization around the customer and the experience
offered. Organizations that do this will flourish. The optimal delivery of customer satisfaction can
no longer be achieved by the offering of basic products and services expected by the customer. To be
successful and to stay ahead of competitors, it is essential to delight customers by providing outstanding
and differentiating experiences. This is the objective of service excellence.
This document describes the principles, elements and sub-elements for creating outstanding customer
experiences. The basic foundations of implementing service excellence are the two lower levels of
the service excellence pyramid (see Figure 1). Levels 1 and 2 are about meeting the expectations of
customers and fulfilling the promises. They lead to customer satisfaction. The core service proposition
(Level 1) is perceived by customers as delivering on promises. The customer feedback management
(Level 2) results in dealing well with problems and queries. These are described in International
Standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 10002 and ISO/IEC 20000-1. This document deals with the upper levels:
— individual excellent service provision (Level 3);
— surprisingly excellent service provision (Level 4).
These two levels create an emotional connection with the customer and lead to customer delight. The
impact for the business is a strong brand image and attractiveness to new and existing customers as
well as competitive differentiation.
Individual excellent service provision (Level 3) results in service that is perceived by customers as
warm, genuine, personalized, tailor-made and value-creating. The customer experiences an emotional
reaction by feeling valued.
Surprisingly excellent service provision (Level 4) results in service that is tailor-made and leads to
emotions of surprise and joy. It is delivered by exceeding customer expectations. This can be achieved
by delivering unexpected outstanding customer experiences. However, various approaches can be used
to achieve customer delight.
The service excellence pyramid should be used to explain to managers and employees why an
organization has to focus on both fulfilling the promises (Levels 1 and 2) and exceeding customer
expectations by delivering excellent services (Levels 3 and 4).
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Figure 1 — Service excellence pyramid
This document defines the essential terms, describes relevant principles and builds up a model of
service excellence. It delivers an all-embracing framework for further documents to deal with essential
elements of the service excellence model in more detail:
— ISO/TS 24082 offers principles, and activities of designing excellent services. It specifies the
elements of the dimension “creating outstanding customer experiences” of the service excellence
model. Thus, it is related to 7.3 of this document.
— ISO/TS 23686 provides an appropriate set of internal and external metrics and methods that can
be used to measure service excellence performance, particularly the influencers and substantial
effects of outstanding customer experiences and customer delight. It covers all the dimensions of
the service excellence model. Thus, it is related to 7.4 of this document.
1) Under preparation. Stage at the time of publication: ISO/PRF TS 24082:2021.
2) Under preparation. Stage at the time of publication: ISO/WD TS 23686:2021.
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Service excellence — Principles and model
1 Scope
This document specifies service excellence terminology, principles and model to achieve outstanding
customer experience and sustainable customer delight. It does not focus on the provision of basic
customer service but on the provision of excellent service.
This document applies to all organizations delivering services, such as commercial organizations,
public services and not-for-profit organizations.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
service excellence
capabilities of an organization to consistently deliver excellent services
Note 1 to entry: Capabilities reflect the four dimensions and nine elements of the service excellence model and
their interplay.
excellent service
output of an organization with a high level of service provision performed between the organization
and the customer to achieve outstanding customer experiences that lead to customer delight
Note 1 to entry: Examples of a high level of service provision are individual excellent service provision (Level 3)
and surprisingly excellent service provision (Level 4) in the service excellence pyramid.
active involvement of stakeholders in service design, delivery and innovation
person or organization that can or does receive a product or a service that is intended for or required
by the person or organization
EXAMPLE Consumer, client, end-user, patient, beneficiary and purchaser.
Note 1 to entry: A customer can be internal or external to the organization.
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.2.4, modified]
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customer delight
positive emotions experienced by the customer derived from either an intense feeling of being highly
valued or by expectations being exceeded, or both
Note 1 to entry: Further emotions like surprise can intensify felt customer delight.
customer experience
perception by a customer about their interaction with an organization, its products or services
Note 1 to entry: An interaction is related to a customer journey or the whole relationship with an organization,
its products, systems, services or related networks. Interaction can be directly related or indirectly related to
the organization. If a customer uses a product, system or service it can be referred to as a user experience for
each interaction.
outstanding customer experience
significantly better than usual customer experience
customer journey
series or sum of customer experiences when engaging with an organization, its products or services
Note 1 to entry: “Series” is based on processes; “sum” is based on results.
perception of the degree to which expectations have been fulfilled
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.9.2, modified]
output of an organization with at least one activity necessarily performed between the organization
and the customer
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.7.7, modified]
service provision
delivery and management of a service
[SOURCE: ISO 41011:2017, 3.1.2, modified]
service excellence vision
future aspiration of an organization for achieving service excellence
service excellence mission
commitment of an organization on how to achieve the service excellence vision
service excellence strategy
translation of the service excellence vision and mission into solid principles, objectives and actions in
order to realize the goals
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employee engagement
extent to which employees are committed to the organization, feel enthusiastic about their job and put
discretionary effort into their work
Note 1 to entry: Engaged employees are motivated to go above and beyond what they are expected to do for
customers and the organization.
4 Relevance and benefits of service excellence
Some of the greatest challenges for service organizations today are the growing demands, needs and
expectations of customers and their declining loyalty. As customer needs and expectations expand,
organizations should concentrate on optimizing the experience, using innovation at all touchpoints in
customer journeys. Services should be continuously and consistently improved, in co-creation with the
customer and all other stakeholders.
Service excellence describes an approach that enables the creation of outstanding customer experiences
by individual and surprisingly excellent service provision resulting in delighted customers. Thus,
service excellence leads to strengthening customer loyalty and consequently improves business
This cause-effect chain is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 — Service excellence effect chain
Service excellence is a continuous process and requires investment in people, infrastructure and
research. The organization can benefit from this investment in a number of ways, through for example:
— competitive differentiation;
— higher customer centricity reputation;
— customer preference;
— establishment and strengthening of long-term customer relationships (leading to a greater
propensity to remain, recommend and repurchase, and thereby reducing the churn rate);
— cost-saving potential in the long term (e.g. lower failure costs, easier sale conversions and reduced
advertising expenses for acquiring new customers);
— an excellent employer brand (leading to improved recruitment opportunities, higher levels of staff
engagement and improved employee retention);
— improved customer co-operation and engagement;
— brand strengths, including positive brand awareness;
— help with managing networks with subcontractors;
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— a boost to company efficiency;
— implementation of agility in organizations.
5 Principles of service excellence
Principles of service excellence include:
a) Managing the organization from outside-in.
The organization should design the desired experience from the customer’s perspective. Once
designed, resources and processes should be aligned in the sense of customer centricity on an
ongoing basis.
b) Deepening customer relationships.
The organization should strive for a superior level of individual personalization and be focused
on the customer needs and expectations throughout the relationship. A strong relationship can
be fuelled by continuous communication, which should reflect the customer’s desired level of
c) People make the difference.
The engagement of everyone in the organization, including partners, in achieving customer delight
is of key importance.
d) Balanced attention to customers, employees, subcontractors and other stakeholders.
Customers, employees, subcontractors and other stakeholders are important and the organization
should give a balanced focus of attention to them all.
e) Cross-functional management approach.
The organization should work through customer journeys with an integrated cross-functional
f) Leveraging of technology.
Appropriate technology should be used to create outstanding customer experiences for staff,
customers and partners.
g) Create value for stakeholders.
Implementing service excellence leads to additional sustainable value for stakeholders. Co-creation
with stakeholders should be used to create enhanced value. Value can be monetary as well as non-
6 Service excellence model
The service excellence model (see Figure 3) contains four dimensions with nine elements which lead to
outstanding customer experiences and delight.
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Figure 3 — Service excellence model
The objective of permanently achieving customer delight is at the centre of the model. The four
dimensions and nine elements are equal with no sequence of implementation, although ideally a service
excellence strategy should be in place.
7 Elements of the service excellence model
7.1 Service excellence leadership and strategy
7.1.1 Service excellence vision, mission and strategy
An organization shall define their service excellence vision, mission and strategy in the long term. The
elements of service excellence vision, mission and strategy frame and determine the organization’s
targeted customer experience. They translate the principles and the design of outstanding customer
experiences into all other elements of the service excellence model. Depending on the brand positioning
of an organization, e.g. low-budget, premium or luxury brand, customer expectations vary regarding
the aspiration level.
The service excellence vision, mission and strategy shall be aligned to each other and should be aligned
to the organization’s overall strategy. They should be created and reviewed by involving all stakeholders,
including management, staff and customers. The vision, mission and strategy should be communicated
to all parts of the organization. It should also be implemented throughout the organization to help
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create a service excellence culture and to inform everyone about the decision making. This element is
divided into three sub-elements:
a) Service excellence vision.
The organization shall have a service excellence vision in the long term which clearly states
its aspiration to consistently meet and exceed customers’ expectations and desires through
exceptional service delivery. The vision should embrace the whole organization and should be
based on a deep understanding of the needs and expectations of all relevant stakeholders as well as
the external environment.
b) Service excellence mission.
The organization shall have a mission in the long term which will enable the development of
a service excellence strategy that sets the goals and objectives to achieve the service excellence
vision. The organization should evaluate the proposed mission statements from a customer and a
feasibility point of view.
c) Service excellence strategy.
The organization shall translate its service excellence vision and mission into a coherent strategy
in the form of documented strategic and operational objectives. The service excellence strategy
forms an integral part of the overall organizational strategy and describes what the organization
will achieve and how it will realize these objectives.
The service excellence strategy should be based on the seven principles and the other eight
elements to achieve the results. The strategy shall be translated into actionable objectives, goals,
programmes and other tools. Responsibilities and how the organization plans to implement these
should be defined. The governance of service excellence has to be drawn up as a system by which
the current use of service excellence is directed and controlled. The strategy shall be deployed to
all relevant parts of the organization and reviewed regularly and whenever it is deemed necessary.
This review should take into account any changes in the external environment that have the
potential to affect service excellence.
Appropriate practices for the development and implementation of the service excellence vision,
mission and strategy can include:
1) the production of an inspiring vision document which is widely circulated and gains acceptance
by all stakeholders;
2) the realization of strategy workshops with key stakeholders in order to develop a service
excellence vision, mission and strategy;
3) the setting up of customer advisory boards.
7.1.2 Leadership and management requirements
All board members and relevant managers at all levels have a vital role in determining, implementing
and sustaining the service excellence strategy and shall be committed to service excellence. They
shall demonstrate their leadership by developing and deploying the service excellence vision, mission
and strategy in line with the overall strategic direction of the organization. They should develop the
necessary purpose and service excellence values and make sure that the whole organization, including
its people, is united towards achieving them. The mindset and commitment of top management to
create an environment which allows employees to realize their full service potential is crucial in order
to achieve service excellence.
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This element is divided into three sub-elements:
a) Leadership.
Relevant managers at all levels should focus on service excellence and create a service excellence
culture that captures the whole organization, including its key stakeholders. They should link the
performance of the organization directly with the performance regarding service excellence.
Managers should:
— develop the service excellence vision, mission, strategy and purpose and ensure that it is
communicated throughout the organization;
— regularly monitor and review the progress of implementation of the service excellence strategy
and objectives by defining and using a set of relevant performance indicators;
— inspire employees on service excellence and create an environment and a culture of ownership,
engagement and accountability;
— set the direction for service excellence innovation;
— receive regular customer feedback and use this information as an important input to the
performance of service excellence as well as employee performance;
— ensure achievement of service excellence objectives through supporting and developing
employees' knowledge and skills.
Appropriate practices for implementation can include:
1) implementing organizational development programmes supported by change management
for service excellence conceived, delivered or both by a dedicated structure (e.g. service
2) managers understanding and developing service excellence capabilities and using mentoring
programmes and coaching for service excellence;
3) effectively engaging stakeholders by organizing 360° feedback involving also customers, peers
and employees;
4) using feedback information as a key input for the development and review in the service
excellence objectives;
5) managers setting and communicating the direction and focus on service excellence as well as
sharing and promoting best practices;
6) creating a service excellence culture by involving managers for two days per year at minimum
in a customer-facing unit.
b) Sharing efforts, defined responsibilities and objectives.
Managers, through strong leadership and leading by example, should create an environment in
which employees are able to deliver outstanding customer experiences.
Managers should:
— translate the strategy into actionable operational objectives and programmes for departments,
teams and employees so that each one is fully aware of their impact on service excellence;
— establish and communicate motivational and agreed service excellence targets;
— communicate the operational objectives to external stakeholders, including subcontractors,
and ensure that the specifications given to them are properly understood and executed;
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— develop the necessary service excellence governance so that:
— service excellence is promoted and implemented;
— service excellence performance is monitored and reported and all necessary improvement
actions are initiated.
Appropriate practices for implementation can include:
1) Personal development programmes for all competencies and behaviours (e.g. training of
emotional and social competence).
2) The use of storytelling (e.g. recounting good or bad stories of service excellence).
3) Cross-functional solution teams and customer experience board for monitoring service
excellence performance.
4) Management encouraging everyone to take ownership in shared activities and results.
5) Management deploying programmes that ensure the acknowledgement of all employees’
efforts as part of the results obtained.
6) Translating the service excellence strategy [see 7.1.1 c)] into its organizational objectives with
a balanced top-down, bottom-up approach as a part of the organization’s regular planning and
control cycle. The outcome of such a process is that each department, team and employee is
able to link their own objectives and individual actions with the service excellence strategy.
Employees should be able to regularly review their objectives and results.
7) Roles and responsibilities relating to the provision of service excellence.
c) Employee empowerment and engagement.
In a service excellence environment, employees should go above and beyond what they are expected
to do for customers in order to deliver outstanding and personalized experiences.
Managers should:
— empower employees;
— engage the employees by requesting their input in decisions that affect the customer;
— provide the necessary support and encouragement to the employees for the effective
implementation of their duties;
— assess the training needs based on individual competencies and provide the necessary training,
coaching and support;
— be close to the employees and provide quick feedback relating to the delivery of their service
excellence responsibilities;
— provide a work environment where employees are motivated to do their best towards achieving
customer delight.
Appropriate practices for implementation can include:
1) management encouraging, supporting and enabling employees to reach their full potential
by delegating authority and duties, for example delegating resource authority or customer
compensation (e.g. budget authority), giving employees a freedom to act

Première édition
Excellence de service — Principes et
Service excellence — Principles and model
Numéro de référence
ISO 23592:2021(F)
ISO 2021

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ISO 23592:2021(F)

© ISO 2021
Tous droits réservés. Sauf prescription différente ou nécessité dans le contexte de sa mise en œuvre, aucune partie de cette
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ISO copyright office
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Tél.: +41 22 749 01 11
Publié en Suisse
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ISO 23592:2021(F)

Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .iv
Introduction .v
1 Domaine d'application . 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions . 1
4 Pertinence et avantages de l’excellence de service . 3
5 Principes de l’excellence de service . 4
6 Modèle d’excellence de service . 4
7 Composantes du modèle d’excellence de service . 5
7.1 Leadership et stratégie d’excellence de service . 5
7.1.1 Vision, mission et stratégie d’excellence de service . 5
7.1.2 Exigences concernant le leadership et la direction . 6
7.2 Culture de l’excellence de service et implication des collaborateurs . 9
7.2.1 Culture d’excellence de service . 9
7.2.2 Implication des collaborateurs .11
7.3 Création d’expériences client extraordinaires .13
7.3.1 Compréhension des besoins, attentes et souhaits du client .13
7.3.2 Conception et renouvellement d’expériences client extraordinaires .15
7.3.3 Management de l’innovation du service .17
7.4 Excellence de service opérationnelle.18
7.4.1 Management des processus efficaces et efficients liés à l’expérience client
et de la structure organisationnelle .18
7.4.2 Surveillance des activités et des résultats de l’excellence de service .20
Bibliographie .23
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ISO 23592:2021(F)

L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes
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ISO 23592:2021(F)

Dans le monde concurrentiel d’aujourd’hui, les attentes des clients ont changé et évoluent en
permanence. Aujourd’hui, la mondialisation et la digitalisation ainsi que la variété d’offres accrue de
produits et de services offrent une plus grande liberté de choix aux clients. Chaque achat et chaque
contact client est un moment de vérité.
Les organisations prétendent souvent placer le client au centre de leurs activités. Toutefois, sur des
marchés concurrentiels, il est essentiel d’orienter le management de l’ensemble de l’organisation autour
du client et de l’expérience client proposée. Les organisations qui adoptent cette approche prospéreront.
La satisfaction optimale du client ne peut plus être atteinte en lui proposant simplement les produits
et les services de base qu’il attend. Pour réussir et garder une longueur d’avance sur ses concurrents,
il est indispensable d’enchanter les clients en leur offrant des expériences client extraordinaires et
différenciées. Tel est l’objectif de l’excellence de service.
Le présent document décrit les principes, composantes et sous-composantes permettant de créer des
expériences client extraordinaires. Les deux niveaux du bas de la pyramide d’excellence de service
(voir Figure 1) constituent les principes fondamentaux de la mise en œuvre de l’excellence de service.
Les Niveaux 1 et 2 concernent la réponse aux attentes des clients et le respect des promesses faites.
Ils conduisent à la satisfaction du client. La proposition de service de base (Niveau 1) est perçue par
les clients comme le fait de tenir ses promesses. La gestion du retour d’information client (Niveau 2)
résulte du traitement correct des problèmes et demandes. Ceux-ci sont décrits dans des Normes
internationales comme l’ISO 9001, l’ISO 10002 et l’ISO/IEC 20000-1. Le présent document traite, quant
à lui, des niveaux supérieurs:
— la délivrance d’un excellent service personnalisé (Niveau 3);
— la délivrance d’un excellent service surprenant (Niveau 4).
Ces deux niveaux créent un lien émotionnel avec le client et débouchent sur l’enchantement du client. Les
résultantes pour l’entreprise en sont le renforcement de son image de marque et une forte attractivité
pour ses clients nouveaux et existants, tout en se différenciant de ses concurrents.
Délivrer un excellent service personnalisé (Niveau 3) signifie délivrer un service perçu par les clients
comme chaleureux, authentique, individualisé, sur mesure et créateur de valeur ajoutée. Le client
ressent une émotion en se sentant valorisé.
Délivrer un excellent service surprenant (Niveau 4) signifie délivrer un service sur mesure qui génère
des émotions de surprise et de joie. Ce service dépasse les attentes du client. Cela peut être réalisé en
délivrant des expériences client aussi extraordinaires qu’inattendues. Toutefois, diverses approches
peuvent être adoptées pour enchanter le client.
Il convient que la pyramide d’excellence de service soit utilisée pour expliquer aux managers et aux
collaborateurs pourquoi une organisation doit se concentrer sur les deux composantes suivantes:
tenir ses promesses (Niveaux 1 et 2) et dépasser les attentes du client en lui fournissant des services
excellents (Niveaux 3 et 4).
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Figure 1 — Pyramide d’excellence de service
Le présent document définit les termes essentiels, décrit les principes pertinents et établit un modèle
d’excellence de service. Il fournit un cadre général pour des documents complémentaires afin de traiter
les composantes essentielles du modèle d’excellence de service de façon plus détaillée:
— l’ISO/TS 24082 propose des principes et des actions pour concevoir d’excellents services.
Elle précise les composantes de la dimension «création d’expériences client extraordinaires»
du modèle d’excellence de service. Elle est donc liée à 7.3 du présent document;
— l’ISO/TS 23686 fournit un ensemble d’indicateurs et de méthodes internes et externes qui peuvent
être utilisés pour mesurer la performance de l’excellence de service, notamment les facteurs influant
et les effets substantiels des expériences client extraordinaires et de l’enchantement du client. Elle
couvre toutes les dimensions du modèle d’excellence de service. Elle est donc liée à 7.4 du présent
1) En cours d’élaboration. Stade au moment de la publication : ISO/PRF TS 24082:2021.
2) En cours d’élaboration. Stade au moment de la publication : ISO/WD TS 23686:2021.
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Excellence de service — Principes et modèle
1 Domaine d'application
Le présent document définit la terminologie, les principes et le modèle d’excellence de service
permettant de créer une expérience client extraordinaire, et d’atteindre un enchantement durable de
ce dernier. Il ne traite pas de la fourniture au client d’un service de base, mais de la délivrance d’un
excellent service.
Le présent document s’applique à toutes les organisations délivrant des services, comme les
organisations commerciales, les services publics et les organisations à but non lucratif.
2 Références normatives
Le présent document ne contient aucune référence normative.
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
L’ISO et l’IEC tiennent à jour des bases de données terminologiques destinées à être utilisées en
normalisation, consultables aux adresses suivantes:
— ISO Online browsing platform: disponible à l’adresse https:// www .iso .org/ obp;
— IEC Electropedia: disponible à l’adresse https:// www .electropedia .org/ .
excellence de service
capacité d’une organisation à fournir des services excellents de manière cohérente
Note 1 à l'article: Les capacités reflètent les quatre dimensions et neuf composantes du modèle d’excellence de
service ainsi que leurs interactions.
excellent service
élément de sortie d’une organisation fournissant un niveau de service élevé entre l’organisation et le
client pour créer des expériences client extraordinaires provoquant l’enchantement du client
Note 1 à l'article: Des exemples d’un niveau de fourniture de services élevé sont la fourniture de services
excellents personnalisés (Niveau 3) et la fourniture de services excellents surprenants (Niveau 4) dans la
pyramide d’excellence de service.
implication active des parties prenantes dans la conception, la délivrance et l’innovation du service
personne ou organisation qui est susceptible de recevoir ou qui reçoit un produit ou un service destiné à,
ou demandé par, cette personne ou cette organisation
EXEMPLE Consommateur, client, utilisateur final, patient, bénéficiaire et acheteur.
Note 1 à l'article: Le client peut être interne ou externe à l’organisation.
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[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.2.4, modifiée]
enchantement du client
émotions positivement éprouvées par le client qui se sent hautement valorisé ou qui voit ses attentes
dépassées, ou les deux
Note 1 à l'article: D’autres émotions comme la surprise peuvent intensifier l’enchantement ressenti par le client.
expérience client
perception d’un client de son interaction avec une organisation, ses produits ou ses services
Note 1 à l'article: Une interaction est liée à un parcours client ou à l’ensemble de ses relations avec une
organisation, ses produits, ses systèmes, ses services ou ses réseaux associés. L’interaction avec l’organisation
peut être directe ou indirecte. Si un client utilise un produit, un système ou un service, ceci peut être considéré
comme une expérience client pour chaque interaction.
expérience client extraordinaire
expérience client significativement meilleure qu’une expérience client habituelle
parcours client
série ou ensemble des expériences d’un client avec une organisation, ses produits ou ses services
Note 1 à l'article: Le terme «série» s’appuie sur des processus, le terme «ensemble» sur des résultats.
perception du client du degré auquel il a été répondu à ses attentes
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.9.2, modifiée]
produit d’une organisation avec au minimum une activité nécessairement réalisée entre l’organisation
et le client
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.7.7, modifiée]
fourniture de service
délivrance et management d’un service
[SOURCE: ISO 41011:2017, 3.1.2, modifiée]
vision d’excellence de service
aspiration future d’une organisation pour atteindre l’excellence de service
mission d’excellence de service
engagement d’une organisation quant à la manière d’atteindre l’objectif de la vision d’excellence de
stratégie d’excellence de service
traduction de l’ambition et de la vision d’excellence de service en principes, objectifs et actions tangibles
afin d’atteindre ses buts
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implication des collaborateurs
degré auquel les collaborateurs sont impliqués vis-à-vis de l’organisation, sont passionnés par leur
travail et déploient des efforts remarquables dans leur travail
Note 1 à l'article: Les collaborateurs engagés sont motivés à redoubler d’efforts et à se dépasser pour les clients
et l’organisation.
4 Pertinence et avantages de l’excellence de service
De nos jours, un des plus grands défis des organisations de service consiste à répondre aux exigences,
attentes et besoins sans cesse croissants des clients, avec une fidélité en déclin. De fait, il convient
que les organisations concentrent leurs efforts sur l’optimisation de l’expérience client en innovant au
niveau de chaque point de contact du parcours client. Il convient que les services soient en permanence
améliorés dans la cohérence, en cocréation avec le client et toutes les autres parties prenantes.
L’excellence de service décrit une approche qui permet la production d’expériences client extraordinaires
grâce à un service excellent individualisé et surprenant dont la finalité est de générer l’enchantement
des clients. Par conséquent, l’excellence de service conduit au renforcement de la fidélité des clients et
contribue fortement au succès de l’entreprise.
Cette chaîne de cause à effet est illustrée à la Figure 2.
Figure 2 — Chaîne de cause à effet de l’excellence de service
L’excellence de service est fondée sur un processus continu qui nécessite des investissements en
ressources humaines, infrastructures et recherche. L’organisation peut tirer profit de cet investissement
de plusieurs manières, par exemple via:
— une différenciation concurrentielle;
— une meilleure réputation en termes d’orientation client;
— une préférence client;
— une instauration et une consolidation de relations à long terme avec le client (donnant lieu à une plus
grande propension à rester, racheter et recommander, et réduisant, par conséquent, le taux de perte
de clients);
— la possibilité de réduire les coûts sur le long terme (par exemple, réduction du coût des échecs,
conversions des prospects facilitées et réduction des dépenses publicitaires pour acquérir de
nouveaux clients);
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— une excellente image en tant qu’employeur (ayant pour effet une amélioration des opportunités de
recrutement, des niveaux plus élevés d’implication du personnel et un meilleur taux de fidélisation
des collaborateurs);
— une coopération et un engagement accrus des clients;
— une puissance de la marque, incluant une réputation positive;
— une facilitation de la gestion des réseaux avec les sous-traitants;
— un accroissement de la rentabilité de la société;
— une mise en œuvre de l’agilité au sein des organisations.
5 Principes de l’excellence de service
Les principes de l’excellence de service incluent les points suivants:
a) Management de l’organisation d’un point de vue client.
Il convient que l’expérience client visée soit conçue du point de vue du client. Une fois conçus, il
convient que ces ressources et processus restent alignés de façon continue avec l’orientation client
de l’organisation.
b) Approfondissement de la relation client.
Il convient que l’organisation s’efforce d’atteindre un niveau supérieur de personnalisation
individuelle et se concentre sur les besoins et attentes du client tout le long de leur relation. Une
relation forte peut être entretenue par une communication continue. Il convient qu’elle reflète le
niveau d’interaction souhaité par le client.
c) Partage de la conviction que l’humain fait la différence.
L’implication de chacun au sein de l’organisation, y compris les partenaires, pour créer
l’enchantement du client a une importance clé.
d) Développement de l’équilibre des attentions entre les clients, les collaborateurs et les partenaires.
Les clients, les collaborateurs et les partenaires sont tous importants; il convient donc que
l’organisation leur accorde une attention équilibrée.
e) Développement d’une approche de management transversale.
Il convient que l’organisation adopte une approche transversale intégrée en ce qui concerne les
parcours client.
f) Utilisation de l’effet levier de la technologie.
Il convient d’utiliser la technologie appropriée pour produire des expériences extraordinaires,
aussi bien pour les collaborateurs que pour les clients et partenaires.
g) Création de valeur pour les parties prenantes.
La mise en œuvre de l’excellence de service génère une valeur ajoutée durable supplémentaire pour
les parties prenantes. Il convient d’utiliser la cocréation avec les parties prenantes pour accroitre la
création de valeur. Cette valeur peut être financière ou non financière.
6 Modèle d’excellence de service
Le modèle d’excellence de service (voir Figure 3) comprend quatre dimensions et neuf composantes qui
permettent de produire des expériences client extraordinaires et de l’enchantement client.
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Figure 3 — Modèle d’excellence de service
L’objectif d’enchantement permanent du client est au centre du modèle. Ses quatre dimensions et ses
neuf composantes sont équivalentes, et leur mise en œuvre ne suit aucun ordre séquentiel, même s’il
convient qu’une stratégie d’excellence de service, idéalement, soit en place.
7 Composantes du modèle d’excellence de service
7.1 Leadership et stratégie d’excellence de service
7.1.1 Vision, mission et stratégie d’excellence de service
Une organisation doit définir sa vision, sa mission et sa stratégie d’excellence de service sur le long
terme. Les composantes de la vision, la mission et la stratégie d’excellence de service délimitent et
déterminent l’expérience client que cible l’organisation. Elles traduisent les principes et la conception
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d’expériences client extraordinaires à travers toutes les autres composantes du modèle d’excellence de
service. Selon le positionnement de la marque d’une organisation, par exemple, marque bon marché,
marque haut de gamme ou marque de luxe, le niveau des attentes du client varie.
La vision, la mission et la stratégie d’excellence de service doivent être en phase entre elles et il convient
qu’elles soient alignées avec la stratégie globale de l’organisation. Il convient qu’elles soient créées et
passées en revue en impliquant toutes les parties prenantes, y compris la direction, les collaborateurs
et les clients. Il convient que la vision, la mission et la stratégie soient communiquées à toutes les parties
de l’organisation. Il convient qu’elles soient également mises en œuvre à travers l’organisation pour
contribuer à la création d’une culture d’excellence de service et pour informer chacun sur la prise de
décision. Cette composante est divisée en trois sous-composantes:
a) Vision d’excellence de service.
L’organisation doit disposer d’une vision d’excellence de service à long terme qui annonce
clairement son aspiration à répondre, voire à aller au-delà des attentes et souhaits des clients, grâce
à la délivrance d’un service extraordinaire. Il convient que cette vision soit adoptée par l’ensemble
de l’organisation et fondée sur une compréhension approfondie des besoins et attentes de toutes les
parties prenantes pertinentes ainsi que de l’environnement externe.
b) Mission d’excellence de service.
L’organisation doit avoir une mission à long terme qui permette le développement d’une stratégie
d’excellence de service fixant les buts et objectifs pour atteindre la vision d’excellence de service.
Il convient que l’organisation évalue les principes de cette mission en tenant compte du point de
vue du client et de leur faisabilité.
c) Stratégie d’excellence de service.
L’organisation doit transposer sa vision et sa mission d’excellence de service en une stratégie
cohérente prenant la forme d’objectifs stratégiques et opérationnels documentés. La stratégie
d’excellence de service fait partie intégrante de la stratégie organisationnelle globale et décrit ce
que l’organisation compte réaliser ainsi que la manière dont elle compte atteindre ces objectifs.
Il convient que la stratégie d’excellence soit basée sur les sept principes et sur les autres huit
composantes pour atteindre les résultats. La stratégie doit être traduite en objectifs, buts,
programmes et autres outils pouvant être mis en application. Il convient que les responsabilités
et la façon dont l’organisation compte les mettre en œuvre soient définies. La gouvernance de
l’excellence de service doit être conçue comme un système permettant de piloter et contrôler la
mise en œuvre de l’excellence de service. La stratégie doit être déployée dans toutes les parties
pertinentes de l’organisation et régulièrement passée en revue, aussi souvent que cela semblera
nécessaire. Il convient que ce passage en revue prenne en compte tous les changements de
l’environnement externe qui peuvent potentiellement affecter l’excellence de service.
Les pratiques appropriées pour le développement et la mise en œuvre de la vision, de la mission et
de la stratégie d’excellence de service peuvent inclure:
1) la production d’un document inspirant sur la vision, largement diffusé et suscitant l’adhésion
de toutes les parties prenantes;
2) l’organisation d’ateliers concernant la stratégie avec les parties prenantes clés afin de
développer une vision, une mission et une stratégie d’excellence de service;
3) la mise en place d’instances consultatives de clients.
7.1.2 Exigences concernant le leadership et la direction
Tous les membres du conseil d’administration et les managers impliqués à tout niveau jouent un rôle
primordial en ce qui concerne la détermination, la mise en œuvre et la pérennité de la stratégie de
l’excellence de service et doivent s’engager en faveur de l’excellence de service. Ils doivent faire preuve
de leur leadership en développant et mettant en œuvre une vision, mission et stratégie d’excellence de
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service en phase avec l’orientation stratégique globale de l’organisation. Il convient qu’ils développent
les composantes et les valeurs de l’excellence de service nécessaires, et s’assurent que l’ensemble de
l’organisation, y compris son personnel, est uni pour les atteindre. L’état d’esprit et l’implication de
la direction générale à créer un environnement permettant aux collaborateurs de réaliser leur plein
potentiel en matière de service sont cruciaux pour atteindre l’excellence de service.
Cette composante est divisée en trois sous-composantes:
a) Leadership.
Il convient que les responsables impliqués à tout niveau se focalisent sur l’excellence de service afin
de créer une culture d’excellence qui englobe l’ensemble de l’organisation, y compris les parties
prenantes clés. Il convient qu’ils puissent relier directement la performance de l’organisation avec
celle de l’excellence de service.
Il convient que les managers:
— développent les vision, mission, stratégie et objectif d’excellence de service et s’assurent qu’ils
sont diffusés dans toute l’organisation;
— contrôlent et passent régulièrement en revue la progression de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie
d’excellence de service et ses objectifs en définissant et en utilisant un ensemble d’indicateurs
de performances pertinents;
— inspirent les collaborateurs concernant l’excellence de service et créent un environnement ainsi
qu’une culture d’appropriation, d’engagement et de transparence;
— définissent l’orientation de l’innovation en matière d’excellence de service;
— reçoivent régulièrement des retours des clients et les utilisent comme des données d’entrée
essentielles pour la performance de l’excellence de service ainsi que celle des collaborateurs;
— s’assurent de l’atteinte des objectifs d’excellence de service en soutenant et développant les
connaissances et compétences des collaborateurs.
Les bonnes pratiques d’implémentation peuvent inclure:
1) la mise en œuvre de programmes globaux de développement incluant la gestion du changement
pour une excellence de service conçue ou fournie par une structure dédiée (par exemple,
académies du service), ou les deux;
2) des managers comprenant et développant leurs capacités d’excellence de service et utilisant
des programmes d’encadrement et d’accompagnement aux fins de l’excellence de service;
3) l’implication effective des parties prenantes en organisant des retours d’information à 360°
impliquant également les clients, les pairs et les collaborateurs;
4) l’utilisation des retours d’information comme données clés

First edition
Service excellence — Principles and
Excellence de service — Principes et modèle
Reference number
ISO 23592:2021(E)
ISO 2021

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be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Relevance and benefits of service excellence . 3
5 Principles of service excellence . 4
6 Service excellence model . 4
7 Elements of the service excellence model . 5
7.1 Service excellence leadership and strategy . 5
7.1.1 Service excellence vision, mission and strategy . 5
7.1.2 Leadership and management requirements . 6
7.2 Service excellence culture and employee engagement . 9
7.2.1 Service excellence culture . 9
7.2.2 Employee engagement .10
7.3 Creating outstanding customer experiences .13
7.3.1 Understanding customer needs, expectations and desires.13
7.3.2 Designing and renewing outstanding customer experiences .14
7.3.3 Service innovation management.16
7.4 Operational service excellence .17
7.4.1 Managing customer-experience-related efficient and effective processes
and organizational structure .17
7.4.2 Monitoring service excellence activities and results .19
Bibliography .22
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 312, Excellence in service.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
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Customer expectations in today’s competitive world have changed and are constantly evolving. Today,
globalization and digitalization and the increased variety of products and services allow customers
more freedom of choice. Every purchase and customer contact is a moment of truth.
Organizations often claim they put the customer at the centre of their business. However, in competitive
markets it is essential to manage the whole organization around the customer and the experience
offered. Organizations that do this will flourish. The optimal delivery of customer satisfaction can
no longer be achieved by the offering of basic products and services expected by the customer. To be
successful and to stay ahead of competitors, it is essential to delight customers by providing outstanding
and differentiating experiences. This is the objective of service excellence.
This document describes the principles, elements and sub-elements for creating outstanding customer
experiences. The basic foundations of implementing service excellence are the two lower levels of
the service excellence pyramid (see Figure 1). Levels 1 and 2 are about meeting the expectations of
customers and fulfilling the promises. They lead to customer satisfaction. The core service proposition
(Level 1) is perceived by customers as delivering on promises. The customer feedback management
(Level 2) results in dealing well with problems and queries. These are described in International
Standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 10002 and ISO/IEC 20000-1. This document deals with the upper levels:
— individual excellent service provision (Level 3);
— surprisingly excellent service provision (Level 4).
These two levels create an emotional connection with the customer and lead to customer delight. The
impact for the business is a strong brand image and attractiveness to new and existing customers as
well as competitive differentiation.
Individual excellent service provision (Level 3) results in service that is perceived by customers as
warm, genuine, personalized, tailor-made and value-creating. The customer experiences an emotional
reaction by feeling valued.
Surprisingly excellent service provision (Level 4) results in service that is tailor-made and leads to
emotions of surprise and joy. It is delivered by exceeding customer expectations. This can be achieved
by delivering unexpected outstanding customer experiences. However, various approaches can be used
to achieve customer delight.
The service excellence pyramid should be used to explain to managers and employees why an
organization has to focus on both fulfilling the promises (Levels 1 and 2) and exceeding customer
expectations by delivering excellent services (Levels 3 and 4).
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Figure 1 — Service excellence pyramid
This document defines the essential terms, describes relevant principles and builds up a model of
service excellence. It delivers an all-embracing framework for further documents to deal with essential
elements of the service excellence model in more detail:
— ISO/TS 24082 offers principles, and activities of designing excellent services. It specifies the
elements of the dimension “creating outstanding customer experiences” of the service excellence
model. Thus, it is related to 7.3 of this document.
— ISO/TS 23686 provides an appropriate set of internal and external metrics and methods that can
be used to measure service excellence performance, particularly the influencers and substantial
effects of outstanding customer experiences and customer delight. It covers all the dimensions of
the service excellence model. Thus, it is related to 7.4 of this document.
1) Under preparation. Stage at the time of publication: ISO/DTS 24082:2021.
2) Under preparation. Stage at the time of publication: ISO/AWI TS 23686:2021.
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Service excellence — Principles and model
1 Scope
This document specifies service excellence terminology, principles and model to achieve outstanding
customer experience and sustainable customer delight. It does not focus on the provision of basic
customer service but on the provision of excellent service.
This document applies to all organizations delivering services, such as commercial organizations,
public services and not-for-profit organizations.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
service excellence
capabilities of an organization to consistently deliver excellent services
Note 1 to entry: Capabilities reflect the four dimensions and nine elements of the service excellence model and
their interplay.
excellent service
output of an organization with a high level of service provision performed between the organization
and the customer to achieve outstanding customer experiences that lead to customer delight
Note 1 to entry: Examples of a high level of service provision are individual excellent service provision (Level 3)
and surprisingly excellent service provision (Level 4) in the service excellence pyramid.
active involvement of stakeholders in service design, delivery and innovation
person or organization that can or does receive a product or a service that is intended for or required
by the person or organization
EXAMPLE Consumer, client, end-user, patient, beneficiary and purchaser.
Note 1 to entry: A customer can be internal or external to the organization.
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.2.4]
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customer delight
positive emotions experienced by the customer derived from either an intense feeling of being highly
valued or by expectations being exceeded, or both
Note 1 to entry: Further emotions like surprise can intensify felt customer delight.
customer experience
perception by a customer about their interaction with an organization, its products or services
Note 1 to entry: An interaction is related to a customer journey or the whole relationship with an organization,
its products, systems, services or related networks. Interaction can be directly related or indirectly related to
the organization. If a customer uses a product, system or service it can be referred to as a user experience for
each interaction.
outstanding customer experience
significantly better than usual customer experience
customer journey
series or sum of customer experiences when engaging with an organization, its products or services
Note 1 to entry: “Series” is based on processes; “sum” is based on results.
perception of the degree to which expectations have been fulfilled
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.9.2, modified]
output of an organization with at least one activity necessarily performed between the organization
and the customer
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.7.7, modified]
service provision
delivery and management of a service
[SOURCE: ISO 41011:2017, 3.1.2, modified]
service excellence vision
future aspiration of an organization for achieving service excellence
service excellence mission
commitment of an organization on how to achieve the service excellence vision
service excellence strategy
translation of the service excellence vision and mission into solid principles, objectives and actions in
order to realize the goals
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employee engagement
extent to which employees are committed to the organization, feel enthusiastic about their job and put
discretionary effort into their work
Note 1 to entry: Engaged employees are motivated to go above and beyond what they are expected to do for
customers and the organization.
4 Relevance and benefits of service excellence
Some of the greatest challenges for service organizations today are the growing demands, needs and
expectations of customers and their declining loyalty. As customer needs and expectations expand,
organizations should concentrate on optimizing the experience, using innovation at all touchpoints in
customer journeys. Services should be continuously and consistently improved, in co-creation with the
customer and all other stakeholders.
Service excellence describes an approach that enables the creation of outstanding customer experiences
by individual and surprisingly excellent service provision resulting in delighted customers. Thus,
service excellence leads to strengthening customer loyalty and consequently improves business
This cause-effect chain is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 — Service excellence effect chain
Service excellence is a continuous process and requires investment in people, infrastructure and
research. The organization can benefit from this investment in a number of ways, through for example:
— competitive differentiation;
— higher customer centricity reputation;
— customer preference;
— establishment and strengthening of long-term customer relationships (leading to a greater
propensity to remain, recommend and repurchase, and thereby reducing the churn rate);
— cost-saving potential in the long term (e.g. lower failure costs, easier sale conversions and reduced
advertising expenses for acquiring new customers);
— an excellent employer brand (leading to improved recruitment opportunities, higher levels of staff
engagement and improved employee retention);
— improved customer co-operation and engagement;
— brand strengths, including positive brand awareness;
— help with managing networks with subcontractors;
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— a boost to company efficiency;
— implementation of agility in organizations.
5 Principles of service excellence
Principles of service excellence include:
a) Managing the organization from outside-in.
The organization should design the desired experience from the customer’s perspective. Once
designed, resources and processes should be aligned in the sense of customer centricity on an
ongoing basis.
b) Deepening customer relationships.
The organization should strive for a superior level of individual personalization and be focused
on the customer needs and expectations throughout the relationship. A strong relationship can
be fuelled by continuous communication, which should reflect the customer’s desired level of
c) People make the difference.
The engagement of everyone in the organization, including partners, in achieving customer delight
is of key importance.
d) Balanced attention to customers, employees, subcontractors and other stakeholders.
Customers, employees, subcontractors and other stakeholders are important and the organization
should give a balanced focus of attention to them all.
e) Cross-functional management approach.
The organization should work through customer journeys with an integrated cross-functional
f) Leveraging of technology.
Appropriate technology should be used to create outstanding customer experiences for staff,
customers and partners.
g) Create value for stakeholders.
Implementing service excellence leads to additional sustainable value for stakeholders. Co-creation
with stakeholders should be used to create enhanced value. Value can be monetary as well as non-
6 Service excellence model
The service excellence model (see Figure 3) contains four dimensions with nine elements which lead to
outstanding customer experiences and delight.
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Figure 3 — Service excellence model
The objective of permanently achieving customer delight is at the centre of the model. The four
dimensions and nine elements are equal with no sequence of implementation, although ideally a service
excellence strategy should be in place.
7 Elements of the service excellence model
7.1 Service excellence leadership and strategy
7.1.1 Service excellence vision, mission and strategy
An organization shall define their service excellence vision, mission and strategy in the long term. The
elements of service excellence vision, mission and strategy frame and determine the organization’s
targeted customer experience. They translate the principles and the design of outstanding customer
experiences into all other elements of the service excellence model. Depending on the brand positioning
of an organization, e.g. low-budget, premium or luxury brand, customer expectations vary regarding
the aspiration level.
The service excellence vision, mission and strategy shall be aligned to each other and should be aligned
to the organization’s overall strategy. They should be created and reviewed by involving all stakeholders,
including management, staff and customers. The vision, mission and strategy should be communicated
to all parts of the organization. It should also be implemented throughout the organization to help
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create a service excellence culture and to inform everyone about the decision making. This element is
divided into three sub-elements:
a) Service excellence vision.
The organization shall have a service excellence vision in the long term which clearly states
its aspiration to consistently meet and exceed customers’ expectations and desires through
exceptional service delivery. The vision should embrace the whole organization and should be
based on a deep understanding of the needs and expectations of all relevant stakeholders as well as
the external environment.
b) Service excellence mission.
The organization shall have a mission in the long term which will enable the development of
a service excellence strategy that sets the goals and objectives to achieve the service excellence
vision. The organization should evaluate the proposed mission statements from a customer and a
feasibility point of view.
c) Service excellence strategy.
The organization shall translate its service excellence vision and mission into a coherent strategy
in the form of documented strategic and operational objectives. The service excellence strategy
forms an integral part of the overall organizational strategy and describes what the organization
will achieve and how it will realize these objectives.
The service excellence strategy should be based on the seven principles and the other eight
elements to achieve the results. The strategy shall be translated into actionable objectives, goals,
programmes and other tools. Responsibilities and how the organization plans to implement these
should be defined. The governance of service excellence has to be drawn up as a system by which
the current use of service excellence is directed and controlled. The strategy shall be deployed to
all relevant parts of the organization and reviewed regularly and whenever it is deemed necessary.
This review should take into account any changes in the external environment that have the
potential to affect service excellence.
Appropriate practices for the development and implementation of the service excellence vision,
mission and strategy can include:
1) the production of an inspiring vision document which is widely circulated and gains acceptance
by all stakeholders;
2) the realization of strategy workshops with key stakeholders in order to develop a service
excellence vision, mission and strategy;
3) the setting up of customer advisory boards.
7.1.2 Leadership and management requirements
All board members and relevant managers at all levels have a vital role in determining, implementing
and sustaining the service excellence strategy and shall be committed to service excellence. They
shall demonstrate their leadership by developing and deploying the service excellence vision, mission
and strategy in line with the overall strategic direction of the organization. They should develop the
necessary purpose and service excellence values and make sure that the whole organization, including
its people, are united towards achieving them. The mindset and commitment of top management to
create an environment which allows employees to realize their full service potential is crucial in order
to achieve service excellence.
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This element is divided into three sub-elements:
a) Leadership.
Relevant managers at all levels should focus on service excellence and create a service excellence
culture that captures the whole organization, including its key stakeholders. They should link the
performance of the organization directly with the performance regarding service excellence.
Managers should:
— develop the service excellence vision, mission, strategy and purpose and ensure that it is
communicated throughout the organization;
— regularly monitor and review the progress of implementation of the service excellence strategy
and objectives by defining and using a set of relevant performance indicators;
— inspire employees on service excellence and create an environment and a culture of ownership,
engagement and accountability;
— set the direction for service excellence innovation;
— receive regular customer feedback and use this information as an important input to the
performance of service excellence as well as employee performance;
— ensure achievement of service excellence objectives through supporting and developing
employees' knowledge and skills.
Appropriate practices for implementation can include:
1) implementing organizational development programmes supported by change management
for service excellence conceived, delivered or both by a dedicated structure (e.g. service
2) managers understanding and developing service excellence capabilities and using mentoring
programmes and coaching for service excellence;
3) effectively engaging stakeholders by organizing 360° feedback involving also customers, peers
and employees;
4) using feedback information as a key input for the development and review in the service
excellence objectives;
5) managers setting and communicating the direction and focus on service excellence as well as
sharing and promoting best practices;
6) creating a service excellence culture by involving managers for two days per year at minimum
in a customer-facing unit.
b) Sharing efforts, defined responsibilities and objectives.
Managers, through strong leadership and leading by example, should create an environment in
which employees are able to deliver outstanding customer experiences.
Managers should:
— translate the strategy into actionable operational objectives and programmes for departments,
teams and employees so that each one is fully aware of their impact on service excellence;
— establish and communicate motivational and agreed service excellence targets;
— communicate the operational objectives to external stakeholders, including subcontractors,
and ensure that the specifications given to them are properly understood and executed;
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— develop the necessary service excellence governance so that:
— service excellence is promoted and implemented;
— service excellence performance is monitored and reported and all necessary improvement
actions are initiated.
Appropriate practices for implementation can include:
1) Personal development programmes for all competencies and behaviours (e.g. training of
emotional and social competence).
2) The use of storytelling (e.g. recounting good or bad stories of service excellence).
3) Cross-functional solution teams and customer experience board for monitoring service
excellence performance.
4) Management encouraging everyone to take ownership in shared activities and results.
5) Management deploying programmes that ensure the acknowledgement of all employees’
efforts as part of the results obtained.
6) Translating the service excellence strategy (7.1.1 c) into its organizational objectives with a
balanced top-down, bottom-up approach as a part of the organization’s regular planning and
control cycle. The outcome of such a process is that each department, team and employee is
able to link their own objectives and individual actions with the service excellence strategy.
Employees should be able to regularly review their objectives and results.
7) Roles and responsibilities relating to the provision of service excellence.
c) Employee empowerment and engagement.
In a service excellence environment, employees should go above and beyond what they are expected
to do for customers in order to deliver outstanding and personalized experiences.
Managers should:
— empower employees;
— engage the employees by requesting their input in decisions that affect the customer;
— provide the necessary support and encouragement to the employees for the effective
implementation of their duties;
— assess the training needs based on individual competencies and provide the necessary training,
coaching and support;
— be close to the employees and provide quick feedback relating to the delivery of their service
excellence responsibilities;
— provide a work environment where employees are motivated to do their best towards achieving
customer delight.
Appropriate practices for implementation can include:
1) management encouraging, supporting and enabling employees to reach their full potential
by delegating au

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