Railway applications - Driver's cab train display controller (TDC) - Part 1: General architecture

In accordance with the ERTMS/ETCS specifications, Subset 121, UIC 612 leaflet, ERA_ERTMS_015560 document, EN 50126 and EN 61375 series requirements, this Technical Report describes the Train Display System (TDS) in the driver’s cab, and the link between the TDS/TDC and some of its interfaces (Blue box and blue links only): [figure] Figure 1 - Functional architecture The scope of this document is to define the functional architecture around the TDC. This Technical Report excludes the following items: - Communication protocols (e.g. EN 61375 series); - Ergonomic aspects; - Interface with ETCS (Subset 121); - Train functions; - GSM-R EIRENE functions; - Use of the displays as terminals for maintenance purpose.

Bahnanwendungen - Display-Steuereinheit (TDC) für Führerräume - Teil 1: Allgemeine Architektur

Applications ferroviaires - Contrôleur d'écrans de cabine (TDC) - Partie 1 : Architecture générale

Železniške naprave - Krmilnik vlakovnega prikazovalnika v strojevodjevem prostoru - 1. del: Splošna arhitektura

V skladu s specifikacijami ERTMS/ETCS, podsklopom 121, priporočilom UIC 612, dokumentom ERA_ERTMS_015560 ter zahtevami skupine standardov EN 50126 in EN 61375 to tehnično poročilo opisuje sistem vlakovnega prikazovalnika (TDS) v strojevodjevem prostoru in povezavo med TDS/TDC in nekaterimi njegovimi vmesniki (samo modro ohišje in modre povezave):
Slika 1 – Funkcionalna arhitektura
Namen tega dokumenta je opredelitev funkcionalne arhitekture za TDC.
To tehnično poročilo izključuje naslednje postavke:
– komunikacijski protokoli (npr. skupina standardov EN 61375);
– ergonomski vidiki;
– vmesnik z ETCS (podsklop 121);
– funkcije vlaka;
– funkcije GSM-R EIRENE;
– uporaba prikazovalnikov kot terminalov za vzdrževanje.

General Information

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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST-TP CLC/TR 50542-1:2014
Železniške naprave - Krmilnik vlakovnega prikazovalnika v strojevodjevem
prostoru - 1. del: Splošna arhitektura
Railway applications - Driver's cab train display controller (TDC) - Part 1: General
Bahnanwendungen - Display-Steuereinheit für Führerräume - Teil 1: Allgemeine
Applications ferroviaires - Contrôleur d'écrans de cabine (TDC) - Partie 1 : Architecture
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CLC/TR 50542-1:2018
35.240.60 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in transport
45.020 Železniška tehnika na Railway engineering in
splošno general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


May 2018
ICS 35.240.60; 45.020 Supersedes CLC/TR 50542-1:2014
English Version
Railway applications - Driver's cab train display controller (TDC)
- Part 1: General architecture
Applications ferroviaires - Contrôleur d'écrans de cabine Bahnanwendungen - Display-Steuereinheit für Führerräume
(TDC) - Partie 1 : Architecture générale - Teil 1: Allgemeine Architektur

This Technical Report was approved by CENELEC on 2018-02-26.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2018 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. CLC/TR 50542-1:2018 E

Contents Page
European foreword .3
Introduction .4
1 Scope .5
2 Normative references .5
3 Terms and definitions .6
4 Symbols and abbreviations .8
5 Functions .9
5.1 Definitions .9
5.1.1 General .9
5.1.2 Button management .9
5.1.3 Indicator management .9
5.1.4 Text management .9
5.1.5 Sound management.9
5.1.6 Data Entry management . 10
5.1.7 Data Confirmation management . 10
5.1.8 Dataview management . 10
5.1.9 Video management . 10
5.1.10 Window management . 10
5.1.11 Status management . 10
5.1.12 Display Parameters management . 11
5.2 Delays . 11
6 Communication . 11
7 Safety targets . 11
8 Certification/validation . 12
9 TDC general description . 12
9.1 General . 12
9.2 Information destination . 12
9.3 Second source . 13
9.4 TDC and display maintenance and LCC . 13
9.5 Safety and reliability targets . 14
9.6 TDC display redundancy management . 14
9.7 TDC recommended architecture . 14
9.7.1 Constraints . 14
9.7.2 TDC architecture examples . 15
Annex A (informative) Relations between the functions described in the documents of the
CLC/TR 50542 series . 18
Bibliography . 20

European foreword
This document (CLC/TR 50542-1:2018) has been prepared by CLC/TC 9X “Electrical and electronic
applications for railways”.
This document supersedes CLC/TR 50542-1:2014.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association.
The significant technical changes with respect to CLC/TR 50542-1:2014 are listed below:
— The Scope has been shortened and synthetized;
— Some terms, definitions and missing abbreviations have been added;
— For consistency with CLC/TR 50542-2:2016 and CLC/TR 50542-3:2016, missing functions have been
added and definition of functions have been improved to be consistent;
— Delays and failure modes have been deleted because they depend on the technical implementation of
the system;
— Certification/validation section has been adapted;
— Informative Annex A has been adapted to be consistent with CLC/TR 50542-2:2016 and CLC/TR 50542-
This document is the first one of a series of three documents:
— this document;
— CLC/TR 50542-2 Railway applications — Driver's cab Train Display Controller (TDC) — Display systems
— CLC/TR 50542-3 Railway applications — Driver's cab Train Display Controller (TDC) — Other train
systems FIS.
— These documents shall not be interpreted as standards but as studies on the future view of the system.
They do not describe an existing solution for the Train Display System (TDS).
The purpose of this Technical Report is to propose harmonization for communication between the displays on
the driver's desk and the train onboard systems.
The need for this harmonization has grown out of several trends.
One trend is that the rolling stock is being computerized more and more, enabling sophisticated functions
within various train onboard systems.
Furthermore, the driver’s desk of such rolling stock is built around one or several computerized displays.
These allow the driver to interact with rolling stock functions and train onboard systems. The user interfaces
are typically user friendly, featuring e.g. graphics and colours.
In case of degraded situation (display failure) and with several displays available on the desk, it should be
possible to relocate important information to a display that is still working. This improves operational
A second trend is the ongoing harmonization of the interfaces on the train.
A third trend is that a European market is opened for onboard equipment.
Traditionally, some onboard equipment are linked to a country and/or to a rolling stock type. This has
effectively limited the rolling stock to operate within a limited number of countries. The two trends above are
useful to reduce this limitation.
The combination of the above trends leads to the conclusion that during train operation, train onboard systems
need to have access to the displays on the desk. Furthermore, it is desirable to maintain the advantages of
multi-display installations, allowing the ability to switch to another display in case of display failure. Thus a
certain level of integration and harmonized communication is required.
Another motivation for this Technical Report is related to the Life-Cycle Cost. The recommendations written
here support the easier replacement of displays and desk equipment during the lifetime of the vehicle,
independently of the supplier.
In this document the Other Train Systems (OTS), the displays and the Train Display Controller (TDC) are
considered only regarding their functionalities and not as physical devices.
The CLC/TR 50542 series are not standards but studies on the future view of the system. They do not
describe an existing solution for the Train Display System (TDS).
1 Scope
In accordance with the ERTMS/ETCS specifications, Subset 121, UIC 612 leaflet, ERA_ERTMS_015560
document, EN 50126 and EN 61375 series requirements, this Technical Report describes the Train Display
System (TDS) in the driver’s cab, and the link between the TDS/TDC and some of its interfaces (Blue box and
blue links only):
Figure 1 — Functional architecture
The scope of this document is to define the functional architecture around the TDC.
This Technical Report excludes the following items:
• Communication protocols (e.g. EN 61375 series);
• Ergonomic aspects;
• Interface with ETCS (Subset 121);
• Train functions;
• GSM-R EIRENE functions;
• Use of the displays as terminals for maintenance purpose.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp
Driver Machine Interface
display used to give information to the driver
Note 1 to entry: Information is carried through this interface in the form of visual, acoustic and tactile (driver’s pressing
of buttons).
Note 2 to entry: It contains the hardware and software means to support or to inform the driver
button event
pressing or releasing a button
operating element for interaction with the cab display (hard key, soft key, sensitive area)
[SOURCE: EN 16186-3:2016, 3.5]
cab display
hardware device or system that shows text and/or graphic information to the user
hard key
physical key with permanent marking outside the screen area
Note 1 to entry: This permanent marking may be alpha and/or numeric and/or a symbol.
[SOURCE: EN 16186-3:2016, 3.18]
element designed to draw attention to train onboard system status which requires a response
sensitive area
enabled area on a touchscreen on which a physical action is possible in order to give input to the display
soft key
context-dependent key consisting of a combination of a hard key and an associated screen label (text or
Note 1 to entry: This key is for multifunctional use.
[SOURCE: EN 16186-3:2016, 3.29]

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