Railway Applications - Fixed installations and rolling stock - Technical criteria for the coordination between electric traction power supply systems and rolling stock to achieve interoperability - Part 1: General

This document establishes requirements for the electrical aspects to achieve technical compatibility between rolling stock and electric traction systems, limited to: - co-ordination of protection principles between power supply and traction units, i.e. separation sections, train set current or power limitation, short circuit current discrimination, breaker coordination and use of regenerative braking. - co-ordination of installed power on the line and the power demand of trains, i.e. traction unit power factor, train set current or power limitation, electric system performance, type and characterization. - compatibility assessment relating to harmonics and dynamic effects. Informative values are given for some parts of the existing European railway networks, in annexes. NOTE For those railways within the scope of EU Interoperability Directive, definitive values are set out in the register of infrastructure published in accordance with Article 49 of Directive (EU) 2016/797, and the list of items included in the register is described in the commission decision (EU) 2019/777. The following electric traction systems are within the scope of this document: - railways; - guided mass transport systems that are integrated with railways; - material transport systems that are integrated with railways. Information is given on electrification parameters to enable train operating companies to confirm, after consultation with the rolling stock manufacturers, that risks of non-compatibility are minimized and that there will be no consequential disturbance on the electrification system. The interaction between pantograph and overhead contact line is dealt with in EN 50367:2020. The interaction with the control-command and signalling subsystem is not dealt with in this document. Basic considerations have been included concerning the use of accumulator trains.

Bahnanwendungen - Ortsfeste Anlagen und Fahrzeuge - Technische Kriterien für die Koordination zwischen elektrischen Bahnenergieversorgungssystemen und Fahrzeugen zum Erreichen der Interoperabilität - Teil 1: Allgemeines

Applications ferroviaires - Installations fixes et matériel roulant - Critères techniques pour la coordination entre les installations fixes de traction électrique et le matériel roulant pour réaliser l'interopérabilité - Partie 1: Généralités

Le présent document définit les exigences relatives aux critères électriques visant à garantir la compatibilité technique entre les réseaux de traction électrique et le matériel roulant, qui se limitent à : - la coordination des mesures de protection entre l'alimentation électrique et les unités motrices, et plus particulièrement les sections de séparation, la limitation du courant fixé ou de la puissance d train, la discrimination des défauts lors des court-circuits, la coordination des disjoncteurs et l'utilisation du freinage par récupération ; - la coordination entre la puissance installée d'une ligne et la demande en énergie des trains, et plus particulièrement le facteur de puissance d’une unité motrice, la limitation du courant fixé ou de la puissance du train, la performance, le type et les caractéristiques du système électrique ; - l'évaluation de compatibilité relative aux harmoniques et aux effets dynamiques. Les valeurs informatives fournies en annexe concernent certaines parties des réseaux ferroviaires européens. NOTE Pour les réseaux ferroviaires relevant de la directive européenne sur l'interopérabilité, des valeurs définitives sont indiquées dans le registre de l'infrastructure publié conformément à l'Article 49 de la Directive (UE) 2016/797. La liste des éléments inclus dans ce registre est décrite dans la décision de la Commission (UE) 2019/777. Les réseaux de traction électrique suivants relèvent du domaine d'application du présent document : - les réseaux ferroviaires ; - les réseaux de transport en commun guidés intégrés aux réseaux ferroviaires ; - les réseaux de transport de matériaux intégrés aux réseaux ferroviaires. Le présent document fournit des informations relatives aux paramètres d'électrification pour permettre aux exploitants ferroviaires de confirmer, après consultation des constructeurs de matériel roulant, que les risques de non-compatibilité sont réduits au maximum et que le système d'électrification ne fera pas l'objet de perturbations consécutives. L'interaction entre le pantographe et la ligne aérienne de contact est traitée dans l’EN 50367:2020. L'interaction avec le sous-système de contrôle-commande et signalisation n'est pas traitée dans la présente norme. Des considérations fondamentales concernant l'utilisation des trains à accumulateurs ont été intégrées.

Železniške naprave - Fiksni postroji in vozna sredstva - Tehnični kriteriji za uskladitev med napajalnimi viri in voznimi sredstvi za doseganje interoperabilnosti - 1. del: Splošno

Ta evropski standard določa zahteve za združljivost voznih sredstev z infrastrukturo, zlasti v zvezi z:  –   uskladitvijo načel zaščite za napajalne postaje in vlečna vozila, zlasti na področju ugotavljanja napak pri kratkih stikih; –   uskladitvijo napajalne napeljave na progi in potreb bo električni energiji vlakov; –   uskladitvijo regenerativnega zaviranja vlečnih vozil in njihove dovzetnosti za napajanje; –   uskladitvijo harmoničnega delovanja. Ta evropski standard obravnava definicijo in zahteve glede kakovosti za preskrbo z električno energijo na vmesnikih med vlečnimi vozili in nepremičnimi napravami. Ta evropski standard določa vmesnik med voznimi sredstvi in električnimi nepremičnimi napravami za vleko, kar zadeva sistem preskrbe z električno energijo. Interakcija med odjemnikom toka in kontaktnim vodnikom je obravnavana v standardu EN 50367. Interakcija s podsistemom »upravljanja-vodenja« (zlasti signalizacijo) ni obravnavana v tem standardu. Navedene so zahteve za proge, skladne s tehničnimi specifikacijami za interoperabilnost (TSI) (za visoke in konvencionalne hitrosti), ter za običajne proge. Če so vrednosti za običajne proge navedene, so to vrednosti za obstoječa evropska omrežja. Poleg tega se navedene največje vrednosti uporabljajo za predviden razvoj infrastrukture vseevropskih železniških omrežij. Področje uporabe zajema naslednje električne vlečne sisteme: –   železnice; –   vodene sisteme javnega prevoza, ki so integrirani z železnicami; –   sisteme prevoza blaga, ki so integrirani z železnicami. Ta evropski standard se ne uporablja retrospektivno za vozna sredstva, ki so že v obratovanju.  Navedene so informacije o elektrifikacijskih parametrih, na podlagi katerih se družbam za opravljanje železniških prevozov omogoči, da po posvetovanju s proizvajalci voznih sredstev potrdijo, da ne bo bistvenih motenj na elektrifikacijskem sistemu.

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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 50388:2012
SIST EN 50388:2012/AC:2012
SIST EN 50388:2012/AC:2013
SIST EN 50388:2012/AC:2013
Železniške naprave - Fiksni postroji in vozna sredstva - Tehnični kriteriji za
uskladitev med napajalnimi viri in voznimi sredstvi za doseganje interoperabilnosti
- 1. del: Splošno
Railway Applications - Fixed installations and rolling stock - Technical criteria for the
coordination between electric traction power supply systems and rolling stock to achieve
interoperability - Part 1: General
Applications ferroviaires - Installations fixes et matériel roulant - Critères techniques pour
la coordination entre les installations fixes de traction électrique et le matériel roulant
pour réaliser l'interopérabilité
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50388-1:2022
29.280 Električna vlečna oprema Electric traction equipment
45.060.01 Železniška vozila na splošno Railway rolling stock in
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

ICS 29.280; 45.060.01 Supersedes EN 50388:2012; EN 50388:2012/AC:2013
English Version
Railway Applications - Fixed installations and rolling stock -
Technical criteria for the coordination between electric traction
power supply systems and rolling stock to achieve
interoperability - Part 1: General
Applications ferroviaires - Installations fixes et matériel Bahnanwendungen - Ortsfeste Anlagen und Fahrzeuge -
roulant - Critères techniques pour la coordination entre les Technische Kriterien für die Koordination zwischen
installations fixes de traction électrique et le matériel roulant elektrische Bahnenergieversorgungssysteme und
pour réaliser l'interopérabilité - Partie 1: généralités Fahrzeugen zum Erreichen der Interoperabilität - Teil 1:
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2022-07-04. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN 50388-1:2022 E
Contents Page
European foreword . 5
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 8
3.1 Terms and definitions . 8
3.2 Term clarification, coherence and translation . 11
3.3 Abbreviations and symbols . 12
4 Periods over which parameters should be averaged or integrated - reference time . 12
5 Separation sections . 13
5.1 General . 13
5.2 System separation sections . 13
5.3 Phase separation sections . 14
6 Power factor of a traction unit . 14
6.1 General requirements . 14
6.2 Particular conditions . 15
6.2.1 Traction . 15
6.2.2 Regenerative braking . 15
6.2.3 Standstill . 15
6.2.4 De-icing . 15
6.3 Acceptance criteria . 15
7 Train set current and power limitation function . 15
7.1 General . 15
7.2 Current limitation in accordance with infrastructure information. 15
7.3 Automatic current or power limitation as a function of line voltage . 16
7.4 Automatic power limitation as a function of frequency variation. 16
7.5 Acceptance criteria . 18
8 Electric traction power supply system performance . 18
8.1 Dimensioning study . 18
8.1.1 General . 18
8.1.2 Traffic conditions . 18
8.1.3 Parameters relating to the rolling stock and train sets . 18
8.1.4 Parameters relating to infrastructure . 19
8.2 Workflow . 19
8.3 Voltage limits . 20
8.4 Acceptance criteria . 21
9 Type and characterization of electric traction power supply system . 21
9.1 Type of electric traction power supply system . 21
9.2 Characterization of electric traction power supply system . 21
10 Harmonic and dynamic effects . 21
10.1 General . 21
10.2 Common codes of practice . 22
10.3 Compatibility study . 22
10.4 Acceptance criteria . 23
11 Coordination of protection . 23
11.1 General . 23
11.2 Short-circuit current levels and its clearance . 23
11.3 Closing or auto-reclosing of circuit breakers . 25
11.4 Maximum inrush current of AC traction unit . 27
11.5 DC electrification systems, transient current during closure . 27
11.6 Acceptance criteria . 27
12 Regenerative braking . 28
12.1 General considerations on regenerative braking to the contact line . 28
12.2 General conditions and requirements on the use of regenerative braking . 28
12.2.1 Traction unit . 28
12.2.2 Power supply system conditions . 29
12.3 Acceptance criteria . 29
13 Effects of DC operation on AC systems . 29
14 Tests . 30
15 Test methodology . 30
15.1 Separation sections . 30
15.1.1 Tests for traction unit . 30
15.1.2 Tests for infrastructure . 30
15.2 Power factor . 30
15.2.1 Tests for traction unit . 30
15.3 Train set current and power limitation . 30
15.3.1 Current or power limitation function of the train set as a function of register of
infrastructure information and function of line voltage - Tests for traction unit . 30
15.3.2 Power limitation as a function of line frequency - Tests for traction unit . 31
15.4 Requirements for performance of power supply - Tests for infrastructure . 31
15.5 Coordination of protection. 31
15.5.1 Short circuit current levels and its clearance . 31
15.5.2 Closing or auto-reclosing of circuit breakers. 32
15.5.3 Maximum inrush current of AC traction unit - Tests for traction unit . 32
15.5.4 DC traction units; transient current during closure - Tests for traction unit . 32
15.6 Regenerative braking . 32
15.6.1 Tests for traction unit . 32
15.6.2 Tests for Substation . 33
Annex A (informative) Integration periods over which parameters can be averaged . 34
A.1 General . 34
A.2 Reference time period over which values can be averaged or integrated . 34
Annex B (informative) Description, calculation and use of mean useful voltage . 35
B.1 General . 35
B.2 Description and methodology . 35
B.3 Selection criteria determining the voltage U at the pantograph . 36
B.4 Values for Minimum Mean Useful Voltage at the pantog

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