Plastics - Recycled plastics - Guidelines for the development of standards for recycled plastics

This Technical Report provides a format for the drafting of standards for recycled plastics.  It is intended for use by all those who are preparing drafts for consideration by the Technical Committee.
The guide provides information for the development of standards (guides, practices, test methods, and specifications) relating to the proper use of recycled plastics.

Kunststoffe - Kunststoff-Rezyklate - Leitfaden für die Entwicklung von Normen für Kunststoff-Rezyklate

Dieser Technische Bericht bietet ein Rahmenwerk für den Entwurf von Normen für Kunststoff-Rezyklate. Es
ist vorgesehen für alle, die Entwürfe vorbereiten, die vom Technischen Komitee begutachtet werden.
Dieser Leitfaden liefert Informationen für die Entwicklung von Normen (Anleitungen, Verfahrensweisen, Prüf-verfahren
und Spezifikationen) hinsichtlich der sachgemäßen Anwendung von Kunststoff-Rezyklaten.

Plastiques - Plastiques recyclés - Lignes directrices pour l'élaboration de normes relatives aux plastiques recyclés

Le présent rapport technique fournit un format pour la rédaction de normes relatives aux plastiques recyclés. Il est destiné à être utilisé par tous ceux qui préparent des projets pour examen par le Comité technique.
Le présent Rapport technique fournit des informations pour l'élaboration de normes (guides, pratiques, méthodes d'essai et spécifications) relatives à l'utilisation correcte de plastiques recyclés.

Polimerni materiali - Reciklirani polimerni materiali - Smernice za pripravo standardov za reciklirane polimerne materiale

General Information

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Technical Committee
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6060 - Definitive text made available (DAV) - Publishing
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Due Date
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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 15353:2007
English language
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Standards Content (Sample)

Polimerni materiali - Reciklirani polimerni materiali - Smernice za pripravo
standardov za reciklirane polimerne materiale
Plastics - Recycled plastics - Guidelines for the development of standards for recycled
Kunststoffe - Kunststoff-Rezyklate - Leitfaden für die Entwicklung von Normen für
Plastiques - Plastiques recyclés - Lignes directrices pour l'élaboration de normes
relatives aux plastiques recyclés
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 15353:2007
13.030.50 Recikliranje Recycling
83.080.01 Polimerni materiali na Plastics in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 15353
February 2007
ICS 13.030.50; 83.080.01
English Version
Plastics - Recycled plastics - Guidelines for the development of
standards for recycled plastics
Plastiques - Plastiques recyclés - Lignes directrices pour Kunststoffe - Kunststoff-Rezyklate - Leitfaden für die
l'élaboration de normes relatives aux plastiques recyclés Entwicklung von Normen für Kunststoff-Rezyklate
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 16 January 2006. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 249.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2007 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 15353:2007: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
1 Scope .4
2 Normative References.4
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms .4
4 Purpose.8
5 Designation .8
6 Layout .9
7 Performance standards.9
8 Quality assurance.9
9 Environmental aspects .10
Bibliography .14

This document (CEN/TR 15353:2007) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 249 “Plastics”, the
secretariat of which is held by IBN.
This Technical Report shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn.

This standard is one part of series of CEN publications on Plastics Recycling which is structured as follows:

 prEN 15343 Plastics — Recycled Plastics — Plastics recycling traceability and assessment of conformity
and recycled content
 prEN 15344 Plastics — Recycled Plastics — Characterisation of Polyethylene (PE) recyclates
 prEN 15345 Plastics — Recycled Plastics — Plastics recyclate characterisation of PP recyclates
 prEN 15346 Plastics — Recycled plastics — Characterisation of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) recyclates
 prEN 15348 Plastics — Recycled plastics — Characterization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)
 prEN 15342 Plastics — Recycled Plastics — Characterization of polystyrene (PS) recyclates
 prEN 15347 Plastics — Recycled Plastics — Characterisation of plastics wastes
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides a format for the drafting of standards for recycled plastics. It is intended for
use by all those who are preparing drafts for consideration by the Technical Committee.
The guide provides information for the development of standards (guides, practices, test methods, and
specifications) relating to the proper use of recycled plastics.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN ISO 472:2001, Plastics — Vocabulary (ISO 472:1999)
EN ISO 1043-1:2001, Plastics — Symbols and abbreviated terms — Part 1: Basic polymers and their special
characteristics (ISO 1043-1:2001)
EN ISO 1043-2, Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms — Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials (ISO
EN ISO 9001:2000, Quality management systems — Requirements (ISO 9001:2000)
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this Technical Report, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 472:2001 and the
following apply. The abbreviated terms related to recyclates are given in EN ISO 1043-1:2001.
shredded and/or granulated plastics material in the form of particles which cling together
process in which plastics waste is compacted and secured as a bundle to facilitate handling, storage and
quantity of material regarded as a single unit, and having a unique reference
degradation caused by biological activity, especially by enzymatic action, leading to a significant change in the
chemical structure of a material
[ISO 16929:2002]
biological recycling
aerobic (composting) or anaerobic (digestion) treatment of biodegradable plastics waste under controlled
conditions using microorganisms to produce stabilized organic residues, carbon dioxide and water in the
presence of oxygen or to produce stabilized organic residues, methane and water in the absence of oxygen
chemical recycling
production of new raw materials by changing chemical structure of plastics waste through cracking,
gasification or depolymerization, excluding energy recovery and incineration
NOTE Feedstock recycling and chemical recycling are synonyms.
logistical process of moving plastics waste from its source to a place where it can be recovered
commingled plastics
mixture of materials or products consisting of different types of plastic
NOTE Mixed plastics is a synonym.
unwanted substance or material
NOTE Impurity is a deprecated synonym of contaminant and should not be used.
specialized operator capable of shaping plastics raw material to make a usable semi-finished or finished
energy recovery
production of useful energy through controlled combustion
NOTE Solid-waste incinerators producing hot water, steam and/or electricity are a common form of energy recovery.
environmental impact
any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an
organization's environmental aspects
feedstock recycling
production of new raw materials by changing chemical structure of plastics waste through cracking,
gasification or depolymerization, excluding energy recovery and incineration
NOTE Feedstock recycling and chemical recycling are synonyms.
plate-like regrind
NOTE The shape of regrind depends both on the plastics being processed and the manner of processing.
filament-like regrind
NOTE Common usage of the term “fluff” also includes shredder residue fractions produced in the commercial recycling of
durable goods such as automobiles.
processing to improve the degree to which a constituent and/or property is uniformly distributed throughout a
quantity of plastics material
[EN 14899:2005]
definite quantity of some commodity manufactured or produced under conditions that are presumed uniform
NOTE Lot is primarily a commercial term.
material recovery
material-processing operations including mechanical recycling, feedstock (chemical) recycling and organic
recycling, but excluding energy recovery
mechanical recycling
processing of plastics waste into secondary raw material or products without significantly changing the
chemical structure of the material
NOTE Plastics secondary raw material is a synonym of recyclate.
process by which plastics material is finely ground into powder
organic recycling
controlled microbiological treatment of biodegradable plastics waste under aerobic or anaerobic conditions
NOTE The term “biological recycling” is used synonymously.
descriptive term covering material, generated by the end-users of products, that has fulfilled its intended
purpose or can no longer be used (including material returned from within the distribution chain)
NOTE The term “post-use” is sometimes used synonymously.
descriptive term covering material diverted from the waste stream during a manufacturing process
NOTE 1 This term excludes re-utilized material, such as rework, regrind or scrap that has been generated in a given
process and is capable of being reclaimed within that same process.
NOTE 2 The term “post-industrial material” is sometimes used synonymously.
purge material
material resulting from the passing of polymer through plastics processing equipment for the purpose of
cleaning the equipment, or when changing from one polymer to another, or when changing from one colour or
grade of polymer to another
qualified recycling process
recycling process producing material which meets the requirements for the intended applications
recovered material
plastics material that has been separated, diverted or removed from the solid-waste stream and then re-used
or recycled
NOTE See also ISO 14021.
processing of plastics waste material for the original purpose or for other purposes, including energy recovery
recycled content
percentage by weight of recycled material in a product
plastics material resulting from the recycling of plastics
NOTE Plastics secondary raw material and recycled plastics are synonyms of “recyclate”. The term “regenerate” is also
processing of plastics waste materials for the original purpose or for other purposes, excluding energy
shredded and/or granulated recovered plastics material in the form of free-flowing material
NOTE The term “regrind” is frequently used to describe plastics material in the form of scrap generated in a plastics
processing operation and re-used in-house. This term is also used to describe fine plastics powder used as filler in the
recovery of plastics.
use of a product more than once in its original form
NOTE In view of the fact that a re-used product has not been discarded, re-use does not constitute a recovery option.
any mechanical process by which plastics waste is fragmented into irregular pieces of any dimension or shape
NOTE Shredding usually signifies the tearing or cutting of materials that cannot be crushed by fragmentation methods
applicable to brittle materials, as typically carried out in a hammer mill.
any material or object which the holder discards, or intends to discard, or is required to discard
Note A full list of the terms and definitions prepared in CEN/TR 15353 is included in Annex A.
4 Purpose
The standards should identify the intended users of the standard and state how the standard is intended to be
used in practice. There should also be an indication of the anticipated benefits that the standard will bring.
In general standards for recycled plastics are intended as a tool to enable buyers and sellers to establish
specifications for a particular material and application. They are not intended to create such specifications.
All standards should establish the objectives for recycling. A recommended form of wording for this, to be
included in the Introduction is:
"Recycling of plastics waste is one type of material recovery process intended to save resources (virgin raw
materials, water, energy), while minimising harmful emissions into air, water and soil as well as their impacts
on human health. The environmental impact of recycling should be assessed over the whole life cycle of the
recycling system (from the waste generation point to the disposal of final residues). To ensure that recycling
constitutes the best environmental option for treating the available waste, some prerequisites should
preferably be met:
- the recycling scheme being contemplated should generate lower environmental impacts than alternative
recovery options
- existing or potential market outlets should be identified that will secure a sustainable industrial recycling
- the collection and sorting schemes should be properly designed to deliver recyclable plastics waste
fractions fitting reasonably well with the available recycling technologies and with the (changing) needs of the
identified marke

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