Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Guidelines on personally identifiable information deletion (ISO/IEC 27555:2021)

The standard contains guidelines for developing and establishing policies and procedures for deletion
of PII in organizations by specifying:
—   a harmonized terminology for PII deletion;
—   an approach for defining deletion rules in an efficient way;
—   a description of required documentation; and
—   a broad definition of roles, responsibilities and processes.
This document is intended to be used by organizations where PII are stored or processed.
This document does not address:
—   specific legal provision, as given by national law or specified in contracts;
—   specific deletion rules for particular clusters of PII as are to be defined by PII controllers for
—   processing PII;
—   deletion mechanisms;
—   reliability, security and suitability of deletion mechanisms;
—   specific techniques for de-identification of data.

Informationssicherheit, Cybersicherheit und Datenschutz - Richtlinien zur Löschung persönlich identifizierbarer Informationen (ISO/IEC 27555:2021)

Sécurité de l’information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée - Lignes directrices relatives à la suppression des données à caractère personnel (ISO/IEC 27555:2021)

Informacijska varnost, kibernetska varnost in varovanje zasebnosti - Smernice o izbrisu osebnih podatkov (ISO/IEC 27555:2021)

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Informacijska varnost, kibernetska varnost in varovanje zasebnosti - Smernice o
izbrisu osebnih podatkov (ISO/IEC 27555:2021)
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Guidelines on personally
identifiable information deletion (ISO/IEC 27555:2021)
Informationssicherheit, Cybersicherheit und Datenschutz - Richtlinien zur Löschung
persönlich identifizierbarer Informationen (ISO/IEC 27555:2021)
Sécurité de l’information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée - Lignes directrices
relatives à la suppression des informations personnellement identifiables (ISO/IEC
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO/IEC 27555
35.030 Informacijska varnost IT Security
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

First edition
Information security, cybersecurity
and privacy protection — Guidelines
on personally identifiable information
Sécurité de l’information, cybersécurité et protection de la
vie privée — Lignes directrices relatives à la suppression des
informations personnellement identifiables
Reference number
ISO/IEC 27555:2021(E)
© ISO/IEC 2021
ISO/IEC 27555:2021(E)
© ISO/IEC 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
© ISO/IEC 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO/IEC 27555:2021(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms.3
5 Framework for deletion . 3
5.1 General . 3
5.2 Constraints. 4
5.3 Clusters of PII . 4
5.4 Retention period and regular deletion period . 5
5.4.1 Retention period . 5
5.4.2 Regular deletion period . 5
5.4.3 Allocation of clusters of PII . 6
5.5 Archives and backup copies . . 6
5.6 Standard deletion periods, starting points, deletion rules and deletion classes . 7
5.7 Special situations . 7
5.8 Documentation of policies and procedures . 8
6 Clusters of PII . 8
6.1 General . 8
6.2 Identification . 9
6.3 Documentation . 10
7 Specification of deletion periods .10
7.1 Standard and regular deletion periods . 10
7.2 Regular deletion period specifications . 11
7.3 Standard deletion period identification . 11
7.4 Deletion period specifications for special situations .12
7.4.1 General .12
7.4.2 Modification of data objects .12
7.4.3 Need to extend period of active use . 13
7.4.4 Suspension of the deletion . 13
7.4.5 Backup copies . 13
8 Deletion classes .14
8.1 Abstract starting points — abstract deletion rules . 14
8.2 Matrix of deletion classes.15
8.3 Allocation of deletion classes and definition of deletion rules . 16
9 Requirements for implementation .16
9.1 General . 16
9.2 Conditions for starting points outside IT systems . 18
9.3 Requirements for implementation for organization-wide aspects . 18
9.3.1 General . 18
9.3.2 Backup . 18
9.3.3 Logs . 19
9.3.4 Transmission systems . 19
9.3.5 Repair, dismantling and disposal of systems and components . 19
9.3.6 Everyday business life . 19
9.4 Requirements for implementation for individual IT systems . 20
9.5 Deletion in regular manual processes . 21
9.6 Requirements for implementation for PII processor . 21
9.7 Control deletion in special cases . 21
9.7.1 Exception management . 21
© ISO/IEC 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO/IEC 27555:2021(E)
9.7.2 Further sets of PII . 22
10 Responsibilities . .22
10.1 General .22
10.2 Documentation .23
10.3 Implementation . . 24
Bibliography .25
© ISO/IEC 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO/IEC 27555:2021(E)
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