Machines for mechanical processing of minerals and similar solid materials - Safety - Part 4: Specific requirements for screening machinery

This document, to be used together with EN 1009-1:2020, specifies the safety requirements and their verification for the design and construction of screening machinery for the mechanical processing in quarrying, recycling and processing mineral and by-products as defined in 3.1.
In addition, it specifies the type of information on safe working practices (including residual risks) to be provided by the manufacturer.
When requirements of this document are different from those which are stated in EN 1009-1:2020, the requirements of this document take precedence over the requirements of EN 1009-1:2020 for machines that have been designed and built according to the provisions of this document.
This document, together with EN 1009-1:2020, deals with all the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to screening machinery when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see Annex C).
This document does not cover:
-   design relating to road traffic regulations;
-   hazards arising from the use of the machines in potentially explosive atmospheres as well as from processing of explosive materials and risks related to electromagnetic compatibility;
-   specific hazards related to mobile machinery.
NOTE 1   EN ISO 13766-1 and EN ISO 13766-2 specify test methods and acceptance criteria for evaluating the electromagnetic compatibility of all kinds of mobile construction machinery.
NOTE 2   prEN 1009-6 "Specific requirements for mobile and semi mobile equipment" is under preparation to cover specific requirements (e.g. mobility, braking, access, frequent transportation), including exceptions and additional requirements for mobile and semi mobile equipment. This means that mobile machines are not covered as long as EN 1009-6 is not published by CEN.
This document is not applicable to screening machinery which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.

Maschinen für die mechanische Aufbereitung von Mineralien und ähnlichen festen Stoffen - Sicherheit - Teil 4: Spezifische Anforderungen für Klassiermaschinen (Siebmaschinen)

Machines pour le traitement mécanique des minéraux et des matières solides similaires - Sécurité - Partie 4 : Prescriptions spécifiques pour machines de criblage

Stroji za mehansko obdelavo mineralov in podobnih trdnih snovi - Varnost - 4. del: Posebne zahteve za presejalne stroje

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4599 - Dispatch of FV draft to CMC - Finalization for Vote
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EN 1009-4:2020/oprA1:2024
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Stroji za mehansko obdelavo mineralov in podobnih trdnih snovi - Varnost - 4. del:
Posebne zahteve za presejalne stroje
Machines for mechanical processing of minerals and similar solid materials - Safety -
Part 4: Specific requirements for screening machinery
Maschinen für die mechanische Aufbereitung von Mineralien und ähnlichen festen
Stoffen - Sicherheit - Teil 4: Spezifische Anforderungen für Klassiermaschinen
Machines pour le traitement mécanique des minéraux et des matières solides similaires -
Sécurité - Partie 4 : Prescriptions spécifiques pour machines de criblage
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 1009-4:2020/prA1
13.110 Varnost strojev Safety of machinery
73.120 Oprema za predelavo rudnin Equipment for processing of
91.220 Gradbena oprema Construction equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 1009-4:2020
December 2023
ICS 73.120; 91.220
English Version
Machines for mechanical processing of minerals and
similar solid materials - Safety - Part 4: Specific
requirements for screening machinery
Machines pour le traitement mécanique des minéraux Maschinen für die mechanische Aufbereitung von
et des matières solides similaires - Sécurité - Partie 4 : Mineralien und ähnlichen festen Stoffen - Sicherheit -
Prescriptions spécifiques pour machines de criblage Teil 4: Spezifische Anforderungen für
Klassiermaschinen (Siebmaschinen)
This draft amendment is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 151.

This draft amendment A1, if approved, will modify the European Standard EN 1009-4:2020. If this draft becomes an amendment,
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for inclusion of
this amendment into the relevant national standard without any alteration.

This draft amendment was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2023 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 1009-4:2020/prA1:2023 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Modification to the whole document . 4
2 Modification to the European foreword . 4
3 Modification to the Scope . 4
4 Modification to 4.1, “General” . 4
5 Modification to 4.2.1, “General” . 4
6 Modification to, “Inspection from outside through access opening(s) with two
arms” . 4
7 Modification to, “Inspection from outside from the top” . 4
8 Modification to, “Maintenance from outside from front and rear” . 5
9 Modifications to, “Maintenance from outside from the top”. 5
10 Modification to, “General” . 5
11 Modifications to, “Passage from the top to work inside” . 5
12 Modification to, “Punctual obstacle inside the screen” . 5
13 Modification to, “General” . 6
14 Modification to, “Case of a combination of two cylindrical punctual obstacles (e.g.
double transmission mechanism)”. 6
15 Modifications to 4.3.1, “General” . 6
16 Modification to 4.3.3, “Rotary screens” . 6
17 Modifications to 6.3.1, “General” . 6
18 Addition of subclause 6.4, “Pictorials” . 6
19 Modification to Annex C (informative), “Calculation of the access dimensions” . 7
20 Modifications to Annex ZA (informative), “Relationship between this European Standard
and the Essential requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC aimed to be covered” . 10
21 Modification to the Bibliography . 10

European foreword
This document (EN 1009-4:2020/prA1:2023) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 151
“Construction equipment and building material machines - Safety”, the secretariat of which is held by
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will amend EN 1009-4:2020.
This document has been prepared under a standardization request addressed to CEN by the European
Commission. The Standing Committee of the EFTA States subsequently approves these requests for its
Member States.
For the relationship with EU Legislation, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this
This part of EN 1009 is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1009-1:2020+A1—.
A list of all parts in a series can be found on the CEN website:
1 Modification to the whole document
Throughout the whole text, replace: "EN 1009-1:2020” with “EN 1009-1:2020+A1:—".
2 Modification to the European foreword
Replace the list of parts in the series (paragraph 7) with the following sentence:
“A list of all parts in a series can be found on the CEN website:".
3 Modification to the Scope
Replace NOTE 2 with the following:
"NOTE 2 EN 1009-6 “Specific requirements for mobile machinery” (under preparation) covers specific
requirements (e.g. mobility, braking, access, frequent transportation), including exceptions and additional
requirements for mobile equipment. This means that mobile machines are not covered as long as EN 1009-6 is not
published by CEN.".
4 Modification to 4.1, “General”
Add after the 3 paragraph, the following:
"This requirement does not apply to the use of a visual inspection opening."
5 Modification to 4.2.1, “General”
Add after the 3rd paragraph:
"Access for inspection and maintenance from outside of the screen shall comply with 4.2.2 for inspection
and 4.2.3 for maintenance. If it is necessary to enter inside the screen for a specific inspection or
maintenance task, the respective access and working space shall comply with one of the possibilities
described in 4.2.4."
6 Modification to, “Inspection from outside through access opening(s)
with two arms”
Replace the first paragraph with the following:
“Horizontal access openings for two arms shall be, as illustrated in Figure 2, the following distances:
A = min. 645 mm
B = min. 221 mm
H = max. 1 520 mm”.
7 Modification to, “Inspection from outside from the top”
Last paragraph, replace "are" by "is" to read: “… if the access opening is larger than …”

Under preparation. Current stage of the amendment (to be consolidated with EN 1009-1:2020):
EN 1009-1:2020/prA1:2023.
8 Modification to, “Maintenance from outside from front and rear”
First paragraph, replace "followings" by "following" to read:
“The opening for one or both arms shall be the following minimum distances"
9 Modifications to, “Maintenance from outside from the top”
Indent a), replace "followings" by "following" to read:
“… shall comply with the following …”
Indent a), last paragraph, replace "It" by "it" to read:
“… Value H is a minimum value; it may be increased …”
Indent b), replace "followings" by "following" to read:
“… shall comply with the following …”
Indent c), 3) add a comma after "506 mm", to read:
“if the grip reach distance requirement is greater than 506 mm, the dimensions of the access opening…”
10 Modification to, “General”
Replace the paragraph and NOTE with the following:
"If it is necessary to enter inside the screen for inspection and maintenance between decks in lying or
crawling position, in exemption to EN 1009-1:2020+A1:—, 4.2.1, the following subclauses and apply.
NOTE If there are space constraints in an existing plant, replacement of a screen is considered as a spare part
replacement and therefore does not need to meet this requirement. Other solutions are possible, e.g. removing
components to the top deck, see 4.2.1.".
11 Modifications to, “Passage from the top to work inside”
Second paragraph, remove the words "replacement or" to read: "The distance between two decks under
cross beam shall be 550 mm, except for upgrade on an existing plant due to space constraints, this
minimum distance (H2) may be 450 mm."
Add, at the end of the text:
"NOTE 450 mm is the very minimum value defined by the health and safety organization. In case of upgrade due
to space constrain, if 450 mm is not possible to comply with, other solutions are possible, e.g. removing components
to the top deck, see 4.2.1."
12 Modification to, “Punctual obstacle inside the screen”
Add, after the second paragraph:
"NOTE 450 mm is the very minimum value defined by the health and safety organization. In case of upgrade due
to space constrain, if 450 mm is not possible to comply with, other solutions are possible, e.g. removing components
to the top deck, see 4.2.1."
13 Modification to, “General”
Add, after the third paragraph:
"NOTE 450 mm is the very minimum value defined by the health and safety organization. In case of upgrade due
to space constrain, if 450 mm is not possible to comply with, other solutions are possible, e.g. removing components
to the top deck, see 4.2.1."
14 Modification to, “Case of a combination of two cylindrical punctual
obstacles (e.g. double transmission mechanism)”
Second paragraph, add a comma after "necessary" to read: “If a work between two punctual obstacles is
necessary, the length …”
15 Modifications to 4.3.1, “General”
First paragraph, second sentence, replace "followings" by "following" to read:
“Reducing handling operations and down time shall be foreseen at the design stage considering the
following: …”
First paragraph, replace the second indent with the following:
"— if the distance between the roof cover and the upper deck is less than the values specified in
and, then the roof cover shall be dismountable and the required force to apply to open it shall be
in accordance with EN 1009-1:2020+A1:—, 4.17.5;".
16 Modification to 4.3.3, “Rotary screens”
At the end of the subclause, add the following new paragraph:
“Where rotation of the drum is needed for screen change, means shall be provided for controlled
movement (e.g. operation mode with hold-to-run control according to EN 1009-1:2020+A1:—,,
or a manual auxiliary drive system).”.
17 Modifications to 6.3.1, “General”
Second paragraph, add an indent and amend as follows:
“— When the height between 2 decks of the screen is lower than the minimal distance indicated in
4.2 (Maintenance), it shall be explained how to penetrate into the screen (if necessary for maintenance),
for example by removing one of the roof covers (by the height) to increase the height between the
remaining decks.”.
Last indent, change "implementing" by "installing", to read as follows:
“— for installing the machine, static and dynamic loads.”.
18 Addition of subclause 6.4, “Pictorials”
Add the following new subclause:
“6.4 Pictorials
In addition to EN 1009-1:2020+A1:—, 6.5, for rotary screens, pictorials warning against entering the
drum shall be prov

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