ASTM E2392-05
(Guide)Standard Guide for Design of Earthen Wall Building Systems
Standard Guide for Design of Earthen Wall Building Systems
1.1 This standard provides guidance for earthen building systems that address both technical requirements and considerations for sustainable development. Earthen building systems include adobe, rammed earth, cob, cast earth and other earth technologies used as structural and non-structural wall systems.
1.1.1 There are many decisions in the design and construction of a building that can contribute to the maintenance of ecosystem components and functions for future generations, that is, sustainability. One such decision is the selection of products for use in the building. This standard addresses sustainability issues related to the use of earthen wall building systems.
1.1.2 The considerations for sustainable development relative to earthen wall building systems are categorized as follows: materials (product feedstock); manufacturing process; operational performance (product installed); and indoor environmental quality (IEQ).
1.1.3 The technical requirements for earthen building systems are categorized as follows: design criteria, structural and non-structural systems, and structural and non-structural components.
1.2 This standard does not provide guidance for structural support of roofs made of earthen material.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Standard Guide for
Design of Earthen Wall Building Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2392; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope C66/C66M Specification for Specification for Sand for Use
in Lime Plaster
1.1 This standard provides guidance for earthen building
D559 Test Methods for Wetting and Drying Compacted
systems that address both technical requirements and consid-
Soil-Cement Mixtures
D560 Test Methods for Freezing and Thawing Compacted
include adobe, rammed earth, cob, cast earth and other earth
Soil-Cement Mixtures
technologies used as structural and non-structural wall sys-
D698 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Character-
istics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft (600
1.1.1 There are many decisions in the design and construc-
kN-m/m ))
tion of a building that can contribute to the maintenance of
D5860 Test Method for Evaluation of the Effect of Water
ecosystem components and functions for future generations,
Repellent Treatments on Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Hy-
that is, sustainability. One such decision is the selection of
draulic Cement Mortar Specimens
products for use in the building. This standard addresses
E631 Terminology of Building Constructions
sustainability issues related to the use of earthen wall building
E2114 Terminology for Sustainability Relative to the Per-
formance of Buildings
1.1.2 The considerations for sustainable development rela-
2.2 ASCE Standards:
tive to earthen wall building systems are categorized as
ANSI/ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
follows: materials (product feedstock); manufacturing process;
Other Structures
operational performance (product installed); and indoor envi-
ronmental quality (IEQ).
3. Terminology
1.1.3 The technical requirements for earthen building sys-
3.1 Definitions:
tems are categorized as follows: design criteria, structural and
3.1.1 For terms related to building construction, refer to
non-structural systems, and structural and non-structural com-
Terminology E631.
3.1.2 For terms related to sustainability relative to the
1.2 This standard does not provide guidance for structural
performance of buildings, refer to Terminology E2114. Some
support of roofs made of earthen material.
of these terms are reprinted here for ease of use.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
3.1.3 alternative agricultural products, n—bio-based indus-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
trial products (non-food, non-feed) manufactured from agricul-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
tural materials and animal by-products.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
3.1.4 biodegradable, adj—capable of decomposing under
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
natural conditions into elements found in nature.
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.5 biodiversity, n—the variability among living organ-
isms from all sources including: terrestrial, marine and other
2.1 ASTM Standards:
aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which
they are a part; this includes diversity within species, between
This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee E60 on Sustainability
species and of ecosystems.
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E60.01 on Buildings and Construc-
Current edition approved March 1, 2005. Published March 2005. DOI: 10.1520/
2 3
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM on
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1801 Alexander
the ASTM website. Bell Dr., Reston, VA 20191,
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
3.1.6 ecosystem, n—community of plants, animals (includ- Discussion—For example, if the net exchange be-
ing humans), and their physical environment, functioning tween the biosphere and the atmosphere is toward the atmo-
together as an interdependent unit within a defined area. sphere, the biosphere is the source, and the atmosphere is the
3.1.7 embodied energy, n—the energy used through the life
3.2.6 cast earth, n—a construction system utilizing a slurry
cycle of a material or product to extract, refine, process,
containing soil, calcined gypsum and water, which is poured
fabricate, transport, install, commission, utilize, maintain, re-
into forms similar to those used for cast-in-place concrete.
move, and ultimately recycle or dispose of the substances
comprising the item. 3.2.7 clay, n—inorganic soil with particle sizes less than
0.005 mm (0.0002 in.) having the characteristics of high to Discussion—The total energy which a product may
very high dry strength, medium to high plasticity and slow to
be said to “contain” including all energy used in, inter alia,
no dilatancy.
growing, extracting, transporting and manufacturing. The em-
3.2.8 cob, n—a construction system utilizing moist earthen
bodied energy of a structure or system includes the embodied
material balls stacked on top of one another and lightly tapped
energy of its components plus the energy used in construction.
into place to form monolithic walls. Reinforcing is often
3.1.8 renewable resource, n—a resource that is grown,
provided with organic fibrous materials such as straw and
naturally replenished, or cleansed, at a rate which exceeds
depletion of the usable supply of that resource.
3.2.9 earthen building systems, n—building systems that Discussion—Arenewableresourcecanbeexhausted
utilize soil as the principal structural material.
if improperly managed. However, a renewable resource can
3.2.10 energy effıcient, adj—refers to a product that requires
last indefinitely with proper stewardship. Examples include:
less energy to manufacture or uses less energy when operating
trees in forests, grasses in grasslands, and fertile soil.
in comparison with a benchmark for energy use, or both.
3.1.9 sustainability, n—the maintenance of ecosystem com- Discussion—For example, the product may meet a
ponents and functions for future generations.
3.1.10 sustainable development, n—developmentthatmeets
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
3.2.11 gravel, n— inorganic soil with particle sizes greater
future generations to meet their own needs.
than 2 mm (0.079 in.).
3.1.11 toxicity, n—the property of a material, or combina-
3.2.12 horizon, n—distinctive layer of in situ soil having
tion of materials, to adversely affect organisms.
uniform qualities of color, texture, organic material, oblitera-
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
tion of original rock material, and more.
3.2.1 adobe, n—(1) unfired masonry units made of soil, Discussion—In World Reference Base for Soil
water, and straw with or without various admixtures; (2) the
Resources, by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
soil/straw or soil/straw/admixtures mix that is used to make
United Nations, seven master horizons are recognized – H, O,
them; (3) the mud plaster used for covering walls or ceilings,
A, E, B, C, and R.
or both; (4) the building that is built of adobe and; (5) the
3.2.13 indoor environmental quality (IEQ), n—refers to the
architectural style.
condition or state of the indoor built environment in which the Discussion—The word itself is believed to come building product is installed. Aspects of IEQ include: light
fromanArabicword atob,whichmeansmuckorstickyglobor
quality, acoustic quality, and air quality.
atubah “the brick.” The adobe style of architecture migrated
3.2.14 loam, n—soil with a high percentage of organic
from NorthAfrica to Spain, so the name adobe is likely to have
material, particles are predominately silt size but range from
come with it. In many other countries, the word adobe is
clay size to sand size.
meaningless, and it is more accurate to say “earthen-brick.” Discussion—Loams are usually good agricultural
Other forms of the same material with different details and
soils due to their nutritional organic content and their ability to
names, such as rammed earth, Pisé, Jacal, Barjareque, cob, or
hold water.
puddled mud are sometimes referred to as adobe.
3.2.15 manufacturing process, n—refers to the process of
3.2.2 adobe construction, n—construction in which the
creating a building product and includes manufacturing, fabri-
exterior load-bearing and the non-load-bearing walls and
cation and distribution procedures.
partitions are of unfired clay masonry units while the floors,
3.2.16 materials (product feedstock), n—refers to the mate-
roofs and interior framing may be wholly or partly of wood or
rial resources that are required for the manufacture or fabrica-
other approved materials.
tion, or both, of a building product.
3.2.3 adobe, stabilized, n—unfired clay masonry units to Discussion—Material resources include raw mate-
which admixtures, such as emulsified asphalt or cement, are
rials and recycled content materials.
added during the manufacturing process to help limit water
3.2.17 moisture wicking—the capillary uptake of water
absorption and increase durability.
from foundation soil, ambient humidity or precipitation. Mois-
3.2.4 adobe, unstabilized, n—unfired clay masonry units ture wicking can result in saturation of adobe with an accom-
that do not meet the definition of stabilized adobe.
panying decrease in strength and durability.
3.2.5 carbon sink, n—a reservoir that absorbs or takes up 3.2.18 operational performance (product installed),
released carbon from another part of the carbon cycle. n—refers to the functioning of a product during its service life.
Specific measures of operational performance will vary de- adobe were developed in the United States in the 1930s and
pending upon the product.Aspects of operational performance were based on common construction practices. Only during the
include: durability, maintainability, energy efficiency, and wa- last 20 years have architects and engineers attempted to
ter efficiency. engineer adobe and rammed earth for use and compliance with
3.2.19 pressed-block, n—aconstructionsystemthatconsists contemporary building codes. Standards for the use of adobe
of walls made from earthen materials formed in a block mold were initially limited to local and state codes, predominantly in
by the compacting of lightly moistened earth into a hardened the southwestern United States. However, over time regional
mass. and national model building codes adopted provisions for
3.2.20 rammed earth, n—a construction system that con- adobe construction. For example, the International Building
sists of walls made from moist, sandy soil, or stabilized soil, Code (IBC) provides empirical requirements allowing the use
which is tamped into forms. of adobe when the applicant follows specific procedures. New Discussion—Walls of unstabilized soil are usually Mexico building code provides empirical requirements for the
aminimumof300mm(12in.)thickforloadbearingpurposes. use of both adobe and rammed earth building systems. Where
Soils for rammed earth construction usually contain about thebuildingcodedoesnotspecificallyaddressearthenbuilding
30 % clay and 70 % sand. systems, governing agencies frequently classify the construc-
3.2.21 sand, n—inorganic soil with particle sizes ranging tion as an alternative material, design, or method of construc-
from 0.05 to 2.0 mm (0.002 to 0.079 in.). tion.An alternative material, design, or method of construction
3.2.22 silt, n—inorganic soil with particle sizes ranging will be approved when the code official finds that the proposed
from 0.005 to 0.05 mm (0.0002 to 0.002 in.) having the design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the
characteristics of low dry strength, low plasticity, and rapid provisions of the code and that the material, method or work
dilatancy. offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of
3.2.23 straw, n—an agricultural waste product that is the that prescribed in the code in quality, strength, effectiveness,
dry stems of cereal grains after the seed heads have been fire resistance, durability and safety. However, development of
removed. standards such as this can aid in the appropriate recognition
3.2.24 straw-clay, n—a construction system that consists of and adoption of earthen building systems materials and meth-
clay slip and straw, of which straw makes up a high percentage ods by building codes and code enforcement agencies.
by volume. 5.4 Audience: There are existing markets in the United Discussion—This system is well suited for manu- States and internationally using adobe, rammed earth, and
facturing bricks, floor blocks, and insulating panels other earthen building systems. It is estimated that 40 % of the
world’s population lives in earthen dwellings . Safety, func-
4. Summary of Practice
tionality, and sustainability of earthen building systems can
4.1 This guide identifies the principles of sustainability
greatly be improved through establishment of an international
associated with earthen building systems. Additionally, it
design standard. Intended users of this standard guide include:
outlines technical issues associated with earthen building
planners, developers, architects, engineers, interior designers,
systems, identifying those that are similar to construction that general contractors, subcontractors, owners, financial organi-
is commonly used in the marketplace.
zations related to building industry, building materials and
4.2 This guide is intended for use in framing decisions for product manufacturers, government agencies including build-
individual projects.
ing officials, and other building professionals.
4.3 This guide is intended for use in framing decisions for
6. Considerations for Sustainable Development
development of standards and building codes for earthen
building systems. 6.1 Materials (Product Feedstock): Materials of earthen
building syst
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