Standard Specification for Condition 3 Bicycle Forks

This specification establishes the performance requirements and associated test methods for qualifying designs of suspension and nonsuspension production forks employed on bicycles that are intended for use in Condition 3 topography. This kind of condition pertains to rough trails, rough unpaved roads, and rough technical areas and unimproved trails, wherein contact with the irregular terrain and momentary loss of tire contact with the ground may occur during usage. The forks shall go through compression load, bending load, impact resistance, and fatigue tests. Models that fail to meet the specified test requirements shall be rejected.
1.1 This standard establishes testing requirements for qualifying designs using production forks intended for use in Condition 3 per Classification F 2043.
1.2 This standard is applicable to suspension and non-suspension bicycle forks for use of a bicycle on rough trails, rough unpaved roads, and rough technical areas and unimproved trails. Contact with irregular terrain and momentary loss of tire contact with the ground may occur during usage. This usage is referred to as Condition 3 per Classification F 2043. Other types of bicycle uses exist and other specification standards will apply for uses other than Condition 3.

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ASTM F2274-03 - Standard Specification for Condition 3 Bicycle Forks
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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An American National Standard
Designation: F2274 – 03
Standard Specification for
Condition 3 Bicycle Forks
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2274; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 5.1.3 One fork shall be randomly selected from the first
production lot for both the compression and bending tests per
1.1 This standard establishes testing requirements for quali-
this test method.
fying designs using production forks intended for use in
Condition 3 per Classification F2043.
6. Performance Requirements
1.2 This standard is applicable to suspension and non-
6.1 Bicycle forks intended by the manufacturer to be used
suspension bicycle forks for use of a bicycle on rough trails,
according to Condition 3 shall be tested per Test Methods
rough unpaved roads, and rough technical areas and unim-
proved trails. Contact with irregular terrain and momentary
6.1.1 Compression Load Test:
loss of tire contact with the ground may occur during usage. Theforkshallwithstandacompressionloadof2800
This usage is referred to as Condition 3 per Classification
N without any component failure, fracture or permanent
standards will apply for uses other than Condition 3. Under the application of the compression load of
2. Referenced Documents 2800N,theminimumclearancefromthemaximumtireprofile
intended for use by the manufacturer to the nearest surface of
2.1 ASTM Standards:
the crown shall be at least 3 mm.
E739 Practice for Statistical Analysis of Linear or Linear-
6.1.2 Bending Load Test:
ized Stress-Life ( S-N) and Strain-Life (e-N) Fatigue Data The fork shall withstand a maximum bending load
F2043 Classification for Bicycle Usage
of 1500 N (100 N initial load plus an additional 1400 N).
F2273 Test Methods for Bicycle Forks The permanent deflection of a rigid fork shall not
3. Terminology
shall not exceed 10 mm.
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
6.1.3 Impact Resistance Test:
3.1.1 confidence—as used in this standard, is defined as a For each fork, permanent deflection shall be less
probability that the population value for either the mean or
than 45 mm following impact of a 22.5 kg mass dropped from
standard deviation lies within a particular interval determined
height number 1 such that the velocity at impact shall be at
based on the desired probability and the sample size.
least 2.66 m/s. Note that in a frictionless system, this velocity
4. Classification
would be achieved for height number 1 of 360 mm. For each fork, following impact of a 22.5 kg mass
4.1 Condition 3 per Classification F2043.
dropped from height number 2 such that the velocity at impact
5. Sampling and Test Specimens
shall be at least 3.43 m/s, the connection between the steerer
tube and crown must withstand at least 108.5 Nm of torque
5.1 Selection and Preparation of Specimens:
5.1.1 Five forks shall be randomly selected from the first
would be achieved for height number 2 of 600 mm.
production lot for the fatigue test per this test method.
6.1.4 Fatigue Test:
5.1.2 Three forks shall be randomly selected from the first Eachforkshallwithstandafullyreversedsinusoidal
production lot for the impact test per this test method.
load of 750 N for at least 50000 cycles without failure. Using the lower 90 percent confidence limit on the
This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F08 on Sports
deviation, th

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