Standard Test Method for Determining Automotive Gear Oil Compatability with Typical Oil Seal Elastomers

1.1 This laboratory test method is used to determine the compatibility of automotive gear oils with specific nitrile, polyacrylate, and fluoroelastomer oil seal materials.  
1.2 Users of this test method should obtain Test Methods D 412, D 471, and D 2240 and become familiar with their use before proceeding with this test method.  
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other.  
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM D5662-99 - Standard Test Method for Determining Automotive Gear Oil Compatability with Typical Oil Seal Elastomers
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An American National Standard
Designation: D 5662 – 99
Standard Test Method for
Determining Automotive Gear Oil Compatability with Typical
Oil Seal Elastomers
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5662; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 Thislaboratorytestmethod coversthedeterminationof 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
the compatibility of automotive gear oils with specific nitrile, 3.1.1 dumbbell, n—the specific cut shape (Die C) of an
polyacrylate, and fluoroelastomer oil seal materials. elastomer as explained in Section 13 of Test Methods D 412.
1.2 Users of this test method should obtain Test Methods 3.1.2 formulation, n—the specific chemical composition
D 412, D 471, and D 2240 and become familiar with their use used in manufacturing a seal elastomer or a reference oil.
before proceeding with this test method. 3.1.3 percent ultimate elongation, n—the stretch length at
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch pound units rupture of an elastomer dumbbell oil-aged by running this
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in procedure minus the rupture stretch length of an untested
each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system dumbbell, all divided by rupture stretch length of the untested
shall be used independently of the other. dumbbell and then multiplied by 100.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.1.4 percent volume change, n—the change in volume of a
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the testspecimenasexplainedinSection10ofTestMethodD 471.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
4. Summary of Test Method
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 4.1 Non-referenceoilsaretestedusingamodifiedversionof
Test Method D 471 on specific elastomer compounds. Mea-
2. Referenced Documents
sured quantities are percent ultimate elongation changes (fur-
2.1 ASTM Standards: ther referred to as just percent elongation changes), durometer
D 412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo- Type A hardness changes, and percent volume changes. Ref-
plastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers—Tension erenceoilsarerunconcurrentlyinthesameoilbathtomeasure
D 471 Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of Liq- consistency from one test to another.
uids 4.2 The duration of these tests is 240 h. Table 1 shows the
D 2240 Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer types of seal materials and their associated test reference oils
Hardness and temperatures. The reference oils are available from the
D 5704 Test Method for Evaluation of the Thermal and ASTM Test Monitoring Center (TMC). The seal materials are
Oxidative Stability of Lubricating Oils Used for Manual available through a Central Parts Distributor (CPD).
Transmissions and Final Drive Axles
5. Significance and Use
D 5760 Specification for Performance of Manual Transmis-
sion Gear Lubricants 5.1 There are several major causes of automotive lubricant-
related seal failures. This test method addresses only those
failures caused by excessive elastomer hardening, elongation
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-2 on
loss, and volume swell and attempts to determine the likeli-
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
hood that an oil might cause premature sealing system failures
D02.B0.03 on Gear Lubricants.
in field use. This test method may be used as a requirement of
Current edition approved June 10, 1999. Published August 1999.
Originally published as D 5662 – 95. Last previous edition D 5662 – 98.
a performance specification, such as Specification D 5760.
Until the next revision of this test method, the ASTM Test Monitoring Center
will update changes in this test method by means of Information Letters; these can
be obtained from theASTMTest Monitoring Center, 6555 PennAve., Pittsburgh, Pa
15206–4489. Attention: Administrator. This edition incorporates revisions in all ReferenceoilsareavailablefromtheASTMTestMonitoringCenter,6555Penn
Information Letters through No. 98–1. Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206-4489.
3 6
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.01. The Central Parts Distributor for this procedure isTest Engineering Inc., 12758
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.03. Cimarron Path, Suite 102, San Antonio, TX 78249.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
TABLE 1 Seal Materials, Reference Oils, and Test Temperatures
7.2.1 Information and location of the current CPD is also
Test available from the TMC.
Seal Material Reference Oils
7.3 Specificreferencesealelastomersusedareanitrile(NI),
Nitrile No. 161, No. 162 100°C
a polyacrylate (PA), and a fluoroelastomer (FL). Notation of
Polyacrylate No. 160, No. 161 150°C
the numbering system is established by the TMC as follows:
Fluoroelastomer No. 160, No. 161 150°C
[Type] Y – X
5.2 Another major cause of seal failure is the formation of Type = NI, PA, FL,
Y = specific formulation of the elastomer type, and
carbon, varnish, and sludge-like deposits on the seal lip. The
X = batch number of the particular formulation.
deposit-forming characteristics of automotive gear oils are
7.4 The shelf life for the seal elastomers is two years from
evaluated in Test Method D 5704. That procedure is intended
the date the batch was cured. Invalidate any test with a seal
in part to evaluate the potential for oils to cause premature seal
cure date older than two years.
failure in field service.
7.4.1 Storetheelastomersinacool,dark,anddryplace.The
6. Apparatus preferred method of storage is a refrigerator maintained at 38
to 42°F (3 to 6°C).
6.1 Specific test equipment as outlined in Test Methods
7.5 The shelf life of reference oils is typically five years
D 412, D 471, and D 2240 is required.
unless the TMC, through their analysis, specifies otherwise.
6.1.1 Hardness Durometer—See Test Method D 2240.
7.6 Wetting solution of Aerosol OT—0.1 % sodium diocytl Calibration—Calibrate the hardness durometer an-
sulfosuccinate, made by a 1.0 % dilution of a 10 % solution
nually. Use an outside source, with standards traceable to
with reagent water.
National Institute for Standards Technology (NIST) for annual
calibration. Perform checks with internal standards weekly.
8. Procedure
Checks with internal standards shall be within 6 3 points.
8.1 The testing laboratory shall conduct reference oil tests
Calibrate internal standards annually, using an outside source,
with standards traceable to NIST. concurrently with the non-reference oil in the same oil bath.
Reference oils shall perform within a specific range prescribed
6.1.2 Tension Testing Machine—See Test Method D 412.
Set the testing machine rate of grip separation for the percent and evaluated by TMC for validity and updated as needed.
8.2 Prior to cutting specimens and prior to performing
elongation change determinations at 8.5 6 0.8 mm/s. Calibration—Calibrate the tension testing machine elongation tests for initial properties, allow 3 h for the
elastomer to warm to 23+ 2°C, as required by Test Method
annually. Annual calibration shall be performed by the manu-
facturer, using NIST traceable standards. D 412. Referring to the procedure in Test Method D 412, use
Die C to cut a set of twelve dumbbell specimens out of the
6.1.3 Glass Tubes,havinganoutsidediameterof38mmand
an overall length of 300 mm. The tube is fitted loosely with an elastomer sheets as required for each reference and non-
reference oil tested.
aluminum foil-covered stopper.
6.1.4 Balance—Use any commercially available balance 8.2.1 Cut the dumbbells parallel to the grain using the same
unaltered dies for the entire lot. When cutting dumbbells, only
capable of weighing samples to the nearest 1.0 mg. Calibration—Calibrate the balance annually. Use an cutonethicknessatatimetoavoidanydimensionalvariations.
8.2.2 Cut all elastomer specimens, including those used for
outside source, with standards traceable to NIST for annual
calibration. Perform checks with internal standards monthly, measuring initial properties, from the same elastomer batch.
Use these dumbbells for measuring the percent elongation
using NIST traceable weights. The difference between the
weights and balance shall be < 0.5 mg. Calibrate internal
standards annually, using an outside source, with standards 8.2.3 Next, cut twelve 25 by 50 by 2.0 6 0.1-mm (1 by 2 by
0.08 6 0.005-in.) rectangular specimens for the percent vol-
traceable to NIST.
ume change and hardness testing.
7. Reagents and Materials
8.2.4 Finally, cut twelve more NI, PA, and FLdumbbells for
the purpose of determining initial elongation properties.
7.1 Specific reference test oils are maintained and distrib-
uted by the TMC. The oils used are labeled No. 160, No. 161,
and No. 162, or current equivalent. To receive the test oils and
TABLE 2 Elastomer Specimens Required
seal materials, individual laboratories shall commit to furnish-
Nitrile Polyacrylate Fluoroelastomer
ing the TMC with reference data developed using these
Dumb- Speci- Dumb- Speci- Dumb- Speci-
reference materials.TheTMC is also responsible for managing
bells mens bells mens bells mens
a system that ensures the performance and formulation con-
Oil No. 160 0 0 12 12 12 12
cerning these reference oils.
Oil No. 161 12 12 12 12 12 12
7.2 The CPD is responsible for maintaining the numbering
Oil No. 162 12 12 0 0 0 0
and tracking system for the seal elastomer batches used. Non-reference 12 each 12 each 12 each 12 each 12 each 12 each
Initial Properties 12 0 12 0 12 0
Certain specific information concerning these reference mate-
Totals for a Single 48 36 48 36 48 36
rials is available only to the CPD. This information is used to
ensure batch-to-batch consistency.
8.2.5 Use Table 2 as a guide to determine the number of
elastomer specimens required.
8.2.6 Randomly select sets of twelve dumbbells and twelve
rectangular specimens for testing from the different sheets of
test elastomers.
8.2.7 Use the following water displacement procedure in
accordance with Test Method D 471 to conduct the initial and
final volume measurements. Weigh the coupon in air, M1, to
the nearest 1 mg. Making sure there are no air bubbles clinging
to the surface, immerse the rectangular specimen into a 1.0 %
wetting solution of aerosol OT before weighing it in distilled
water, M2, at ambient temperature.
8.2.8 Ensure that initial elastomer properties of hardness
and volume are determined prior to the start of testing. Initial
elongation properties are determined just prior to running the
end of test dumbbells because of instrument calibration.
FIG. 2 Test Tube Arrangement
8.3 Fill the test tubes with 150 65 mL of non-reference or
reference oil as appropriate.
8.3.1 SeeTable 1 for combinations of reference test oils and
8.5 Attheendofthetestperiod,removethespecimensfrom
seal materials required for testing. Test the non-reference oil
the hot oil using the wire hanger and place them on a clean
using one or more of the three different seal elastomers.
absorbent towel. Allow the specimens to cool for no longer
8.4 Use four test tubes for each elastomer/oil combination.
than 30 min.
In each tube, suspend from a stainless steel wire hanger bent at
8.5.1 Remove the specimens from the wire hanger, and
a 90° angle (dimensions shown in Fig. 1) three rectangular
place them on a clean absorbent towel. Remove the excess oil
specimens and three dumbbells in each of the four tubes. Place
with a clean absorbent towel, and begin testing.
3.0 to 5.0-mm spacers in between the specimens to aid in the
8.6 Complete testing for durometer Type A hardness, per-
separation.The spacer material shall not affect the liquid or the cent volume, and percent elongation changes within2hof
removal from the test oil.
8.4.1 Fig. 2 shows the arrangement of spacers and test 8.7 Observe the following notes/modifications to Test
Method D 471.
8.4.2 Top the test tube with a stopper wrapped in aluminum 8.7.1 Report percent change in elongation (see Test Method
D 412) and percent volume change (see Test Method D 471)
8.4.3 See Table 1 for the combinations of reference test oils from the original using the same water displacement procedure
and seal materials required for testing. Test the non-reference
described in 8.2.7.
8.7.2 ReportdurometerTypeAhardnesschangepointsfrom
the same batch of elastomers as being used for the reference
original (see Test Method D 2240).
oil. On a hard horizontal surface, stack the three rectan-
8.4.4 Place the tubes randomly in an oil bath capable of
gular specimens on top of each other to obtain the 6-mm
maintaining a test oil temperature (see Table 1) within 61°C
thickness required by Test Method D 2240. Hardness readings
for a period of 240 6 0.5 h.
are to be taken 1 s after the pin makes contact with the
8.4.5 Conduct all reference and non-reference oil testing on
elastomer. Take three readings on each side of the rectangular
each seal elastomer in the same oil bath. Complete reference
specimen and report the average of all six readings.
oil and non-reference oil tests for each seal elastomer within 8 After taking the first set of measurements, rotate the
h of each other to be considered the same test.
bottom specimen to the top of the stack and take a second set
of measurements. Rotatethebottomspecimentothetoponemoretime
to obtain the third set of measurements.
8.7.3 For each data set, calculate the average value and the
sample standard deviation using the equation:
s5@num#1@den#N–1 @end#Ni51 ~x – x! (1)
s = sample standard deviation,
N = number of data points in the set,
X = individual data set value,
?A/X! = mean of the data set, and
I = index to denote one of a set of data.
Change in volume,%=[(M3– M4)–(M1– M2)]/(M1–
FIG. 1 Wire Hanger M2)3 d 3 100
9.1.4 End of test date,
9.1.5 Elastomer batch date and code,
M1 = the original weight in air,
9.1.6 Oil bath identification, and
M2 = the original weight in water,
M3 = the end of test weight in air, 9.2 Report to the TMC the information identified in 9.1

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