TP075 - Pravilnik o tehničnih pogojih za graditev, obratovanje in vzdrževanje plinovodov z delovnim tlakom nad 16 barov ter o pogojih za posege v območjih njihovih varovalnih pasov
Pravilnik o tehničnih pogojih za graditev, obratovanje in vzdrževanje plinovodov z delovnim tlakom nad 16 barov ter o pogojih za posege v območjih njihovih varovalnih pasov
Pravilnik o tehničnih pogojih za graditev, obratovanje in vzdrževanje plinovodov z delovnim tlakom nad 16 barov ter o pogojih za posege v območjih njihovih varovalnih pasov
Datum prenehanja veljavnosti ali uporabe 22.03.2014 Se še uporablja!!
General Information
This European Standard specifies the general principles for the implementation of a system of cathodic protection against corrosive attacks on buried or immersed metal structures with and without the influence of external electrical sources.
- Standard40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard is applicable to pipelines with a maximum operating pressure (MOP) over 16 bar for the carriage of processed, non-toxic and non-corrosive natural gas according to EN ISO 13686 in onland gas infrastructure. This European Standard is also applicable to pipelines with a maximum operating pressure (MOP) over 16 bar for the carriage of non-conventional gases such as injected biomethane, complying with EN ISO 13686 and for which a detailed technical evaluation of the functional requirements is performed ensuring there are no other constituents or properties of the gases that can affect the integrity of the pipeline. Onland gas infrastructure is where: - pipeline elements are made of unalloyed or low-alloyed carbon steel; - pipeline elements are joined by welds, flanges or mechanical couplings; - the pipeline is not located within commercial or industrial premises as an integral part of the industrial process on these premises except for any pipelines and facilities supplying such premises; - the design temperature of the system is between -40 °C and 120 °C inclusive. This European Standard applies to onshore pipeline systems from the point where the pipeline first crosses what is normally accepted as battery limit between on and offshore, e.g.: - first isolation valve; - the base of steep sea shelf; - above the high water/low water mark onto mainland; - an island. This European Standard also applies to a pipeline system with a starting point onshore, also when parts of the pipeline system on the mainland subsequently cross fjords, lakes etc. This European Standard does not apply to existing pipelines, in use prior to the publication of this European Standard, nor to modifications to existing pipelines. Gas infrastructures covered by this European Standard begin after the gas producer's metering station. The functional demarcation of the pipeline system within a plant area will be determined from case to case. Generally speaking, this will be directly after the first isolating valve of the installation. This European Standard also describes the mechanical requirements for pipework in stations with a maximum operating pressure greater than 16 bar. Welding requirements are described in a special application standard on welding for gas infrastructures EN 12732. Functional requirements for stations are given in: EN 1776, Gas supply systems - Natural gas measuring stations - Functional requirements EN 1918-5, Gas supply systems - Underground gas storage - Part 5: Functional recommendations for surface facilities EN 12186, Gas supply systems - Gas pressure regulating stations for transmission and distribution - Functional requirements EN 12583, Gas supply systems - Compressor stations - Functional requirements
- Standard93 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft93 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
D124/135: BTTF 114-1 disbanded - work referred to TC 9X
- Standard30 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard deals with the cathodic protection against corrosion of buried or immersed metallic structures, detailing the measuring methods to be used for assessing the effectiveness of cathodic protection as well as the measurements and measures taken to monitor cathodic protection during operation.
Throughout the text, the measurement techniques are described primarily for pipelines.
However, they are sufficiently general to apply to other kinds of buried or immersed (except offshore) structures.
General principles with regard to cathodic protection are described in EN 12954. Other measurement methods specific to particular cases are described in other European Standards e.g. prEN 50162.
- Standard38 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies the functional requirements and test methods for external organic coatings based on tapes or shrinkable materials to be used for corrosion protection of buried and immersed steel pipelines in conjunction with cathodic protection. It classifies coatings by increasing mechanical resistance and operating temperatures. Coatings for special installation conditions are also considered. A comprehensive classification of coatings in relation to functional requirements is defined.
- Standard47 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 18086:2015 is applicable to buried cathodically-protected pipeline that is influenced by AC traction systems and/or AC power lines.
In the presence of AC interference, the protection criteria given in ISO 15589 1 are not sufficient to demonstrate that the steel is being protected against corrosion.
ISO 18086:2015 provides limits, measurement procedures, mitigation measures, and information to deal with long term AC interference for AC voltages at frequencies between 16,7 and 60 Hz and the evaluation of AC corrosion likelihood.
It deals with the possibility of AC corrosion of metallic pipelines due to AC interferences caused by inductive, conductive or capacitive coupling with AC power systems and the maximum tolerable limits of these interference effects. It takes into account the fact that this is a long-term effect, which occurs during normal operating conditions of the AC power system.
It does not cover the safety issues associated with AC voltages on pipelines. These are covered in national standards and regulations.
- Standard47 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of ISO 6892 specifies the method for tensile testing of metallic materials and defines the
mechanical properties which can be determined at room temperature.
NOTE Annex A contains further recommendations for computer controlled testing machines.
- Standard88 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day