CEN/TC 256/SC 1/WG 46 - Ballastless track
Ballastless track
General Information
This document specifies the implementation of ballastless track system designs and the criteria for the acceptance of works concerning construction of ballastless track systems. It does not include any criteria for inspecting, maintaining, repairing and replacing ballastless track systems during operation.
- Standard26 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of FprEN 16432 specifies system and subsystem design and component configuration for ballastless track system.
The system and subsystem design requirements are assigned from the general requirements of FprEN 16432-1:2016. Where applicable, existing subsystem or component requirements from other standards are to be referenced.
- Standard115 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines the general requirements concerning the design of ballastless track systems.
It does not include any requirements for inspecting, maintaining, repairing and replacing ballastless track systems during operation.
This European Standard is applicable to all railway applications up to 250 kN axle load.
The requirements of this standard apply to:
- plain line track, switches and crossings and rail expansion joints;
- various substructures like embankments and cuttings, tunnels, bridges or similar, with or without floating slabs;
- transitions between different substructures;
- transitions between different ballastless track systems;
- transitions between ballasted and ballastless track systems.
NOTE Requirements for characterization of the substructures listed above are included in this standard. Design of the substructures is covered by other European Standards, e.g. EN 1992–2, EN 1997–1, etc..
- Standard31 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of EN 16432 series specifies how to integrate the particular aspects of ballastless track systems for attenuation of vibration into the system and subsystem design and component configuration according to EN 16432-2:2017.
The general system and subsystem design requirements are assigned from EN 16432-1:2017.
Additional noise and vibration requirements can be project specific and are not provided by this document. Acoustic requirements are considered as input for the track design from the acoustic design. The acoustic design and the track design affect each other and may require an iterative overall design process.
The range of applicability covers all kind of rail systems including Urban Rail systems.
- Draft30 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines the general requirements concerning the design and acceptance of ballastless track systems.
It does not include any requirements for inspecting, maintaining, repairing and replacing ballastless track systems during operation.
This European Standard is applicable for high speed and conventional railway applications up to 250 kN axle load. This standard applies to ballastless track systems including:
— booted systems;
— embedded rail systems;
— other fastening systems.
The requirements of this standard apply to ballastless track systems including:
— plain line track as well as switches and crossings and rail expansion joints;
— various substructures like embankments and cuttings, tunnels, bridges or similar, with or without floating slabs;
— transitions between different substructures;
— transitions between different ballastless track systems;
— transitions between ballasted and ballastless track systems.
NOTE Requirements for characterisation of the substructures listed above are included in this standard. Design of the substructures is covered by other European Standards, e.g. EN 1992-2, EN 1997-1, etc.
- Draft18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day