This document establishes an approach and methodology for a country-based mechanism to channel climate finance to subnational
authorities to support climate change adaptation and to increase local resilience thereby contributing to the achievement of the goals
of the 2015 Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the UN Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). The country-based mechanism uses performance-based climate resilience grants (PBCRGs) which
ensure programming and verification of climate change expenditures at the local level, offering strong incentives for performance
improvements in enhanced resilience.
This document provides requirements and guidelines and is applicable to organizations such as national and subnational authorities,
donors, companies, financial institutions and international organizations that are involved in implementing a country-based
mechanism for channelling climate finance to subnational authorities to support climate change adaptation and resilience.
NOTE Another mechanism for supporting local adaptation is by direct support at the local level by donors without any financial
flows from national government.

  • Draft
    50 pages
    English language
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This document specifies the requirements and recommendations relative to the construction of a sectoral transition plan for industry decarbonization.
This document does not specify the requirements for the construction of a roadmap of single industrial company’s transition plan (a plant or a group), however a sectoral transition plan can be used as a reference in an entity transition plan
This document is intended to be used by organizations, including national and public bodies, trade associations, federations, companies and NGOs that wish to establish or monitor sectoral decarbonization plans.
This document is climate-programme neutral. If a climate programme is applicable, requirements of this programme are additional to the requirement of this document.
This document does not address legal and other obligations relating to climate action.
In this document, either natural or technological sequestrations occur inside the geographical and sectoral boundaries considered in the sectoral transition plan. Otherwise, they are excluded.
In this document, considering its energy consumptions and its cost, the direct air capture and storage technology (DACS) is not considered relevant and is excluded from the sectoral transition plan.
Carbon offsets are excluded from this document.
NOTE   Carbon offsets are intended as be understood as "Emissions reduction or removal resulting from an action outside the geographical and sectoral boundary used to counterbalance the sector’s residual emissions".

  • Draft
    41 pages
    English language
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    e-Library read for
    1 day