CEN/TC 156/WG 21 - Revision of calculation standards EN15241, 15242 and 15243
The calculation of the energy performance of ventilation, air conditioning and cooling systems, including cooling through natural ventilation
Revision of calculation standards EN15241, 15242 and 15243
The calculation of the energy performance of ventilation, air conditioning and cooling systems, including cooling through natural ventilation
General Information
This European Standard covers energy performance calculation of mechanical ventilation systems with integrated heating/cooling generation, including domestic hot water production, using a monthly or seasonal calculation interval or a bin method. It takes into account the generation (air handling unit) and distribution (duct system) parts. It does not cover the emission part (calculation of the required volume flow rates and/or supply air conditions), which is covered in the M5-5 standard. It does not include humidification and dehumidification. This method is focussed on small, packaged ventilation systems, typically used in residential buildings, although the application is not restricted on the basis of building or space use type.
A calculation method for mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems, including humidification and dehumidification, using an hourly calculation interval or a bin method, is provided in a separate standard, EN 16798 5 1.
Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in EN ISO 52000 1.
NOTE 1 In CEN ISO/TR 52000 2, the same table can be found, with, for each module, the numbers of the relevant EPB standards and accompanying technical reports that are published or in preparation.
NOTE 2 The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard might cover more than one module and one module might be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively. See also Clause 2 and Tables A.1 and B.1.
- Standard56 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard describes the methods to calculate the ventilation air flow rates for buildings
to be used for energy calculations evaluation, heating and cooling loads.
This European Standard applies to buildings with:
- Mechanical ventilation systems (mechanical exhaust, mechanical supply or balanced system);
- Passive duct ventilation systems for residential and low-rise non-residential buildings;
- Combustion appliances;
- Windows opening by manual operation;
- Kitchens where cooking is for immediate use (including restaurants)
This European Standard is applicable to hybrid systems combining mechanical and passive duct ventilation systems in residential and low-rise non-residential buildings.
This European Standard applies to buildings smaller than 100 m and rooms where vertical air temperature difference is smaller than 15 K.
The results provided by the standard are:
the air flow rates entering or leaving a ventilation zone;
- the air flow rates required to be distributed by the mechanical ventilation system, if present.
This European Standard is not applicable to:
- Buildings with kitchens where cooking is not for immediate use
- Buildings with automatic windows (or openings)
- Buildings with industry process ventilation.
The definition of ventilation and airtightness requirements (as indoor air quality, heating and cooling, safety, fire protection…) is not covered by this standard.
The following information can be found in other standards and technical reports:
- guidance to estimate pressure drops in ducts (CR 14378:2002)
Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the EN EPB package of standards.
- Standard59 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers the calculation of the operational parameters and the energy consumption of cooling generation systems. The cooling generation consists of:
- cooling generators like compression and absorption chillers;
- other (generic) generator types such as ground or surface water or direct use of ground heat from boreholes; and
- different types of heat rejection (dry, wet, hybrid with outdoor air, other sink types).
The methods cover:
- the possibility of heat recovery of heat to be rejected for the use of heating and/or domestic hot water production, through the use of an interface to the M3-1 standard; and
- a multi generator calculation.
The document does not cover the cooling emission, distribution and storage systems, which are covered by the Module M4-5, M4-6 and M4-7 standards, respectively. It is directly connected to the general part of the cooling systems, the M4-1 standard.
Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in prEN ISO 52000 1:2015.
NOTE 1 In FprCEN ISO/TR 52000 2 the same table can be found, with, for each module, the numbers of the relevant EPB standards and accompanying Technical Reports that are published or in preparation.
NOTE 2 The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard might cover more than one module and one module might be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively. See also Clause 2 and Tables A.1 and B.1.
Table 1 - Position of this standard (in casu M4–8) within the modular structure of the set of EPB standards
- Standard67 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies a calculation method for the energy performance of storage systems used for ventilation systems. It takes into account the energy performance of storage systems using water from phase change material (PCM) to store cooling energy. This standard presents a general method applicable to the different technologies of water-based storage systems or PCM related controls systems. It does not cover the cooling emission, distribution and generation that are covered by EN 15316 2, EN 15316 3 and EN 16798-13 respectively.
The standard covers typically hourly time steps but can be adapted to different time steps accordingly with the scenarios used for energy use and energy delivered or to bin method.
A simplified method is provided for monthly or annual time step.
This standard does not cover:
- the cooling emission, distribution and generation systems; or
- sizing or inspection of such storage systems.
Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in prEN ISO 52000 1:2015.
NOTE 1 In prCEN ISO/TR 52000 2 the same table can be found, with, for each module, the numbers of the relevant EPB standards and accompanying technical reports that are published or in preparation.
NOTE 2 The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard might cover more than one module and one module might be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively. See also Clause 2 and Tables A.1 and B.1.
Table 1 - Position of this standard (in casu M4-7) within the EPB set of standards
- Standard36 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers the energy performance calculation of complete cooling systems. It gives a calculation method that defines how to collect the cooling energy requirements from the thermal zones and from the air handling units connected to a distribution system, and how to aggregate multiple distribution systems to an overall system energy requirement. It incorporates the calculation of the emission and distribution losses and auxiliary energy. The required cooling energy to be extracted by the cooling generation system is calculated, and the cooling energy storage is considered. It gives a method on how to dispatch the cooling energy provided by the cooling generation to different distribution systems, and possible priorities are considered.
This European Standard defines energy performance indicators for cooling systems.
Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the EPB package of standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in prEN ISO 52000-1.
NOTE 1 In prCEN ISO/TR 52000-2 the same table can be found, with, for each module, the numbers of the relevant EPB standards and accompanying technical reports that are published or in preparation.
NOTE 2 The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard might cover more than one module and one module might be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively. See also Clause 2 and Tables A.1 and B.1.
- Standard42 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers the energy performance calculation of mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems, including humidification and dehumidification. It takes into account the generation (air handling unit) and distribution (duct system) parts. It includes a simplified calculation of adiabatic cooling systems. It does not cover the emission part (calculation of the required volume flow rates and/or supply air conditions), which is covered in EN 16798-7. It does not include the calculation of heating/cooling generation. This method is focussed on large customized ventilation and air conditioning systems, typically used in commercial buildings, although the application is not restricted on the basis of building or space use type.
A calculation method for ventilation systems with integrated heating/cooling generation, including domestic hot water generation, using a monthly or seasonal calculation interval or a bin method, is provided in a separate standard, EN 16798-5-2. This method does not include humidification and dehumidification or adiabatic cooling.
Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in EN ISO 52000 1.
NOTE 1 In CEN ISO/TR 52000 2 the same table can be found, with, for each module, the numbers of the relevant EPB standards and accompanying technical reports that are published or in preparation.
NOTE 2 The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard might cover more than one module and one module might be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively. See also Clause 2 and Tables A.1 and B.1.
- Standard76 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report refers to the standard EN 16798-15.
It contains information to support the correct understanding, use and national adaptation of this standard.
- Technical report27 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report refers to the standard EN 16798-13.
It contains information to support the correct understanding and use of this standard.
- Technical report68 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report refers to the standard FprEN 16798-9.
It contains information to support the correct understanding, use and national adaptation this standard.
- Technical report63 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report refers to standards EN 16798 5 1 and EN 16798 5 2.
It contains information to support the correct understanding and use of these standards.
This Technical Report does not contain any normative provision.
- Technical report118 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report refers to the standard EN 16798-7.
It contains information to support the correct understanding and use of this standard.
- Technical report41 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers the energy performance calculation of mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems, including humidification and dehumidification. It takes into account the generation (air handling unit) and distribution (duct system) parts. It includes a simplified calculation of adiabatic cooling systems. It does not cover the emission part (calculation of the required volume flow rates and/or supply air conditions), which is covered in EN 16798-7. It does not include the calculation of heating/cooling generation. This method is focussed on large customized ventilation and air conditioning systems, typically used in commercial buildings, although the application is not restricted on the basis of building or space use type.
A calculation method for ventilation systems with integrated heating/cooling generation, including domestic hot water generation, using a monthly or seasonal calculation interval or a bin method, is provided in a separate standard, EN 16798-5-2. This method does not include humidification and dehumidification or adiabatic cooling.
Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in EN ISO 52000 1.
NOTE 1 In CEN ISO/TR 52000 2 the same table can be found, with, for each module, the numbers of the relevant EPB standards and accompanying technical reports that are published or in preparation.
NOTE 2 The modules represent EPB standards, although one EPB standard might cover more than one module and one module might be covered by more than one EPB standard, for instance a simplified and a detailed method respectively. See also Clause 2 and Tables A.1 and B.1.
- Draft5 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Table 1 shows the relative position of this standard within the EN EPB set of standards.
The scope of this standard is to specify the calculation method and the boundary conditions for:
- the sensible design cooling load of a thermal zone;
- the conditions of the supply air to provide the necessary humidification and dehumidification of a thermal zone;
- the design heating load of a thermal zone, using an hourly calculation interval;
- the design heating load on sub system level, using an hourly calculation interval.
The simplified calculation method for the design heat load is given in prEN 12831-1.
- Draft13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day