CEN/TC 162/WG 10 - Buoyant aids for swimming instruction
Standardization of specifications for buoyant aids for swimming.
Buoyant aids for swimming instruction
Standardization of specifications for buoyant aids for swimming.
General Information
This document specifies safety and in water performance requirements for construction, sizing, marking and information supplied by the manufacturer for swimming aids intended to ensure a degree of buoyancy to assist beginners with movement through the water while learning to swim or while learning part of a swimming stroke. It also gives methods of test for verification of these requirements.
This document applies only to swimming devices that are designed to be worn, to be securely attached to the body and which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated. It only applies to class B swimming devices intended to introduce the user to the range of swimming strokes.
It does not apply to class A or class C swimming devices, to pull buoys, swim rings, lifebuoys, buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
This document is not applicable for products known as 'baby neck rings' aiming to keep the user's airways above the water level.
- Standard62 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies safety requirements for construction, performance, sizing and marking for swimming devices intended to assist users with movement through the water in the early stages of water awareness, while learning to swim or while learning part of a swimming stroke. It also gives methods of test for verification of these requirements.
This part 2 of EN 13138 applies only to class C swimming devices that are designed to be held in the hands or by the body. Typical swimming devices include kick boards and pull/kick boards. These swimming devices are used to assist in learning to swim or to assist with swimming strokes and improving specific elements of the stroke, which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated.
It does not apply to pull buoys, swim rings, lifebuoys, buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
- Standard27 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies safety requirements for design, sizing, materials, strength and in-water performance as well as provisions for marking and the information supplied by the manufacturer for swim seats. It also specifies the relevant test methods. This document is not applicable to products covered by EN 13138 1 and EN 13138 2.
This document applies only to swimming devices into which the user is placed and which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated or a combination of both. It only applies to class A swimming devices intended to introduce the user to the water environment. These swimming devices are only intended for children aged up to 36 months with a body mass less than or equal to 19 kg. It does not apply to class B or class C swimming devices, to pull buoys, lifebuoys, buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
- Standard55 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies safety and in water performance requirements for construction, sizing, marking and information supplied by the manufacturer for swimming aids intended to ensure a degree of buoyancy to assist beginners with movement through the water while learning to swim or while learning part of a swimming stroke. It also gives methods of test for verification of these requirements.
This document applies only to swimming devices that are designed to be worn, to be securely attached to the body and which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated. It only applies to class B swimming devices intended to introduce the user to the range of swimming strokes.
It does not apply to class A or class C swimming devices, to pull buoys, swim rings, lifebuoys, buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
This document is not applicable for products known as 'baby neck rings' aiming to keep the user's airways above the water level.
- Corrigendum2 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies safety and performance requirements regarding the in-water behaviour of Buoyant aids for swimming instruction according to EN 13138-1. It specifies in-water test methods based on the application of test manikin as well as on human test subjects.
This European Standard covers class B devices that are designed to be securely attached to the body and which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated. These devices are intended to introduce the user to the range of swimming strokes. It does not apply to buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
- Draft28 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies safety and performance requirements regarding the in-water behaviour of Buoyant aids for swimming instruction according to EN 13138-1. It specifies in-water test methods based on the application of test manikin as well as on human test subjects.
This European Standard covers class B devices that are designed to be securely attached to the body and which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated. These devices are intended to introduce the user to the range of swimming strokes. It does not apply to buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
- Draft18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies safety requirements for construction, performance, sizing, marking and information supplied by the manufacturer for swimming aids intended to assist beginners with movement through the water while learning to swim or while learning part of a swimming stroke. It also gives methods of test for verification of these requirements.
This part 1 of EN 13138 applies only to devices that are designed to be worn, to be securely attached to the body and which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated. It only applies to Class B devices intended to introduce the user to the range of swimming strokes. It does not apply to Class A or Class C devices, to pull buoys, swim rings, lifebuoys, buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
- Standard30 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part 3 of EN 13138 specifies safety requirements for design, sizing, materials, strength and in-water performance as well as provisions for marking and the information supplied by the manufacturer for swim seats. It also specifies the relevant test methods. This standard is not applicable to products covered by EN 13138 1 and −2.
This part 3 of EN 13138 applies only to devices into which the user is placed and which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated or a combination of both. It only applies to Class A devices intended to introduce the user to the range to the water environment. These devices are only intended for children aged up to 36 months with a body mass less than or equal to 18 kg. It does not apply to Class B or Class C devices, to pull buoys, swim rings, lifebuoys, buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
- Standard47 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies safety requirements for construction, performance, sizing and marking for swimming devices intended to assist users with movement through the water in the early stages of water awareness, while learning to swim or while learning part of a swimming stroke. It also gives methods of test for verification of these requirements.
This part 2 of EN 13138 applies only to class C devices that are designed to be held in the hands or by the body. Typical devices include kick boards and pull/kick boards. These devices are used to assist in learning to swim or to assist with swimming strokes and improving specific elements of the stroke, which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated.
It does not apply to pull buoys, swim rings, lifebuoys, buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
- Standard19 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies safety requirements for design, sizing, materials, strength and in water performance as well as provisions for marking and the information supplied by the manufacturer for swim seats to be worn. It also specifies the relevant test methods.
This European Standard covers class A buoyancy devices in which children are seated. These devices are only intended for children aged up to 36 months with a body mass less than or equal to 18 kg.
- Standard39 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies safety requirements for construction, performance, sizing and marking for swimming devices intended to assist users with movement through the water in the early stages of water awareness, whilst learning to swim or whilst learning part of a swimming stroke. It also gives methods of test for verification of these requirements.
This part of the European Standard, Part 2, covers class C devices that are designed to assist with swimming strokes and improving specific elements of the stroke, which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated. It includes devices that are held in the hands or by the body. It does not apply to pull buoys, buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies safety requirements for construction, performance, sizing, marking and information supplied by the manufacturer for swimming aids intended to assist beginners with movement through the water whilst learning to swim or whilst learning part of a swimming stroke. It also gives methods of test for verification of these requirements.
This Part 1 European Standard applies only to devices that are designed to be worn, to be securely attached to the body and which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated. It only applies to Class B devices intended to introduce the user to the range of swimming strokes. It does not apply to Class A or Class C devices, to swim rings, lifebuoys, buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
- Standard26 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The European Standard specifies safety requirements for construction, performance, sizing and marking for swimming aids intended to assist users with movement through the water whilst learning to swim or whilst learning part of a swimming stroke. It also gives methods of test for verification of these requirements.
This European Standard, Part 1, applies to devices that are designed to be worn or are carried on the body and which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated. It includes Class B devices intended to introduce the wearer to the range of swimming strokes. It does not apply to buoyancy aids, lifejackets or aquatic toys.
- Standard27 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies safety requirements for design, sizing, materials, strength and in-water perform-ance as well as provisions for marking and the information supplied by the manufacturer for swim seats to be worn. It also specifies the relevant test methods.
This European Standard covers class A buoyancy devices in which children are seated. These devices are only intended for children aged up to 36 months with a body mass less than or equal to 18 kg.
- Standard29 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
The European Standard specifies safety requirements for construction, performance, sizing and marking for buoyant swimming aids intended to assist users with movements through the water in the early stages of water awareness' whilst learning to swim or whilst learning part of a swimming stroke. It also gives methods of test for verification of these requirements. This part of the standard, Part 2, applies to Type C devices that are designed to assist with improving specific elements of the stroke and which have either inherent buoyancy or can be inflated.
- Standard17 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day