Intelligent transport systems — Dynamic data and map database specification for connected and automated driving system applications — Part 2: Logical data model of dynamic data

This document specifies a unified logical data model based on available existing dynamic information standards. The data has precise relative location references to be linked with ISO/TS 22726-1 which specifies the architecture and the logical data model of static map data for connected and automated driving applications. Dynamic event data comes from external systems and has been defined and specified independently by existing standards. Therefore, the logical data model in this document is formed to synthesize contents referring to other standards.

Systèmes de transport intelligents — Spécification de données dynamiques et de bases de données cartographiques pour les applications de système de conduite connectées et automatisées — Partie 2: Modèle de données logique des données dynamiques

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Technical specification
ISO/TS 22726-2:2025 - Intelligent transport systems — Dynamic data and map database specification for connected and automated driving system applications — Part 2: Logical data model of dynamic data Released:27. 02. 2025
English language
110 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO/TS 22726-2
First edition
Intelligent transport systems —
Dynamic data and map database
specification for connected
and automated driving system
applications —
Part 2:
Logical data model of dynamic data
Systèmes de transport intelligents — Spécification de
données dynamiques et de bases de données cartographiques
pour les applications de système de conduite connectées et
automatisées —
Partie 2: Modèle de données logique des données dynamiques
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviated terms . 3
5 Conformance . 3
6 Modelling. 3
6.1 Introduction .3
6.2 Mapping of the different standards’ classes and the proposed generic data model’s
classes .3
6.3 Relationship between ISO/TS 22726-1 and this document (ISO/TS 22726-1) .4
7 Data content specification . 4
7.1 Introduction .4
7.2 "DynamicInformationDataSet" package .4
7.2.1 Overall presentation .4
7.2.2 Class definition .5
7.3 "Common" package .5
7.3.1 Overall presentation .5
7.3.2 Class definition .6
7.4 "CodeLists" package . .6
7.4.1 Overall presentation .6
7.4.2 Class definition .9
7.5 "DataManagement" package . 22
7.5.1 Overall presentation . 22
7.5.2 Class definition . 23
7.6 "DataQuality" package . 23
7.6.1 Overall presentation . 23
7.6.2 Class definition .24
7.7 "DataTypes" package . 25
7.7.1 Overall presentation . 25
7.7.2 Class definition . 26
7.8 "VehicleCharacteristics" package . 30
7.8.1 Overall presentation . 30
7.8.2 Class definition . 30
7.9 "Enumerations" package. 34
7.9.1 Overall presentation . 34
7.9.2 Class definition . 34
7.10 "LocationReference" package .37
7.10.1 Overall presentation .37
7.10.2 Class definition . 38
7.11 "AreaLocation" package . 39
7.11.1 Overall presentation . 39
7.11.2 Class definition . 40
7.12 "LinearLocation" package .42
7.12.1 Overall presentation .42
7.12.2 Class definition .43
7.13 "LocationRealisation" package . 44
7.13.1 Overall presentation . 44
7.13.2 Class definition . 44
7.14 Package "PointLocation" .45
7.14.1 Overall presentation .45

7.14.2 Class definition . 46
7.15 "SituationDataset" package.47
7.15.1 Overall presentation .47
7.15.2 Class definition . 48
7.16 "OperatorAction" package . 50
7.16.1 Overall presentation . 50
7.16.2 Class definition .51
7.17 "Parking" package . 55
7.17.1 Overall presentation . 55
7.17.2 Class definition . 56
7.18 "SPaT" package .59
7.18.1 Overall presentation .59
7.18.2 Class definition .59
7.19 "TrafficElement" package . 60
7.19.1 Overall presentation . 60
7.19.2 Class

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