Surface chemical analysis — Scanning-probe microscopy — Determination of geometric quantities using SPM: Calibration of measuring systems

This document specifies methods for characterizing and calibrating the scan axes of scanning-probe microscopes (SPMs) for measuring geometric quantities at the highest level. It is applicable to those providing further calibrations and is not intended for general industry use, where a lower level of calibration might be required. This document has the following objectives: — to increase the comparability of measurements of geometrical quantities made using SPMs by traceability to the unit of length; — to define the minimum requirements for the calibration process and the conditions of acceptance; — to ascertain the instrument's ability to be calibrated (assignment of a "calibrate-ability" category to the instrument); — to define the scope of the calibration (conditions of measurement and environments, ranges of measurement, temporal stability, transferability); — to provide a model, in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 98-3, to calculate the uncertainty for simple geometrical quantities in measurements using an SPM; — to define the requirements for reporting results.

Analyse chimique des surfaces — Microscopie à sonde à balayage — Détermination des quantités géométriques en utilisant des microscopes à sonde à balayage: Étalonnage des systèmes de mesure

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ISO 11952:2019 - Surface chemical analysis — Scanning-probe microscopy — Determination of geometric quantities using SPM: Calibration of measuring systems Released:5/21/2019
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58 pages
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ISO 11952:2019 - Surface chemical analysis -- Scanning-probe microscopy -- Determination of geometric quantities using SPM: Calibration of measuring systems
English language
58 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Second edition
Surface chemical analysis — Scanning-
probe microscopy — Determination
of geometric quantities using SPM:
Calibration of measuring systems
Analyse chimique des surfaces — Microscopie à sonde à balayage
— Détermination des quantités géométriques en utilisant des
microscopes à sonde à balayage: Étalonnage des systèmes de mesure
Reference number
ISO 2019
© ISO 2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .ix
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols . 2
5 Characteristics of SPMs . 4
5.1 Components of an SPM . 4
5.2 Metrological categories of SPMs . 6
5.3 Block diagram of an SPM . 6
5.3.1 For category C: . 6
5.3.2 Additionally, for category B: . 6
5.3.3 Additionally, for category A: . 7
5.4 Calibration interval . 7
6 Preliminary characterization of the measuring system . 8
6.1 Overview of the instrument characteristics and influencing factors to be investigated . 8
6.2 Waiting times after interventions in the measuring system (e.g. instrument
installation, intrinsic effects, carrying out operation, warm-up, tip/specimen change) .10
6.2.1 Adjustment of the instrument to ambient conditions .10
6.2.2 Potential causes of drift .10
6.2.3 Procedure .10
6.3 External influences .11
6.3.1 Sources of external influences .11
6.3.2 Consequences of external influences and countermeasures .11
6.4 Summary .11
7 Calibration of scan axes .12
7.1 General .12
7.2 Measurement standards .12
7.2.1 Requirements for measurement standards .12
7.2.2 Handling of measurement standards .13
7.3 Xy-scanner guidance deviations of the x- and y-axes (xtz, ytz) .13
7.3.1 Definition of xy-scanner guidance deviations in vertical direction (z-plane) .13
7.3.2 Measurement strategy .13
7.3.3 Flatness measurement standards .14
7.3.4 Measurements .15
7.3.5 Evaluation of results .15
7.3.6 Summary .16
7.3.7 Extended calibration measurements .16
7.4 Calibration of x- and y-axis (Cx, Cy) and of rectangularity (ϕxy) and determination
of deviations (xtx, yty, ywx) .17
7.4.1 General.17
7.4.2 Definition of pitch p and p and rectangularity (ϕ ) in the x-y-plane .17
x y xy
7.4.3 Measurement strategy .17
7.4.4 Selection of lateral measurement standards .18
7.4.5 Basic calibration — Adjustments and measurements .19
7.4.6 Extended calibrations (scan speed, angle, and eccentric measurements) .20
7.4.7 Evaluation .21
7.4.8 Extended evaluations: nonlinearity of the x-y-axis .24
7.4.9 Summary .25
7.5 Calibration of the z-axis C , ϕ , and ϕ , and determination of the deviations ztz,
z xz yz
zwx, and zwy .26
7.5.1 General.26
7.5.2 Definitions of the step height .26
7.5.3 Measurement strategy .27
7.5.4 Selection of step height measurement standards .27
7.5.5 Basic calibration — Adjustments and measurements .28
7.5.6 Extended calibrations .29
7.5.7 Evaluations . . .30
7.5.8 Summary .34
7.6 3D measurement standards for alternative and extended calibration .34
7.6.1 General.34
7.6.2 Requirements for 3D measurement standards .34
7.6.3 Selection of the 3D measurement standards .35
7.6.4 Carrying-out of the basic calibration .36
7.6.5 Evaluation of the measurements .36
7.6.6 Extended calibrations .37
7.6.7 Advantages and disadvantages of the 3D measurement standard .37
8 Report of calibration results .38
8.1 General .38
8.2 Equipment used .38
8.3 Statements on ambient conditions .38
8.4 From Clause 5: Preliminary investigations .39
8.5 From Clause 5: Calibration — Details of measurement standards, scan range and
scan speed .39
8.6 Further statements .39
9 Uncertainties of measurement .39
9.1 General .39
9.2 Vertical measurand (height and depth).40
10 Report of results (form) .41
Annex A (informative) Example of superposition of disturbing influences in the topography
image .

Second edition
Surface chemical analysis — Scanning-
probe microscopy — Determination
of geometric quantities using SPM:
Calibration of measuring systems
Analyse chimique des surfaces — Microscopie à sonde à balayage
— Détermination des quantités géométriques en utilisant des
microscopes à sonde à balayage: Étalonnage des systèmes de mesure
Reference number
ISO 2019
© ISO 2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .ix
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols . 2
5 Characteristics of SPMs . 4
5.1 Components of an SPM . 4
5.2 Metrological categories of SPMs . 6
5.3 Block diagram of an SPM . 6
5.3.1 For category C: . 6
5.3.2 Additionally, for category B: . 6
5.3.3 Additionally, for category A: . 7
5.4 Calibration interval . 7
6 Preliminary characterization of the measuring system . 8
6.1 Overview of the instrument characteristics and influencing factors to be investigated . 8
6.2 Waiting times after interventions in the measuring system (e.g. instrument
installation, intrinsic effects, carrying out operation, warm-up, tip/specimen change) .10
6.2.1 Adjustment of the instrument to ambient conditions .10
6.2.2 Potential causes of drift .10
6.2.3 Procedure .10
6.3 External influences .11
6.3.1 Sources of external influences .11
6.3.2 Consequences of external influences and countermeasures .11
6.4 Summary .11
7 Calibration of scan axes .12
7.1 General .12
7.2 Measurement standards .12
7.2.1 Requirements for measurement standards .12
7.2.2 Handling of measurement standards .13
7.3 Xy-scanner guidance deviations of the x- and y-axes (xtz, ytz) .13
7.3.1 Definition of xy-scanner guidance deviations in vertical direction (z-plane) .13
7.3.2 Measurement strategy .13
7.3.3 Flatness measurement standards .14
7.3.4 Measurements .15
7.3.5 Evaluation of results .15
7.3.6 Summary .16
7.3.7 Extended calibration measurements .16
7.4 Calibration of x- and y-axis (Cx, Cy) and of rectangularity (ϕxy) and determination
of deviations (xtx, yty, ywx) .17
7.4.1 General.17
7.4.2 Definition of pitch p and p and rectangularity (ϕ ) in the x-y-plane .17
x y xy
7.4.3 Measurement strategy .17
7.4.4 Selection of lateral measurement standards .18
7.4.5 Basic calibration — Adjustments and measurements .19
7.4.6 Extended calibrations (scan speed, angle, and eccentric measurements) .20
7.4.7 Evaluation .21
7.4.8 Extended evaluations: nonlinearity of the x-y-axis .24
7.4.9 Summary .25
7.5 Calibration of the z-axis C , ϕ , and ϕ , and determination of the deviations ztz,
z xz yz
zwx, and zwy .26
7.5.1 General.26
7.5.2 Definitions of the step height .26
7.5.3 Measurement strategy .27
7.5.4 Selection of step height measurement standards .27
7.5.5 Basic calibration — Adjustments and measurements .28
7.5.6 Extended calibrations .29
7.5.7 Evaluations . . .30
7.5.8 Summary .34
7.6 3D measurement standards for alternative and extended calibration .34
7.6.1 General.34
7.6.2 Requirements for 3D measurement standards .34
7.6.3 Selection of the 3D measurement standards .35
7.6.4 Carrying-out of the basic calibration .36
7.6.5 Evaluation of the measurements .36
7.6.6 Extended calibrations .37
7.6.7 Advantages and disadvantages of the 3D measurement standard .37
8 Report of calibration results .38
8.1 General .38
8.2 Equipment used .38
8.3 Statements on ambient conditions .38
8.4 From Clause 5: Preliminary investigations .39
8.5 From Clause 5: Calibration — Details of measurement standards, scan range and
scan speed .39
8.6 Further statements .39
9 Uncertainties of measurement .39
9.1 General .39
9.2 Vertical measurand (height and depth).40
10 Report of results (form) .41
Annex A (informative) Example of superposition of disturbing influences in the topography
image .

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