Vehicle probe data for wide area communications

ISO 22837:2009 relates to vehicle probe data for wide are communications. It specifies the following. Reference architecture for probe vehicle systems and probe data, which provides a general structure for probe vehicle systems within which a wide range of actual probe vehicle systems can be built whose physical characteristics may differ (e.g., in their choice of communications medium). The reference architecture is used to: clarify the major building blocks and logical interconnections of probe vehicle systems for which this standard will be used; categorize probe data in accordance with the information model described below. Basic data framework for probe data elements and probe data, which defines probe data elements and probe messages, and specifically provides: rules for mapping information models (as defined in ISO 14817) of probe data to probe data elements/messages. The information models show the logical structure of entities and concepts involved in probe data; the required characteristics of probe data elements and probe data messages; the notation for probe data elements/messages (in XML); rules for using core data elements and basic data elements (see below), and extensions of data elements in each application domain. Core data element definitions, which are basic descriptive elements intended to appear in every probe message, i.e. the location and the time at which the probe data was sensed. Initial set of probe data elements, which are commonly used in typical probe data enabled application domains, such as traffic, weather, and safety. Example probe messages, which define how probe data elements are combined to convey information to probe processing centres.

Données de sonde du véhicule pour les communications de surfaces étendues

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ISO 22837:2009 - Vehicle probe data for wide area communications
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First edition
Vehicle probe data for wide area
Données de sonde du véhicule pour les communications de surfaces
Reference number
ISO 2009
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Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Conformance. 2
3 Normative references . 3
4 Terms and definitions. 3
5 Reference architecture. 4
5.1 General. 4
5.2 Reference architecture for probe vehicle systems . 4
5.3 Reference architecture for probe data (information model). 6
6 Basic data framework. 7
6.1 General. 7
6.2 Probe data element. 7
6.3 Probe messages . 8
6.4 Notation . 9
7 Core data elements. 10
7.1 Concept of core data elements . 10
7.2 Timestamp . 11
7.3 Locationstamp . 11
8 Normative data elements . 13
8.1 General. 13
8.2 Data elements. 13
Annex A (normative) Reference architecture for probe data (information model) for normative
data elements . 24
Annex B (normative) Core data elements in XML format. 31
Annex C (normative) Data elements in XML format . 34
Annex D (informative) Examples of probe messages . 50
Annex E (informative) Probe processing context model . 52
Bibliography . 60

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 22837 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 204, Intelligent transport systems.
iv © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

This International Standard specifies the core and initial sets of probe data elements and example probe
messages, and a framework for defining and extending these probe data elements and probe messages. It
facilitates the development and operation of probe vehicle systems by providing a standard set of probe data
elements and probe messages along with the basic data framework to extend the set.
This International Standard provides a reference architecture for probe vehicle systems and for probe data, a
basic data framework for probe data elements and probe messages, the definition of core data elements, the
definition of an initial set of additional probe data elements, and the definition of example probe messages.
This International Standard facilitates the work of system developers and operators who need to specify probe
data elements and probe messages:
There are many ways that probe data elements and probe messages could be defined. This International
Standard provides a concrete and common way to define probe data elements and probe messages. The
standard also facilitates communication and mutual understanding among the developers and the operators of
probe vehicle systems.
The ability to develop probe vehicle systems in a consistent and uniform manner reduces development time
and cost. If a particular probe vehicle system requires additional probe messages that are not yet part of the
standard, the existence of a common framework for defining probe data elements/messages helps system
developers to develop probe vehicle systems in a uniform way.
Probe data will be collected from many vehicle makes and models from many vehicle manufacturers. This
standard provides a basic data framework for handling probe data elements/messages and the concrete
definition of major probe data components that help collect and process probe data consistently.
It should be noted that this International Standard does not prescribe a physical communication medium for
transmitting probe messages to or from vehicles. This International Standard is intended to be independent of
any particular communication medium and to be compatible with any medium that is selected by system
Core data elements and normative probe data elements are covered in Clauses 7 and 8 respectively.
Subclause 5.3 and Annex A are of interest to users familiar with information modelling.


Vehicle probe data for wide area communications
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the following.
• Reference architecture for probe vehicle systems and probe data. This reference architecture
provides a general structure for probe vehicle systems within which a wide range of actual probe vehicle
systems can be built whose physical characteristics may differ (e.g., in their choice of communications
medium). The reference architecture is used to:
⎯ clarify the major building blocks and logical interconnections of probe vehicle systems for which this
standard will be used;
⎯ categorize probe data in accordance with the information model described below.
• Basic data framework for probe data elements and probe data. This framework specifies how to
define probe data elements and probe messages. Specifically it provides the following.
⎯ Rules for mapping information models (as defined in ISO 14817) of probe data to probe data
elements/messages. The information models show the logical structure of entities and concepts
involved in probe data.
⎯ Required characteristics of probe data elements and probe data messages.
⎯ The notation for probe data elements/messages (in XML).
⎯ Rules for using core data elements and basic data elements (see below), and extensions of data
elements in each application domain.
• Core data element definitions. Core data elements are basic descriptive elements intended to appear in
every probe message. These are the location and the time at which the probe data was sensed.
• Initial set of probe data elements. These elements will be commonly used in typical probe data enabled
application domains, such as traffic, weather, and safety. Standardizing these probe data elements
facilitates the development of probe vehicle systems and the distribution of probe data. This is not
intended to be an exhaustive listing of probe data elements.
• Example probe messages. These messages define how probe data elements are combined to convey
information to probe processing centres. This is not intended to be an exhaustive listing of probe
Figure 1 depicts the scope described above.

ISO 14817
(central data registry /
data dictionary)
Scope of
in conformity
this International Standard
application domain 3
application domain 2
application domain 1
based on
architecture data framework
define based on
uses core
an example
data elements
data elements
probe data elements
an initial set of
probe data
probe data elements
(extension for 1)
Figure 1 — Scope of this International Standard

To completely define probe processing, the standardization of probe data elements and probe messages is
not sufficient. Standards are also required for processed probe data (the output of probe processing) and
downlink elements and messages (to convey these results to vehicles and other users). This International
Standard prescribes an initial set of probe data elements that are important for transmission from vehicles to
land-side processing centres. The standardization of other probe data issues will be addressed in future work.
2 Conformance
Conforming probe data elements shall be defined based on the basic data framework.
Conforming probe messages shall be defined based on the basic data framework, and include core data
elements among its members.
Conforming systems do not need to use all probe data elements in this International Standard.
Developers of probe systems may define probe data elements in addition to those listed in the normative
portion of this International Standard as extensions. Parties who create extensions to the standard should be
cautioned, however, that probe data elements defined outside of this International Standard may not be
recognized by all probe data processing centres.
2 © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

New normative probe data elements may be added to this International Standard through the ISO process.
It is not required to send confidence data in order to conform to this International Standard. If confidence is not
known, the field shall be left blank.
3 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, o

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