Industrial automation systems — Manufacturing Message Specification — Part 2: Protocol specification

ISO 9506 is an Application Layer communication specification, in accord with the OSI communication model. It provides a set of services appropriate to communications between automated equipment and systems that interrogate or control them. Its description of interactions follow the client server model. It is suitable for use over any network that supports full-duplex, reliable communication, such as the Internet. Part 1 provides a set of abstract models of information objects that may be found in such automated systems, and the specifications of a set of abstract services that operate on these models. ISO 9506-2:2003 provides the protocol for the messages to be exchanged between client and server to realize support for the abstract services defined in Part 1.

Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle — Spécification de messagerie industrielle — Partie 2: Spécification de protocole

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ISO 9506-2:2003 - Industrial automation systems -- Manufacturing Message Specification
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Second edition
Industrial automation systems —
Manufacturing Message Specification —
Part 2:
Protocol specification
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle — Spécification de messagerie
industrielle —
Partie 2: Spécification de protocole

Reference number
ISO 2003
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Contents Page
Foreword . ix
Introduction . x
1 Scope . 1
1.1 Specifications . 1
1.2 Procedures . 1
1.3 Applicability . 1
1.4 Conformance . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Definitions . 2
3.1 Reference Model definitions . 3
3.2 Service Convention definitions . 3
3.3 Abstract Syntax Notation definitions . 3
3.4 Other definitions . 4
4 Abbreviations . 7
5 Conventions . 7
5.1 Service Conventions . 7
5.2 Base of Numeric Values . 7
5.3 Notation . 7
5.4 Supporting Productions . 7
5.5 Pass-through Parameters . 8
5.6 Negative Confirmation . 8
5.7 Modifiers to a Service Request . 8
5.8 Presentation of Errors . 9
5.9 Calling and Called MMS-user . 9
5.10 Sending and Receiving MMS-user and MMPM . 9
5.11 Requesting and Responding MMS-user . 9
5.12 Client and Server of a Service . 9
5.13 ASN.1 Definitions . 9
5.14 Protocol Subset Notation . 10
5.15 Determination of the effective protocol . 10
6 Elements of Protocol Procedure . 11
6.1 Descriptive Conventions . 11
6.2 Entering and Leaving the MMS Environment . 11
6.3 Operating in the MMS Environment . 11
6.4 Handling of Error Conditions . 16
6.5 The Reject Service and RejectPDU . 17
7 MMS PDU . 17
7.1 The Confirmed-RequestPDU . 18
7.2 The Unconfirmed-PDU . 30
7.3 The Confirmed-ResponsePDU . 31
7.4 The Confirmed-ErrorPDU . 42
7.5 Common MMS Types . 45
8 Environment and General Management Protocol . 48
8.1 Introduction . 48
8.2 Initiate . 48
8.3 Conclude . 49
8.4 Abort . 49
8.5 Cancel . 49
8.6 Reject . 50
9 Conditioned Service Response Protocol . 51
9.1 Introduction . 51
9.2 Access Condition . 51
9.3 DefineAccessControlList . 51
9.4 GetAccessControlListAttributes . 52
9.5 ReportAccessControlledObjects . 53
9.6 DeleteAccessControlList . 53
9.7 ChangeAccessControl . 54
10 VMD Support Protocol . 54
10.1 Introduction . 54
10.2 Status Response Parameter . 54
10.3 Status . 55
10.4 UnsolicitedStatus . 56
10.5 GetNameList . 56
10.6 Identify. 56
10.7 Rename . 57
10.8 GetCapabilityList . 57
10.9 VMDStop . 57
10.10 VMDReset . 58
11 Domain Management Protocol . 58
11.1 Introduction . 58
11.2 InitiateDownloadSequence . 58
11.3 DownloadSegment . 59
11.4 TerminateDownloadSequence . 59
11.5 InitiateUploadSequence . 60
11.6 UploadSegment . 60
11.7 TerminateUploadSequence . 61
11.8 RequestDomainDownload . 61
11.9 RequestDomainUpload . 61
11.10 LoadDomainContent . 62
11.11 StoreDomainContent . 62
11.12 DeleteDomain . 63
11.13 GetDomainAttributes . 63
12 Program Invocation Management Protocol . 64
12.1 Introduction . 64
12.2 CreateProgramInvocation . 64
12.3 DeleteProgramInvocation . 65
12.4 Start . 65
12.5 Stop . 66
12.6 Resume . 67
12.7 Reset . 67
12.8 Kill . 68
12.9 GetProgramInvocationAttributes . 68
12.10 Select . 69
12.11 AlterProgramInvocationAttributes . 69
12.12 ReconfigureProgramInvocation . 70
13 Unit Control Protocol . 70
13.1 Introduction . 70
13.2 Control Element . 70
13.3 InitiateUnitControlLoad service . 71
13.4 UnitControlLoadSegment service . 71
13.5 UnitControlUpload service . 72
13.6 StartUnitControl service . 72
13.7 StopUnitControl service . 73
13.8 CreateUnitControl service . 73
13.9 AddToUnitControl service . 74
13.10 RemoveFromUnitControl service . 74
13.11 GetUnitControlAttributes service . 74
13.12 LoadUnitControlFromFile service . 75
13.13 StoreUnitControlToFile service . 75
13.14 DeleteUnitControl service . 76
14 Variable Access Protocol . 76
14.1 Conventions . 76
14.2 Protocol For Specifying Types . 77
14.3 Protocol For Specifying Alternate Access . 77
14.4 Protocol For Specifying Data Values . 78
14.5 Protocol for Specifying Access To Variables . 82
14.6 Read . 82
14.7 Write . 83
14.8 InformationReport . 83
14.9 GetVariableAccessAttributes . 83
14.10 DefineNamedVariable . 84
14.11 DeleteVariableAccess . 84
14.12 DefineNamedVariableList . 85
14.13 GetNamedVariableListAttributes . 85
14.14 DeleteNamedVariableList . 86
14.15 DefineNamedType . 86
14.16 GetNamedTypeAttributes . 86
14.17 DeleteNamedType . 87
15 Data Exchange Protocol . 87
15.1 Introduction . 87
15.2 ExchangeData . 87
15.3 GetDataExchangeAttributes . 88
16 Semaphore Management Protocol . 88
16.1 Introduction . 88
16.2 TakeControl . 89
16.3 RelinquishControl . 89
16.4 DefineSemaphore . 90
16.5 DeleteSemaphore . 90
16.6 ReportSemaphoreStatus . 90
16.7 ReportPoolSemaphoreStatus . 91
16.8 ReportSemaphoreEntryStatus . 91
16.9 AttachToSemaphore Modifier . 92
17 Operator Communication Protocol . 92
17.1 Introduction . 92
17.2 Input . 92
17.3 Output . 93
18 Event Management Protocol . 93
18.1 Introduction . 93
18.2 TriggerEvent . 93
18.3 EventNotification . 94
18.4 AcknowledgeEventNotification . 95
18.5 GetAlarmSummary .

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