ISO 8031:2020
(Main)Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Determination of electrical resistance and conductivity
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Determination of electrical resistance and conductivity
This document specifies electrical test methods for rubber and plastics hoses, tubing and hose assemblies to determine the resistance of conductive, antistatic and non-conductive hoses and the electrical continuity or discontinuity between metal end fittings. All the test methods described for rubber hoses in this document can also be applied to plastics hoses.
Tuyaux et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique — Détermination de la résistance et de la conductivité électriques
Le présent document spécifie des méthodes d'essais électriques des tuyaux, tubes et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique pour déterminer la résistance des tuyaux conducteurs, antistatiques et non conducteurs et la continuité ou la discontinuité électrique entre extrémités de raccordement métalliques. Toutes les méthodes d'essai pour les tuyaux en caoutchouc détaillées dans le présent document peuvent être également appliquées aux tuyaux en plastique.
General Information
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Standards Content (Sample)
Fourth edition
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose
assemblies — Determination of
electrical resistance and conductivity
Tuyaux et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique — Détermination de
la résistance et de la conductivité électriques
Reference number
ISO 8031:2020(E)
ISO 2020
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ISO 8031:2020(E)
© ISO 2020
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
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ISO 8031:2020(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Measurement of resistance of conductive, antistatic and non-conductive hoses .1
4.1 General . 1
4.2 Apparatus . 1
4.2.1 Test instruments . 1
4.2.2 Electrodes and contacts . 2
4.3 Preparation and cleaning for the test . 3
4.4 Conditioning . 4
4.5 Procedure for hoses with conducting lining (on full hose length) . 4
4.6 Procedure for hoses with conducting cover . 4
4.6.1 Method for full hose lengths . 4
4.6.2 Method for test pieces as tested in the laboratory . 5
4.7 Procedure for hoses with conducting compounds throughout . 6
4.7.1 Method for hoses up to 6 m in length . 6
4.7.2 Method for hoses over 6 m in length . 6
4.8 Hose assemblies fitted with metal end fittings . 6
4.9 Test procedure to determine the electrical resistance through the wall of hoses
and hose assemblies . 7
4.9.1 General. 7
4.9.2 Test procedure for hoses (without end fittings). 7
4.9.3 Test procedure for hose assemblies with metallic end fittings but without
an internal wire helix in contact with the end fittings . 8
5 Measurement of electrical continuity between metal end fittings of hose assemblies .10
6 Measurement of electrical discontinuity of hose assemblies .10
7 Measurement of electrical resistance of a hose assembly lining (conductive or static
dissipating) or hose assembly cover (conductive or static dissipating) in contact
with the metal end fitting .11
7.1 General .11
7.2 Apparatus .11
7.3 Preparation and cleaning for the test .11
7.4 Conditioning .11
7.5 Test procedure .11
8 Test report .13
Annex A (informative) Recommended terminology and limits for electrical conductivity
and resistance .15
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ISO 8031:2020(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
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Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 45, Rubber and rubber products,
Subcommittee SC 1, Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 8031:2009), of which it constitutes a
minor revision.
The main change compared to the previous edition is that the normative references have been updated.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
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ISO 8031:2020(E)
This edition of ISO 8031 addresses the problems encountered in field testing and during product
acceptance tests in a production facility in following the test procedures specified in ISO 8031:1993
and a more practical approach is suggested. Also, a test procedure for determining electrical continuity
between the end fittings of a hose assembly without actually measuring the resistance has been
introduced. This test is frequently carried out in the field and in the factory when the product standard
does not require the exact electrical resistance to be measured, but only requires verification of electric
conductivity between both metal end fittings.
Special test methods to determine the electrical resistance through the hose wall (now required in
some product standards for hoses used in explosive atmospheres) have been added.
Some test methods which have been a standard practice in the hose industry for some time have now
been included, as have several new methods to determine the ability of a hose assembly (with metal end
fittings) to dissipate static electric charges when the metal end fitting is connected to earth. A total of
four new explanatory sketches are included. The hose and hose assembly product standard applicable
will have to specify which method is most suitable for the purpose of verification of the required
Annex A, an amended version of ISO 8330:2007, Annex A, has been included.
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Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
Determination of electrical resistance and conductivity
1 Scope
This document specifies electrical test methods for rubber and plastics hoses, tubing and hose
assemblies to determine the resistance of conductive, antistatic and non-conductive hoses and the
electrical continuity or discontinuity between metal end fittings.
All the test methods described for rubber hoses in this document can also be applied to plastics hoses.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2878, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Antistatic and conductive products — Determination of
electrical resistance
ISO 8330, Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 8330 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
4 Measurement of resistance of conductive, antistatic and non-conductive hoses
4.1 General
Rubber hoses may have a conducting lining only or a conducting cover only, or may be manufactured
from conducting rubber compounds throughout. A method of test is specified for each of the three
possible types of construction.
4.2 Apparatus
The following apparatus is required and shall be basically as described in ISO 2878.
4.2.1 Test instruments
1) To determine the resistance of conductive, antistatic and non-conductive hose , the test should
preferably be made with an instrument specifically designed for measuring insulation resistance, having
a nominal open-circuit voltage of 500 V d.c., or with any other instrument known to give comparable
results. The instrument shall be sufficiently accurate to determine the resistance to within ±10 % unless
1) See ISO 8330 and Annex A for details of construction.
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ISO 8031:2020(E)
specified otherwise. During the test, not more than 3 W shall be dissipated in the specimen, to prevent
erroneous results due to effects of temperature. The power dissipated shall be determined by the square
of the open-circuit voltage divided by the measured resistance.
The resistance values obtained will vary with the applied voltage, and errors may occur when low test
voltages are involved. In cases of dispute, the voltage applied to the test piece shall be not less than 40 V,
except where this conflicts with the requirement not to dissipate more than 3 W in the test piece. For tests requiring the measurement of the electrical continuity between end fittings or through
continuous internal or external bonded wires, the instrument used shall be an ohmmeter sufficiently
accurate to determine the resistance to within ±10 %. For tests where, according to the product standard, determination of the electrical continuity
between the end fittings of a hose assembly is required, without measurement of the actual electrical
resistance, a 4,5 V battery in combination with a 4 V (0,3 A) test lamp can be used. For determination of the electrical resistance through the hose wall (required by some hose
product standards for hoses used in explosive atmospheres), the instrument used shall be an ohmmeter
with a capacity of 10 Ω and the measurement shall be made at 500 V d.c. The instrument shall be
sufficiently accurate to determine the resistance between the lining and the cover as measured through
the hose wall to within ±5 %.
4.2.2 Electrodes and contacts General
For tests conducted in a laboratory, the equipment described below shall be used. For field tests, and
for routine tests and product acceptance tests in a manufacturer's plant, this equipment is not practical,
and alternatives may be used as described in 4.6.1, and
Electrodes shall be formed on the surface as bands 25 mm wide around the circumference by
means of a conductive silver lacquer, colloidal graphite or a conductive liquid.
When a conductive liquid is used, the electrode contact area shall be completely wetted and shall
remain so until the end of the test. Unless otherwise specified, the conductive liquid shall consist of
— 800 parts by mass of anhydrous poly(ethylene glycol) of relative molecular mass 600;
— 200 parts by mass of water;
— 1 part by mass of wetting agent;
— 10 parts by mass of potassium chloride.
When a conductive silver lacquer or colloidal graphite is used, the surface resistance between any two
points on a sample of the dried film shall not exceed 100 Ω.
Clean metal contacts shall be applied to the electrodes so that the contact area is approximately the
same size as, but no greater than, the electrodes, except where otherwise stated.
In the case of hoses of less than 50 mm bore, it is difficult to apply the conducting liquid accurately to
the hose bore, and it is preferable to use a brass plug of external diameter equal to or greater than the
hose internal diameter (ID), coated with conducting liquid and then pushed 25 mm into the hose.
2 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO 8031:2020(E) Special electrodes and contacts
The following special electrodes and contacts shall be used for the determination of the electrical
resistance through the hose wall, and other test methods:
a) Outer electrode: a copper sheet-metal band, of standard width 25 mm, clamped around the outer
hose wall (see Figure 1).
b) Inner electrode:
1) for hoses of less than 50 mm bore size, it is recommended that a tight-fitting brass plug (solid for
small bore sizes and hollow for larger sizes), of minimum length 2 × the pitch of the helical wire(s)
(for hoses incorporating helical wires) or 0,5 × ID (for hoses without helical wires), be used;
2) for hoses of more than 50 mm bore size, it is recommended that an adjustable copper sheet-
metal band, tightly fitting the bore of the hose (expanded against the lining by spring action), of
minimum width 25 mm, be used;
c) Contacts for connecting the electrodes to the ohmmeter should preferably be soldered or brazed to
the electrodes to minimize resistance between ohmmeter and electrode (see Figure 1).
d) Alternative to b): a 25-mm-wide conducting foam plug completely wetted with a suitable conductive
liquid (see of outside diameter slightly larger than the inside diameter of the hose to ensure
a snug fit with good electric contact with the hose lining and connected to a suitable insulated
conductor (see Figure 3, items 1 and 3). This electrode is recommended for use with hoses with
corrugated linings or linings which are less flexible than rubber (i.e. PTFE).
e) In order to establish good electrical contact with the cover of a corrugated hose, it is recommended
that a conducting foam strip 25 mm wide, completely wetted in suitable conductive liquid (see, be placed round the full outside circumference of the hose, underneath the electrode
described in item a) above.
4.3 Preparation and cleaning for the test
The surfaces of the hose or test piece shall be clean. If necessary, they may be cleaned by rubbing with
fuller's earth (magnesium aluminium silicate) and water, washing with distilled water and allowing to
dry. Do not use organic materials which attack the rubber or cause it to swell, and do not buff or abrade
the test surfaces.
The surface of the hose shall not become deformed either during the application of the contacts or
during the test. When using test pieces, the supports shall be outside the test length. When testing a
long length of hose, the hose shall be uncoiled and laid straight on polyethylene or another insulating
material. Care shall be taken to ensure that the hose is insulated from any leakage path along the length
of hose.
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ISO 8031:2020(E)
a) Outer electrode for all sizes b) Inner electrode for bore sizes >50 mm
To ohmmeter.
Figure 1 — Examples of inner and outer electrodes as described in
4.4 Conditioning
Normally, the articles shall be conditioned for at least 16 h under one of the following sets of standard
— (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity;
— (27 ± 2) °C and (65 ± 5) % relative humidity.
However, where very long lengths of hose are being tested, it is permissible, by agreement between
supplier and customer, to use the conditions prevailing in the factory, warehouse or laboratory,
provided that the relative humidity is not greater than 70 %. For testing in the field and for routine and
product acceptance tests in a manufacturer's factory of short lengths of hose and hose assemblies, this
applies as well.
4.5 Procedure for hoses with conducting lining (on full hose length)
Apply suitable electrodes as specified in 4.2.2 on the inside surface at each end of the hose. The edge of
the electrode band shall be coincident with the end of the hose. When using a conductive liquid, care shall
be taken to avoid creating a leakage path between the lining and the reinforcement or cover of the hose.
Apply the metal contacts to the electrodes.
Apply the test voltage and measure the resistance (5 ± 1) s after the application of the voltage.
For field tests and routine and product acceptance tests in the factory, the equipment specified in
2 is too complicated and impractical. Instead, clean copper or brass contacts at least 100 mm
in area, shaped to fit the inside surface of the hose lining and held in position manually, can be used.
Alternatively, suitable electrodes as described in can be used.
4.6 Procedure for hoses with conducting cover
4.6.1 Method for full hose lengths
Apply electrodes as specified in on the outside surface at each end of the hose.
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ISO 8031:2020(E)
Apply the metal contacts.
Apply the test voltage and measure the resistance (5 ± 1) s after the application of the voltage.
For field tests and routine and product acceptance tests in the factory, the equipment specified in
2 is too complicated and impractical. Instead, clean copper or brass contacts at least 100 mm
in area, shaped to fit the outside surface of the hose cover and held in position manually, can be used.
Alternatively, suitable electrodes as described in can be used.
4.6.2 Method for test pieces as tested in the laboratory Test pieces
Prepare the test pieces by cutting five lengths of hose approximately 300 mm long from samples taken
at random from a production run. Condition the test pieces in accordance with 4.4.
Position electrodes as specified in symmetrically along the test piece so that the distance
between their nearest edges is (100 ± 1) mm (see Figure 2).
Ensure that contact is maintained with the electrodes around the circumference and that the contact
pieces are sufficiently long for the two free ends to be held securely by a tensioning clip (see Figure 2)
such that the fit of the electrodes is as tight as possible, consistent with the means employed.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 test piece
2 metallic foil contact pieces wrapped around conducting electrodes and held by clips
3 500 V d.c. insulation tester
4 insulated support or clamp
Figure 2 — Electrodes and contacts for testing as described in Test procedure
Place the test piece on blocks of polyethylene, or other insulating material, to provide a resistance of
greater than 10 Ω between the test piece and the surface on which the blocks are supported. Ensure
that the leads from the instrument do not touch each other, the hose or any part except the terminal to
which each is connected. Connect the leads from the test instrument to the appropriate contact piece.
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ISO 8031:2020(E)
Apply the test voltage and measure the resistance (5 ± 1) s after the application of the voltage.
Avoid breathing on the test surfaces and thus creating condensation that may lead to inaccuracies.
4.7 Procedure for hoses with conducting compounds throughout
4.7.1 Method for hoses up to 6 m in length Apply suitable electrodes as specified in on the inside surface at one end of the hose
(end A) and on the outside surface at the other end (end B).
Apply the metal contacts to the electrodes.
Apply the test voltage and measure the resistance (5 ± 1) s after the application of the voltage. Repeat the test, applying the electrodes to the outside surface at end A and to the inside surface
at end B.
For field tests and routine and product acceptance tests in the factory, the equipment specified in
2 is too complicated and impractical. Instead, clean copper or brass contacts at least 100 mm
in area, one shaped to fit the inside surface of the lining, the other shaped to fit the outside surface of
the cover, and held in position manually, can be used. Alternatively, suitable electrodes as described in can be used.
4.7.2 Method for hoses over 6 m in length Apply suitable electrodes as specified in on the inside surface at a minimum distance of
50 mm from one end of the hose and on the outside surface at distances of 3 m and 6 m from the same end.
Apply the metal contacts to the inside electrode and to the outside electrode at 3 m from the inside
Apply the test voltage and measure the resistance (5 ± 1) s after the application of the voltage. Repeat the test between the inside electrode and the outside electrode at 6 m from the inside
electrode. The difference between these resistance values shall be regarded as the resistance for 3 m of
the hose. Repeat the tests at the other end of the hose length.
For field tests and routine and product acceptance tests in the factory, the equipment specified in
2 is too complicated and impractical. Instead, clean copper or brass contacts at least 100 mm
in area, one shaped to fit the inside surface of the lining, the other shaped to fit the outside surface of
the cover, and held in position manually, can be used. Alternatively, suitable electrodes as described in can be used.
NOTE The purpose of this test is not only to measure and compare the resistance of the end 3 m of hose
but to ensure that the homogeneity of the hose construction is maintained throughout manufacture. This test is
normally performed as part of type testing.
4.8 Hose assemblies fitted with metal end fittings
4.8.1 When it is required that the resistance of a hose assembly be measured, the leads of the test
instrument shall be attached directly to the metal end fittings.
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ISO 8031:2020(E)
4.8.2 Some hoses, especially thermoplastics hoses, have conductive layers within the hose construction.
These hoses shall be tested as assemblies made with fittings and assembly techniques specified by the
hose and fitting manufacturer.
4.9 Test procedure to determine the electrical resistance through the wall of hoses and
hose assemblies
4.9.1 General
This test is usually carried out as a type test only. It is required by some hose product standards for
hoses used in an explosive atmosphere. The test is carried out only when required by the hose product
standard and only when hoses are specially ordered for use in an explosive atmosphere. It is not
considered to be a standard or routine test.
4.9.2 Test procedure for hoses (without end fittings) Preparation for the test
Prepare the test pieces by cutting five lengths of hose approximately 300 mm long from samples taken
at random from a production run.
Use an ohmmeter with a capacity of at least 10 Ω and make the measurement at 500 V d.c.
The instrument shall be sufficiently accurate to determine the resistance between the lining and cover,
measured through the hose wall, to within ±5 %. Electrodes and contacts
For the outer electrode, see For hoses with corrugated covers, a wetted conducting foam strip
underneath the electrode is recommended to ensure good contact over the entire electrode surface.
For the use of conductive liquid or conductive silver lacquer or colloidal graphite, see
The inner electrode shall consist of tap water with an electrical conductivity of at least 10 S/m. Preparation and cleaning for test
The surfaces of the test piece shall be clean. If necessary, they may be cleaned by rubbing with fuller's
earth (magnesium aluminium silicate) and water, washing with distilled water and allowing to dry. Do
not use organic materials which attack the material of the test piece or cause it to swell, and do not buff
or abrade the test surfaces.
The surface of the test piece shall not become deformed either during the application of the contacts or
during the test. Care shall be taken to ensure that the test piece is insulated from any electrical leakage
path along its length. Conditioning
See 4.4. Test procedure
The test shall be carried out within 30 min with the test piece in the vertical position on blocks of
polyethylene or another insulating material. First seal one end of the test piece with a plug o
Quatrième édition
Tuyaux et flexibles en caoutchouc
et en plastique — Détermination de
la résistance et de la conductivité
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Determination of
electrical resistance and conductivity
Numéro de référence
ISO 8031:2020(F)
ISO 2020
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ISO 8031:2020(F)
© ISO 2020
Tous droits réservés. Sauf prescription différente ou nécessité dans le contexte de sa mise en œuvre, aucune partie de cette
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ISO copyright office
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CH-1214 Vernier, Genève
Tél.: +41 22 749 01 11
Publié en Suisse
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ISO 8031:2020(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .iv
Introduction .v
1 Domaine d'application . 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions . 1
4 Mesurage de la résistance des tuyaux conducteurs, non conducteurs et antistatiques .1
4.1 Généralités . 1
4.2 Appareillage. 1
4.2.1 Instrumentation d'essai . 2
4.2.2 Électrodes et contacts . 2
4.3 Préparation et nettoyage avant essai . 3
4.4 Conditionnement . 4
4.5 Mode opératoire pour les tuyaux avec tube intérieur conducteur (sur toute la
longueur du tube) . 4
4.6 Mode opératoire pour les tuyaux avec revêtement conducteur . 5
4.6.1 Méthode pour la longueur complète de tuyau . 5
4.6.2 Méthode pour les éprouvettes soumises à essai en laboratoire d'essai . 5
4.7 Mode opératoire pour les tuyaux constitués de mélanges conducteurs sur toute
leur longueur . 6
4.7.1 Méthode pour les tuyaux jusqu'à 6 m de long . 6
4.7.2 Méthode pour les tuyaux de plus de 6 m de long . 6
4.8 Flexibles munis d'extrémités de raccordement métalliques . 7
4.9 Mode opératoire d'essai pour déterminer la résistance électrique à travers la paroi
de tuyaux et flexibles . 7
4.9.1 Généralités . 7
4.9.2 Mode opératoire d'essai pour tuyaux (sans extrémité de raccordement) . 7
4.9.3 Mode opératoire d'essai pour les flexibles avec extrémités de
raccordement métalliques mais sans fil hélicoïdal interne en contact avec
les extrémités de raccordement . 8
5 Mesurage de la continuité électrique entre les extrémités de raccordement
métalliques de flexibles .10
6 Mesurage de la discontinuité électrique des flexibles .11
7 Mesurage de la résistance électrique d'un tube intérieur (conducteur ou
dissipateur statique) ou d'un revêtement extérieur (conducteur ou dissipateur
statique) de flexible en contact avec l'extrémité de raccordement métallique .11
7.1 Généralités .11
7.2 Appareillage.11
7.3 Préparation et nettoyage avant essai .11
7.4 Conditionnement .11
7.5 Mode opératoire d'essai .12
8 Rapport d'essai .13
Annexe A (informative) Terminologie recommandée et limites pour la résistance électrique .15
© ISO 2020 – Tous droits réservés iii
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ISO 8031:2020(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est
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Le présent document a été élaboré par le comité technique ISO/TC 45, Élastomères et produits à base
d'élastomères, sous-comité SC 1, Tuyaux et flexibles en caoutchouc et en matière plastique.
Cette quatrième édition annule et remplace la troisième édition (ISO 8031:2009), qui a fait l’objet d’une
révision mineure.
La principale modification par rapport à la précédente édition est la mise à jour des références
Il convient que l’utilisateur adresse tout retour d’information ou toute question concernant le présent
document à l’organisme national de normalisation de son pays. Une liste exhaustive desdits organismes
se trouve à l’adresse www .iso .org/ fr/ members .html.
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ISO 8031:2020(F)
La présente édition de l'ISO 8031 traite des problèmes rencontrés lors des essais pratiques et pendant
les essais d'acceptation de produit dans une installation de production d'après les méthodes d'essai
indiquées dans l’ISO 8031:1993 et une approche plus pratique est suggérée. En outre une méthode
d'essai pour déterminer la continuité électrique entre les raccords d'extrémité d'un flexible sans
mesurer réellement la résistance est introduite, un essai qui est fréquemment effectué sur le terrain et
en usine quand la norme de produit ne nécessite pas de mesurer la résistance électrique exacte, mais
seulement de vérifier la conductivité électrique entre les extrémités de raccordement métalliques.
Des méthodes d'essai spéciales pour déterminer la résistance électrique à travers la paroi du tuyau
(maintenant requise dans certaines normes de produit pour des tuyaux utilisés en atmosphères
explosives) ont été ajoutées.
Certaines méthodes d'essai qui sont des pratiques courantes de l'industrie des tuyaux depuis un
certain temps ont maintenant été incluses, et plusieurs nouvelles méthodes de détermination de la
capacité d'un assemblage flexible (avec extrémités de raccordement métalliques) à dissiper les charges
d'électricité statique lorsque l'extrémité de raccordement métallique est raccordée à la terre. Un total
de quatre nouveaux schémas explicatifs ont été ajoutés. La norme de produit pour tuyau et assemblage
flexible applicable précisera quelle méthode est la plus adaptée à la vérification de la propriété requise.
L'Annexe A, qui est une version corrigée de l'ISO 8330:2007, Annexe A a été ajoutée.
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Tuyaux et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique —
Détermination de la résistance et de la conductivité
1 Domaine d'application
Le présent document spécifie des méthodes d'essais électriques des tuyaux, tubes et flexibles en
caoutchouc et en plastique pour déterminer la résistance des tuyaux conducteurs, antistatiques
et non conducteurs et la continuité ou la discontinuité électrique entre extrémités de raccordement
Toutes les méthodes d'essai pour les tuyaux en caoutchouc détaillées dans le présent document peuvent
être également appliquées aux tuyaux en plastique.
2 Références normatives
Les documents suivants sont cités dans le texte de sorte qu’ils constituent, pour tout ou partie de leur
contenu, des exigences du présent document. Pour les références datées, seule l’édition citée s’applique.
Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du document de référence s'applique (y compris les
éventuels amendements).
ISO 2878, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique — Produits antistatiques et conducteurs —
Détermination de la résistance électrique
ISO 8330, Tuyaux et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique — Vocabulaire
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions donnés dans l’ISO 8330 s’appliquent.
L’ISO et l’IEC tiennent à jour des bases de données terminologiques destinées à être utilisées en
normalisation, consultables aux adresses suivantes:
— ISO Online browsing platform: disponible à l’adresse https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: disponible à l’adresse http:// www .electropedia .org/
4 Mesurage de la résistance des tuyaux conducteurs, non conducteurs et
4.1 Généralités
Les tuyaux en caoutchouc peuvent avoir uniquement un tube intérieur conducteur ou uniquement un
revêtement extérieur conducteur, ou être fabriqués à partir de mélanges de caoutchouc eux-mêmes
conducteurs. Une méthode d'essai est spécifiée pour chacun des trois types possibles de construction.
4.2 Appareillage
L'appareillage suivant est nécessaire et doit être conforme à celui décrit dans l'ISO 2878.
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ISO 8031:2020(F)
4.2.1 Instrumentation d'essai
1) Pour déterminer la résistance des tuyaux conducteurs, antistatiques et non conducteurs , il
convient que l'essai soit fait, de préférence, avec un appareil spécialement conçu pour les mesurages de
résistance d'isolement, ayant une tension nominale en circuit ouvert de 500 V c.c. ou avec n'importe quel
autre appareil connu pour donner des résultats comparables. L'appareil doit, sauf spécification contraire,
être suffisamment précis pour déterminer la résistance avec une exactitude de ± 10 %. Pendant l'essai,
un maximum de 3 W doit être absorbés dans l'échantillon, pour éviter des résultats erronés en raison des
effets de température. La puissance dissipée doit être déterminée par le carré de la tension aux bornes
des électrodes divisé par la résistance mesurée.
Les valeurs de résistance obtenues varient en fonction de la tension appliquée et des erreurs peuvent se
produire lors d'essais effectués sous basses tensions. En cas de litige, la tension appliquée à l'éprouvette
ne doit pas être inférieure à 40 V, excepté le cas où cela conduit à dissiper plus de 3 W dans l'éprouvette.
Pour les essais nécessitant la mesure de la continuité électrique entre les embouts ou de fils continus
collés à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur. Pour les essais nécessitant le mesurage de la continuité électrique entre les extrémités de
raccordement ou par l'intermédiaire de fils continus collés, internes ou externes, l'instrument utilisé doit
être un ohmmètre suffisamment précis pour déterminer la résistance à ± 10 % près. Pour les essais où, conformément à la norme de produit, une détermination de continuité
électrique entre les extrémités de raccordement d'un flexible est exigée, sans mesurage de la résistance
électrique réelle, une batterie de 4,5 V en combinaison avec une lampe d'essai de 4 V (0,3 A) peut être
utilisée. Pour la détermination de la résistance électrique à travers la paroi du tuyau (requise par
certaines normes de produit de tuyau pour des tuyaux utilisés en atmosphères explosives), l'instrument
utilisé doit être un ohmmètre d'une capacité de 10 Ω, mesurée à 500 V c.c. L'instrument doit être
suffisamment précis pour déterminer la résistance entre le tube intérieur et le revêtement mesurée à
travers la paroi du tuyau à ± 5 % près.
4.2.2 Électrodes et contacts Généralités
Pour les essais effectués en laboratoire, l'équipement décrit ci-dessous doit être utilisé. Pour les essais
de terrain, essais de routine et essais d'acceptation de produit dans les installations du fabricant,
cet équipement n'est pas pratique et les alternatives décrites en 4.6.1, et peuvent être
Les électrodes doivent être placées à la surface en bandes de 25 mm de largeur autour de la
circonférence, au moyen d'une laque conductrice à l'argent, de graphite colloïdal ou d'un liquide
Lorsqu'un liquide conducteur est utilisé, la zone de contact de l'électrode doit être complètement
humidifiée et doit le demeurer jusqu'à la fin de l'essai. Le liquide conducteur doit être composé de
— 800 parties en masse de polyéthylène glycol anhydre, de masse moléculaire relative 600;
— 200 parties en masse d'eau;
— 1 partie en masse d'agent mouillant;
— 10 parties en masse de chlorure de potassium.
1) Voir l'ISO 8330 et l’Annexe A pour des détails de construction.
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ISO 8031:2020(F)
Lorsqu'une laque conductrice à l'argent ou un graphite colloïdal est utilisé, la résistance de surface
entre deux points d'un échantillon de film sec, ne doit pas dépasser 100 Ω.
Des contacts métalliques propres doivent être appliqués aux électrodes, de façon que la zone de contact
soit approximativement de la même taille que les électrodes, mais sans les dépasser, sauf spécification
Dans les cas de tuyaux d'alésage inférieur à 50 mm, il est difficile d'appliquer le liquide conducteur
avec précision sur l'alésage du tuyau, et il est préférable d'utiliser un bouchon en laiton d'un diamètre
extérieur égal ou supérieur au diamètre intérieur (ID) du tuyau, recouvert de liquide conducteur, et
engagé de 25 mm dans le tuyau. Électrodes et contacts spéciaux
Les électrodes et contacts spéciaux suivants doivent être utilisés pour la détermination de la résistance
électrique à travers la paroi du tuyau, et d'autres méthodes d'essai:
a) Électrode extérieure: une bande de métal cuprifère, d'une largeur de 25 mm, serrée autour de la
paroi extérieure du tuyau (voir Figure 1).
b) Électrode intérieure:
1) pour les tuyaux d'alésage inférieur à 50 mm, il est recommandé d'utiliser un bouchon en laiton
d'ajustement serré (massive pour les petits alésages et creuse pour les grands), d'une longueur
minimale de 2 × le pas des fils hélicoïdaux (pour les tuyaux comportant des fils hélicoïdaux) ou
de 0,5 × ID (pour les tuyaux sans fils hélicoïdaux);
2) pour les tuyaux d'alésage supérieur à 50 mm, il est recommandé d'utiliser une bande réglable
de métal cuprifère, s'adaptant étroitement à l'alésage (plaquée contre le tube intérieur par une
action ressort), d'une largeur minimale de 25 mm;
c) Il convient que les contacts pour connecter les électrodes à l'ohmmètre soient de préférence soudés
ou brasés à celles-ci afin de minimiser la résistance entre l'ohmmètre et l'électrode (voir Figure 1).
d) Alternative à b): un bouchon en mousse conductrice d'une largeur de 25 mm, entièrement imbibé
de liquide conducteur approprié (voir, de diamètre extérieur légèrement supérieur au
diamètre intérieur du tuyau afin d'assurer un ajustement serré avec un bon contact électrique
avec le tube intérieur, et connecté à un conducteur isolé approprié (voir Figure 3, repères 1 et 3).
Cette électrode est recommandée pour les tuyaux à tube intérieur ondulé ou moins souple que le
caoutchouc (c'est-à-dire PTFE).
e) Afin d'établir un bon contact électrique avec le revêtement d'un tuyau ondulé, il est recommandé de
placer une bande de mousse conductrice d'une largeur de 25 mm entièrement imbibée d'un liquide
conducteur (voir sur toute la circonférence extérieure du tuyau, en dessous de l'électrode
décrite en a) ci-dessus.
4.3 Préparation et nettoyage avant essai
Les surfaces du tuyau ou de l'éprouvette doivent être propres. Si nécessaire, elles peuvent être nettoyées
par frottement avec de la terre à foulon (silicate de magnésium et d'aluminium) et de l'eau, rincées avec
de l'eau distillée puis laissées séchées. Ne pas utiliser de matériaux organiques qui attaquent ou font
gonfler le caoutchouc, et ne pas polir ni abraser les surfaces d'essai.
La surface du tuyau ne doit pas être déformée pendant l'application des contacts ou pendant l'essai.
Lors de l'utilisation d'éprouvettes, les supports doivent être hors de la longueur d'essai. Lors d’essai de
tube de grande longueur, le tube doit être déroulé et posé bien droit sur du polyéthylène ou un autre
matériau isolant. Des précautions doivent être prises pour s'assurer que le tuyau ne présente pas de
ligne de fuite sur sa longueur.
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ISO 8031:2020(F)
a) Électrodes extérieures pour toutes les tailles b) Électrodes intérieures pour alé-
sages > 50 mm
a Vers l'ohmmètre.
Figure 1 — Exemples d'électrodes intérieure et extérieure comme décrit en
4.4 Conditionnement
En général, les articles doivent être conditionnés pendant au moins 16 h dans l'une des combinaisons de
conditions normalisées suivantes:
— (23 ± 2) °C et (50 ± 5) % d'humidité relative;
— (27 ± 2) °C et (65 ± 5) % d'humidité relative.
Toutefois, lorsque de très grandes longueurs de tubes sont soumises à essai, il est admis, par accord
entre le fournisseur et le client, d'utiliser les conditions régnant dans l'usine, l'entrepôt ou le laboratoire,
tant que l'humidité relative ne dépasse pas 70 %. Cela s'applique aussi pour les essais de terrain, de
routine et d'acceptation de production dans l'usine du fabricant sur de petites longueurs de tuyaux et
de flexibles.
4.5 Mode opératoire pour les tuyaux avec tube intérieur conducteur (sur toute la
longueur du tube)
Appliquer des électrodes adaptées, comme spécifié en 4.2.2, sur la surface intérieure à chaque extrémité
du tuyau. Le bord de la bande de l'électrode doit araser l'extrémité du tuyau. En cas d'utilisation d'un
liquide conducteur, des précautions doivent être prises pour éviter de créer de fuites entre le tube
intérieur et le renforcement ou le revêtement du tuyau.
Appliquer les contacts métalliques aux électrodes.
Appliquer la tension d'essai et mesurer la résistance (5 ± 1) s après l'application de la tension.
Pour les essais de terrain, de routine et d'acceptation de production en usine, l'équipement spécifié en est trop complexe et peu pratique. À la place, des contacts propres en cuivre ou en laiton d'au
moins 100 mm , formé pour s'adapter à la surface intérieure du tube intérieur du tuyau et maintenu en
place manuellement, peuvent être utilisés. Sinon, les électrodes appropriées décrites en peuvent
être utilisées.
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ISO 8031:2020(F)
4.6 Mode opératoire pour les tuyaux avec revêtement conducteur
4.6.1 Méthode pour la longueur complète de tuyau
Appliquer les électrodes comme spécifié en sur la surface extérieure à chaque extrémité du tuyau.
Appliquer les contacts métalliques aux électrodes.
Appliquer la tension d'essai et mesurer la résistance (5 ± 1) s après l'application de la tension.
Pour les essais de terrain, de routine et d'acceptation de production en usine, l'équipement spécifié
en est trop complexe et peu pratique. À la place, des contacts propres en cuivre ou laiton d'au
moins 100 mm , formés pour s'adapter à la surface extérieure du revêtement et maintenus en place
manuellement, peuvent être utilisés. Sinon, les électrodes appropriées décrites en peuvent être
4.6.2 Méthode pour les éprouvettes soumises à essai en laboratoire d'essai Éprouvettes
Préparer les éprouvettes en découpant cinq longueurs de tuyau d'environ 300 mm dans des échantillons
pris au hasard dans la ligne de production. Conditionner les éprouvettes conformément au 4.4.
Placer les électrodes, comme spécifié en, symétriquement le long de l'éprouvette de façon que la
distance entre leurs bords les plus rapprochés soit de (100 ± 1) mm (voir Figure 2).
S'assurer que les contacts soient maintenus avec les électrodes sur toute la circonférence et que les
pièces de contact soient assez longues pour que les deux extrémités libres soient maintenues chacune
par une pince de connexion (voir Figure 2), de façon que l'ajustement des électrodes soit le meilleur
possible, compte tenu des moyens utilisés.
Dimensions en millimètres
1 éprouvette
2 pièce de contact métallique entourant les électrodes conductrices et tenue par une pince de connexion
3 testeur d'isolation 500 V en c.c
4 support ou pince isolé
Figure 2 — Électrodes et contacts pour essai comme décrit en
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ISO 8031:2020(F) Mode opératoire d'essai
Placer l'éprouvette sur des blocs de polyéthylène, ou tout autre matériau isolant, pour fournir une
résistance de plus de 10 Ω entre l'éprouvette et la surface sur laquelle les blocs reposent. S'assurer
que les câbles de l'appareil ne se touchent pas entre eux et ne touchent ni le tuyau, ni aucune partie
autre que la borne à laquelle chacun est connecté. Connecter les câbles de l'instrument d'essai à la pièce
de contact appropriée.
Appliquer la tension d'essai et mesurer la résistance (5 ± 1) s après l'application de la tension.
Éviter de respirer sur les surfaces d'essai et donc de créer une condensation qui puisse entraîner des
4.7 Mode opératoire pour les tuyaux constitués de mélanges conducteurs sur toute leur
4.7.1 Méthode pour les tuyaux jusqu'à 6 m de long Appliquer des électrodes adaptées comme spécifié en sur la surface intérieure à une
extrémité du tuyau (extrémité A) et sur la surface extérieure à l'autre extrémité (extrémité B).
Appliquer les contacts métalliques aux électrodes.
Appliquer la tension d'essai et mesurer la résistance (5 ± 1) s après l'application de cette tension. Répéter l'essai, en appliquant les électrodes sur la surface extérieure à l'extrémité A et sur la
surface intérieure à l'extrémité B.
Pour les essais de terrain, de routine et d'acceptation de production en usine, l'équipement spécifié
en est trop complexe et peu pratique. À la place, des contacts propres en cuivre ou laiton d'au
moins 100 mm , l'un formé pour s'adapter à la surface intérieure du tube intérieur, l'autre formé pour
s'adapter à la surface extérieure du revêtement, et maintenus manuellement en position peuvent être
utilisés. Sinon, les électrodes appropriées décrites en peuvent être utilisées.
4.7.2 Méthode pour les tuyaux de plus de 6 m de long Appliquer les électrodes appropriées comme spécifié en sur la surface intérieure à une
distance minimale de 50 mm d'une extrémité du tuyau et sur la surface extérieure à des distances de 3 m
et de 6 m de cette même extrémité.
Appliquer les contacts métalliques à l'électrode intérieure et à l'électrode extérieure à 3 m de l'électrode
Appliquer la tension d'essai et mesurer la résistance (5 ± 1) s après l'application de cette tension. Répéter l'essai entre l'électrode intérieure et l'électrode extérieure à 6 m de l'électrode
intérieure. La différence entre ces valeurs de résistance doit être considérée comme la résistance de 3 m
de tuyau. Répéter les essais à l'autre extrémité de la longueur de tuyau.
Pour les essais de terrain, de routine et d'acceptation de production en usine, l'équipement spécifié
en est trop complexe et peu pratique. À la place, des contacts propres en cuivre ou laiton d'au
moins 100 mm , l'un formé pour s'adapter à la surface intérieure du tube intérieur, l'autre formé pour
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ISO 8031:2020(F)
s'adapter à la surface extérieure du revêtement, et maintenus manuellement en position peuvent être
utilisés. Sinon, les électrodes appropriées décrites en peuvent être utilisées.
NOTE Le but de cet essai n'est pas seulement de mesurer et de comparer les résistances à l'extrémité et à
3 m de tuyau mais aussi de s'assurer que l'uniformité de la construction du tuyau soit maintenue tout le long de la
fabrication. Cela est normalement réalisé par des essais de type.
4.8 Flexibles munis d'extrémités de raccordement métalliques
ISO/TC 45/SC 1
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose
Secretariat: DIN
assemblies — Determination of
Voting begins on:
20200217 electrical resistance and conductivity
Voting terminates on:
Tuyaux et flexibles en caoutchouc et en plastique — Détermination de
la résistance et de la conductivité électriques
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 8031:2020(E)
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ISO/FDIS 8031:2020(E)
© ISO 2020
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
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Published in Switzerland
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ISO/FDIS 8031:2020(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Measurement of resistance of conductive, antistatic and non-conductive hoses .1
4.1 General . 1
4.2 Apparatus . 1
4.2.1 Test instruments . 1
4.2.2 Electrodes and contacts . 2
4.3 Preparation and cleaning for the test . 3
4.4 Conditioning . 4
4.5 Procedure for hoses with conducting lining (on full hose length) . 4
4.6 Procedure for hoses with conducting cover . 4
4.6.1 Method for full hose lengths . 4
4.6.2 Method for test pieces as tested in the laboratory . 5
4.7 Procedure for hoses with conducting compounds throughout . 6
4.7.1 Method for hoses up to 6 m in length . 6
4.7.2 Method for hoses over 6 m in length . 6
4.8 Hose assemblies fitted with metal end fittings . 6
4.9 Test procedure to determine the electrical resistance through the wall of hoses
and hose assemblies . 7
4.9.1 General. 7
4.9.2 Test procedure for hoses (without end fittings). 7
4.9.3 Test procedure for hose assemblies with metallic end fittings but without
an internal wire helix in contact with the end fittings . 8
5 Measurement of electrical continuity between metal end fittings of hose assemblies .10
6 Measurement of electrical discontinuity of hose assemblies .10
7 Measurement of electrical resistance of a hose assembly lining (conductive or static
dissipating) or hose assembly cover (conductive or static dissipating) in contact
with the metal end fitting .11
7.1 General .11
7.2 Apparatus .11
7.3 Preparation and cleaning for the test .11
7.4 Conditioning .11
7.5 Test procedure .11
8 Test report .13
Annex A (informative) Recommended terminology and limits for electrical conductivity
and resistance .15
© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO/FDIS 8031:2020(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 45, Rubber and rubber products,
Subcommittee SC 1, Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 8031:2009), of which it constitutes a
minor revision.
The main change compared to the previous edition is that the normative references have been updated.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
iv © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO/FDIS 8031:2020(E)
This edition of ISO 8031 addresses the problems encountered in field testing and during product
acceptance tests in a production facility in following the test procedures specified in ISO 8031:1993
and a more practical approach is suggested. Also, a test procedure for determining electrical continuity
between the end fittings of a hose assembly without actually measuring the resistance has been
introduced. This test is frequently carried out in the field and in the factory when the product standard
does not require the exact electrical resistance to be measured, but only requires verification of electric
conductivity between both metal end fittings.
Special test methods to determine the electrical resistance through the hose wall (now required in
some product standards for hoses used in explosive atmospheres) have been added.
Some test methods which have been a standard practice in the hose industry for some time have now
been included, as have several new methods to determine the ability of a hose assembly (with metal end
fittings) to dissipate static electric charges when the metal end fitting is connected to earth. A total of
four new explanatory sketches are included. The hose and hose assembly product standard applicable
will have to specify which method is most suitable for the purpose of verification of the required
Annex A, an amended version of ISO 8330:2007, Annex A, has been included.
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Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
Determination of electrical resistance and conductivity
1 Scope
This document specifies electrical test methods for rubber and plastics hoses, tubing and hose
assemblies to determine the resistance of conductive, antistatic and nonconductive hoses and the
electrical continuity or discontinuity between metal end fittings.
All the test methods described for rubber hoses in this document can also be applied to plastics hoses.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2878, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Antistatic and conductive products — Determination of
electrical resistance
ISO 8330, Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 8330 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
4 Measurement of resistance of conductive, antistatic and non-conductive hoses
4.1 General
Rubber hoses may have a conducting lining only or a conducting cover only, or may be manufactured
from conducting rubber compounds throughout. A method of test is specified for each of the three
possible types of construction.
4.2 Apparatus
The following apparatus is required and shall be basically as described in ISO 2878.
4.2.1 Test instruments
1) To determine the resistance of conductive, antistatic and nonconductive hose , the test should
preferably be made with an instrument specifically designed for measuring insulation resistance, having
a nominal open-circuit voltage of 500 V d.c., or with any other instrument known to give comparable
results. The instrument shall be sufficiently accurate to determine the resistance to within ±10 % unless
1) See ISO 8330 and Annex A for details of construction.
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specified otherwise. During the test, not more than 3 W shall be dissipated in the specimen, to prevent
erroneous results due to effects of temperature. The power dissipated shall be determined by the square
of the open-circuit voltage divided by the measured resistance.
The resistance values obtained will vary with the applied voltage, and errors may occur when low test
voltages are involved. In cases of dispute, the voltage applied to the test piece shall be not less than 40 V,
except where this conflicts with the requirement not to dissipate more than 3 W in the test piece. For tests requiring the measurement of the electrical continuity between end fittings or through
continuous internal or external bonded wires, the instrument used shall be an ohmmeter sufficiently
accurate to determine the resistance to within ±10 %. For tests where, according to the product standard, determination of the electrical continuity
between the end fittings of a hose assembly is required, without measurement of the actual electrical
resistance, a 4,5 V battery in combination with a 4 V (0,3 A) test lamp can be used. For determination of the electrical resistance through the hose wall (required by some hose
product standards for hoses used in explosive atmospheres), the instrument used shall be an ohmmeter
with a capacity of 10 Ω and the measurement shall be made at 500 V d.c. The instrument shall be
sufficiently accurate to determine the resistance between the lining and the cover as measured through
the hose wall to within ±5 %.
4.2.2 Electrodes and contacts General
For tests conducted in a laboratory, the equipment described below shall be used. For field tests, and
for routine tests and product acceptance tests in a manufacturer's plant, this equipment is not practical,
and alternatives may be used as described in 4.6.1, and
Electrodes shall be formed on the surface as bands 25 mm wide around the circumference by
means of a conductive silver lacquer, colloidal graphite or a conductive liquid.
When a conductive liquid is used, the electrode contact area shall be completely wetted and shall
remain so until the end of the test. Unless otherwise specified, the conductive liquid shall consist of
— 800 parts by mass of anhydrous poly(ethylene glycol) of relative molecular mass 600;
— 200 parts by mass of water;
— 1 part by mass of wetting agent;
— 10 parts by mass of potassium chloride.
When a conductive silver lacquer or colloidal graphite is used, the surface resistance between any two
points on a sample of the dried film shall not exceed 100 Ω.
Clean metal contacts shall be applied to the electrodes so that the contact area is approximately the
same size as, but no greater than, the electrodes, except where otherwise stated.
In the case of hoses of less than 50 mm bore, it is difficult to apply the conducting liquid accurately to
the hose bore, and it is preferable to use a brass plug of external diameter equal to or greater than the
hose internal diameter (ID), coated with conducting liquid and then pushed 25 mm into the hose.
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ISO/FDIS 8031:2020(E) Special electrodes and contacts
The following special electrodes and contacts shall be used for the determination of the electrical
resistance through the hose wall, and other test methods:
a) Outer electrode: a copper sheetmetal band, of standard width 25 mm, clamped around the outer
hose wall (see Figure 1).
b) Inner electrode:
1) for hoses of less than 50 mm bore size, it is recommended that a tight-fitting brass plug (solid for
small bore sizes and hollow for larger sizes), of minimum length 2 × the pitch of the helical wire(s)
(for hoses incorporating helical wires) or 0,5 × ID (for hoses without helical wires), be used;
2) for hoses of more than 50 mm bore size, it is recommended that an adjustable copper sheet-
metal band, tightly fitting the bore of the hose (expanded against the lining by spring action), of
minimum width 25 mm, be used;
c) Contacts for connecting the electrodes to the ohmmeter should preferably be soldered or brazed to
the electrodes to minimize resistance between ohmmeter and electrode (see Figure 1).
d) Alternative to b): a 25-mm-wide conducting foam plug completely wetted with a suitable conductive
liquid (see of outside diameter slightly larger than the inside diameter of the hose to ensure
a snug fit with good electric contact with the hose lining and connected to a suitable insulated
conductor (see Figure 3, items 1 and 3). This electrode is recommended for use with hoses with
corrugated linings or linings which are less flexible than rubber (i.e. PTFE).
e) In order to establish good electrical contact with the cover of a corrugated hose, it is recommended
that a conducting foam strip 25 mm wide, completely wetted in suitable conductive liquid (see, be placed round the full outside circumference of the hose, underneath the electrode
described in item a) above.
4.3 Preparation and cleaning for the test
The surfaces of the hose or test piece shall be clean. If necessary, they may be cleaned by rubbing with
fuller's earth (magnesium aluminium silicate) and water, washing with distilled water and allowing to
dry. Do not use organic materials which attack the rubber or cause it to swell, and do not buff or abrade
the test surfaces.
The surface of the hose shall not become deformed either during the application of the contacts or
during the test. When using test pieces, the supports shall be outside the test length. When testing a
long length of hose, the hose shall be uncoiled and laid straight on polyethylene or another insulating
material. Care shall be taken to ensure that the hose is insulated from any leakage path along the length
of hose.
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a) Outer electrode for all sizes b) Inner electrode for bore sizes >50 mm
To ohmmeter.
Figure 1 — Examples of inner and outer electrodes as described in
4.4 Conditioning
Normally, the articles shall be conditioned for at least 16 h under one of the following sets of standard
— (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity;
— (27 ± 2) °C and (65 ± 5) % relative humidity.
However, where very long lengths of hose are being tested, it is permissible, by agreement between
supplier and customer, to use the conditions prevailing in the factory, warehouse or laboratory,
provided that the relative humidity is not greater than 70 %. For testing in the field and for routine and
product acceptance tests in a manufacturer's factory of short lengths of hose and hose assemblies, this
applies as well.
4.5 Procedure for hoses with conducting lining (on full hose length)
Apply suitable electrodes as specified in 4.2.2 on the inside surface at each end of the hose. The edge of
the electrode band shall be coincident with the end of the hose. When using a conductive liquid, care shall
be taken to avoid creating a leakage path between the lining and the reinforcement or cover of the hose.
Apply the metal contacts to the electrodes.
Apply the test voltage and measure the resistance (5 ± 1) s after the application of the voltage.
For field tests and routine and product acceptance tests in the factory, the equipment specified in
2 is too complicated and impractical. Instead, clean copper or brass contacts at least 100 mm
in area, shaped to fit the inside surface of the hose lining and held in position manually, can be used.
Alternatively, suitable electrodes as described in can be used.
4.6 Procedure for hoses with conducting cover
4.6.1 Method for full hose lengths
Apply electrodes as specified in on the outside surface at each end of the hose.
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Apply the metal contacts.
Apply the test voltage and measure the resistance (5 ± 1) s after the application of the voltage.
For field tests and routine and product acceptance tests in the factory, the equipment specified in
2 is too complicated and impractical. Instead, clean copper or brass contacts at least 100 mm
in area, shaped to fit the outside surface of the hose cover and held in position manually, can be used.
Alternatively, suitable electrodes as described in can be used.
4.6.2 Method for test pieces as tested in the laboratory Test pieces
Prepare the test pieces by cutting five lengths of hose approximately 300 mm long from samples taken
at random from a production run. Condition the test pieces in accordance with 4.4.
Position electrodes as specified in symmetrically along the test piece so that the distance
between their nearest edges is (100 ± 1) mm (see Figure 2).
Ensure that contact is maintained with the electrodes around the circumference and that the contact
pieces are sufficiently long for the two free ends to be held securely by a tensioning clip (see Figure 2)
such that the fit of the electrodes is as tight as possible, consistent with the means employed.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 test piece
2 metallic foil contact pieces wrapped around conducting electrodes and held by clips
3 500 V d.c. insulation tester
4 insulated support or clamp
Figure 2 — Electrodes and contacts for testing as described in Test procedure
Place the test piece on blocks of polyethylene, or other insulating material, to provide a resistance of
greater than 10 Ω between the test piece and the surface on which the blocks are supported. Ensure
that the leads from the instrument do not touch each other, the hose or any part except the terminal to
which each is connected. Connect the leads from the test instrument to the appropriate contact piece.
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Apply the test voltage and measure the resistance (5 ± 1) s after the application of the voltage.
Avoid breathing on the test surfaces and thus creating condensation that may lead to inaccuracies.
4.7 Procedure for hoses with conducting compounds throughout
4.7.1 Method for hoses up to 6 m in length Apply suitable electrodes as specified in on the inside surface at one end of the hose
(end A) and on the outside surface at the other end (end B).
Apply the metal contacts to the electrodes.
Apply the test voltage and measure the resistance (5 ± 1) s after the application of the voltage. Repeat the test, applying the electrodes to the outside surface at end A and to the inside surface
at end B.
For field tests and routine and product acceptance tests in the factory, the equipment specified in
2 is too complicated and impractical. Instead, clean copper or brass contacts at least 100 mm
in area, one shaped to fit the inside surface of the lining, the other shaped to fit the outside surface of
the cover, and held in position manually, can be used. Alternatively, suitable electrodes as described in can be used.
4.7.2 Method for hoses over 6 m in length Apply suitable electrodes as specified in on the inside surface at a minimum distance of
50 mm from one end of the hose and on the outside surface at distances of 3 m and 6 m from the same end.
Apply the metal contacts to the inside electrode and to the outside electrode at 3 m from the inside
Apply the test voltage and measure the resistance (5 ± 1) s after the application of the voltage. Repeat the test between the inside electrode and the outside electrode at 6 m from the inside
electrode. The difference between these resistance values shall be regarded as the resistance for 3 m of
the hose. Repeat the tests at the other end of the hose length.
For field tests and routine and product acceptance tests in the factory, the equipment specified in
2 is too complicated and impractical. Instead, clean copper or brass contacts at least 100 mm
in area, one shaped to fit the inside surface of the lining, the other shaped to fit the outside surface of
the cover, and held in position manually, can be used. Alternatively, suitable electrodes as described in can be used.
NOTE The purpose of this test is not only to measure and compare the resistance of the end 3 m of hose
but to ensure that the homogeneity of the hose construction is maintained throughout manufacture. This test is
normally performed as part of type testing.
4.8 Hose assemblies fitted with metal end fittings
4.8.1 When it is required that the resistance of a hose assembly be measured, the leads of the test
instrument shall be attached directly to the metal end fittings.
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4.8.2 Some hoses, especially thermoplastics hoses, have conductive layers within the hose construction.
These hoses shall be tested as assemblies made with fittings and assembly techniques specified by the
hose and fitting manufacturer.
4.9 Test procedure to determine the electrical resistance through the wall of hoses and
hose assemblies
4.9.1 General
This test is usually carried out as a type test only. It is required by some hose product standards for
hoses used in an explosive atmosphere. The test is carried out only when required by the hose product
standard and only when hoses are specially ordered for use in an explosive atmosphere. It is not
considered to be a standard or routine test.
4.9.2 Test procedure for hoses (without end fittings) Preparation for the test
Prepare the test pieces by cutting five lengths of hose approximately 300 mm long from samples taken
at random from a production run.
Use an ohmmeter with a capacity of at least 10 Ω and make the measurement at 500 V d.c.
The instrument shall be sufficiently accurate to determine the resistance between the lining and cover,
measured through the hose wall, to within ±5 %. Electrodes and contacts
For the outer electrode, see For hoses with corrugated covers, a wetted conducting foam strip
underneath the electrode is recommended to ensure good contact over the entire electrode surface.
For the use of conductive liquid or conductive silver lacquer or colloidal graphite, see
The inner electrode shall consist of tap water with an electrical conductivity of at least 10 S/m. Preparation and cleaning for test
The surfaces of the test piece shall be clean. If necessary, they may be cleaned by rubbing with fuller's
earth (magnesium aluminium silicate) and water, washing with
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