ISO/TS 27878:2023
(Main)Reproducibility of the level of detection (LOD) of binary methods in collaborative and in-house validation studies
Reproducibility of the level of detection (LOD) of binary methods in collaborative and in-house validation studies
This document provides statistical techniques for the determination of the reproducibility of the level of detection for a) binary (qualitative) test methods for continuous measurands, e.g. the content of a chemical substance, and b) binary (qualitative) test methods for discrete measurands, e.g. the number of RNA copies in a sample. The reproducibility precision is determined according to ISO 5725 (all parts). Precision estimates are subject to random variability. Accordingly, it is important to determine the uncertainty associated with each estimate, and to understand the relationship between this uncertainty, the number of participants and the experimental design. This document thus provides not only a description of statistical tools for the calculation of the LOD reproducibility precision, but also for the standard error of the estimates.
Reproductibilité du niveau de détection (LOD) des méthodes binaires pour des études de validation collaboratives et internes
Le présent document fournit des techniques statistiques pour la détermination de la reproductibilité du niveau de détection pour: a) les méthodes d’essai binaires (qualitatives) pour les mesurandes continus, par exemple dans le contenu d’une substance chimique; b) les méthodes d’essai binaires (qualitatives) pour les mesurandes discrets, par exemple dans le nombre de copies d’ARN dans un échantillon. La fidélité de la reproductibilité est déterminée conformément à l’ISO 5725 (toutes les parties). Les estimations de la fidélité sont sujettes à une variabilité aléatoire. Par conséquent, il est important de déterminer l’incertitude associée à chaque estimation et de comprendre la relation entre cette incertitude, le nombre de participants et le plan d’expérience. À cet effet, le présent document décrit les outils statistiques non seulement pour le calcul de la fidélité de la reproductibilité de LOD, mais aussi pour l’erreur-type des estimations.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Reproducibility of the level of
detection (LOD) of binary methods in
collaborative and in-house validation
Reproductibilité de la limite de détection (LD) des méthodes binaires
pour des études de validation internes et collaboratives
Reference number
© ISO 2023
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols . 2
5 General principles . 3
5.1 General considerations. 3
5.2 Considerations for the conventional approach . 3
5.3 Considerations for the factorial approach . 3
6 Conventional approach . 4
6.1 Experimental design . 4
6.2 Statistical model for methods for continuous measurands. 4
6.3 Statistical model for methods for discrete measurands . 7
6.4 Reliability of precision estimates . 10
7 Factorial approach .10
8 In-house validation .13
9 Software .13
Bibliography .15
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An appropriate approach for the validation of binary methods will often differ considerably from that
of quantitative methods. Nevertheless, core concepts from the validation of quantitative methods can
be successfully carried over to binary methods. In particular, the precision of a method – a performance
characteristic usually associated with quantitative methods – can be determined for the level of
detection (LOD) of binary methods.
In analytical chemistry, one of the fundamental indicators of method performance is the reproducibility
of quantitative test results as described in ISO 5725 (all parts) . This aspect of method performance is
not usually taken into consideration in the validation of binary methods. However, in the last few years,
novel validation approaches have been proposed in which the reproducibility of a binary method can be
determined and meaningfully interpreted.
Why is it important to determine a method’s reproducibility? In order to answer this question, consider
an example from the field of microbiology. Take the case that, in the validation study, a method’s LOD
is determined as 3 CFU/ml (CFU = colony forming unit), but that the LOD is sometimes much higher
depending on the laboratory or on the test conditions. Failing to detect the occasional unreliability of
the method could lead to mistakes in routine laboratory determinations. On the other hand, if an LOD
of 300 CFU/ml is obtained in the validation study, the method will not be validated even though this
excessive LOD is not representative of its average performance. Accordingly, both the average LOD
value and the reproducibility parameter – describing the variability of the LOD across laboratories or
test conditions – capture important information about the performance of the method and should be
determined in the course of the validation process.
In order to accomplish this, a suitable approach should be identified for the conversion of the binary
results into quantitative ones. In this standard, two parametric models for the calculation of the LOD
will be used: one model for methods for discrete measurands, e.g. microbiological and Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR) methods, and one model for methods for continuous measurands, e.g. chemical
Two different study designs will be applied. In the conventional approach, test conditions vary randomly
from one laboratory to the other, whereas in the factorial approach, at least to some extent, test
conditions are controlled. The factorial approach makes it possible to assess different sources of errors
such as the variability arising in connection with different analysts, different instruments, different
lots of reagents, different elapsed assay times, different assay temperatures etc. Such an approach also
allows a reduction in workload and fewer participating laboratories.
Reproducibility of the level of detection (LOD) of binary
methods in collaborative and in-house validation studies
1 Scope
This document provides statistical techniques for the determination of the reproducibility of the level
of detection for
a) binary (qualitative) test methods for continuous measurands, e.g. the content of a chemical
substance, and
b) binary (qualitative) test methods for discrete measurands, e.g. the number of RNA copies in a
The reproducibility precision is determined according to ISO 5725 (all parts).
Precision estimates are subject to random variability. Accordingly, it is important to determine
the uncertainty associated with each estimate, and to understand the relationship between this
uncertainty, the number of participants and the experimental design. This document thus provides not
only a description of statistical tools for the calculation of the LOD reproducibility precision, but also
for the standard error of the estimates.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3534-1, Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols — Part 1: General statistical terms and terms used in
ISO 5725-1, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results — Part 1: General
principles and definitions
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 3534-1 and ISO 5725-1 and
the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
binary or quantitative parameter within the method that can be varied at two or more levels within the
limits of the specified method
EXAMPLE Technician.
factor level
value of the factors (3.1) within the experimental design
EXAMPLE Technician 1, Technician 2, etc.
level of detection
concentration from which on the POD (3.4) is not below a specified limit, e.g. 0,5 or 0,95 (LOD or
LOD ).
Note 1 to entry: This definition is mathematically equivalent to the definitions for “level of detection” in
[2] [3] [4]
ISO 16140-1 , ISO 16140-2 and ISO 16140-4 . It differs from the definition used for chemical and physical
methods for which a “limit of detection” is defined as the lowest quantity of an analyte that can be distinguished
from the absence of that analyte with a stated confidence level.
Note 2 to entry: In this document, the term concentration (or concentration level) is used as a generic term to
mean not only the actual concentration in the case of a measurand that can be quantified on a continuous scale,
but also the number of colony forming units or DNA copies per aliquot in the case of measurands which are
quantified on a discrete scale.
probability of detection
probability of a positive analytical outcome of a qualitative test method at a given concentration for a
specific sample type
Note 1 to entry: This definition is based on the two slightly different definitions for “probability of detection” in
ISO/TS 16393 and ISO 16140-1, ISO 16140-2 and ISO 16140-4.
Note 2 to entry: The POD is a measure of the probability of a positive analytical result and thus a theoretical
value which can be approximated by a mathematical model.
rate of detection
proportion of positive analytical outcomes in a test series, when a qualitative method is performed
several times with a specific sample
Note 1 to entry: The ROD is not a theoretical value based on a mathematical model [like the POD (3.4)] but the
result of a series of repeated tests performed on a given sample.
4 Symbols
p number of participating laboratories
between-laboratory variance
POD = P probability of detection
x concentration level (see Note 1 to entry 3.3) at which the POD is calculated
ROD rate of detection
LOD = L 50 % of the level of detection
50% 50
LOD = L 95 % of the level of detection
95% 95
L, H, B, C global model parameters for the four-param
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