ISO 17959:2014
(Main)General requirements for solid wood flooring
General requirements for solid wood flooring
ISO 17959:2014 specifies the requirements and test methods of characteristics of solid wood flooring boards for internal (interior) use as flooring. It also specifies packaging and marking requirements. It is applicable to both finished and unfinished solid wood flooring board. Solid wood parquet is not covered.
Exigences générales pour revêtements de sol en bois massif
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
General requirements for solid wood
Exigences générales pour revêtements de sol en bois massif
Reference number
ISO 2014
© ISO 2014
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ii © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Requirements . 4
4.1 Moisture content . 4
4.2 Geometrical characteristics . 4
4.3 Paint film performance . 5
4.4 Grading. 5
4.5 Other declarations at the time of the first delivery . 6
5 Test methods . 6
5.1 Geometrical characteristics . 6
5.2 Test of moisture content and paint film performance . 6
6 Packaging . 7
7 Marking . 7
Annex A (normative) Test methods of measuring geometrical characteristics .9
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iv © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
General requirements for solid wood flooring
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the requirements and test methods of characteristics of solid
wood flooring boards for internal (interior) use as flooring. It also specifies packaging and marking
It is applicable to both finished and unfinished solid wood flooring board. Solid wood parquet is not
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2409, Paints and varnishes — Cross-cut test
ISO 3130:1975, Wood — Determination of moisture content for physical and mechanical tests
ISO 15184, Paints and varnishes — Determination of film hardness by pencil test
ISO 24294, Timber — Round and sawn timber — Vocabulary
ISO 16415, Non-structural timber grading requirements
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 24294 and the following apply.
solid wood flooring
assembly of individual solid wood boards installed either on the primary structure or on the sub-floor
solid wood flooring board
long solid (single-layer) wood piece with parallel sides prepared to a regular thickness and constant
profile(s) with or without profiled edges and/or ends, capable of being assembled with other analogous
wood pieces
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1.
a) With profiled edges and/or ends b) Without profiled edges and/or ends
1 face
2 end
3 edge
4 back
Figure 1 — Example of solid wood flooring board
finished solid wood flooring board
flooring board that has been surface-coated with lacquer, wax, oil, etc.
unfinished solid wood flooring board
flooring board without any surface coating
difference in height between two adjacent faces of assembled flooring boards when laid on a flat surface
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 2
1 lipping
2 face
Figure 2 — Example of lipping
lengthwise curvature of a flooring board perpendicular to the face
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 3.
1 bow
Figure 3 — Example of bow
2 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
curvature of a flooring board across the width of the face
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 4.
1 cup
Figure 4 — Example of cup
lengthwise curvature of a flooring board perpendicular to the edge
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 5.
1 spring
Figure 5 — Example of spring
distortion of a solid wood flooring board in which one corner is out of the plane of the other three corners
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 6.
1 twist
Figure 6 — Example of twist
4 Requirements
4.1 Moisture content
Unless otherwise agreed on the order between buyer and supplier, individual solid wood flooring board
shall have moisture content before the shipment of the first delivery between 6 % and the average
equilibrium moisture content of the wood found in the customer’s local climate.
NOTE For instance, the moisture content in France is between 7 % and 11 %.
4.2 Geometrical characteristics
4.2.1 General
Unless otherwise agreed on the order between buyer and supplier, all dimensions of solid wood flooring
board shall be given at a reference moisture content of 9 %. Unless there is evidence to the contrary,
it shall be assumed that the thickness and width of a piece of timber increase by 0,25 % for every 1 %
of moisture content above the reference moisture content, and decrease by 0,25 % for every 1 % of
moisture content below the reference moisture content.
4.2.2 Dimensions and tolerance Dimensions
The common dimensions are given in Table 1.
Table 1 — Dimensions for solid wood flooring board
Dimensions in millimetres
Thickness Width Length
≥10 ≥90 ≥ 400
NOTE The length and width of the solid wood flooring board refer to face size of the solid wood flooring
board. Tolerances
Unless otherwise agreed on the order between buyer and supplier, solid wood flooring board shall have
the tolerances of dimensions at the time of the first delivery given in Table 2.
Table 2 — Tolerances
Dimensions in millimetres
Dimension Tolerance
Length ±2,0
Width ±1,0
Thickness ±1,0
Lipping (mismatch) ≤0,5
4.2.3 Deformation General
Unless otherwise agreed on the order between buyer and supplier, the deformation limitations shall
meet the requirements in to
4 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved Cup
The cup shall not exceed 0,7 % of the width at the time of the first delivery. Bow
The bow shall be evaluated taking into account the length and the method of laying.
If the flooring boards are to be installed by gluing only, this shall be stated when ordering. For such
flooring boards, the bow shall not exceed 0,5 % of the length at the time of the first delivery.
If the flooring boards are to be installed by nailing, the limit for the bow shall be determined by their
suitability to be laid using commercially available equipment. Spring
The spring shall be evaluated taking into account the length.
For lengths not exceeding 1 m, the spring shall not exceed 0,1 % of the considered length at the time of
the first delivery.
For lengths more than 1 m, the spring shall not exceed 0,2 % of the considered length at the time of the
first delivery. Twist
The twist shall be evaluated taking into account the length and the method of laying.
If the flooring boards are to be installed by gluing only, this shall be stated when ordering. For such
flooring boards, the twist shall not exceed 0,15 % of the length at the time of the first delivery.
If the flooring boards are to be installed by nailing, the limit for the twist shall be determined by its
suitability to be laid using commercially available equipment.
4.2.4 Squareness and other angular deviations
The deviation from all the 90° angles and from required angles for specific patterns shall not exceed
0,2 % measured across the width.
4.3 Paint film performance
4.3.1 This subclause is only applicable to finished solid wood flooring board coated with paint sand;
it is not applicable to finished solid wood flooring board coated with oil, wax and unfinished solid wood
flooring board.
4.3.2 The performance requirements of the paint film shall comply with Table 3.
Table 3 — Performance requirements of paint film
Performance Requirements
Adhesion (class) ≤3
Hardness ≥H
4.4 Grading
The grading requirements of solid wood flooring boards shall comply with ISO 16415.
4.5 Other declarations at the time of the first delivery
Where applicable (e.g. if required by local standards or regulations), the following can be declared
accordingly: reaction to fire, formaldehyde release, content of pentachlorophenol, breaking strength,
slip resistance, thermal properties, biological durability, volatile organic compounds (VOC) release, etc.
5 Test methods
5.1 Geometrical characteristics
The geometrical characteristics shall be measured with measuring instruments capable of recording to
the specified degree of accuracy.
The length and width of the solid wood flooring board shall be measured on the face.
Geometrical characteristics shall be determined in accordance with the methodology set out in Annex A.
NOTE Alternative test methods that guarantee a similar accuracy may also be used.
5.2 Test of moisture content and paint film performance
5.2.1 Specimen preparation and dimension requirement
The position, dimension and number of test specimens are specified in Figure 7 and Table 4.
If the length of one solid wood flooring board is not sufficient to allow cutting of all the required test
specimens, these can be made on other randomly selected flooring boards till all qualified test specimens
are cut.
1 moisture content
2 adhesion of paint film
3 hardness of paint film
Figure 7 — Performance tests of solid wood flooring board — Position of test samples
Table 4 — Performance tests of solid wood flooring board — Dimension an
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