Road vehicles — Anthropomorphic side impact dummy — Part 3: Lateral thoracic impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of dummy

Véhicules routiers — Mannequin anthropomorphe pour essai de choc latéral — Partie 3: Caractéristiques de réponse du thorax à un choc latéral permettant d'évaluer la biofidélité d'un mannequin

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ISO/TR 9790-3:1989 - Road vehicles -- Anthropomorphic side impact dummy
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ISO/TR 9790-3:1989 - Véhicules routiers -- Mannequin anthropomorphe pour essai de choc latéral
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TR 9790-3
First edition
- Anthropomorphic side impact
Road vehicles
dummy -
Part 3 :
Lateral thoracic impact response requirements to
assess biofidelity of dummy
- Mannequin anthropomorphe pour essai de choc /at&al -
Whicules rou tiers
Partie 3 : Caract&istiques de rkponse du thorax ;i un choc /at&al permettant
d%valuer la biofid&S d’un mannequin
Reference number
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (E)

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (El
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
The main task of IS0 technical committees is to prepare International Standards. In ex-
ceptional circumstances a technical committee may propose the publication of a
technical report of one of the following types:
type 1, when the necessary support within the technical committee cannot be
obtained for the publication of an International Standard, despite repeated efforts;
type 2, when the subject is still under technical development requiring wider
type 3, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from
that which is normally published as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for
Technical reports are accepted for publication directly by IS0 Council. Technical
reports of types 1 and 2 are subject to review within three years of publication, to
decide whether they can be transformed into International Standards. Technical
reports of type 3 do not necessarily have to be reviewed until the data they provide are
considered to be no longer valid or useful.
ISO/TR 9790-3, which is a technical report of type 3, was prepared by Technical Com-
mittee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles.
ISO/TR 9790 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles -
Anthropomorphic side impact dummy :
- Part 7: Lateral head impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of
- Part 2: Lateral neck impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of
- Part 3: Lateral thoracic impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of
- Part 4: Lateral shoulder impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of
- Part 5: Lateral abdominal impact response requirements to assess biofidelity
of dummy
- Part 6: Lateral pelvis impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of
@ International Organization for Standardization, 1989 l
Printed in Switzerland

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
- Anthropomorphic side impact dummy -
Road vehicles
Part 3 I
Lateral thoracic impact response requirements to assess
biofidelity of dummy
The impact response requirements presented in this Technical Report are the
result of a critical evaluation of data selected from experiments agreed to
by experts as being the best and most up-to-date information available.
Three lateral thoracic impact response requirements are defined: one based
on the cadaver drop tests of Association Peugeot-Renault (l)*, a second
based on the cadaver sled tests of the University of Heidelberg (2) and a
third based on cadaver impact tests conducted by HSRI (3). Al 1 data sets
were normalized to represent the response characteristics of a 50th percen-
tile adult male using either the method described by Mertz (4) or an
extension of the method developed by Lowne (5).
This Technical Resport is one of six reports that describe laboratory test
procedures and impact response requirements suitable for assessing the
impact biofidelity of side impact dummies. This Technical Report provides
information to assess the biofidelity of lateral thoracic impact response.
IS0 DP 9790-l Road Vehicles - Anthropomorphic Side Impact Dummy - Lateral
Head Impact Response Requirements to Assess the Biofidelity of the Dummy.
*Numbers in parentheses denote papers listed in References, Section 7.0.

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 E)
IS0 DP 9790-2 Road Vehicles - Anthropomorphic Side Impact Dummy - Lateral
Neck Impact Response Requirements to Assess the Biofidelity of the Dummy.
IS0 DP 9790-4 Road Vehicles - Anthropomorphic Side Impact Dummy - Lateral
Shoulder Impact Response Requirements to Assess the Biofidelity of the
- Anthropomorphic Side Impact Dummy - Lateral
IS0 DP 9790-5 Road Vehicles
Abdominal Impact Response Requirements to Assess the Biofidelity of the
- Anthropomorphic Side Impact Dummy - Lateral
IS0 DP 9790-6 Road Vehicles
Pelvis Impact Response Requirements to Assess the Biofidelity of the Dummy.
4.1 Original Data
A series of cadaver drop tests was conducted by APR (1). Each cadaver was
suspended a prescribed distance above the impact surface by ropes that
supported its shoulders, hips and legs. When the ropes were released, the
cadaver dropped freely and impacted its side against the impact surfaces.
A triaxial accelerometer was screwed to the fourth dorsal vertebra to
measure thoracic acceleration. Rib cage compression was measured from a
slow motion movie of the impact. The impact surface consisted of two
instrumented load surfaces, one for measuring the thorax contact force and
the other for measuring the hip contact force, Response data for the APR 1
meter drop tests onto rigid impact surfaces and 2 meter drops onto padded
The lateral thoracic force-time
impact surfaces are listed in Table le
curves for these tests are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.
curves shown in these figures were provided by Ae Fayon of Association
4e2 Normalized Data
The force-time curves shown in Figures 1 and 2 were normalized to represent
the response characteristics of a 50th percentile adult male using the
The normalized force-time curves for the
technique described by Mertz (4).
1 meter rigid surface impacts and 2 meter padded impacts are depicted in

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 E)
Figures 3 and 4, respectively. If the normalization procedure was exact,
then for each impact configuration each normalized cadaver curve would map
onto a single curve which would be the force-time curve of the standard
size subject. Consequently, the best estimate of the force-time curve of
the 50th percentile adult male is the average of the normalized curves for
each impact configuration. Such curves are shown in Figures 5 and 6 along
with proposed response corridors for 1 meter rigid and 2 meter padded
impacts, respectively. It should be noted that these corridors are in good
agreement with other corridors developed from the same data but using
linear regression analysis (6).
The maximum deflections of the impacted ribs relative to the thoracic spine
were normalized using the technique of Mertz (4). These normalized de-
flections are listed in Table 1 along with the number of fractured ribs
The average of the normalized deflections
that each cadaver experienced.
for the 2 meter padded impacts is 43 mm. This value represents the best
estimate of the deflection response of the 50th percentile adult male.
three distinct deflections were observed: large
the 1 meter rigid impact,
deflections (63 mm and 68 mm) with massive rib fractures (14 and 13 frac-
36 mm deflection with 5 fractured ribs and 16 mm deflection
tured ribs),
This large range of deflections makes it difficult
with no fractured ribs.
to estimate the response of a standard subject to a 1 meter rigid surface
impact based on this data. However, one can estimate such a, deflection
response for the 1 meter rigid condition based on the 2 meter padded data.
Mertz (4) has shown that peak force is directly proportional to the impact
A similar relationship should
velocity for the padded and rigid impacts.
hold for peak deflections. Thus, an estimate for the maximum normalized
deflection for a 50th percentile male is,
D = (V1/V2)D2 = 30 mm
43 mm
V 4.4 m/s
V 6.3 m/s

---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (E)
4.3 Response Requirements
For a 1 meter drop onto a rigid impact surface the resulting normalized
thoracic impact force vs time response should lie within the corridor shown
in Figure 5 and the maximum normalized deflection of the impacted ribs
relative to the thoracic spine should be between 25 and 35 mm.
For a 2 meter drop onto the padded surface described under Test Setup, the
resulting normalized thoracic impact force vs time response should lie
within the corridor shown in Figure 6 and the maximum normalized deflection
of the impacted ribs relative to the thoracic spine should be between 38
and 48 mm.
The dummy data must be normalized in order to adjust for changes in effec-
tive mass due to slight differences in dummy position at impact.
Section 4.5 Normalization Procedure.
4.4 Test Setup
The dummy is to be suspended over the impact surfaces using ropes to
support its shoulders, hips and legs. A "quick release" device is to be
provided to allow the dummy to drop freely. The sagittal plane of the
dummy is to be horizontal. The dummy's arms are to be rotated forward and
upward so as to not contact the thoracic loading surface. The two loading
surfaces are to be located to intercept the dummy's pelvis and thorax
separately. For the padded tests, 140 mm x 140 mm x 420 mm blocks of open
cell urethane foam (APR padding) should be used. The characteristics of
this foam are described in the Appendix. When the dummy is dropped onto
the prescribed impact surfaces its responses should meet the appropriate
requirements described previously.
4.5 Instrumentation
Each impact surface is to be instrumented with an inertia compensated load
The dummy is to be instrumented with a transducer to measure the
ccl 1.
deflection of the impacted ribs relative to the thoracic spine. High speed
movies of the impact event are to be taken. Impact force and chest de-
measurements are to meet SAE Channel Class 180 filter

---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3: 1989 (E)
4.6 Normalization Procedure
Determine the impulse by integrating the force-time curve. Calculate the
effective mass using the following relationship,
M = t q Fdtl / ug + vo)
where Jo Fdt is the impulse, V. is the impact velocity, T is the pulse
duration corresponding to a velocity change of Vo, and g is the
acceleration of gravity. The mass ratio, Rm,
used by Mertz (4) to
normalize the APR cadaver data is,
R = 38 kg/M,
Calculate the mass ratio for the test using Equations 1 and 2.
Since it is assumed that the dummy has the same thoracic stiffness as the
standard subject, the stiffness ratio, Rk, is equal to 1.
The normalizing factors for force, time and displacement are given by,
R = (R,Rk)'
R = R = (R,)+ (Rk)-*
t X
Normalize the force-time curve by multiplying each force value and each
Normalize the
time value by their corresponding normalizing factors.
maximum rib to spine deflection by multiplying it by Rx.

---------------------- Page: 7 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 E)
5.1 Original Data
A series of cadaver sled tests was conducted at the University of
Heidelberg for NHTSA (2). In these tests the cadaver was placed in a seat,
1 meter from a vertical side panel that was rigidly attached to the seat.
The seat and side panel were .gradually accelerated to the desired impact
velocity. The sled was abruptly stopped causing the cadaver to translate
towards the side panel and impact it at the desired velocity. The side
panel had two instrumented impact surfaces, one for the shoulder/thorax and
the other for the pelvis/femur. Rigid surface impact tests were conducted
at impact velocities of 6.8 m/s and 8.9 m/s. Padded surface impacts were
conducted at 8.9 m/s. Table 2 summarizes the test conditions. Note that
there are only two or three tests for each of these three configurations.
The lateral thoracic force-time curves that were provided by NHTSA are
shown in Figures 7, 8 and 9, respectively. These curves were obtained
using a 100 Hz Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter (3). Such filtering
must be done to the dummy data since the FIR filter may have significantly
distorted the amplitude and phase of the cadaver data.
5.2 Normalized Data
The force-time curves shown in Figures 7, 8 and 9 were normalized using the
technique of Mertz (4). The resulting normalized force-time curves are
shown in Figures 10, 11 and 12, respectively. As noted previously, the
best estimate of the force-time curve of the 50th percentile adult male is
the average of the normalized curves for each impact configuration. These
average curves along with proposed response corridors are depicted in
Figures 13, 14 and 15.
5.3 Response Requirements
For a 6.8 m/s rigid surface impact, a 8.9 m/s rigid surface impact and an
8.9 m/s padded surface impact,' the normalized force-time curves of the
dummy must lie within the appropriate corridors shown in Figures 13, 14 and
15, respectively. Again, the dummy data must be normalized in order to
adjust for changes in its effective mass caused by slight differences in
dummy positioning. See Section 5.6 - Normalization Procedure.

---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (E)
5.4 Test Setup
A seat with an instrumented side panel is to be secured to an impact sled,
sideways to the direction of travel. The top edge of the side board is to
be 540 mm above the seat plane. The surface of the seat is to have a low
coefficient of friction to assure that the dummy will translate relative to
the sled without rotating. The dummy is to be placed on the seat at a
sufficient distance from the side board to assure that the sled is com-
pletely stopped prior to impact. For padding tests, 140 mm x 140 mm x 420
mm blocks of APR open cell urethane foam are to be fastened to the thorax
and pelvis impact surfaces.
5.5 Instrumentation
The dummy is to be instrumented to measure the deflection of the impacted
Two inertia compensated load trans-
ribs relative to the thoracic spine.
ducers are to be mounted to the side board, one at the thorax level, the
High speed movies of the impact event are to be
other at the hip level.
taken. Impact force and chest deflection measurements are to be recorded
Impact forces
using SAE Channel Class 1000 and 180 filters, respectively.
are to be filtered using a 100 Hz FIR filter (3) for comparison to the
response corridors shown in Figures 13, 14 and 15.
5.6 Normalization Procedure
Determine the impulse by integrating the force-time curve. Calculate the
effective mass using the following relationship,
M = [J; Fd-a / W,)
where Jo Fdt is the impulse, V. is the impact velocity and T is the pulse
duration corresponding to a velocity change of Vo. The mass ratio, Rm,
used to normalize the cadaver data is,
R = 38 kg/M,
Calculate the

TR 9790-3
First edition
Road vehicles - Anthropomorphic side impact
dummy -
Part 3 :
Lateral thoracic impact response requirements to
assess biofidelity of dummy
Véhicules routiers - Mannequin anthropomorphe pour essai de choc latéral -
Partie 3 : Caractéristiques de réponse du thorax à un choc latéral permettant
d'évaluer la biofidélté d'un mannequin
Reference number
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (E)

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
The main task of IS0 technical committees is to prepare International Standards. In ex-
ceptional circumstances a technical committee may propose the publication of a
technical report of one of the following types:
- type 1, when the necessary support within the technical committee cannot be
obtained for the publication of an International Standard, despite repeated efforts;
- type 2, when the subject is still under technical development requiring wider
- type 3, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from
that which is normally published as an International Standard ("state of the art", for
Technical reports are accepted for publication directly by IS0 Council. Technical
reports of types 1 and 2 are subject to review within three years of publication, to
decide whether they can be transformed into International Standards. Technical
reports of type 3 do not necessarily have to be reviewed until the data they provide are
considered to be no longer valid or useful.
ISOITR 9790-3, which is a technical report of type 3, was prepared by Technical Com-
mittee ISOITC 22, Road vehicles.
ISO/TR 9790 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles -
Anthropomorphic side impact dummy :
Part I: Lateral head impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of
Part 2: Lateral neck impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of
Part 3: Lateral thoracic impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of
4: Lateral shoulder impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of
Part 5: Lateral abdominal impact response requirements to assess bio fidelity
of dumm y
Part 6: Lateral pelvis impact response requirements to assess biofidelity of
O International Organization for Standardization, 1989
Printed in Switzerland

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (E)
Road vehicles - Anthropomorphic side impact dummy -
Part 3 :
Lateral thoracic impact response requirements to assess
biofidelity of dummy
The impact response requirements presented in this Technical Report are the
result of a critical evaluation of data selected from experiments agreed to
by experts as being the best and most up-to-date information available.
Three 1 ateral thoracic impact response requirements are defined: one based
on the cadaver drop tests of Association Peugeot-Renault (l)*, a second
based on the cadaver sled tests of the University of Heidelberg (2) and a
third based on cadaver impact tests conducted by HSRI (3). All data sets
were normalized to represent the response characteristics of a 50th percen-
tile adult male using either the method described by Mertz (4) or an
extension of the method developed by Lowne 5).
This Technical Resport is one of six reports that describe laboratory test
procedures and impact response requirements suitable for assessing the
impact biofidelity of side impact dummies. This Technical Report provides
information to assess the biofidel ity of lateral thoracic impact response.
IS0 DP 9790-1 Road Vehicles - Anthropomorphic Side Impact Dummy - Lateral
Head Impact Response Requirements to Assess the Biofidelity of the Dummy.
"Numbers in parentheses denote papers 1 isted in References, Section 7.0.

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
IS0 DP 9790-2 Road Vehicles - Anthropomorphic Side Impact Dummy - Lateral
Neck Impact Response Requirements to Assess the Biofidelity of the Dummy.
IS0 DP 9790-4 Road Vehicles - Anthropomorphic Side Impact Dummy - Lateral
Shoulder Impact Response Requirements to Assess the Bi of ide1 i ty of the
IS0 DP 9790-5 Road Vehicles
- Anthropomorphic Side Impact Dummy - Lateral
Abdominal Impact Response Requirements to Assess the Bi of i del i ty of the
IS0 DP 9790-6 Road Vehicles - Anthropomorphic Side Impact Dummy - Lateral
Pelvis Impact Response Requirements to Assess the Biofidelity of the Dummy.
4.1 Original Data
A series of cadaver drop tests was conducted by APR (1). Each cadaver was
suspended a prescribed distance above the impact surface by ropes that
supported its shoulders, hips and legs. When the ropes were released, the
cadaver dropped freely and impacted its side against the impact surfaces.
A triaxial accelerometer was screwed to the fourth dorsal vertebra to
measure thoracic acceleration. Rib cage compression was measured from a
slow motion movie of the impact. The impact surface consisted of two
instrumented load surfaces, one for measuring the thorax contact force and
the other for measuring the hip contact force. Response data for the APR 1
1 meter drop tests onto rigid impact surfaces and 2 meter drops onto padded
1 impact surfaces are listed in Table 1. The lateral thoracic force-time
curves for these tests are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The
curves shown in these figures were provided by A. Fayon of Association
Peugeot-Renaul t.
4.2 Normalized Data
The force-time curves shown in Figures 1 and 2 were normalized to represent
the response characteristics of a 50th percentile adult male using the
technique described by Mertz (4). The normalized force-time curves for the
1 meter rigid surface impacts and 2 meter padded impacts are depicted in

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
~ -~
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (E)
Figures 3 and 4, respectively. If the normalization procedure was exact,
then for each impact configuration each normalized cadaver curve would map
onto a single curve which would be the force-time curve of the standard
size subject. Consequently, the best estimate of the force-time curve of
the 50th percentile adult male is the average of the normalized curves for
Such curves are shown in Figures 5 and 6 along
each impact configuration.
with proposed response corridors for 1 meter rigid and 2 meter padded
impacts, respectively. It should be noted that these corridors are in good
agreement with other corridors developed from the same data but using
linear regression analysis (6).
The maximum deflections of the impacted ribs relative to the thoracic spine
These normalized de-
e were normalized using the technique of Mertz (4).
flections are listed in Table l along with the number of fractured ribs
that each cadaver experienced . The average of the normal i zed def 1 ect i ons
for the 2 meter padded impacts is 43 mm. This value represents the best
estimate of the deflection response of the 50th percentile adult male. For
the 1 meter rigid impact, three distinct deflections were observed: large
deflections (63 mm and 68 mm) with massive rib fractures (14 and 13 frac-
tured ribs), 36 mm deflection with 5 fractured ribs and 16 mm deflection
This large range of deflections makes it difficult
with no fractured ribs.
to estimate the response of a standard subject to a 1 meter rigid surface
impact based on this data. However, one can estimate such a deflection
response for the 1 meter rigid condition based on the 2 meter padded data.
Mertz (4) has shown that peak force is directly proportional to the impact
velocity for the padded and rigid impacts. A similar relationship should
hold for peak deflections. Thus, an estimate for the maximum normalized
deflection for a 50th percentile male is,
Dl = (Vi/V2)D2 = 30 mm
D2 = 43 mrn
4.4 m/s
v1 -
6.3 m/s
"2 -

---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (El
4.3 Response Requirements
For a 1 meter drop onto a rigid impact surface the resulting normalized
thoracic impact force vs time response should lie within the corridor shown
in Figure 5 and the maximum normalized deflection of the impacted ribs
relative to the thoracic spine should be between 25 and 35 mm.
For a 2 meter drop onto the padded surface described under Test Setup, the
resulting normalized thoracic impact force vs time response should lie
within the corridor shown in Figure 6 and the maximum normalized deflection
of the impacted ribs relative to the thoracic spine should be between 38
and 48 mm.
The dummy data must be normalized in order to adjust for changes in effec-
tive mass due to slight differences in dummy position at impact. See
Section 4.5 Normalization Procedure.
4.4 Test Setup
The dummy is to be suspended over the impact surfaces using ropes to
support its shoulders, hips and legs. A "quick release" device is to be
provided to allow the dummy to drop freely. The sagittal plane of the
dummy is to be horizontal. The dummy's arms are to be rotated forward and
upward so as to not contact the thoracic loading surface. The two loading
surfaces are to be located to intercept the dummy's pelvis and thorax
separately. For the padded tests, 140 mm x 140 mm x 420 mm biocks of open
cell urethane foam (APR padding) should be used. The characteristics of
this foam are described in the Appendix. When the dummy is dropped onto
the prescribed impact surfaces its responses should meet the appropriate
requirements described previously.
4.5 Instrumentation
Each impact surface is to be instrumented with an inertia compensated oad
cell. The dummy is to be instrumented with a transducer to measure the
deflection of the impacted ribs relative to the thoracic spine. High speed
movies of the impact event are to be taken. Impact force and chest de-
flection measurements are to meet SAE Channel Class 180 filter

---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------
~ ~ ~
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (E)
1 4.6 Normal i zati on Procedure
Determine the impulse by integrating the force-time curve. Calculate the
effective mass using the following relationship,
where so Fdt is the impulse, Vo is the impact velocity, T is the pulse
duration corresponding to a velocity change of Vo, and g is the
acceleration of gravity. The mass ratio, Rm, used by Mertz (4) to
normalize the APR cadaver data is,
Rm = 38 kg/Me
Calculate the mass ratio for the test using Equations 1 and 2.
Since it is assumed that the dummy has the same thoracic stiffness as the
standard subject, the stiffness ratio, Rk, is equal to 1.
The normalizing factors for force, time and displacement are given by,
Rf = (3
Rt = R, = (R,)' (R,)-' (4
Normalize the force-time curve by multiplying each force value and each
time value by their corresponding normal i zi ng factors. Normal i ze the
maximum rib to spine deflection by multiplying it by Rx.

---------------------- Page: 7 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (E)
5.1 Original Data
A series of cadaver sled tests was conducted at the University of
Heidelberg for NHTSA (2). In these tests the cadaver was placed in a seat,
that was rigidly attached to the seat.
1 meter from a vertical side panel
The seat and side panel were gradually accelerated to the desired impact
velocity. The sled was abruptly stopped causing the cadaver to translate
towards the side panel and impact it at the desired velocity. The side
panel had two instrumented impact surfaces, one for the shoulder/thorax and
the other for the pelvis/femur. Rigid surface impact tests were conducted
at impact velocities of 6.8 m/s and 8.9 m/s. Padded surface impacts were
conducted at 8.9 m/s. Table 2 summarizes the test conditions. Note that
there are only two or three tests for each of these three configurations.
The lateral thoracic force-time curves that were provided by NHTSA are
shown in Figures 7, 8 and 9, respectively. These curves were obtained
using a 100 Hz Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter (3). Such filtering
must be done to the dummy data since the FIR filter may have significantly
distorted the amplitude and phase of the cadaver data.
5.2 Normalized Data
in Figures 7, 8 and 9 were normalized using the
The force-time curves shown
technique of Mertz (4). The resulting normalized force-time curves are
shown in Figures 10, 11 and 12, respectively. As noted previously, the
best estimate of the force-time curve of the 50th percentile adult male is
the average of the normalized curves for each impact configuration. These
average curves along with proposed response corridors are depicted in
Figures 13, 14 and 15.
5.3 Response Requirements
For a 6.8 m/s rigid surface impact, a 8.9 m/s rigid surface impact and an
8.9 m/s padded surface impact, the normalized force-time curves of the
dummy must lie within the appropriate corridors shown in Figures 13, 14 and
15, respectively. Again, the dummy data must be normalized in order to
adjust for changes in its effective mass caused by slight differences in
dummy positioning. See Section 5.6 - Normalization Procedure.

---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
ISO/TR 9790-3 : 1989 (E)
5.4 Test Setup
A seat with an instrumented side panel is to be secured to an impact sled,
sideways to the direction of travel. The top edge of the side board is to
be 540 mm above the seat plane. The surface of the seat is to have a low
coefficient of friction to assure that the dummy will translate relative to
the sled without rotating. The dummy is to be placed on the seat at a
sufficient distance from the side board to assure that the sled is com-
pletely stopped prior to impact. For padding tests, 140 mm x 140 mm x 420
mm blocks of APR open cell urethane foam are to be fastened to the thorax
and pel vi s impact surfaces.
a 5.5 instrument

Questions, Comments and Discussion

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