Road vehicles — FlexRay communications system — Part 4: Electrical physical layer specification

ISO 17458-4:2013 specifies the electrical physical layer for FlexRay communications systems. The electrical physical layer for FlexRay is designed for time-triggered networks with data-rates up to 10 Mbit/s to connect automotive electronic control units (ECUs). The medium that is used is dual wires. Signalling on the bus is accomplished by asserting a differential voltage between those wires. Topology variations range from point-to-point connections via linear passive busses and passive stars up to active star topologies. ISO 17458-4:2013 includes the definition of electrical characteristics of the transmission itself and also documentation of basic functionality for bus driver (BD) and active star (AS) devices.

Véhicules routiers — Système de communications FlexRay — Partie 4: Spécification de la couche d'application électrique

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ISO 17458-4:2013 - Road vehicles — FlexRay communications system — Part 4: Electrical physical layer specification Released:1/21/2013
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ISO 17458-4:2013 - Road vehicles -- FlexRay communications system
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STANDARD 17458-4
First edition
Road vehicles— FlexRay
communications system —
Part 4:
Electrical physical layer specification
Véhicules routiers — Système de communications FlexRay —
Partie 4: Spécification de la couche d'application électrique

Reference number
ISO 2013
©  ISO 2013
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56  CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword . v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions . 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 10
3.3 Symbols . 12
4 Document reference according to OSI model . 13
5 Conventions . 14
5.1 General . 14
5.2 Notational and parameter prefix conventions . 14
5.3 Important preliminary notes . 15
6 Communication channel basics . 16
6.1 Objective. 16
6.2 Propagation delay . 16
6.3 Frame TSS length change . 18
6.4 Symbol length change . 18
6.5 FES1 length change . 19
6.6 Collisions. 19
6.7 Stochastic jitter . 20
6.8 Wakeup patterns . 20
7 Principle of FlexRay networking . 22
7.1 Objective. 22
7.2 Interconnection of nodes . 22
7.3 Electrical signalling . 23
8 Network components . 24
8.1 Objective. 24
8.2 Cables . 24
8.3 Connectors . 25
8.4 Cable termination . 25
8.5 Termination concept . 27
8.6 Common mode chokes . 27
8.7 DC bus load . 27
9 Network topology . 28
9.1 Objective. 28
9.2 Point-to-point connection . 29
9.3 Passive star . 29
9.4 Linear passive bus . 30
9.5 Active star network . 31
9.6 Cascaded active stars . 32
9.7 Hybrid topologies . 32
9.8 Dual channel topologies . 33
10 Asymmetric delay budget . 33
10.1 Objective. 33
10.2 Basic topology for asymmetric delay budget. 34
10.3 Definition of Test Planes . 34
10.4 Requirements to the asymmetric delay budget . 36
10.5 Definition of maximum asymmetric delay portions . 36
10.6 Other networks . 43
11 Signal integrity . 43
11.1 Objective . 43
11.2 Mask test at TP1 / TP11 . 44
12 Electrical bus driver . 49
12.1 Overview . 49
12.2 Operation modes . 50
12.3 Operation mode transitions . 51
12.4 Bus driver – communication controller interface . 53
12.5 Bus driver – bus guardian interface (optional) . 57
12.6 Bus driver – host interface . 57
12.7 Bus driver – power supply interface . 61
12.8 Bus driver - level shift interface (optional) . 63
12.9 Bus driver - bus interface . 63
12.10 Bus driver – wakeup interface (optional) . 77
12.11 Remote wakeup event detector (optional) . 78
12.12 Bus driver behaviour under fault conditions . 80
12.13 Bus driver functional classes . 85
12.14 Bus driver signal summary . 87
13 Active Star . 88
13.1 Overview . 88
13.2 Hardware overview . 88
13.3 Signal timing . 90
13.4 Active star device operation modes . 98
13.5 Autonomous power moding flag (APM flag) . 100
13.6 Branch operating states . 101
13.7 Branch transmitter and receiver circuit . 104
13.8 Active star - communication controller interface (optional) . 105
13.9 Active star – bus guardian interface (optional) . 115
13.10 Active star – host interface (optional) . 115
13.11 Active star – power supply interface . 115
13.12 Active star – level shift interface (optional) . 118
13.13 Active star – bus interface . 118
13.14 Active star – wake interface (optional) . 119
13.15 Active star functional classes . 119
13.16 Active star behaviour under fault conditions . 120
13.17 Active star signal summary . 122
14 Interface definitions . 123
14.1 Overview . 123
14.2 Communication controller – bus driver interface . 123
14.3 Host . 126
15 General features for FlexRay physical layer parts . 127
15.1 Objective .

STANDARD 17458-4
First edition
Road vehicles— FlexRay
communications system —
Part 4:
Electrical physical layer specification
Véhicules routiers — Système de communications FlexRay —
Partie 4: Spécification de la couche d'application électrique

Reference number
ISO 2013
©  ISO 2013
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56  CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword . v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions . 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 10
3.3 Symbols . 12
4 Document reference according to OSI model . 13
5 Conventions . 14
5.1 General . 14
5.2 Notational and parameter prefix conventions . 14
5.3 Important preliminary notes . 15
6 Communication channel basics . 16
6.1 Objective. 16
6.2 Propagation delay . 16
6.3 Frame TSS length change . 18
6.4 Symbol length change . 18
6.5 FES1 length change . 19
6.6 Collisions. 19
6.7 Stochastic jitter . 20
6.8 Wakeup patterns . 20
7 Principle of FlexRay networking . 22
7.1 Objective. 22
7.2 Interconnection of nodes . 22
7.3 Electrical signalling . 23
8 Network components . 24
8.1 Objective. 24
8.2 Cables . 24
8.3 Connectors . 25
8.4 Cable termination . 25
8.5 Termination concept . 27
8.6 Common mode chokes . 27
8.7 DC bus load . 27
9 Network topology . 28
9.1 Objective. 28
9.2 Point-to-point connection . 29
9.3 Passive star . 29
9.4 Linear passive bus . 30
9.5 Active star network . 31
9.6 Cascaded active stars . 32
9.7 Hybrid topologies . 32
9.8 Dual channel topologies . 33
10 Asymmetric delay budget . 33
10.1 Objective. 33
10.2 Basic topology for asymmetric delay budget. 34
10.3 Definition of Test Planes . 34
10.4 Requirements to the asymmetric delay budget . 36
10.5 Definition of maximum asymmetric delay portions . 36
10.6 Other networks . 43
11 Signal integrity . 43
11.1 Objective . 43
11.2 Mask test at TP1 / TP11 . 44
12 Electrical bus driver . 49
12.1 Overview . 49
12.2 Operation modes . 50
12.3 Operation mode transitions . 51
12.4 Bus driver – communication controller interface . 53
12.5 Bus driver – bus guardian interface (optional) . 57
12.6 Bus driver – host interface . 57
12.7 Bus driver – power supply interface . 61
12.8 Bus driver - level shift interface (optional) . 63
12.9 Bus driver - bus interface . 63
12.10 Bus driver – wakeup interface (optional) . 77
12.11 Remote wakeup event detector (optional) . 78
12.12 Bus driver behaviour under fault conditions . 80
12.13 Bus driver functional classes . 85
12.14 Bus driver signal summary . 87
13 Active Star . 88
13.1 Overview . 88
13.2 Hardware overview . 88
13.3 Signal timing . 90
13.4 Active star device operation modes . 98
13.5 Autonomous power moding flag (APM flag) . 100
13.6 Branch operating states . 101
13.7 Branch transmitter and receiver circuit . 104
13.8 Active star - communication controller interface (optional) . 105
13.9 Active star – bus guardian interface (optional) . 115
13.10 Active star – host interface (optional) . 115
13.11 Active star – power supply interface . 115
13.12 Active star – level shift interface (optional) . 118
13.13 Active star – bus interface . 118
13.14 Active star – wake interface (optional) . 119
13.15 Active star functional classes . 119
13.16 Active star behaviour under fault conditions . 120
13.17 Active star signal summary . 122
14 Interface definitions . 123
14.1 Overview . 123
14.2 Communication controller – bus driver interface . 123
14.3 Host . 126
15 General features for FlexRay physical layer parts . 127
15.1 Objective .

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