Refrigerants — Designation and safety classification

This document provides an unambiguous system for assigning designations to refrigerants. It also establishes a system for assigning a safety classification to refrigerants based on toxicity and flammability data, and provides a means of determining the refrigerant concentration limit. Tables listing the refrigerant designations, safety classifications, refrigerant concentration limits and data necessary for safe use of the refrigerants are included based on data submitted with the application.

Fluides frigorigènes — Désignation et classification de sécurité

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ISO 817:2024 - Refrigerants — Designation and safety classification Released:11/27/2024
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ISO 817
Fourth edition
Refrigerants — Designation and
safety classification
Fluides frigorigènes — Désignation et classification de sécurité
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
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ISO copyright office
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Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviated terms and symbols . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions .1
3.2 Abbreviated terms .6
3.3 Symbols .7
4 Numbering of refrigerants . 7
4.1 Refrigerant Tables .7
4.2 Identifying numbers .8
4.2.1 General .8
4.2.2 First digit on the right.8
4.2.3 Second digit from the right .8
4.2.4 Third digit from the right .8
4.2.5 Fourth digit from the right .8
4.2.6 Presence of bromine (Br) or iodine (I) .8
4.2.7 Number of chlorine (Cl) atoms .8
4.2.8 Carbon atoms . .8
4.2.9 Cyclic compounds .8
4.2.10 Isomers in the ethane and ethene series .9
4.2.11 Isomers in the propane series .9
4.2.12 Isomers in the propene series.9
4.2.13 Extension to compounds of four carbon atoms .10
4.2.14 Identification of stereoisomers .10
4.3 Ether-based refrigerants .10
4.3.1 General .10
4.3.2 Two-carbon, dimethyl ethers .10
4.3.3 Straight chain, three carbon ethers . .10
4.3.4 Cyclic ethers .11
4.4 Blends .11
4.4.1 General .11
4.4.2 Zeotropes .11
4.4.3 Azeotropes .11
4.4.4 Blend tolerances . .11
4.4.5 Composition uniqueness . 12
4.5 Miscellaneous organic compounds . 12
4.6 Inorganic compounds . 13
4.6.1 General . 13
4.6.2 Compounds with relative molar masses less than 100 . 13
4.6.3 Compounds with relative molar masses equal to or greater than 100 . 13
4.6.4 Two or more inorganic refrigerants with the same molar masses . 13
5 Designation prefixes .13
5.1 General prefixes . 13
5.2 Composition-designating prefixes . 13
6 Safety classifications . 14
6.1 General .14
6.1.1 Safety classification — Composition .14
6.1.2 Toxicity classification . .14
6.1.3 Flammability classification . 15
6.2 Matrix diagram of safety group classification system.16
7 Refrigerant classifications and property data . 17
8 Refrigerant concentration limits . 17

8.1 General .17
8.1.1 General .17
8.1.2 Acute-toxicity exposure limit (ATEL) .17
8.1.3 Mortality .17
8.1.4 Cardiac sensitization .18
8.1.5 Anaesthetic or central nervous system (CNS) effects .18
8.1.6 Other escape-impairing symptoms and permanent injury .19
8.1.7 Oxygen deprivation limit (ODL) .19
8.2 Data for calculations .19
8.2.1 Data sources .19
8.2.2 Consistent measures . 20
8.3 Contaminants and impurities . 20
8.4 Conversion of units — Volumic mass and altitude adjustment . 20
Annex A (informative) Examples of isomer designation .21
Annex B (normative) Details of testing for flammability and fractionation analysis .23
Annex C (normative) Refrigerant classifications and properties .27
Annex D (normative) Calculation of ATEL for blends .28
Annex E (informative) Data used to determine safety classification, refrigerant concentration
limits and data for unclassified refrigerants .31
Annex F (informative) Examples of minimum composition tolerance .32
Bibliography .34


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