Imaging materials — Photographic films — Specifications for safety film

This International Standard provides specifications and test procedures for establishing the safety of photographic films with respect to hazards from fire. The specifications are applicable to both unprocessed and processed1) films on any type of currently known plastic support. These specifications cover silver films (both gelatin and non-gelatin types), colour films, diazo films, vesicular films, and striped or full-width magnetic films. Magnetic tapes and video recording tapes are excluded. A field test for burning behaviour is described in informative annex B, and methods of marking film are defined in informative annex C. A simple test to distinguish non-safety nitrate-base film from cellulose ester and polyesterbase film is given in informative annex D.

Matériaux pour image — Films photographiques — Spécifications pour le film de sécurité

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ISO 18906:2000 - Imaging materials -- Photographic films -- Specifications for safety film
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First edition
Imaging materials — Photographic films —
Specifications for safety film
Matériaux pour image — Films photographiques — Spécifications pour le
film de sécurité
Reference number
ISO 2000
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Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Term and definition .1
3 Property requirements .1
4 Ignition time test .2
5 Burning time test .2
Annex A (informative) Numbering system for related International Standards.4
Annex B (informative) Field test .6
Annex C (informative) Marking .7
Annex D (informative) Float test .8
Figure 1 — Burning time test specimen (not to scale).3
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 18906 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 42, Photography.
This first edition cancels and replaces the second edition of ISO 543:1990, of which it constitutes a minor revision.
This International Standard is one of a series of International Standards dealing with the physical properties and
stability of imaging materials. To facilitate identification of these International Standards, they are assigned a
number within the block from 18900 – 18999 (see annex A).
Annexes A to D of this International Standard are for information only.
iv © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

Although the manufacture of films not complying with this International Standard is currently very rare, if it takes
place at all, there remains a great amount of such films stored in archives and libraries. Due to the risk of ignition
caused by careless handling, of self-ignition after long and adverse storage conditions, or rapid burning
characteristics, it is necessary to provide film owners with a method of determining whether their film is "safety
photographic film". That is the objective of this International Standard.
Imaging materials — Photographic films — Specifications
for safety film
1 Scope
This International Standard provides specifications and test procedures for establishing the safety of photographic
films with respect to hazards from fire. The specifications are applicable to both unprocessed and processed films
on any type of currently known plastic support.
These specifications cover silver films (both gelatin and non-gelatin types), colour films, diazo films, vesicular films,
and striped or full-width magnetic films. Magnetic tapes and video recording tapes are excluded.
A field test for burning behaviour is described in informative annex B, and methods of marking film are defined in
informative annex C. A simple test to distinguish non-safety nitrate-base film from cellulose ester and polyester-
base film is given in informative annex D.
2 Term and definition
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following term and definition applies.
safety photographic film
photographic film which passes the ignition time test and burning time test as specified in this International
3 Property requirements
3.1 Ignition time
Photographic films are classified as having passed the ignition time test when the ignition time is not less than
10 min when tested as specified in clause 4.
3.2 Burning time
Photographic films having a thickness equal to or greater than 0,08 mm are classified as having passed the
burning time test when the burning time is greater than 45 s when tested as specified in clause 5.
Photographic films having a thickness less than 0,08 mm are classified as having passed the burning time test
when the burning time is greater than 30 s.
1) Normally, unprocessed and processed films have the same safety characteristics, so either one may be tested for
conformance to these specifications. If an additional treatment, such as a lacquer coating, has been applied after processing,
the safety characteristics may or may not be affected. In case of doubt, both unprocessed and processed films must be tested.
4 Ignition time test
4.1 Apparatus
4.1.1 Electric resistance oven, the interior of which is a cavity of appropriate size to hold the film specimen
and an instrument for measuring the temperature (4.1.2) in the centre of the cavity.
The top of the oven shall be closed by means of a closely overlapping lid having two holes of diameter
approximately 7 mm and 15 mm respectively, the centres being at a distance of about 15 mm from each other.
4.1.2 Thermocouple, having connecting wires with an insulated coating fitting tightly into the smaller hole of the
lid of the oven (4.1.1).
Alternatively, the temperature in the cavity may be measured by means of other temperature measuring
instruments such as a mercury thermometer fitted into the smaller hole, protected from the rising heat by means
of a cork disc lying above the lid.
4.2 Specimens
Cut three specimens 35 mm long and 8 mm wide from the film to be tested.
Specimens shall be free from perforations as far as is practicable.
4.3 Procedure
Bring the oven t

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