Circular knitting machines — Vocabulary

ISO 12912:2014 establishes a vocabulary of terms and a system of classification for circular knitting machines used in the textile industry for the production of weft-knitted fabrics.

Métiers circulaires — Vocabulaire

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ISO 12912:2014 - Circular knitting machines -- Vocabulary
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Circular knitting machines —
Métiers circulaires — Vocabulaire
Reference number
ISO 2014
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions . 1
2.1 Terms for circular knitting machines . 1
2.2 Terms for construction features of circular knitting machine (according to number and
classification of needle carrier) . 2
2.3 Dimensions . 5
2.4 Terms for rotation . 8
2.5 Machine frame and drive . 9
2.6 Stitch forming elements, holder for needles and other stitch forming elements . 9
2.7 Needle control .11
2.8 Cam system .11
2.9 Yarn feed and monitoring system .15
2.10 Fabric take-down .15
2.11 Pattern equipment .17
2.12 Machine control system and monitoring .18
2.13 Lubrication and cleaning system, safety device and special attachments.18
Bibliography .19
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Circular knitting machines — Vocabulary
1 Scope
This International Standard establishes a vocabulary of terms and a system of classification for circular
knitting machines used in the textile industry for the production of weft-knitted fabrics.
NOTE See also the ISO online browsing platform (OBP):
2 Terms and definitions
2.1 Terms for circular knitting machines
circular knitting machine
machine for the production of knitted fabrics with independent needles, longitudinally movable, in
circular arrangement, with stitches formed one after the other within every course from yarn fed
crosswise to the length of the fabric
[SOURCE: ISO 7839:2005, 2.1.2]
Note 1 to entry: The circular knitting machine can be specified more precisely with the following details:

— model (e.g. small, large);
— construction features (e.g. single jersey, double jersey, plain interlock, purl);

— needle type (e.g. latch or slide needle);

— number of feeders (e.g. 48 stitch feeders);

— patterning mechanism (e.g. jacquard unit).
small-diameter circular knitting machine
circular knitting machine with nominal diameter up to 165 mm
large-diameter circular knitting machine
circular knitting machine with nominal diameter of over 165 mm
2.2 Terms for construction features of circular knitting machine (according to number
and classification of needle carrier)
RL circular knitting machine
circular knitting machine for the production of single-face fabrics (RL) by means of needles arranged in
grooves of one carrier
[SOURCE: ISO 7839:2005,]
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1.
1 needle cylinder 7 sinker cam
2 trick 8 needle cam
3 cylinder cam box 9 yarn guide
4 sinker ring 10 yarn
5 needle 11 holding spring
6 sinker 12 cam box plate
Figure 1 — RL circular knitting machine
RR circular knitting machine
circular knitting machine, used mainly for the production of double-face fabrics (RR) by means of
needles arranged in an axial direction in grooves of the needle cylinder and radially in grooves of the
needle disc (dial) in staggered formation to one another
[SOURCE: ISO 7839:2005,]
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 2.
2 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

1 needle disc
2 needle cylinder
3 disc needle
4 trick
5 cylinder needle
6 trick
Figure 2 — Construction features RR circular knitting machine
interlock circular knitting machine
interlock knitting machine used for the production of plain interlock fabric with needles arranged
opposite each other in needle cylinder grooves in the axial direction and radial in needle disc (dial)
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 3.
1 needle disc
2 needle cylinder
3 disc needle
4 trick
5 cylinder needle
6 trick
Figure 3 — Construction features interlock circular knitting machine
LL circular knitting machine
circular knitting machine for the production of purl fabrics (LL) with two needle cylinders, one upon
the other, within their grooves, which are arranged flush to each other in an axial direction, the needles
moved from one needle cylinder to the other by means of a needle slider
[SOURCE: ISO 7839:2005,]
Note 1 to entry: LL fabrics can contain structures like single-face fabric and/or double-face fabric, respectively
can be replaced by them completely.
Note 2 to entry: See Figure 4.
4 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

1 upper needle cylinder
2 lower needle cylinder
3 needle slider
4 double-ended needle
Figure 4 — Construction features LL circular knitting machine
2.3 Dimensions
machine depth
total depth of machine without space requirement for additional equipment
EXAMPLE Bobbin holders, control cabinets.
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 5.
machine width
total width of machine without space requirement for additional equipment
EXAMPLE Bobbin holders, control cabinets.
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 5.
machine height
total height of machine without space requirement for yarn guide units
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 5.
a machine depth
b machine width
h machine height
Figure 5 — Dimensions RR circular knitting machine
nominal diameter
diameter of a circular knitting machine which corresponds to the exact or rounded needle base
diameter d
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 6.
6 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

1 needle cylinder
d nominal diameter of machine
t pitch
Figure 6 — Nominal diameter and pitch of circular knitting machines
distance between the centres of two adjacent needles in the same needle carrier, in millimetres, with
full use of needles
[SOURCE: ISO 8188:2007, 3.1]
Note 1 to entry: The pitch at circular knitting machines is the distance between the centres of two adjacent
needles on the circumference of the nominal diameter.
Note 2 to entry: See Figure 6.
number of needles, n, per reference length of 25,4 mm with full use in the needle carrier:
[SOURCE: ISO 8188:2007, 3.2.1]
Note 1 to entry: The indication of needle pitch shall be preferred to the indication of needle gauge.
number of needles
number of needles present in a needle carrier
Note 1 to entry: The number of needles is equal to the nominal width, n, divided by the pitch, plus 1.
[SOURCE: ISO 11675:2005, 5.12]
2.4 Terms for rotation
direction of rotation
clockwise or anticlockwise rotation of the needle cylinder or cam casing from above
relative rotation
clockwise rotation of needle cylinder [see Figure 7 a)] or anticlockwise rotation of the cam box [see
Figure 7 b)] with the courses in the fabric forming a Z (right) spiral
Note 1 to entry: The fabric is observed from outside suspended in the machine.
a)  Clockwise rotation of needle cylinder b)  Anticlockwise rotation of the cam box
1 yarn
2 yarn guide
3 needle cylinder
4 cam box
Figure 7 — Relative rotation Z
relative rotation
anticlockwise rotation of needle cylinder [see Figure 8 a)] or clockwise rotation of the cam box [see
Figure 8 b)] with the courses in the fabric forming an S (left) spiral
Note 1 to entry: The fabric is observed from outside suspended in the machine.
8 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

a)  Anticlockwise rotation of needle cylinder b)  Clockwise rotation of the cam box
1 yarn
2 yarn guide
3 needle cylinder
4 cam box
Figure 8 — Relative rotation S
2.5 Machine frame and drive
machine frame
supporting framework which carries all the other machine assemblies
one or more units for generating the movements necessary for the stitch forming procedure and
controlling the machine
2.6 Stitch forming elements, holder for needles and other stitch forming elements
needle cylinder
cylindrical hollow components with external grooves in axial direction for receiving and guiding the
stitch forming elements
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1.
EXAMPLE Latch needles.
needle disc
ring-shaped disc with grooves in radial direction for receiving and guiding the stitch forming elements
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 2.
EXAMPLE Latch needles.
sinker ring
ring groove running in a radial direction for receiving and guiding holding-down, knock-over, plush,
transfer and other sinkers
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1.
guide machined into the holder
part between two grooves of needle or sinker holder
knock-over comb
part of needle holder on which stitches are formed (knocked over)
adjusting unit
equipment for horizontal or vertical adjustment of the needle dis

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