ISO/IEC 9592-3:1997
(Main)Information technology — Computer graphics and image processing — Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) — Part 3: Specification for clear-text encoding of archive file
Information technology — Computer graphics and image processing — Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) — Part 3: Specification for clear-text encoding of archive file
Technologies de l'information — Infographie et traitement de l'image — Interface de programmation du système graphique hiérarchisé (PHIGS) — Partie 3: Spécification du codage mode texte en clair du fichier d'archive
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Second edition
Information technology - Computer
graphics and image processing -
Programmer ’s Hierarchical Interactive
Graphics System (PHIGS) -
Part 3:
Specification for clear-text encoding of
archive file
Technologies de I’informa tion - lnfographie et traitement de /‘image -
Interface de programmation du systkme graphique hikrarchisb (PHIGS) -
Partie 3: Spkification du codage mode texte en c/air du fichier d/archive
Reference number
ISOA EC 9592-3: 1997(E)
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ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E)
1 Scope
2 Normative references
.......... .....................
3 Definitions
4 Clear text encoding format
4.1 Notational conventions
4.2 Archive file
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Character repertoire
4.2.3 Separators
...................................................................... Element separators
................................................................... Parameter separators
...................................................... Comments in the archive file
4.2.4 Encoding of parameter types
.................................................................... Integer-bound types
........................................................................ Real-bound types
...................................................................... String-bound types
....................................................................... Enumerated types
.............................................................................. Derived types
4.2.5 Forming archive file element names
........................................................................... Terms deleted
............................................................................. Words added
....................................................... Words used unabbreviated
............................................................................ Abbreviations
.................................................. Abbreviating compound types
...................................................... Sentinel character sequence
................................... The derived archive file element names
4.3 Encoding the PHIGS archive file elements
4.3.1 Encoding delimiter elements
4.3.2 Encoding archive file descriptor elements
4.3.3 The structure element production
4.3.4 Encoding output primitive elements
4.3.5 Encoding attribute elements
4.3.6 Encoding modelling transformation elements
4.3.7 Encoding miscellaneous elements
4.3.8 Encoding external elements
4.4 Clear-text encoding conformance
grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Clear-text encoding-dependent formal
0 ISO/IEC 1997
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ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH- 12 1 1 Gerkve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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@XSO/IEC ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form
the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal
with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest.
Other international organizations, o oovernmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in
the work.
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft
International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO/IEC 9592-3 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISOIIEC JTC 1, lnfixwzatinu
technologry, Subcommittee SC 24, Computer graphics and image processing.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1989) which has been technically revised. It
also incorporates Amendment 1: 1992.
ISO/IEC 9592 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology - Computer graphics a~i
image processing - Yrogranmer ’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS):
- Part I: Fur&onul description
- Part 2: Archive file format
- Part 3: Specification for clear-text encoding of archive file
. .
Annex A of this part of ISO/IEC 9592 is for information only.
. . .
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ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E) OISOIIEC
The clear-text encoding of the PHIGS archive file provides a representation of the archive file syntax that is easy to
type, edit, and read. It allows an archive file to be edited with any standard text editor, using the internal character code
of the host computer system. The primary objectives are:
a) HUMAN EDITABLE: The clear-text encoding should be able to be hand-edited or, if desired, hand-constructed.
b) HUMAN-FRIENDLY: The clear-text encoding should be easy and natural for people to read and edit. Although
what is easiest and most natural is a subjective judgement that varies among users, contributing factors such as ease
of recognition, ease of remembering, avoidance of ambiguity, and prevention of mistyping have all been con-
c) MACHINE-READABLE: The clear-text encoding should be able to be parsed by software.
d) USABLE IN A WIDE VARIETY OF EDITORS: The clear-text encoding should not have any features that
make it difficult to edit in normal text editors.
e) INTERCHANGEABLE BETWEEN DIVERSE SYSTEMS: The clear-text encoding should be encoded in such
a way as to maximize the set of systems which can utilize it. No assumptions should be made as to word size or
arithmetic modes used to interpret the archive file.
f) USES STANDARDIZED ABBREVIATIONS: Where language encoding of other graphics standards have esta-
blished standard abbreviations, or where common practice in the data processing and graphics industries has esta-
blished well-known abbreviations, these abbreviations are used. In accordance with the principle of “least astonish-
ment ”, this approach should minimize the time needed to learn to use this encoding.
This part of ISO/IEC 9592 draws extensively for its model of an archive file format on IS0 8632. The set of characters
needed to implement the clear-text encoding is a subset of those included in national versions of IS0 646. Any charac-
ter set that can be mapped to and from that subset may be used to implement the encoding.
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ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E)
Computer graphics and image processing -
Information technology -
Programmer ’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) - Part 3:
Specification for clear-text encoding of archive file
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 9592 specifies a clear-text encoding of the PHIGS archive file. For each of the archive file ele-
ments specified in ISO/IEC 9592-2, a clear text encoding is specified. This part of ISO/IEC 9592 specifies the overall
format of the archive file and the means by which comments may be interspersed in the archive file.
This encoding of the PHIGS archive file allows archive files to be created and maintained in a form which is simple to
type, easy to edit and convenient to read.
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ISOAEC 9592-3: 1997(E)
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of
ISO/IEC 9592. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and
parties to agreements based on this part of ISO/IEC 9592 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards.
ISOIIEC 646: 199 1, Information technology - IS0 7-bit coded character set for information interchange.
ISOIIEC 2022: 1994, Information technology - Character code structure and extension techniques.
IS0 6093: 1985, Information processing - Representation of numerical values in character strings for information inter-
- Meta$le for the storage and transfer of picture
ISO/IEC 8632: 1992, Information technology - Computer graphics
description information
- Part I : Functional description
- Part 2 : Character encoding
- Part 3 : Binary encoding
- Part 4 : Clear text encoding
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OISO/IEC ISO/IEC 9592=3:1997(E)
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 9592 the following definitions apply.
As far as possible, graphics terminology which is commonly accepted and consistent with other graphics Standards is used.
3.1 archive file descriptor: A group of elements that describe the functional capabilities needed to process the archive
3.2 archive file generation: The process that produces a PHIGS archive file.
3.3 archive file retrieval: The process that reads a PHIGS archive file, retrieves the contents, and transfers the result to
the PHIGS centralized structure store.
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ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E) OISO/IEC
4 Clear-text encoding format
4.1 Notational conventions
a) Unbracketed strings are terminals of this grammar which appear exactly, subject to the variations on case and
null characters given in 4.2.2.
b) Bracketed strings are either non-terminals (with further productions given), character symbol names (such as
COMMA), or parameters of the PHIGS archive file element in the form .
c) The following metasymbols define productions, grouping, and repetition.
. .-
. .- -+ “becomes” or “is realized as”
<.>* *star closure (0 or more occurrences)
<.>+ -3 plus closure (1 or more occurrences)
<.>O -+ optional (exactly 0 or 1 occurrences)
parameter type x with meaning y
xlylz exactly one of the items x, y and z
(any of x, y and z may be multiple non-terminals if there is no ambiguity)
exactly one of x or y or z, brackets delineate the scope
a comment (not part of the production)
<.>(n) exactly n occurrences, n-0,1,2,.
a list of occurences of x each separated by
The meaning of the last notation can be expressed as follows:
. .-
. .- < >*
d) SPACES are used for readability in the grammar description; SPACES in the actual archive file are indicated
through the separator productions given in 4.3.3.
e) The metasymbols used in describing the grammar do not appear in the actual archive file.
4.2 Archive file format
4.2.1 Introduction
A clear-text encoding of a PHIGS archive file consists of a stream of characters forming a series of elements, each of
which starts with an element name and ends with one of the element delimiters, either the SLASH character (also
known as SLANT or SOLIDUS) or the SEMICOLON character. These characters do not act as element delimiters
when occurring within the bounds of a string parameter, as defined below.
The order of elements within a clear-text encoding of a PHIGS archive file is specified by ISO/IEC 9592-2. This
specifies a formal grammar over the following eight symbols:
Each of these symbols is treated as a non-terminal in the formal grammar that follows. Taken together, the formal
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ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E)
Archive file format
Clear-text encoding format
grammar of ISO/IEC 9592-2 and this part of ISO/IEC 9592 provide a formal grammar for a PHIGS archive file over the
ISO/IEC 646 character set.
4.2.2 Character repertoire
In order that the metasymbols used in describing the grammar do not appear in the actual archive file, the character
repertoire of the clear-text encoding will be limited to those characters enumerated below, except for string parameters,
which, at the minimum, support the full ISO/IEC 646 character set and, optionally may include characters which shift
into other character sets. Each string is assumed to start in the ISO/IEC 646 character set.
Upper-case characters:
“A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, “H”, “I”, “J”, “K”, “L”, “M”,
“N”, “OH, ttptl, “Q”, “R”, MS”, “T”, “U”, “v”, ,,wIt, “x11, ,ly!f, “z”
- Lower-case characters:
“a”, “b”, l’cll, “d”, “e”, ,,r’, ,,g”, lIh”, ,,;I,, llj11, “k”, 1~1~1, rrrnrl,
lln”, ooll, VP”, Hq”, ryr, y1, y, t’UII, y, llwll,
“2 ”, “3 ”, “4 ”, “5 ”, “611, “7 ”, 73791f
“O ”, ” l?
” ” (SPACE character)
“+” (PLUS character)
V’ (MINUS character)
“;” (SEMICOLON character)
‘7” (SLASH, SLANT, or SOLIDUS character)
“(” (LEFT or OPEN PARENTHESIS character)
“)” (RIGHT or CLOSE PARENTHESIS character)
“,” (COMMA character)
“.” (DECIMAL POINT or PERIOD character)
““’ (APOSTROPHE or SINGLE QUOTE character)
““” (DOUBLE QUOTE character)
” ” (UNDERSCORE character)
“$’ (DOLLAR SIGN or CURRENCY symbol)
“% ‘I (PERCENT SIGN character)
Lower-case characters are considered to be the same as upper-case characters when occurring outside of string parame-
ters. Any combination of lower-case and upper-case characters may be used within an element or enumerated parame-
ter name.
“null characters” within this encoding. They may
The UNDERSCORE and DOLLAR SIGN symbols are defined as
appear anywhere within an archive file, and are mandated to have no effect on parsing (outside of string parameters).
They are available for the generator or editor of an archive file to use in enhancing readability of tokens. For example,
the following are all equivalent:
linetype, LINETYPE, LineType, line-type, $LINETYPE, L I N-E$T-Y-P-E.
The following are all equivalent:
123456, $123456, 123 456, $123 - 456, $12$34$56.
Those control characters that are format effecters (BACKSPACE, CARRIAGE RETURN, LINEFEED, NEWLINE,
HORIZONTAL TAB, VERTICAL TAB, and FORMFEED) are permitted in the archive file, but are treated as SPACE
characters (that is, as soft delimiters) by the archive file interpreter whenever they occur outside of a string parameter.
A PHIGS archive file written in the
They may be used to assist in formatting the archive file to improve its readability.
clear-text encoding is considered not to be a conforming interchange if it includes characters other than those listed in
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ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E) OISO/IEC
Archive file format Clear-text encoding format
the repertoire and the format effecters (outside of string parameters). Implementation-dependent extensions which
require use of characters other than the above should be embedded in the string parameters of the GSE or APPLICA-
TION DATA elements, or in comments.
The code set of the characters is not fixed by this part of ISO/IEC 9592. In order to accomplish the objective of edita-
bility, it is permitted to encode the clear-text encoding using the character set codes native to the system. It is presumed
that standard conversion facilities can be used in translating clear-text PHIGS archive files from one system ’s character
set codes to another, consistent with the treatment of other text files being transferred between systems. The ISO/IEC
646 codes should be used to encode clear-text archive files for transport between diverse systems.
Null characters or format effecters outside of text strings which do not exist in the target system ’s encoding may be
dropped in such translation, and lower-case letters translated to upper case as necessary, without altering the informa-
tion content of the archive file. Likewise, the two statement delimiter characters are interchangeable and may be
changed in such a translation without affecting the information content of the archive file. The two string delimiter
characters are interchangeable, but any translation shall correctly handle the possible occurrence of either string delim-
iter character within the string parameter.
4.2.3 Separators Element separators
. .-
. .-
The SEMICOLON and SLASH characters may be used to delimit elements in a clear text archive file. These elements
do not, however, terminate an element when they occur within a string parameter, as described in
The elements of the archive file are not terminated by the ends of records, as indicated by control characters such as CR
(carriage return) or LF (linefeed). Multiple elements may exist on one line, and any element may extend over multiple
lines. Parameter separators
The following productions are used in the clear-text encoding for parameter separators:
. .-
. .-
. .- +
. .-
. .- *
. .-
. .-
. .-
.- I
Most commands require a SOFTSEP after the element name (e.g., at least one space). This permits element names to
be formed from a mixture of alpha and numeric characters.
The separator between parameters is usually a SEP. This format permits omission of parameters. (Two consecutive
COMMAS indicate an omitted parameter.)
Since the enclosing APOSTROPHE or DOUBLE QUOTE character sufficiently delineates string parameters, and the
statement delimiter SLASH also sets off the data on either side of it, the separators between these characters and adja-
cent parameters or element names are optional (OPTSEP).
SEPCHAR characters are not permitted within a name (element or enumerated type), or within the representation of a
numeric parameter. Any place where a SEPCHAR is permitted (other than inside a string parameter), an arbitrary
number of SEPCHARs may be used.
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OISOLIEC ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E)
Archive file format
Clear-text encoding format Comments in the archive file
Comments may be included in a clear-text archive file to enhance its readability and usefulness. Some uses of com-
“notes to one ’s self’ made while reading an
ments might be to document hand-edited changes to the archive file, or as
archive file. To include other forms of nongraphical information in an archive file, it is suggested that the EXTERNAL
element be used.
Comments are encoded as a series of printing characters and s surrounded by ‘I%” (PERCENT SIGN)
characters. The text of the comment may not include this comment delimiter character.
Comments may be included any place that a separator may be used, and are equivalent to a ; they may be
replaced by a SPACE character in parsing, without affecting the meaning of the archive file.
4.2.4 Encoding of parameter types Integer-bound types
Integers, integer coordinates and indices are all bound to signed integers, indicated in the encoding as I.
. .-
. .- I
: := 0 +
. .-
. .- I
. .-
. .- 0111213141516171819
: := csign>o +
. .-
. .- 213141516171819110111112113114115116
::= I A I B I C I D I E I F I a I b I c I d I e I f
The null characters are permitted within numbers, but are not shown in the productions for simplicity.
If the sign appears, it immediately precedes the number
A decimal integer has an optional sign and at least one digit.
with no intervening SPACE (or other ) characters allowed.
A based integer has an optional sign, a base (an unsigned integer in the range 2. 16 inclusive, represented in base lo), a
If the sign appears, it immediately precedes the number with no inter-
“#“’ and a string of one or more extended digits.
The extended digits used shall be valid for the base named
vening SPACE (or other ) characters allowed.
“9 ”, etc. are not valid, for base 2 only the digits “0”
or the archive file is not conforming; e.g., for base 8 the digits “S ”,
and “1” are valid, and so forth. Case is not significant for the extended digits.
If the sign is omitted for either form, the number is considered non-negative.
Both the base and the + are interpreted as unsigned numbers, and the final result negated if a MINUS
SIGN preceded the number. No assumptions should be made as to the word size of the archive file retrieval process, or
whether the underlying arithmetic is one ’s complement, two ’s complement, or sign-magnitude. For example, -1 would
be encoded in hexadecimal as - 16#1, -16#0001, etc. rather than 16#FFFF. Of course, archive files may be created util-
izing prior knowledge of the intended target machine, but any such assumptions will limit the portability of archive files
and are discouraged.
llG211, l ’G311, “GS”, “AI”, llpItl, “EI”,
“FN” and “WI” are represented by integers
The PHIGS functional data types “C ”,
in this encoding.
Some examples are:
0,007, -5, +I 23 456
The following are equivalent:
65535, 16#FFFF, 16#ffff, 8#177777,2#1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 1111
The following are equivalent:
-32 768, - 16#8000, -8#100000, -2#10000000 - 00000000
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ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E) OISO/IEC
Archive file format Clear-text encoding format
Interpretation of numerically bound parameters will be “free field ”, that is, there is an implied radix point to the right of
the rightmost digit, and neither leading nor trailing spaces are significant. Leading zeroes are not significant. Real-bound types
Reals and real coordinates are bound to real numbers, indicated in the encoding as R. These are written as either
explicit-point or scaled-real numbers (or decimal integers, where appropriate).
. .-
. .- I I
::= 0
< + * >
< * + >
::= < E I e >
- -
. .-
. .- I
. .-
. .-
The interpretation of the scaled real number is the same as standard scientific notation (similar to FORTRAN “E” for-
- -
mat), where the number represented by is multiplied by 10 taken to the power .
There shall be at least one digit in an explicit point number and in the body of a scaled real number, which in the case
- - - -
of a single-digit number may appear on either side of the radix point. It is recommended but not required that there be at
least one digit before the radix point, for numbers with only a fractional part. Zero may be encoded as “O. “, “.O ”, “O.O ”,
“O ”, etc, although the second form is not recommended.
In the case of a scaled real number number (one where an “E” or “e” appears), at least one digit shall appear in the
- -
. No SPACE or other characters shall be included between the and the “E” or “e ”, or
between the “E” or “e” and the .
The interpretation of parameters bound to this data type will be “free field ”, that is, if there is an explicit radix point, it
sets the radix point of the internal representation, and neither leading nor trailing spaces or zeroes are significant. If the
radix point is omitted, it is implied to be at the right of the rightmost digit of the explicit-point-number or of the
of the scaled-real-number. Thus, decimal I-format numbers may appear in a conforming archive file for
parameters bound to real numbers when there is no fractional part.
For real numbers in all formats, the only base of representation that shall be utilized is base 10.
If the ( ‘I+” or “- “) is omitted, the number is assumed to be non-negative. If the sign is present, it immediately
precedes the body of the number, with no SPACE (or other ) characters allowed between it and the left-
most digit or radix point of the body of the number.
COMMA, SPACE and other characters are not allowed within a number, but characters
may be included (and have no effect on parsing).
-.04321 (not recommended form)
-0.043 21
42E2 -
$532 1.46
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OISO/IEC ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E)
Clear-text encoding format Archive file format String-bound types
String parameters are represented as character strings immediately surrounded by a matched pair of either APOS-
If an APOSTROPHE is needed in a string delimited with APOSTROPHE characters, it is represented by two adjacent
APOSTROPHE characters at that position in the string. Likewise, if a DOUBLE QUOTE character is needed in a
string delimited with DOUBLE QUOTE characters, it is represented by two adjacent DOUBLE QUOTE characters.
For example, the following are equivalent:
““If it can go wrong, it will. “““;
“Murphy ’s Law:
‘Murphy ’? Law: “If it can go wrong, it will. “‘;
DATA RECORD (D) data type is represented as a string in this encoding.
STRING parameters are indicated in the encoding as S. Enumerated types
Enumerated types are bound to names, just as element names are. Where an implementation wishes to support private
these shall be encoded as the letters “PRIV” followed by a string of
enumerated type values,
null-character>*. Derived types
In addition to the I, R, and S parameter formats, the following abbreviations are used as shorthand for the productions
. .-
. .-
. .-
. .-
. .-
I <(> <)>
(Each COLRVLIST contains control points along the u dimension.)
{Each COLRVLIST contains control points along the u dimension.}
. .-
COLRV . .-
- -
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ISO/IEC 9592-3: 1997(E) OISO/IEC
Archive file format
Clear-text encoding format
. .-
. .-
COLRVLIST . .- <(> cCOLRV,.,COLRV>o <)>
. .-
COLRVLISTH .- <(> o <)>
. .-
COLRVLISTS . .- <(> o <)>
. .-
COLRVLISTSH . .- <(> o <)>
. .-
. .-
CONDMASK . .- 2 # (32)
. .-
CONDTEST . .- <(> <)>
. .-
CONDTSTLST .- <(> o <)>
. .-
COORD . .- I { coordinate data }
. .-
COORDLIST . .- <(>
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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