Thermal performance in the built environment — Determination of air permeance of building materials

ISO 14857:2014 specifies the equipment and procedures to determine the air permeance of building materials at various pressure differentials and then assigning an air permeance rate at a reference pressure differential rate (ΔP) of 75 Pa. This method is intended for testing materials independent of a substrate using a 1 m × 1 m specimen size. The results of this test method can be used to determine whether a material qualifies to function as an air barrier material.

Performance thermique en environnement bâti — Détermination de la perméance à l'air des matériaux de construction

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ISO 14857:2014 - Thermal performance in the built environment -- Determination of air permeance of building materials
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First edition
Thermal performance in the built
environment — Determination of air
permeance of building materials
Performance thermique en environnement bâti — Détermination de
la perméance à l’air des matériaux de construction
Reference number
ISO 2014
© ISO 2014
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Sampling and conformity control . 1
5 Test specimens. 1
5.1 Number . 1
5.2 Dimensions . 1
5.3 Preparation . 2
5.4 Conditioning . 2
6 Principle . 2
7 Apparatus . 2
8 Procedures . 3
8.1 Specimen installation . 3
8.2 Test procedure . 4
9 Calculation and expression of results . 6
9.1 Standard temperature and pressure . 6
10 Precision . 6
11 Test report . 7
Annex A (normative) Procedure for estimating errors in derived quantities .13
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iv © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

This International Standard contains the requirements for testing various building materials to
determine their suitability to be used as an air barrier material.
Thermal performance in the built environment —
Determination of air permeance of building materials
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the equipment and procedures to determine the air permeance
of building materials at various pressure differentials and then assigning an air permeance rate at a
reference pressure differential rate (ΔP) of 75 Pa.
This method is intended for testing materials independent of a substrate using a 1 m × 1 m specimen
size. The results of this test method can be used to determine whether a material qualifies to function
as an air barrier material.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 7345, Thermal insulation — Physical quantities and definitions
ISO 9229, Thermal insulation — Vocabulary
ISO 12576-1, Thermal insulation — Insulating materials and products for buildings — Conformity control
systems — Part 1: Factory-made products
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 7345 and ISO 9229 and the
following apply.
air permeance
rate of air flow (L/s), per unit area (m ) and per unit static pressure differential (Pa)
4 Sampling and conformity control
The procedures described in ISO 12576-1 shall be applied for the purposes of sampling and conformity
5 Test specimens
5.1 Number
The number of test specimens shall be five.
5.2 Dimensions
The test specimens shall be 1,2 m × 1,2 m. Where the manufactured product is less than 1,2 wide, the
length shall be increased to provide the same area.
5.3 Preparation
From the sample obtained in accordance with Clause 4, cut the material to 1,2 m × 1,2 m. For fluid-applied
products, the material shall be installed on a release material or a substrate and then the materials shall
be removed from the release material or substrate after curing.
5.4 Conditioning
The test specimens shall be conditioned for seven days at
(23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 10) % relative humidity
(23 ± 5) °C and % relative humidity
(27 ± 5) °C and % relative humidity
unless other conditions are given in the relevant material standard.
6 Principle
A test specimen is subjected to various air pressure differentials and the air permeance is measured.
7 Apparatus
The schematic of the apparatus is shown in Figure 1.
7.1 Test chamber, shall be constructed with a 1 m × 1 m test opening in the top and which will accept
a 1,2 m × 1,2 m specimen.
In some cases, the size could be modified for materials which are manufactured with a width less than
1,2 m. In all cases, the test opening shall be 1 m . The depth of the test chamber shall be 400 mm. A
compression frame 0,1 m wide shall be installed around the outside of the test chamber at the top of
the test chamber. The compression frame shall be stiff and fastened solidly to the test chamber to limit
defection. Observation panels shall be installed on two sides of the test frame to allow observation of the
material installed in the test chamber.
The test chamber shall be sealed with two parallel strips of medium-density gasket material at all
sealing points of the test chamber so that the extraneous air leakage shall not be measurable at 700 Pa.
A second compression frame the same size and shape of the compression frame on the test chamber
shall be constructed and the corners sealed.
−7 3
7.2 Air flow measuring devices, shall be used which can measure of 1 × 10 m /s (0,000 1 L/s) up to
−2 3
1 × 10 m /s (1,0 L/s) with an accuracy of ±3 %.
7.3 Static pressure differential measuring devices, shall be used which can measure up to 500 Pa
with an accuracy of ±0,5 %.
7.4 Laboratory barometric pressure measuring device, shall be used which can measure pressure
with ±3 % of the reading.
2 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

7.5 Piping, shall be used to connect the test chamber to the variable pressure differential equipment.
The piping shall be airtight. The pipe connection to the test chamber shall contain an air filter so that the
air flow measuring device shall not be affected by dust or suspended particulates. The piping shall be
designed so that the flow regime upstream and downstream of the air flow measuring device shall not
affect the device’s accuracy. The piping shall contain a flow control device to regulate the static pressure
across the test specimen within ±0,5 % of the pressure reading. The piping shall contain a temperature
measuring device with an accuracy of ±0,5 °C, to measure the temperature of the air flowing in the
7.6 Variable pressure differential equipment, shall be an equipment with a variable control to
produce a static pressure across the test specimen within ±0,5 % of the pressure reading.
The equipment shall be able to produce both positive and negative pressures.
7.7 Pressure limit device, shall be installed to control over-pressure and shall be set at 1 000 Pa.
7.6 Self-adhesive gasket material, strips of self-adhesive gasket material shall be installed on both
compression frames (one constructed as part of the test chamber and the second on used to hold the
specimen in place) and the corners shall be glued or fused.
7.7 Air impermeable material, non-permeable flexible material (such as 0,15-mm thick polyethylene
film) is used to wrap the specimen to determine the air leakage of the test apparatus before conducting
the air permeance test of the material.
7.8 Clamping devices, twelve clamping devices (such as C-clamps) used to clamp the two compression
frames together after the specimen has been installed in the test chamber.
8 Procedures
8.1 Specimen installation
Cut the air impermeable material to 1,4 m × 1,4 m.
8.1.1 Self-supporting materials
Remove the protective paper from one side of the self-adhered, medium-density gasket strip and install
onto the edges of the test specimen in a manner that the area inside the strips is 1 m × 1 m. Fuse or glue
the corners. Install a second strip of medium-density gasket material outside the first strip and fuse or
glue the corners.
Remove the protective paper on the top side of the self-adhered gasket material and install the test
specimen with the gasket material side down onto the centre of a piece of flexible air impermeable
material. Ensure that the gasket strip is adhered to the flexible air impermeable material.
On the top side of the specimen, remove the protective paper from self-adhered gasket material and

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