Microscopes — Marking of objectives and eyepieces

ISO 8578:2012 specifies the format for the marking of data or symbols for optical characteristics on microscope objectives and eyepieces and the positioning of the data. It makes recommendations for the marking of additional information, particularly colour coding of rings designating the magnification of objectives and the immersion media with which they are used.

Microscopes — Marquage des objectifs et des oculaires

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ISO 8578:2012 - Microscopes -- Marking of objectives and eyepieces
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Second edition
Microscopes — Marking of objectives
and eyepieces
Microscopes — Marquage des objectifs et des oculaires
Reference number
ISO 2012
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
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ISO 8578 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 172, Optics and photonics, Subcommittee SC 5,
Microscopes and endoscopes.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8578:1997) which has been technically revised.
It also incorporates the Technical Corrigendum ISO 8578:1997/Cor. 1:2002.
This International Standard has been prepared in order to define clearly the data relating to optical characteristics
with which microscope objectives and eyepieces have to be marked and the positioning of such marking on the
component to enable correct use of the microscope. In addition to data which have been marked, recommendations
for the marking of additional information relating to several other optical characteristics are given.
iv © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved

Microscopes — Marking of objectives and eyepieces
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the format for the marking of data or symbols for optical characteristics
on microscope objectives and eyepieces and the positioning of the data. It makes recommendations for the
marking of additional information, particularly colour coding of rings designating the magnification of objectives
and the immersion media with which they are used.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.
ISO 8036, Optics and photonics — Microscopes — Immersion liquids for light microscopy
ISO 19012-1, Microscopes — Designation of microscope objectives — Part 1: Flatness of field/Plan
ISO 19012-2, Optics and photonics — Designation of microscope objectives — Part 2: Chromatic correction
3 Objectives
3.1 Mandatory markings on objectives
The markings on objectives shall be as given in Table 1.
Tube length and cover glass thickness shall be marked in this sequence and shall be separated by oblique
strokes and be in one line, e.g. ∞/0.17, 160/-, ∞/0. This marking shall be in a smaller font than markings
according to Table 3. The objective field number (OFN) shall be marked according to the following example:
3.2 Recommended additional markings on objectives
The marking of additional data is optional. If features as listed in Table 2 are marked, they shall be marked as
given in Table 2.
3.3 Recommendation for arrangement of the marking
It is recommended that the markings in Table 3, column A should be placed above or before the markings of
column B, which in turn should be placed above or before those of column C.
4 Eyepieces
4.1 Mandatory markings on eyepieces
The markings on eyepieces shall be as specified in Table 4.
4.2 Recommended additional markings on eyepieces
The marking of additional data is optional. If features as listed in Table 5 are marked, they shall be marked as
given in Table 5.
Table 1 — Mandatory markings on objectives
Optical Example of
Feature to be marked Remarks
property marking
Magnification Lateral magnification of 100 Magnification and numerical aperture shall be
objectives for a finite image separated by an oblique stroke, e.g. 100/1.30.
Lateral magnification of 1

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