Imaging materials — Photo books — Test methods for permanence and durability

This document specifies test methods to assess the permanence and durability of photo books, including cover and pages. This document is applicable to photo books which contain reflection colour prints made with colour hardcopy materials of all types, including those from either traditional analogue printing or modern digital printing processes. The same performance test methods apply, regardless of the printing process. Because of the large number of combinations of sizes, cover materials, binding options and printing processes, testing of all possible combinations is not within the scope of this document. Instead, a representative selection of printed pages, cover materials and binding options that are used in the makeup of the photo book are tested.

Matériaux pour l’image — Albums photos — Méthodes d’essai de permanence et de durabilité

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ISO 18948:2025 - Imaging materials — Photo books — Test methods for permanence and durability Released:26. 02. 2025
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO 18948
Second edition
Imaging materials — Photo books
— Test methods for permanence
and durability
Matériaux pour l’image — Albums photos — Méthodes d’essai de
permanence et de durabilité
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
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ISO copyright office
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CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Image permanence tests for covers and pages . 4
4.1 General .4
4.2 Sample preparation .4
4.3 Thermal stability during long-term dark storage .5
4.3.1 General .5
4.3.2 Procedures .5
4.3.3 Reporting .5
4.4 Light stability .5
4.4.1 General .5
4.4.2 Covers .6
4.4.3 Pages .6
4.4.4 Reporting .6
4.5 Ozone stability .6
4.5.1 General .6
4.5.2 Covers .6
4.5.3 Pages .7
4.5.4 Reporting .7
4.6 Humidity stability . .7
4.6.1 General .7
4.6.2 Covers and pages .7
4.6.3 Reporting .7
5 Book integrity tests . 7
5.1 General .7
5.2 Ageing conditions .8
5.3 Page pull test .8
5.3.1 General .8
5.3.2 Test procedure.9
5.3.3 Alternate test procedure .9
5.3.4 Calculation of the binding strength .9
5.4 Peeling and lamination durability . .10
5.4.1 General .10
5.4.2 Resistance to delamination .10
5.4.3 Assessment of age related lamination and binding strength .10
5.4.4 Peeling resistance and lamination bond strength for protective laminate .11
5.4.5 Internal bond strength for glued single side sheets .11
5.4.6 Test sample preparation, results assessment and reporting.11
5.5 Book block attachment to the cover (heat durability) . 12
5.5.1 General . 12
5.5.2 Book binding strength (heat durability) . 12
5.5.3 Opening and closing durability . 12
6 Book blocking .13
6.1 General . 13
6.2 Test conditions . 13
6.3 Test target design .14
6.4 Conditioning of test specimen . 15
6.5 Test methods . 15
6.5.1 General . 15
6.5.2 Equipment and calibration .16

6.5.3 Test environment control .16
6.5.4 Long term storage (hot/dry) test .17
6.5.5 Long term storage (warm/humid) test .17
6.5.6 Short term transport test .17
6.6 Evaluation .17
6.6.1 General considerations .17
6.6.2 Reporting .17
6.6.3 Additional evaluations .18
7 Deformation caused by humidity . .18
7.1 Page deformation of a photo book (waviness) .18
7.1.1 General .18
7.1.2 Procedure .18
7.1.3 Reporting .19
7.2 Cover deformation of a photo book (warp) . 20
7.2.1 General . 20
7.2.2 Procedure .

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