Hydraulic turbines - Testing of governing systems

IEC 60308:2024 deals with the definition and the characteristics of control systems. It is not limited to the actual controller tasks but also includes other tasks which may be assigned to a control system, such as sequence control tasks, safety and provision for the actuating energy. The following systems are included, speed, power, opening, water level and flow control for all turbine types; electronic, electrical and fluid power devices; safety devices as well as start-up and shutdown devices. The significant technical changes introduced by the third edition are the adoption of parts of IEC 61362:2024 which deal with test matters and the introduction of new technical aspects.

Turbines hydrauliques - Essais des systèmes de régulation

IEC 60308:2024 traite de la définition et des caractéristiques des systèmes de régulation. Elle n'est pas limitée aux tâches effectives de régulation, mais inclut également d'autres tâches qui peuvent être assignées à un système de régulation, telles que les tâches de commande séquentielle, de sécurité, d'alimentation en énergie de manœuvre. La présente norme couvre les systèmes suivants : régulation de vitesse, puissance, ouverture, niveau d'eau et débit de tous types de turbines; dispositifs électroniques, électriques et d'alimentation en fluide; dispositifs de sécurité; dispositifs de démarrage, et dispositifs d'arrêt. Les changements significatifs introduits dans l’édition 3 sont l’adoption de parties de IEC 61362:2024 concernant les aspects de test et l’introduction plus générale de nouveaux aspects techniques.

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IEC 60308:2024 - Hydraulic turbines - Testing of governing systems Released:23. 09. 2024 Isbn:9782832294901
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IEC 60308 ®
Edition 3.0 2024-09
Hydraulic turbines – Testing of governing systems

Turbines hydrauliques – Essais des systèmes de régulation

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IEC 60308 ®
Edition 3.0 2024-09
Hydraulic turbines – Testing of governing systems

Turbines hydrauliques – Essais des systèmes de régulation

ICS 27.140  ISBN 978-2-8322-9490-1

– 2 – IEC 60308:2024 © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 Recommendations on tests . 9
4.1 General . 9
4.2 Recommendations on workshop tests . 9
4.3 Recommendations on field tests . 9
4.3.1 New governing systems . 9
4.3.2 Existing governing systems . 10
5 Governing system tests . 11
5.1 Test conditions to be fulfilled . 11
5.1.1 General . 11
5.1.2 Turbine operation conditions . 11
5.1.3 Hydraulic pressure unit condition . 11
5.1.4 Deviation of values from specified operating conditions . 11
5.1.5 Provisions for instruments . 12
5.1.6 Calibration of instruments . 12
5.2 Electrical checks . 12
5.2.1 General . 12
5.2.2 Selection of test location. 13
5.2.3 Power supply . 13
5.2.4 Overvoltage protection and suppression of interference voltage . 13
5.3 Test of the process interface system . 13
5.4 Test of converters, amplifiers and actuators . 14
5.4.1 Electrohydraulic and electromechanical converters . 14
5.4.2 Servomotors . 18
5.4.3 Dead time, insensitivity . 19
5.4.4 Provision of actuating energy . 19
5.4.5 Oil leakage . 20
5.4.6 Test of the positioning loop . 20
5.5 Tests of governor characteristics . 21
5.5.1 General . 21
5.5.2 Test of the governing system . 21
5.5.3 Determination of governing system’s parameters . 21
5.5.4 Test of main control loops . 23
5.5.5 Considerations for island grid field tests . 25
5.6 Servomotor pressure indication test . 28
5.7 Safety tests . 28
5.7.1 General . 28
5.7.2 Test strategy . 28
5.7.3 Test plan . 29
6 Inaccuracies in tests of governing systems . 29
7 Simulation of governing and control operations. 32
8 Organizational aspects of test management . 32

Annex A (informative) Test procedures . 34
A.1 Insensitivity test procedure . 34
A.2 Dead time test procedure . 34
A.3 Test procedure for the servomotor pressure indication . 35
A.4 Procedure for the measurement of the pressure and flow characteristics of
control valves . 35
Annex B (informative) Recommendation for testing of turbine governing systems . 37
Annex C (informative) Field test of governing systems . 41
C.1 General . 41
C.2 Data on operating conditions . 41
C.3 Pre-start tests prior to filling waterways . 41
C.4 Test after filling waterways. 42
C.5 Initial run . 42
C.6 No-load tests . 42
C.7 Load and load rejection tests . 43
C.8 Measurement and recordings . 43
Annex D (informative) Governing system test examples . 44
D.1 General . 44
D.2 Insensitivity test under speed control with X-Y recording (example referring
to and Clause A.1 b)) . 44
D.3 Insensitivity test under opening control with frequency-opening-droop and
time characteristics (example referring to and Clause A.1 a) . 46
D.4 Insensitivity test under power control with time characteristics (example
referring to and Clause A.1 a) . 48
D.5 Synchronism test of two controlled quantities with X-Y recording (example
referring to . 50
D.6 Measurement of a unit step response with PID speed controller (example
referring and . 51
D.7 Measurement of a unit step response with speed control for determination of
PID controller parameters (example referring to; . 53
D.8 Measurement of a unit step response with speed control for determination of
PID controller parameters (example referring to; 5.5.5) . 55
D.9 Measurement of a unit step re

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