Intelligent transport systems - EU-ICIP - ITS standards deliverables (2022)

This document provides a Guide to Intelligent transport system standards deliverables from CEN and ISO, and other associated deliverables from other SDOs, together with hotlinks to their source, and to other relevant and related information and Regulations.

Intelligente Verkehrssysteme - EU-ICIP - ITS-Standards (2022)

Systèmes de transport intelligents - EU-ICIP - Livrables des normes ITS (2022)

Inteligentni transportni sistemi - EU-ICIP - Standardi ITS (2022)

EU-ICIP bo urbanim upravnim organom, cestnim organom in državam članicam EU pojasnil in jim pomagal razumeti splet standardov, potrebnih za doseganje njihovih ciljev za urbane – inteligentne transportne sisteme in ITS na splošno, ter zagotovil smernice za prehod od abstraktnih
arhitekturnih konceptov k njihovi učinkoviti vzpostavitvi. EU-ICIP bo podpiral družino odprtih (obstoječih) standardov, ki se navezujejo na skupne komunikacijske protokole in protokole CITS ter sorodne definicije podatkov, ki v kombinacijah omogočajo delovanje in upravljanje urbanih ITS/ITS, in se bodo sklicevali na standarde aplikacij, kjer je to primerno/na voljo. EU-ICIP bo agencijam, ki izvajajo in upravljajo urbane ITS/ITS, zagotavljal smernice, informacije in skladnost delovanja. EU-ICIP bo pomagal pri medagencijskem usklajevanju in omogočil kombiniranje opreme različnih vrst ter različnih proizvajalcev znotraj istih komunikacijskih sistemov; morebitne uporabnike bo obveščal o težavah z združljivostjo in nezdružljivostjo različnih možnosti ter zagotavljal priložnosti za usposabljanje in smernice univerzam za pomoč pri programih usposabljanja za strokovnjake ITS. Zahtevano delo je predlagano v dveh delih: a) identifikacija in opis standardiziranih protokolov ITS in standardov, potrebnih za podporo ITS,
s pripravo »Vodnika«, ki pojasnjuje, kako je mogoče s kombinacijami/gručami doseči vidike urbanega ITS.
Tako EU-ICIP povzema ključne zahteve na posameznih delovnih področjih in zagotavlja neposredno sklicevanje na/in povzetke dobav standardov, ki so na voljo na posameznem delovnem področju.

General Information

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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 17868:2022 - BARVE
English language
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Standards Content (Sample)

Inteligentni transportni sistemi - EU-ICIP - Standardi ITS (2022)
Intelligent transport systems - EU-ICIP - ITS standards deliverables (2022)
Intelligente Verkehrssysteme - EU-ICIP - ITS-Standards (2022)
Systèmes de transport intelligents - EU-ICIP - Livrables des normes ITS (2022)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 17868:2022
35.240.60 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in transport
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 17868
August 2022
ICS 35.240.60
English Version
Intelligent transport systems - EU-ICIP - ITS standards
deliverables (2022)
Systèmes de transport intelligents - EU-ICIP - Livrables Intelligente Verkehrssysteme - EU-ICIP - ITS-Standards
des normes ITS (2022) (2022)
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 24 July 2022. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 278.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 17868:2022 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 31
Introduction . 32
1 Scope . 33
2 References . 33
3 Terms and definitions . 33
4 Abbreviations and acronyms . 33
5 About ITS . 45
6 About EU-ICIP . 46
6.0 Background . 46
6.1 Context . 46
6.2 Understanding EU-ICIP . 47
6.3 EU-ICIP and the US NTCIP . 48
6.4 Designing ITS systems . 49
6.5 How to Use EU-ICIP (generic) . 49
6.5.1 First identify your ITS Subject area and define its scope clearly . 49
6.5.2 Stakeholder and sponsor identification and analysis . 50
6.5.3 Identify and resource the project team . 50
6.5.4 Identify and characterise your project plan . 51
6.5.5 Create a work content analysis / project schedule . 51
6.5.6 Review . 51
6.5.7 Keeping track . 51
6.5.8 Review the critical path . 51
6.6 Procurement for ITS projects . 52
6.6.1 General procurement principles . 52
6.6.2 Situations to avoid in ITS project procurement . 52
6.7 Implementing ITS systems . 53
6.8 Strategic level aspects . 53
6.8.1 Strategic level aspects of ITS Systems. 53
6.8.2 Relative impact of ITS Projects . 58
6.9 Information level aspects . 58
6.10 Application level aspects . 59
6.11 Communications aspects . 60
6.12 Testing . 60
6.13 EU-ICIP Maintenance . 61
6.14 EU-ICIP : About The Team . 62
7 ITS Architecture . 64
7.0 Introduction and scope . 64
7.1 Actors in ITS Architecture . 64
7.1.1 Architectures for ITS systems . 64
7.1.2 Use of architecture models . 64
7.1.3 More than one architecture for the same system . 65
7.1.4 Views of an ITS system and related architectures . 66
7.1.5 General frameworks . 67
7.1.6 An architecture for each view? . 69
7.2 ITS architecture tools . 69
7.2.1 Introduction . 69
7.3 Viewpoint specific architecture standards . 74
7.3.1 Information structures and data architectures . 74
7.4 Roles and responsibilities in ITS systems . 75
7.4.1 Context . 75
7.5 ITS Services architecture . 76
7.5.1 Context . 76
7.6 Design and implementation architectures . 77
7.6.1 Context . 77
7.7 The ITS architecture standards . 78
7.8 Cyber security . 79
7.9 Identification . 79
7.9.1 Architectural frameworks . 79
7.9.2 System specifications (EN ISO 14815). 80
7.9.3 Numbering and data structure (EN ISO 14816) . 80
7.9.4 Numbering and data structures for intermodal goods transport (EN ISO
17262) . 80
7.9.5 System parameters for intermodal goods transport (EN ISO 17263) . 80
7.9.6 Automatic vehicle and equipment identification — Interfaces EN ISO 17264 80
8 ITS Communications . 81
8.0 General considerations on communications for EU-ICIP compliant systems . 81
8.0.1 Introduction . 81
8.0.2 General guidelines . 82
8.0.3 Communication profiles and station architectures. 82
8.0.4 Basic principles of communications . 83
8.0.5 Communication needs of ITS applications . 84
8.0.6 Geo-fencing . 85
8.0.7 Cyber security . 86
8.0.8 Facilities . 86
8.0.9 Service initiation: pre-defined or negotiated communications . 87
8.0.10 Hybrid communications . 88
8.0.11 Station management of communications . 88
8.1 Legacy communication technologies . 91
8.1.1 General . 91
8.1.2 IP suites of protocols . 91
8.1.3 Cellular technologies (WANs) . 92
8.1.4 Identified communication profiles . 97
Table 8.1 - Communication protocols . 97
Table 8.2 - Communication protocol stacks . 99
Table 8.3 - Communication profiles . 100
Table 8.4 - Further communication protocols . 100
Table 8.5 - Further communication protocol stacks . 101
Table 8.6 - Further communication profiles . 101
8.2 Communications for EU-ICIP use-case domains . 101
8.2.1 Introduction . 101
8.2.2 Automatic vehicle identification. 102
8.2.3 Cooperative connected and automated mobility & connected vehicles . 102
8.2.4 eSafety/ eCall . 102
8.2.5 Electronic fee collection / road tolling . 102
8.2.6 Freight and Fleet . 102
8.2.7 Kerbside/Automated Mobility . 102
8.2.8 Parking . 102
8.2.9 Public Transport . 102
8.2.10 Railway traffic information . 102
8.2.11 Recovery of stolen vehicles . 103
8.2.12 Road Traffic Data, Spatial Data/TN-ITS . 103
8.2.13 Traffic Control & Management . 103
8.2.14 Traffic and Traveller Information .

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