Standard Specification for Establishing Performance Ratings for Wood-Plastic Composite Deck Boards and Guardrail Systems (Guards or Handrails)

1.1 This specification covers the procedures to establish a performance rating for wood-plastic composite (WPC) deck boards. This specification also defines the procedures to establish a performance rating for WPC guards and handrails. The purpose of this specification is to establish the basis for code recognition of these products or systems in exterior applications where combustible construction is allowed (see X1.1).
1.2 Deck boards, guards, and handrails covered by this specification are permitted to be of any code compliant shape and thickness (solid or non-solid).
Note 1—While WPCs are produced in a broad range of ratios of fiber to resin it is recognized that the performance requirements in this specification are valid for any material or combination of materials used as deck boards, guards, or handrails. For products made primarily from resin, or for products that exhibit highly plastic properties (for example, more than 3 % strain without rupture in a standard flexural test under ambient conditions), users are directed to Specification D 6662 for additional guidance.
1.3 A deck board, and a deck board used as a stair tread, are assigned a span rating indicating its ability to comply with model code specified functions identified for its specific end use. A guard or handrail is recognized for its ability to meet minimum code requirements specified in the appropriate model building code.
1.4 Details of manufacturing processes may be proprietary and are beyond the scope of this specification.
1.5 UnitsThe values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units, which are provided for information only.
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use.

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ASTM D7032-04 - Standard Specification for Establishing Performance Ratings for Wood-Plastic Composite Deck Boards and Guardrail Systems (Guards or Handrails)
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: D 7032 – 04
Standard Specification for
Establishing Performance Ratings for Wood-Plastic
Composite Deck Boards and Guardrail Systems (Guards or
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7032; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 1.7 Table of Contents:
1.1 This specification covers the procedures to establish a
Scope 1
performance rating for wood-plastic composite (WPC) deck
Referenced Documents 2
boards. This specification also defines the procedures to
Terminology 3
General Requirements 4
establish a performance rating for WPC guards and handrails.
Sampling 4.1
The purpose of this specification is to establish the basis for
Sample Size 4.2
code recognition of these products or systems in exterior
Conditioning 4.3
Flexural Tests 4.4
applications where combustible construction is allowed (see
Ultraviolet (UV) Resistance Test 4.5
Freeze-Thaw Resistance Test 4.6
1.2 Deck boards, guards, and handrails covered by this Biodeterioration Tests 4.7
Fire Performance Tests 4.8
specification are permitted to be of any code compliant shape
Deck Board Performance Requirements 5
and thickness (solid or non-solid).
General 5.1
Flexural Performance Tests 5.2
NOTE 1—While WPCs are produced in a broad range of ratios of fiber
Determination of the Unadjusted Allowable Load 5.3
to resin it is recognized that the performance requirements in this
Deck Board End-Use Adjustments 5.4
specification are valid for any material or combination of materials used
Creep-Recovery Test 5.5
as deck boards, guards, or handrails. For products made primarily from Mechanical Fastener Holding Tests 5.6
Slip Resistance Test 5.7
resin, or for products that exhibit highly plastic properties (for example,
Guardrail (Guards and Handrail) Performance Requirements 6
more than 3% strain without rupture in a standard flexural test under
General 6.1
ambient conditions), users are directed to Specification D6662 for
Guardrail System Test Requirements 6.2
additional guidance.
One- and Two-Family Dwelling Requirements
Handrail System Test Requirements 6.3
1.3 Adeckboard,andadeckboardusedasastairtread,are
Report 7
assigned a span rating indicating its ability to comply with
Independent Inspection 8
Manufacturing Standard 9
model code specified functions identified for its specific end
Precision and Bias 10
use. A guard or handrail is recognized for its ability to meet
Keywords 11
Fire Propagation Test Methods Annex A1
Commentary Appendix X1
building code.
1.4 Details of manufacturing processes may be proprietary
2. Referenced Documents
and are beyond the scope of this specification.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
1.5 Units—The values stated in inch-pound units are to be
D9 Terminology Relating to Wood
regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are
D790 TestMethodsforFlexuralPropertiesofUnreinforced
mathematical conversions to SI units, which are provided for
information only.
D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
D1037 Test Methods for Evaluating Properties of Wood-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
base Fiber and Particle Panel Materials
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
D1413 Test Method for Wood Preservatives by Laboratory
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
Soil-Block Cultures
bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.
This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D07 on Wood
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Wood Products.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2004. Published October 2004.
the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D1554 Terminology Relating to Wood-Base Fiber and 3. Terminology
Particle Panel Materials
3.1 Definitions—Terminology used to describe WPCs are
D1761 Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood
defined in Terminologies D9, D883, D1554, and D4092,
D1929 TestMethodforDeterminingIgnitionTemperatures
Practice D1972, and Classification D4000.
of Plastics
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 center-pointload—aflexuretestwheretheloadcomes
D1972 Practice for Generic Marking of Plastic Products
incontactwiththetestspecimenatalocationthatis ⁄2thetest
D2017 Method of Accelerated Laboratory Test of Natural
Decay Resistance of Woods
3.2.2 guard—a building component or a system of building
D2047 Test Method for Static Coefficient of Friction of
components located at or near the open sides of elevated
Polish-Coated Flooring Surfaces as Measured by the
walking surfaces that minimizes the possibility of a fall from
James Machine
the walking surface to a lower level.
D2394 Methods for Simulated Service Testing of Wood
3.2.3 handrail—a rail intended for grasping by the hand for
and Wood-Base Finish Flooring
guidance or support.
D2565 Practice for Xenon Arc Exposure of Plastics In-
3.2.4 quarter-point loading—a flexure test where the load
tended for Outdoor Applications
comes in contact with the test specimen at two locations, each
D2915 Practice for Evaluating Allowable Properties for
of which is located at ⁄4 the span from the specimen load
Grades of Structural Lumber
D3345 Test Method for Laboratory Evaluation of Wood
and Other Cellulosic Materials for Resistance to Termites
the test specimen each located 6 in. in from the test specimen
D4000 Classification System for Specifying Plastic Mate-
load support. The distance between the two points of load
would be 12 in. (305 mm).
D4092 Terminology: Plastics: Dynamic Mechanical Prop-
3.2.5 span rating—An index number that identifies the test
span used in all structural load testing, which is the maximum
D4761 Test Methods for Mechanical Properties of Lumber
center-to-center support spacing for the specified end use, and
and Wood-Base Structural Material allowable design capacity, in pounds per square foot (lbf/
2 2
D 5764 Test Method for Evaluating Dowel-Bearing ft (kN/m )), determined in accordance with this specification.
For example, a deck span rating of ⁄100 recognizes the deck
Strength of Wood and Wood-Base Products
board for installation perpendicular to the floor joists spaced a
D6109 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unrein-
forced and Reinforced Plastic Lumber
load combinations required by the applicable code, which in
D6662 Specification for Polyolefin-Based Plastic Lumber
2 2
this case cannot exceed 100 lbf/ft (4.79 kN/m ).
Decking Boards
3.2.6 third-point loading—a flexure test where the load
E84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of
comes in contact with the test specimen at two locations, each
Building Materials
of which is located at ⁄3 the span from the specimen load
E108 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings
support. For example, third-point loading for a test specimen
E1354 Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release
Rates for Materials and Products Using an Oxygen Con-
the test specimen each located 8 in. in from the test specimen
sumption Calorimeter
load support. The distance between the two points of load
F1679 TestMethodforUsingaVariableIncidenceTribom-
would also be 8 in. (205 mm).
eter (VIT)
3.2.7 wood-plastic composite (WPC)—a composite made
G154 Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus
primarily from wood- or cellulose-based materials and plas-
for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials
2.2 Other References:
4. General Requirements
AWPAStandardE1 StandardMethodforLaboratoryEvalu-
ation for Determination of Resistance to Subterranean
4.1 Sampling—Samples for testing shall be representative
of the population being evaluated. Sampling shall be represen-
2003 International Building Code International Code Coun- tativeofthepossiblevariationsduetochangesinrawmaterials
cil, Inc. and process variables over time. It is essential to consider
batch-to-batch and shift-to-shift variability when sampling
2003 International Residential Code International Code
actual production. Test specimens shall be selected from
Council, Inc.
several production runs of a given item. Products shall be
sampled at the manufacturing site by an accredited third party
Available from American Wood-Preservers’ Association (AWPA), P.O. Box
center, shall be documented in the test report.
388, Selma, AL 36702-0388,
4.2 Sample Size—Selection of a sample size depends upon
Available from International Code Council (ICC), 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite
600, Falls Church, VA 22041. thepropertytobeestimated,theactualvariationintheproperty
occurring in the population, and the precision with which the surface expected to receive UV exposure in service shall be
property is to be estimated. The principles of Practice D2915 exposed to the UV light source. The flexure test shall be
shall be followed. The minimum sample size shall provide conducted with the exposed surface in tension. If more than
estimationofmeanvalueswithin5%inaccordancewith3.4.2 one component is being evaluated (for example, deck boards
of Practice D2915. and guard rail components) and all materials are manufactured
4.3 Conditioning—Prior to testing, all specimens shall be from the same materials, then UV testing of only one compo-
conditioned to environmental conditions appropriate for the nent is required.
intended end use of the product. Alternatively, test specimens 4.5.3 Criteria—The average change in properties between
shallbeconditionedforaminimumof40hat68 64°F(20 6
the exposed and unexposed specimens shall be calculated as a
2°C) and 50 6 5% RH. If data show that product properties percentage and reported. Condition of acceptance is the aver-
are not affected by extreme moisture conditions, such as
age flexural strength of exposed test specimens and shall be
submersion,thematerialshallbepermittedtobetestedwithout within 10% of the average flexural strength of unexposed
special conditioning. When the product is to be subjected to a
specimens. For deck boards, if the decrease exceeds 10%, the
water soak environment, the test specimens shall be tested deckboardspan(orloadrating)shallbereducedbytheamount
within 30 min upon removal from the treatment. in excess of 10%. For guards or handrails, if the decrease
4.4 Flexural Tests—Flexural strength and stiffness shall be
determined in accordance with principles of Test Method increased by the amount in excess of 10% (see X1.3).
4.6 Freeze-Thaw Resistance Test—To determine the me-
minimum anticipated structural size for the intended end use.
chanical property degrade after freeze-thaw exposure, a mini-
The test span shall be that for which code recognition is
mum of five (5) specimens shall be subjected to the following
desired.The specimens shall be loaded at a constant strain rate
exposure cycle. Whenever possible the test specimens shall be
of 1% per minute (610%). Average time to failure for each
prepared using the full cross section of the as-manufactured
test configuration shall be recorded. (see Commentary, X1.2).
product.Test specimens shall be submerged underwater (using
A constant strain rate of 1% per minute is achieved by using
weights to hold them down, if necessary) for a period of 24 h.
a constant rate of test machine crosshead motion, R, (inches/
The specimens shall then be placed in a freezer at −20°F
minute) computed in terms of the test span, L, and the member
(−29°C) for 24 h. After being subjected to freezing, the
depth, d, by the following equation:
2 24 h. This process comprises one hygrothermal cycle. The
R 50.00185 3 L / d (1)
above procedure shall be repeated two more times, for a total
NOTE 2—SomeWPCsexhibitexceptionallylargedeformationspriorto
of three cycles of water submersion, freezing, and thawing.
failure in bending. Users are cautioned to take particular care in test
4.6.1 Aminimumoffive(5)exposedandfive(5)unexposed
machine set-up to accommodate large deflections, both in terms of
specimens shall be tested in accordance with 4.4. If more than
deflection-measuring devices and support conditions.
one component is being evaluated (for example, deck boards
4.4.1 Flexural Strength—Modulus of rupture (MOR)or
and guard rail components) and all materials are manufactured
from the same materials, then freeze-thaw testing of only one
strength shall be calculated from the maximum load achieved
component is required.
or the load at 3% strain, whichever occurs first.
4.6.2 Criteria—The average change in properties between
4.4.2 Flexural Stiffness—Apparent modulus of elasticity
the exposed and unexposed specimens shall be calculated as a
(MOE)or EI shall be reported for each specimen. Flexural
percentage and reported. Condition of acceptance is the aver-
age flexural strength of exposed test specimens and shall be
stress-strain curve over the range of 10 to 40% of ultimate
within 10% of the average flexural strength of unexposed
specimens. For deck boards, if the decrease exceeds 10%, the
and handrail materials shall be determined in accordance with
4.4 and shall be used to establish a standard baseline perfor-
in excess of 10%. For guards or handrails, if the decrease
mance level for comparison with future production during the
required quality control audits.
increased by the amount in excess of 10% (see X1.3).
4.5 Ul

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