Standard Specification for Red Lead Pigment

1.1 This specification covers four grades of red pigment commercially known as red lead. The pigment may be purchased in the dry form or as a paste in oil.

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ASTM D83-84(2002) - Standard Specification for Red Lead Pigment
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: D 83 – 84 (Reapproved 2002)
Standard Specification for
Red Lead Pigment
ThisstandardisissuedunderthefixeddesignationD 83;thenumberimmediatelyfollowingthedesignationindicatestheyearoforiginal
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript
epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope 3.2 Paste in Oil—The paste shall be made by thoroughly
grinding the specified pigment with linseed oil (Note 1). The
1.1 This specification covers four grades of red pigment
paste as shipped by the seller, and for three months thereafter,
commercially known as red lead. The pigment may be pur-
shall not be caked in the container, and shall break up readily
chased in the dry form or as a paste in oil.
2. Referenced Documents shall conform to the following requirements:
Pigment, % 92 to 94
2.1 ASTM Standards:
Linseed oil, % 6.0 to 8.0
D 49 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Red Lead
Moisture and other volatile matter, max, % 0.5
D 185 Test Methods for Coarse Particles in Pigments,
Coarse particles and skins (total residue retained on 1.5
a No. 325 (45-µm) sieve), max, % of the dry pigment
Pastes, and Paints
D 1208 Test Methods for Common Properties of Certain
paint, brushed on a smooth, vertical iron surface, shall dry hard
and elastic without running, streaking, or sagging:
3. Composition and Properties
Red lead paste 20 lb (9.1 kg)
3.1 Dry Pigment—The pigment shall be made by roasting
Raw linseed oil 3 pt (1.4 L)
Turpentine 2 gills (0.24 L)
litharge or metallic lead, or compounds of lead that yield
Liquid drier 2 gills (0.24 L)
litharge by heating, and shall consist entirely of oxides of lead,
NOTE 1—The storage of paste red lead in places of high temperature
free of adulterants. The four grades of pigment shall conform
to the following requirements:
or harden. Purchasers are cautioned that 85 % grade red lead should not be
True red lead (Pb O ), min, %:
3 4
bought in paste form. The 95 % grade, if made into paste, should be used
85 % grade 85
within a short period of time after grinding. When pure red lead paste is
95 % grade 95
to be stored for a considerable period of time, the 97 % or 98 % grade of
97 % grade 97
98 % grade 98 red lead should be specified. Therefore the manufacturer shall identify the
Total impurities including moisture, water soluble 1.0
grade of red lead used in the paste and the date of manufacture.
matter, and matter insoluble in a mixture of
nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide, max, %
4. Sampling
Lead monoxide, PbO remainder
Coarse particles (total residue retained on a 45-µm 1.0
4.1 Two samples shall be taken at random from different
(No. 325) sieve), max, %

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