Standard Practice for Conversion Units and Factors Relating to Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheres

ASTM requires the use of SI units in all its publications and their use in reporting atmospheric measurement data. However, there are historic data and even data currently reported that are based on a variety of units of measurement. This practice tabulates factors that are necessary to convert such data to SI and other units of measurement.
does not list all the conversion factors commonly used in air pollution and meteorological fields. This practice supplements .  
The values reported here were obtained from a number of standard publications. They were adjusted to five figures and organized in a rational order. All values reflect the latest information from the 16th General Conference on Weights and Measurements held in 1979.
The factors in Table 1 are provided to change units of measurement from one system to related units in other systems, as well as to smaller or larger units in the same system.
Values of units in the left column may be converted to values of units in the right column merely by multiplying by the conversion factor provided in the center column.
1.1 This practice provides units and factors useful for members of the air pollution and meteorological communities.
1.2 This practice is used together with , which discusses SI units and contains selected conversion factors for inter-relation of SI units and some commonly used non-metric units.

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ASTM D1914-95(2010) - Standard Practice for Conversion Units and Factors Relating to Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheres
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: D1914 − 95(Reapproved 2010)
Standard Practice for
Conversion Units and Factors Relating to Sampling and
Analysis of Atmospheres
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1914; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System
1.1 This practice provides units and factors useful for
3. Significance and Use
members of the air pollution and meteorological communities.
3.1 ASTM requires the use of SI units in all its publications
1.2 This practice is used together with IEEE/ASTM SI-10,
and their use in reporting atmospheric measurement data.
which discusses SI units and contains selected conversion
However, there are historic data and even data currently
factors for inter-relation of SI units and some commonly used
reported that are based on a variety of units of measurement.
non-metric units.
This practice tabulates factors that are necessary to convert
such data to SI and other units of measurement.
2. Referenced Documents
3.2 IEEE/ASTM SI-10 does not list all the conversion
2.1 ASTM Standards:
factors commonly used in air pollution and meteorological
D1356 Terminology Relating to Sampling and Analysis of
fields. This practice supplements IEEE/ASTM SI-10.
E11 Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test
3.3 The values reported here were obtained from a number
IEEE/ASTM SI-10 Standard for Use of the International
organized in a rational order. All values reflect the latest
information from the 16th General Conference on Weights and
Measurements held in 1979.
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D22 on Air
Qualityand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D22.01 on Quality Control.
3.4 The factors in Table 1 are provided to change units of
Current edition approved April 1, 2010. Published June 2010. Originally
approved in 1961. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as D1914 - 95 (2004) .
as well as to smaller or larger units in the same system.
DOI: 10.1520/D1914-95R10.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
3.5 Values of units in the left column may be converted to
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
values of units in the right column merely by multiplying by
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. the conversion factor provided in the center column.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D1914 − 95 (2010)
TABLE 1 Conversion Units
Multiply By To Obtain
Degrees Fahrenheit (F) + 459.72 1 Degrees Fahrenheit Absolute or Rankine (R)
Degrees Fahrenheit (F) − 32 ⁄9 Degrees Celsius (C)
Degrees Celsius (C) + 273.15 1 Kelvins (K)
Degrees Celsius (C) + 17.78 1.8 Degrees Fahrenheit (F)
Degrees Rankine (R) − 459.72 1 Degrees Fahrenheit (F)
Kelvins (K) − 273.15 1 Degrees Celsius (C)
Dynes per square centimetre 1.4504 × 10 Pounds per square inch
10.197 × 10 Grams per square centimetre
1×10 Bars
0.1 Pascals
Pounds per square inch absolute (psia) 70.307 Grams per square centimetre absolute
51.715 Millimetres of mercury absolute
144 Pounds per square foot absolute
1 Pounds per square inch gage + 14.696
6894.8 Pascals
Pounds per square inch gage (psig) 70.307 Grams per square centimetre
51.715 Millimetres of mercury at 0°C
27.673 Inches of water at 4°C
1 Pounds per square inch absolute − 14.696
6894.8 Pascals
Inches of water (at 4°C) 0.03614 Pounds per square inch
0.07355 Inches of mercury
0.57818 Ounces per square inch
25.399 Kilograms per square metre
2490.8 Dynes per square centimetre
249.2 Pascals
Inches of mercury (at 0°C) 0.49116 Pounds per square inch
13.595 Inches of water at 4°C
345.31 Kilograms per square metre
3.3864 × 10 Dynes per square centimetre
3386.4 Pascals
Millimetres of mercury (at 0°C) 0.01934 Pounds per square inch
1.3595 Grams per square centimetre
1333.2 Dynes per square centimetre
133.32 Pascals
Centimetres of mercury (at 0°C) 1.3332 × 10 Dynes per square centimetre
135.95 Kilograms per square metre
27.845 Pounds per square foot
1333.2 Pascals
Atmosphere (normal) 760 Millimetres of mercury at 0°C
1.0133 Bars
14.696 Pounds per square inch
29.921 Inches of mercury at 0°C
1033.2 Grams per square centimetre
1.0133 × 10 Dynes per square centimetre
1.0132 × 10 Pascals
Bars 14.504 Pounds per square inch
1.0197 × 10 Kilograms per square metre
1.000 × 10 Dynes per square centimetre
750.06 Millimetres of mercury (0°C)
0.98692 Atmospheres
10 Pascals
Pascals 10 Dynes per square centimetre
1.4504 × 10 Pounds per square inch absolute
4.0128 × 10 Inches of water (at 4°C)
2.9530 × 10 Inches of mercury (at 0°C)
7.5007 × 10 Millimetre of mercury (at 0°C)
9.8692 × 10 Atmosphere (normal)
10 Bars
Grams per cubic centimetre 1 Grams per millilitre
0.03613 Pounds per cubic inch
8.3452 Pounds per gallon (U. S.)
62.428 Pounds per cubic foot
Pounds per cubic foot 0.01602 Grams per cubic centimetre
5.7870 × 10 Pounds per cubic inch
(See also Section 4.)
Gases in Gas:
Parts per million by volume (ppm(v)) 1 Micromoles of gas per mole of gas
1×10 Percent by volume
D1914 − 95 (2010)
TABLE 1 Continued
Multiply By To Obtain
Molecular weight/24 450 Milligrams of substance per litre of air (at 25°C and
101.3 kPa pressure)
1×10 Partial pressure of one constituent
Total pressure of mixture
Parts per billion by volume (ppb(v)) 1 × 10 Parts per million by volume
One percent by volume 10 000 Parts per million by volume
Milligrams per litre 1000 Milligrams per cubic metre
1×10 Micrograms per cubic metre
Milligrams per cubic metre 1 × 10 Milligrams per litre
Micrograms per cubic metre 1 × 10 Milligrams per litre
Liquid and Solid Particles in Gas:
Milligrams per litre 1 × 10 Milligrams per cubic metre
1×10 Micrograms per cubic metre
Milligrams per cubic metre 1 × 10 Milligrams per litre
Micrograms per cubic metre 1 × 10 Milligrams per litre
Ounces per thousand cubic feet 1.0012 Grams per cubic metre
Grains per cubic foot 2.2883 Grams per cubic metre
Particles per cubic centimetre 2.8317 × 10 Particles per cubic foot
1×10 Particles per cubic metre
Particles per cubic metre 1 × 10 Particles per cubic centimetre
0.02832 Particles per cubic foot
Millions of particles per cubic foot 35.314 Millions of particles per cubic metre
Gases, Liquids, and Solids in Liquids:
Gram molecular weight per litre 1 Moles per litre
Parts per million by weight 1 Milligrams per litre (where specific gravity of dispersion
medium is 1.00)
Angstrom units 1 × 10 Metres
3.9370 × 10 Inches
1×10 Micrometres
1×10 Centimetres
0.1 Nanometres
Nanometres 1 × 10 Metres
1×10 Centimetres
10 Angstrom units
Micrometres 3.9370 × 10 Inches
1×10 Metres
1×10 Centimetres
1×10 Angstrom units
Millimetres 0.03937 Inches (U. S.)
1000 Micrometres
Centimetres 0.39370 Inches (U. S.)
1×10 Micrometres
1×10 Nanometres
1×10 Angstrom units
Metres 6.2137 × 10 Miles (statute)
1.0936 Yards (U. S.)
39.370 Inches (U. S.)
1×10 Nanometres
1×10 Angstrom units

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