Standard Guide for Ethical Requirements for Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (PDD) Examiners

1.1 The purpose of this guide is to establish ethical requirements for all individuals engaged in forensic psychophysiological detection of deception (PDD).
1.2 All individuals engaged in the practice of conducting PDD examinations shall adhere to this guide.

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ASTM E2065-00 - Standard Guide for Ethical Requirements for Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (PDD) Examiners
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Designation: E 2065 – 00
Standard Guide for
Ethical Requirements for Psychophysiological Detection of
Deception (PDD) Examiners
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2065; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope their employee or associate, with the PDD examiner’s knowl-
edge, to engage in any type of advertising which would be
1.1 The purpose of this guide is to establish ethical require-
considered false, deceptive, or misleading.
ments for all individuals engaged in forensic psychophysi-
4.5 It shall be considered unethical for a PDD examiner to
ological detection of deception (PDD).
falsify or omit pertinent detail from any written report or
1.2 All individuals engaged in the practice of conducting
PDD examinations shall adhere to this guide.
4.6 It shall be considered unethical for a PDD examiner to
2. Referenced Documents
cause to alter any tracing(s) during a PDD examination to
influence the outcome of that examination.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
4.7 It shall be considered unethical for a PDD examiner to
E 1954 Practice for Conduct of Research in Psychophysi-
administer a PDD examination if it is determined that the
ological Detection of Deception (Polygraph)
examinee is not physically or mentally suitable for the exami-
E 2000 Guide for Minimum Basic Education and Training
of Individuals Involved in the Detection of Deception
4.8 It shall be considered unethical for a PDD examiner to
solicit or accept fees, gratuities, or gifts which are intended to
E 2035 Terminology Relating to Forensic Psychophysiol-
influence the examiner’s opinion.
4.8.1 Fees shall not be contingent on the results of the
3. Terminology
4.9 It shall be considered unethical for a PDD examiner to
3.1 For definitions of terms see Terminology E 2035.
form an opinion influenced by anything other than the PDD
4. Summary of Practice
4.9.1 No other credibility assessment method shall be in-
4.1 It shall be considered unethical for a PDD examiner to
cluded in the PDD report.
circumvent or attempt to circumvent, violate, or attempt to
4.10 It shall be considered unethical for a PDD examiner to
violate any of the following.
include in any examination questions that are intended to
4.1.1 (Standard #), and
inquire into or develop information on activities, affiliations, or
4.1.2 Any legislative act which regulates or governs the use
beliefs in religion, politics, or race, except where relevant.
of PDD.
4.2 When restricted, PDD examiners employed in public
5. Significance and Use
law enforcement shall not engage in private PDD testing for
5.1 The de

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