CEN/TC 194/SC 1/WG 8 - Test methods for certain epoxy derivatives
Test methods for determination of specific migration of BADGE and certain of its derivative, and BFDGE and certain of its derivatives, in foods and food simulants. Test method for determination of NOGE components with more than two aromatic rings and at least one epoxy group as well as their derivatives containing chlorahydrin functions and having molecular mass than 1,000 daltons in materials and articles.
Test methods for certain epoxy derivatives
Test methods for determination of specific migration of BADGE and certain of its derivative, and BFDGE and certain of its derivatives, in foods and food simulants. Test method for determination of NOGE components with more than two aromatic rings and at least one epoxy group as well as their derivatives containing chlorahydrin functions and having molecular mass than 1,000 daltons in materials and articles.