Software and systems engineering — Software testing — Part 11: Guidelines on the testing of AI-based systems

This document provides an introduction to AI-based systems. These systems are typically complex (e.g. deep neural nets), are sometimes based on big data, can be poorly specified and can be non-deterministic, which creates new challenges and opportunities for testing them. This document explains those characteristics which are specific to AI-based systems and explains the corresponding difficulties of specifying the acceptance criteria for such systems. This document presents the challenges of testing AI-based systems, the main challenge being the test oracle problem, whereby testers find it difficult to determine expected results for testing and therefore whether tests have passed or failed. It covers testing of these systems across the life cycle and gives guidelines on how AI-based systems in general can be tested using black-box approaches and introduces white-box testing specifically for neural networks. It describes options for the test environments and test scenarios used for testing AI-based systems. In this document an AI-based system is a system that includes at least one AI component.

Ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes — Essais du logiciel — Partie 11: Lignes directrices relatives aux essais portant sur les systèmes dotés d'IA

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Technical report
ISO/IEC TR 29119-11:2020 - Software and systems engineering — Software testing — Part 11: Guidelines on the testing of AI-based systems Released:11/27/2020
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52 pages
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Technical report
ISO/IEC TR 29119-11:2020 - Software and systems engineering -- Software testing
English language
52 pages
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REPORT 29119-11
First edition
Software and systems engineering —
Software testing —
Part 11:
Guidelines on the testing of AI-based
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2020
© ISO/IEC 2020
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions . 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms .10
4 Introduction to AI and testing .11
4.1 Overview of AI and testing .11
4.2 Artificial intelligence (AI) .11
4.2.1 Definition of ‘artificial intelligence’ .11
4.2.2 AI use cases .12
4.2.3 AI usage and market .12
4.2.4 AI technologies .13
4.2.5 AI hardware .15
4.2.6 AI development frameworks .16
4.2.7 Narrow vs general AI . .16
4.3 Testing of AI-based systems .16
4.3.1 The importance of testing for AI-based systems . .16
4.3.2 Safety-related AI-based systems .17
4.3.3 Standardization and AI .17
5 AI system characteristics .19
5.1 AI-specific characteristics .19
5.1.1 General.19
5.1.2 Flexibility and adaptability .20
5.1.3 Autonomy .20
5.1.4 Evolution .21
5.1.5 Bias .21
5.1.6 Complexity .21
5.1.7 Transparency, interpretability and explainability .22
5.1.8 Non-determinism .22
5.2 Aligning AI-based systems with human values .23
5.3 Side-effects .23
5.4 Reward hacking .24
5.5 Specifying ethical requirements for AI-based systems .24
6 Introduction to the testing of AI-based systems .25
6.1 Challenges in testing AI-based systems .25
6.1.1 Introduction to challenges testing AI-based systems .25
6.1.2 System specifications .25
6.1.3 Test input data .25
6.1.4 Self-learning systems .26
6.1.5 Flexibility and adaptability .26
6.1.6 Autonomy .26
6.1.7 Evolution .26
6.1.8 Bias .26
6.1.9 Transparency, interpretability and explainability .27
6.1.10 Complexity .27
6.1.11 Probabilistic and non-deterministic systems .27
6.1.12 The test oracle problem for AI-based systems .27
6.2 Testing AI-based systems across the life cycle .27
6.2.1 General.27
6.2.2 Unit/component testing .28
© ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved iii

6.2.3 Integration testing .28
6.2.4 System testing .28
6.2.5 System integration testing .29
6.2.6 Acceptance testing . .29
6.2.7 Maintenance testing .29
7 Testing and QA of ML systems .29
7.1 Introduction to the testing and QA of ML systems .29
7.2 Review of ML workflow .29
7.3 Acceptance criteria .29
7.4 Framework, algorithm/model and hyperparameter selection .30
7.5 Training data quality .30
7.6 Test data quality .30
7.7 Model updates .30
7.8 Adversarial examples and testing .30
7.9 Benchmarks for machine learning .31
8 Black-box testing of AI-based systems .31
8.1 Combinatorial testing .31
8.2 Back-to-back testing .32
8.3 A/B testing .32
8.4 Metamorphic testing .33
8.5 Exploratory testing .34
9 White-box testing of neural networks.34
9.1 Structure of a neural network .34
9.2 Test coverage measures for neural networks .

REPORT 29119-11
First edition
Software and systems engineering —
Software testing —
Part 11:
Guidelines on the testing of AI-based
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2020
© ISO/IEC 2020
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions . 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms .10
4 Introduction to AI and testing .11
4.1 Overview of AI and testing .11
4.2 Artificial intelligence (AI) .11
4.2.1 Definition of ‘artificial intelligence’ .11
4.2.2 AI use cases .12
4.2.3 AI usage and market .12
4.2.4 AI technologies .13
4.2.5 AI hardware .15
4.2.6 AI development frameworks .16
4.2.7 Narrow vs general AI . .16
4.3 Testing of AI-based systems .16
4.3.1 The importance of testing for AI-based systems . .16
4.3.2 Safety-related AI-based systems .17
4.3.3 Standardization and AI .17
5 AI system characteristics .19
5.1 AI-specific characteristics .19
5.1.1 General.19
5.1.2 Flexibility and adaptability .20
5.1.3 Autonomy .20
5.1.4 Evolution .21
5.1.5 Bias .21
5.1.6 Complexity .21
5.1.7 Transparency, interpretability and explainability .22
5.1.8 Non-determinism .22
5.2 Aligning AI-based systems with human values .23
5.3 Side-effects .23
5.4 Reward hacking .24
5.5 Specifying ethical requirements for AI-based systems .24
6 Introduction to the testing of AI-based systems .25
6.1 Challenges in testing AI-based systems .25
6.1.1 Introduction to challenges testing AI-based systems .25
6.1.2 System specifications .25
6.1.3 Test input data .25
6.1.4 Self-learning systems .26
6.1.5 Flexibility and adaptability .26
6.1.6 Autonomy .26
6.1.7 Evolution .26
6.1.8 Bias .26
6.1.9 Transparency, interpretability and explainability .27
6.1.10 Complexity .27
6.1.11 Probabilistic and non-deterministic systems .27
6.1.12 The test oracle problem for AI-based systems .27
6.2 Testing AI-based systems across the life cycle .27
6.2.1 General.27
6.2.2 Unit/component testing .28
© ISO/IEC 2020 – All rights reserved iii

6.2.3 Integration testing .28
6.2.4 System testing .28
6.2.5 System integration testing .29
6.2.6 Acceptance testing . .29
6.2.7 Maintenance testing .29
7 Testing and QA of ML systems .29
7.1 Introduction to the testing and QA of ML systems .29
7.2 Review of ML workflow .29
7.3 Acceptance criteria .29
7.4 Framework, algorithm/model and hyperparameter selection .30
7.5 Training data quality .30
7.6 Test data quality .30
7.7 Model updates .30
7.8 Adversarial examples and testing .30
7.9 Benchmarks for machine learning .31
8 Black-box testing of AI-based systems .31
8.1 Combinatorial testing .31
8.2 Back-to-back testing .32
8.3 A/B testing .32
8.4 Metamorphic testing .33
8.5 Exploratory testing .34
9 White-box testing of neural networks.34
9.1 Structure of a neural network .34
9.2 Test coverage measures for neural networks .

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