Ships and marine technology — Potable water supply on ships and marine structures — Part 1: Planning and design

ISO 15748-1 applies to the planning, design and configuration of potable water supply systems on ships, stationary or floating marine structures and inland waterway vessels. It specifies the minimum requirements for potable water supply systems to be met in order to protect the potable water and to maintain its quality. ISO 15748-1 also provides hints on components to be used and on laying of the pipelines.

Navires et technologie maritime — Approvisionnement en eau potable sur navires et structures maritimes — Partie 1: Planification et conception

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ISO 15748-1:2002 - Ships and marine technology -- Potable water supply on ships and marine structures
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STANDARD 15748-1
First edition

Ships and marine technology — Potable
water supply on ships and marine
structures —
Part 1:
Planning and design
Navires et technologie maritime — Approvisionnement en eau potable sur
navires et structures maritimes —
Partie 1: Planification et conception

Reference number
ISO 15748-1:2002(E)
 ISO 2002

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ISO 15748-1:2002(E)
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ISO 15748-1:2002(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references.1
3 Terms and definitions .2
4 Capacity requirements.5
5 Sanitary requirements.5
6 Potable water supply systems .6
7 Technical requirements .7
8 Pipelines .7
9 Pipes and pipe dimensions .9
10 Fittings and pipe joints .9
11 Fittings.9
12 Protective fittings .10
13 Pumps.10
14 Potable water tanks.11
15 Potable water heating plants.13
16 Sterilization of potable water.16
17 Layout of piping.18
18 Calculation principles .

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